path: root/fuzzylite/fl/imex/RScriptExporter.h
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1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fuzzylite/fl/imex/RScriptExporter.h b/fuzzylite/fl/imex/RScriptExporter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c53c751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuzzylite/fl/imex/RScriptExporter.h
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+ fuzzylite (R), a fuzzy logic control library in C++.
+ Copyright (C) 2010-2017 FuzzyLite Limited. All rights reserved.
+ Author: Juan Rada-Vilela, Ph.D. <>
+ This file is part of fuzzylite.
+ fuzzylite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the FuzzyLite License included with the software.
+ You should have received a copy of the FuzzyLite License along with
+ fuzzylite. If not, see <>.
+ fuzzylite is a registered trademark of FuzzyLite Limited.
+ */
+#include "fl/imex/Exporter.h"
+#include "fl/imex/FldExporter.h"
+#include <vector>
+namespace fl {
+ class Engine;
+ class InputVariable;
+ class OutputVariable;
+ /**
+ The RScriptExporter class is an Exporter that creates an R script to plot one or
+ more surfaces of an engine for two input variables and any number of output
+ variables.
+ @author Juan Rada-Vilela, Ph.D.
+ @see FldExporter
+ @see Exporter
+ @since 6.0
+ */
+ class FL_API RScriptExporter : public Exporter {
+ private:
+ std::string _minimumColor;
+ std::string _maximumColor;
+ std::string _contourColor;
+ public:
+ RScriptExporter();
+ virtual ~RScriptExporter() FL_IOVERRIDE;
+ virtual std::string name() const FL_IOVERRIDE;
+ /**
+ Sets the color to represent the minimum values.
+ @param minimumColor is the color to represent the minimum values
+ */
+ void setMinimumColor(const std::string& minimumColor);
+ /**
+ Gets the color to represent the minimum values.
+ @return the color to represent the minimum values
+ */
+ std::string getMinimumColor() const;
+ /**
+ Sets the color to represent the maximum values.
+ @param maximumColor is the color to represent the maximum values
+ */
+ void setMaximumColor(const std::string& maximumColor);
+ /**
+ Gets the color to represent the maximum values.
+ @return maximumColor is the color to represent the maximum values
+ */
+ std::string getMaximumColor() const;
+ /**
+ Sets the color to draw the contour lines
+ @param contourColor is the color to draw the contour lines
+ */
+ void setContourColor(const std::string& contourColor);
+ /**
+ Gets the color to draw the contour lines
+ @return the color to draw the contour lines
+ */
+ std::string getContourColor() const;
+ /**
+ Returns an R script plotting multiple surfaces based on a data frame
+ generated with 1024 values in the scope of FldExporter::AllVariables
+ for the first two input variables.
+ @param engine is the engine to export
+ @return an R script plotting multiple surfaces for the first two input
+ variables in the engine.
+ */
+ virtual std::string toString(const Engine* engine) const FL_IOVERRIDE;
+ /**
+ Returns an R script plotting multiple surfaces based on a data frame
+ generated with the given number of values and scope for the two input
+ variables.
+ @param engine is the engine to export
+ @param a is the first input variable
+ @param b is the second input variable
+ @param values is the number of values to evaluate the engine
+ @param scope is the scope of the number of values to evaluate the engine
+ @param outputVariables are the output variables to create the surface for
+ @return an R script plotting multiple surfaces for the two input
+ variables on the output variables.
+ */
+ virtual std::string toString(Engine* engine, InputVariable* a, InputVariable* b,
+ int values, FldExporter::ScopeOfValues scope,
+ const std::vector<OutputVariable*>& outputVariables) const;
+ /**
+ Returns an R script plotting multiple surfaces based on the input stream
+ of values for the two input variables.
+ @param engine is the engine to export
+ @param a is the first input variable
+ @param b is the second input variable
+ @param reader is an input stream of data whose lines contain space-separated
+ input values
+ @param outputVariables are the output variables to create the surface for
+ @return an R script plotting multiple surfaces for the two input
+ variables on the output variables
+ */
+ virtual std::string toString(Engine* engine, InputVariable* a, InputVariable* b,
+ std::istream& reader, const std::vector<OutputVariable*>& outputVariables) const;
+ /**
+ Creates an R script file plotting multiple surfaces based on a data frame
+ generated with 1024 values in the scope of FldExporter::AllVariables
+ for the two input variables
+ @param filePath is the full path of the R script file
+ @param engine is the engine to export
+ */
+ virtual void toFile(const std::string& filePath, const Engine* engine) const FL_IOVERRIDE;
+ /**
+ Creates an R script file plotting multiple surfaces based on a data frame
+ generated with the given number of values and scope for the two input
+ variables
+ @param filePath is the full path of the R script file
+ @param engine is the engine to export
+ @param a is the first input variable
+ @param b is the second input variable
+ @param values is the number of values to evaluate the engine
+ @param scope is the scope of the number of values to evaluate the engine
+ @param outputVariables are the output variables to create the surface for
+ */
+ virtual void toFile(const std::string& filePath, Engine* engine,
+ InputVariable* a, InputVariable* b,
+ int values, FldExporter::ScopeOfValues scope,
+ const std::vector<OutputVariable*>& outputVariables) const;
+ /**
+ Creates an R script file plotting multiple surfaces based on the input stream
+ of values for the two input variables.
+ @param filePath is the full path of the R script file
+ @param engine is the engine to export
+ @param a is the first input variable
+ @param b is the second input variable
+ @param reader is an input stream of data whose lines contain space-separated
+ input values
+ @param outputVariables are the output variables to create the surface for
+ */
+ virtual void toFile(const std::string& filePath, Engine* engine,
+ InputVariable* a, InputVariable* b, std::istream& reader,
+ const std::vector<OutputVariable*>& outputVariables) const;
+ /**
+ Writes an R script plotting multiple surfaces based on a manually
+ imported data frame containing the data for the two input variables
+ on the output variables.
+ @param engine is the engine to export
+ @param writer is the output where the engine will be written to
+ @param a is the first input variable
+ @param b is the second input variable
+ @param dataFramePath is the path where the data frame should be located
+ (the path will not be accessed, it will only be written to script)
+ @param outputVariables are the output variables to create the surface for
+ */
+ virtual void writeScriptImportingDataFrame(const Engine* engine, std::ostream& writer,
+ InputVariable* a, InputVariable* b, const std::string& dataFramePath,
+ const std::vector<OutputVariable*>& outputVariables) const;
+ /**
+ Writes an R script plotting multiple surfaces based on a data frame
+ generated with the given number of values and scope for the two input
+ variables on the output variables.
+ @param engine is the engine to export
+ @param writer is the output where the engine will be written to
+ @param a is the first input variable
+ @param b is the second input variable
+ @param values is the number of values to evaluate the engine
+ @param scope is the scope of the number of values to evaluate the engine
+ @param outputVariables are the output variables to create the surface for
+ */
+ virtual void writeScriptExportingDataFrame(Engine* engine, std::ostream& writer,
+ InputVariable* a, InputVariable* b, int values, FldExporter::ScopeOfValues scope,
+ const std::vector<OutputVariable*>& outputVariables) const;
+ /**
+ Writes an R script plotting multiple surfaces based on a data frame
+ generated with the given number of values and scope for the two input
+ variables on the output variables.
+ @param engine is the engine to export
+ @param writer is the output where the engine will be written to
+ @param a is the first input variable
+ @param b is the second input variable
+ @param reader is an input stream of data whose lines contain space-separated
+ input values
+ @param outputVariables are the output variables to create the surface for
+ */
+ virtual void writeScriptExportingDataFrame(Engine* engine, std::ostream& writer,
+ InputVariable* a, InputVariable* b, std::istream& reader,
+ const std::vector<OutputVariable*>& outputVariables) const;
+ protected:
+ /**
+ Writes the header of the R script (e.g., import libraries)
+ @param writer is the output where the header will be written to
+ @param engine is the engine to export
+ */
+ virtual void writeScriptHeader(std::ostream& writer, const Engine* engine) const;
+ /**
+ Writes the code to generate the surface plots for the input variables
+ on the output variables.
+ @param writer is the output where the engine will be written to
+ @param a is the first input variable
+ @param b is the second input variable
+ @param outputVariables are the output variables to create the surface for
+ */
+ virtual void writeScriptPlots(std::ostream& writer,
+ InputVariable* a, InputVariable* b,
+ const std::vector<OutputVariable*>& outputVariables) const;
+ virtual RScriptExporter* clone() const FL_IOVERRIDE;
+ };