Samsung ML-5050G 600 600 us-ascii F This printer though designed to be a Windows 95 printer can be tweeked to function usgin HP4 or HP5 PCL drivers under Linux (Addendum: Samsung is using a "high speed printing" protocol. Tweeking this takes more than just tunelp.) [ Ed: One fellow swears that it works, and two fellows can't get it going for the life of them. Samsung appears to have sold exactly three of these; there are no reports on Usenet etc. Caveat emptor! ] (Ad: the original fellow did not actualy use the pinter, He's a former Samsung employee who thought the printer was an OEM HP3 Laser.) ***This printer has Windows-Only PCL "emulation" in the Windows driver. No hardware PCL support at all.<p> Consumables/Refills: ML+5000/XAR (from<p>