cdj850 gs -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=cdj850%A%Z -sOutputFile=- - A printer driver for the HP670, HP690, HP850, HP855 HP870, HP890, HP1100 and HP1600 color printers. To be used with the ghostscript printing system. These drivers are in the official Ghostscript distribution since GNU Ghostscript 6.51. Please report all problems to printer/HP-DeskJet_1100C printer/HP-DeskJet_1120C printer/HP-DeskJet_1220C Suggested by SuSE support. printer/HP-DeskJet_850C printer/HP-DeskJet_855C printer/HP-DeskJet_870C printer/HP-DeskJet_880C printer/HP-DeskJet_882C printer/HP-OfficeJet_Pro_1150C