pentaxpj pentaxpj%B Driver for the Pentax PocketJet series written by Rildo Pragana (author of the "ml85p" driver for Samsung laser winprinters) in cooperation with Pentax.<p> Rildo's announcement for this driver:<p> <i>Pentax Technologies manufacture a nice family of printers, PocketJet II and PocketJet 200. They signed a contract with me for developing a Linux driver for their printers, to be released under GPL. So they are good guys, don't you think so? I do. I'm still working on it, but here is the first public release of the driver, with graphical install and configuration tools. If you have a laptop or notebook computer, those printers are a must to have. They operate on thermal paper, so no ink cartdriges to change. And its size and weight are very convenient. I know because I use mine :^)</i><p> The driver is a wrapper around GhostScript, so you only call the driver executable with some simple options to print from the command line. This makes it also very convenient to use the driver without spooler, which is important on PDAs with limited memory space. printer/Pentax-PocketJet_200 printer/Pentax-PocketJet_II