path: root/fuzzylite/src/imex/FisExporter.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'fuzzylite/src/imex/FisExporter.cpp')
1 files changed, 463 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fuzzylite/src/imex/FisExporter.cpp b/fuzzylite/src/imex/FisExporter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0934b33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuzzylite/src/imex/FisExporter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+ Author: Juan Rada-Vilela, Ph.D.
+ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 FuzzyLite Limited
+ All rights reserved
+ This file is part of fuzzylite.
+ fuzzylite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ fuzzylite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along with fuzzylite. If not, see <>.
+ fuzzyliteâ„¢ is a trademark of FuzzyLite Limited.
+ */
+#include "fl/imex/FisExporter.h"
+#include "fl/Headers.h"
+#include <queue>
+namespace fl {
+ FisExporter::FisExporter() : Exporter() {
+ }
+ FisExporter::~FisExporter() {
+ }
+ std::string FisExporter::name() const {
+ return "FisExporter";
+ }
+ std::string FisExporter::toString(const Engine* engine) const {
+ std::ostringstream fis;
+ fis << exportSystem(engine) << "\n";
+ fis << exportInputs(engine);
+ fis << exportOutputs(engine);
+ fis << exportRules(engine);
+ return fis.str();
+ }
+ //TODO: deal with multiple ruleblocks, merge them into one.
+ std::string FisExporter::exportSystem(const Engine* engine) const {
+ std::ostringstream fis;
+ fis << "[System]\n";
+ fis << "Name='" << engine->getName() << "'\n";
+ std::string type;
+ if (engine->type() == Engine::Mamdani or engine->type() == Engine::Larsen) {
+ type = "mamdani";
+ } else if (engine->type() == Engine::TakagiSugeno) {
+ type = "sugeno";
+ } else if (engine->type() == Engine::Tsukamoto) {
+ type = "tsukamoto";
+ } else if (engine->type() == Engine::InverseTsukamoto) {
+ type = "inverse tsukamoto";
+ }else if (engine->type() == Engine::Hybrid){
+ type = "hybrid";
+ } else {
+ type = "unknown";
+ }
+ fis << "Type='" << type << "'\n";
+ // fis << "Version=" << FL_VERSION << "\n";
+ fis << "NumInputs=" << engine->numberOfInputVariables() << "\n";
+ fis << "NumOutputs=" << engine->numberOfOutputVariables() << "\n";
+ int numberOfRules = 0;
+ const TNorm* conjunction = fl::null;
+ const SNorm* disjunction = fl::null;
+ const TNorm* activation = fl::null;
+ for (int i = 0; i < engine->numberOfRuleBlocks(); ++i) {
+ RuleBlock* rb = engine->getRuleBlock(i);
+ numberOfRules += rb->numberOfRules();
+ if (not conjunction) conjunction = rb->getConjunction();
+ if (not disjunction) disjunction = rb->getDisjunction();
+ if (not activation) activation = rb->getActivation();
+ }
+ fis << "NumRules=" << numberOfRules << "\n";
+ fis << "AndMethod='" << toString(conjunction) << "'\n";
+ fis << "OrMethod='" << toString(disjunction) << "'\n";
+ fis << "ImpMethod='" << toString(activation) << "'\n";
+ const SNorm* accumulation = fl::null;
+ Defuzzifier* defuzzifier = fl::null;
+ for (int i = 0; i < engine->numberOfOutputVariables(); ++i) {
+ OutputVariable* outputVariable = engine->getOutputVariable(i);
+ if (not accumulation) accumulation = outputVariable->fuzzyOutput()->getAccumulation();
+ if (not defuzzifier) defuzzifier = outputVariable->getDefuzzifier();
+ }
+ fis << "AggMethod='" << toString(accumulation) << "'\n";
+ fis << "DefuzzMethod='" << toString(defuzzifier) << "'\n";
+ return fis.str();
+ }
+ std::string FisExporter::exportInputs(const Engine* engine) const {
+ std::ostringstream fis;
+ for (int ixVar = 0; ixVar < engine->numberOfInputVariables(); ++ixVar) {
+ InputVariable* var = engine->getInputVariable(ixVar);
+ fis << "[Input" << (ixVar + 1) << "]\n";
+ if (not var->isEnabled()) {
+ fis << "Enabled=" << var->isEnabled() << "\n";
+ }
+ fis << "Name='" << Op::validName(var->getName()) << "'\n";
+ fis << "Range=[" << fl::Op::join(2, " ", var->getMinimum(), var->getMaximum()) << "]\n";
+ fis << "NumMFs=" << var->numberOfTerms() << "\n";
+ for (int ixTerm = 0; ixTerm < var->numberOfTerms(); ++ixTerm) {
+ fis << "MF" << (ixTerm + 1) << "='" << Op::validName(var->getTerm(ixTerm)->getName()) << "':"
+ << toString(var->getTerm(ixTerm)) << "\n";
+ }
+ fis << "\n";
+ }
+ return fis.str();
+ }
+ std::string FisExporter::exportOutputs(const Engine* engine) const {
+ std::ostringstream fis;
+ for (int ixVar = 0; ixVar < engine->numberOfOutputVariables(); ++ixVar) {
+ OutputVariable* var = engine->getOutputVariable(ixVar);
+ fis << "[Output" << (ixVar + 1) << "]\n";
+ if (not var->isEnabled()) {
+ fis << "Enabled=" << var->isEnabled() << "\n";
+ }
+ fis << "Name='" << Op::validName(var->getName()) << "'\n";
+ fis << "Range=[" << fl::Op::join(2, " ", var->getMinimum(), var->getMaximum()) << "]\n";
+ if (not fl::Op::isNaN(var->getDefaultValue())) {
+ fis << "Default=" << fl::Op::str(var->getDefaultValue()) << "\n";
+ }
+ if (var->isLockedPreviousOutputValue()) {
+ fis << "LockPrevious=" << var->isLockedPreviousOutputValue() << "\n";
+ }
+ if (var->isLockedOutputValueInRange()) {
+ fis << "LockRange=" << var->isLockedOutputValueInRange() << "\n";
+ }
+ fis << "NumMFs=" << var->numberOfTerms() << "\n";
+ for (int ixTerm = 0; ixTerm < var->numberOfTerms(); ++ixTerm) {
+ fis << "MF" << (ixTerm + 1) << "='" << Op::validName(var->getTerm(ixTerm)->getName()) << "':"
+ << toString(var->getTerm(ixTerm)) << "\n";
+ }
+ fis << "\n";
+ }
+ return fis.str();
+ }
+ std::string FisExporter::exportRules(const Engine* engine) const {
+ std::ostringstream fis;
+ fis << "[Rules]\n";
+ for (int ixRuleBlock = 0; ixRuleBlock < engine->numberOfRuleBlocks(); ++ixRuleBlock) {
+ RuleBlock* rb = engine->getRuleBlock(ixRuleBlock);
+ if (engine->numberOfRuleBlocks() > 1) fis << "# RuleBlock " << rb->getName() << "\n";
+ for (int ixRule = 0; ixRule < rb->numberOfRules(); ++ixRule) {
+ Rule* rule = rb->getRule(ixRule);
+ if (rule->isLoaded()) {
+ fis << exportRule(rule, engine) << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return fis.str();
+ }
+ std::string FisExporter::exportRule(const Rule* rule, const Engine* engine) const {
+ if (not rule) return "";
+ std::vector<Proposition*> propositions;
+ std::vector<Operator*> operators;
+ std::queue<Expression*> bfsQueue;
+ bfsQueue.push(rule->getAntecedent()->getExpression());
+ while (not bfsQueue.empty()) {
+ Expression* front = bfsQueue.front();
+ bfsQueue.pop();
+ Operator* op = dynamic_cast<Operator*> (front);
+ if (op) {
+ bfsQueue.push(op->left);
+ bfsQueue.push(op->right);
+ operators.push_back(op);
+ } else {
+ propositions.push_back(dynamic_cast<Proposition*> (front));
+ }
+ }
+ bool equalOperators = true;
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i + 1 < operators.size(); ++i) {
+ if (>name != + 1)->name) {
+ equalOperators = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (not equalOperators) {
+ throw fl::Exception("[exporter error] "
+ "fis files do not support rules with different connectors "
+ "(i.e. ['and', 'or']). All connectors within a rule must be the same", FL_AT);
+ }
+ std::ostringstream fis;
+ std::vector<Variable*> inputVariables, outputVariables;
+ for (int i = 0; i < engine->numberOfInputVariables(); ++i)
+ inputVariables.push_back(engine->getInputVariable(i));
+ for (int i = 0; i < engine->numberOfOutputVariables(); ++i)
+ outputVariables.push_back(engine->getOutputVariable(i));
+ fis << translate(propositions, inputVariables) << ", ";
+ fis << translate(rule->getConsequent()->conclusions(), outputVariables);
+ fis << "(" << Op::str(rule->getWeight()) << ") : ";
+ if (operators.size() == 0) fis << "1"; //does not matter
+ else {
+ if (>name == Rule::andKeyword()) fis << "1";
+ else if (>name == Rule::orKeyword()) fis << "2";
+ else fis <<>name;
+ }
+ return fis.str();
+ }
+ std::string FisExporter::translate(const std::vector<Proposition*>& propositions,
+ const std::vector<Variable*> variables) const {
+ std::ostringstream ss;
+ for (std::size_t ixVariable = 0; ixVariable < variables.size(); ++ixVariable) {
+ Variable* variable =;
+ int termIndexPlusOne = 0;
+ scalar plusHedge = 0;
+ int negated = 1;
+ for (std::size_t ixProposition = 0; ixProposition < propositions.size(); ++ixProposition) {
+ Proposition* proposition =;
+ if (proposition->variable != variable) continue;
+ for (int termIndex = 0; termIndex < variable->numberOfTerms(); ++termIndex) {
+ if (variable->getTerm(termIndex) == proposition->term) {
+ termIndexPlusOne = termIndex + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<Hedge*> hedges = proposition->hedges;
+ if (hedges.size() > 1) {
+ FL_DBG("[exporter warning] only a few combinations of multiple "
+ "hedges are supported in fis files");
+ }
+ for (std::size_t ixHedge = 0; ixHedge < hedges.size(); ++ixHedge) {
+ Hedge* hedge =;
+ if (hedge->name() == Not().name()) negated *= -1;
+ else if (hedge->name() == Extremely().name()) plusHedge += 0.3;
+ else if (hedge->name() == Very().name()) plusHedge += 0.2;
+ else if (hedge->name() == Somewhat().name()) plusHedge += 0.05;
+ else if (hedge->name() == Seldom().name()) plusHedge += 0.01;
+ else if (hedge->name() == Any().name()) plusHedge += 0.99;
+ else plusHedge = fl::nan; //Unreconized hedge combination (e.g. Any)
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (negated < 0) ss << "-";
+ if (not fl::Op::isNaN(plusHedge)) {
+ ss << fl::Op::str(termIndexPlusOne + plusHedge);
+ } else {
+ ss << termIndexPlusOne << ".?"; // Unreconized hedge combination
+ }
+ ss << " ";
+ }
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ std::string FisExporter::toString(const Norm * norm) const {
+ if (not norm) return "";
+ //TNorm
+ if (norm->className() == Minimum().className()) return "min";
+ if (norm->className() == AlgebraicProduct().className()) return "prod";
+ if (norm->className() == BoundedDifference().className()) return "bounded_difference";
+ if (norm->className() == DrasticProduct().className()) return "drastic_product";
+ if (norm->className() == EinsteinProduct().className()) return "einstein_product";
+ if (norm->className() == HamacherProduct().className()) return "hamacher_product";
+ if (norm->className() == NilpotentMinimum().className()) return "nilpotent_minimum";
+ //SNorm
+ if (norm->className() == Maximum().className()) return "max";
+ if (norm->className() == AlgebraicSum().className()) return "sum";
+ if (norm->className() == BoundedSum().className()) return "bounded_sum";
+ if (norm->className() == NormalizedSum().className()) return "normalized_sum";
+ if (norm->className() == DrasticSum().className()) return "drastic_sum";
+ if (norm->className() == EinsteinSum().className()) return "einstein_sum";
+ if (norm->className() == HamacherSum().className()) return "hamacher_sum";
+ if (norm->className() == NilpotentMaximum().className()) return "nilpotent_maximum";
+ return norm->className();
+ }
+ std::string FisExporter::toString(const TNorm * tnorm) const {
+ if (not tnorm) return "";
+ if (tnorm->className() == Minimum().className()) return "min";
+ if (tnorm->className() == AlgebraicProduct().className()) return "prod";
+ if (tnorm->className() == BoundedDifference().className()) return "bounded_difference";
+ if (tnorm->className() == DrasticProduct().className()) return "drastic_product";
+ if (tnorm->className() == EinsteinProduct().className()) return "einstein_product";
+ if (tnorm->className() == HamacherProduct().className()) return "hamacher_product";
+ if (tnorm->className() == NilpotentMinimum().className()) return "nilpotent_minimum";
+ return tnorm->className();
+ }
+ std::string FisExporter::toString(const SNorm * snorm) const {
+ if (not snorm) return "";
+ if (snorm->className() == Maximum().className()) return "max";
+ if (snorm->className() == AlgebraicSum().className()) return "sum";
+ if (snorm->className() == BoundedSum().className()) return "bounded_sum";
+ if (snorm->className() == NormalizedSum().className()) return "normalized_sum";
+ if (snorm->className() == DrasticSum().className()) return "drastic_sum";
+ if (snorm->className() == EinsteinSum().className()) return "einstein_sum";
+ if (snorm->className() == HamacherSum().className()) return "hamacher_sum";
+ if (snorm->className() == NilpotentMaximum().className()) return "nilpotent_maximum";
+ return snorm->className();
+ }
+ std::string FisExporter::toString(const Defuzzifier * defuzzifier) const {
+ if (not defuzzifier) return "";
+ if (defuzzifier->className() == Centroid().className()) return "centroid";
+ if (defuzzifier->className() == Bisector().className()) return "bisector";
+ if (defuzzifier->className() == LargestOfMaximum().className()) return "lom";
+ if (defuzzifier->className() == MeanOfMaximum().className()) return "mom";
+ if (defuzzifier->className() == SmallestOfMaximum().className()) return "som";
+ if (defuzzifier->className() == WeightedAverage().className()) return "wtaver";
+ if (defuzzifier->className() == WeightedSum().className()) return "wtsum";
+ return defuzzifier->className();
+ }
+ std::string FisExporter::toString(const Term * term) const {
+ std::ostringstream ss;
+ if (const Bell * x = dynamic_cast<const Bell*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'gbellmf',[" << fl::Op::join(3, " ",
+ x->getWidth(), x->getSlope(), x->getCenter()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const Concave * x = dynamic_cast<const Concave*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'concavemf',[" << fl::Op::join(2, " ",
+ x->getInflection(), x->getEnd()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const Constant * x = dynamic_cast<const Constant*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'constant',[" << fl::Op::str(x->getValue()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const Cosine * x = dynamic_cast<const Cosine*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'cosinemf',[" << fl::Op::join(2, " ",
+ x->getCenter(), x->getWidth()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const Discrete * x = dynamic_cast<const Discrete*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'discretemf',[" << fl::Op::join(Discrete::toVector(x->xy()), " ") << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const Function * x = dynamic_cast<const Function*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'function',[" << x->getFormula() << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const Gaussian * x = dynamic_cast<const Gaussian*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'gaussmf',[" << fl::Op::join(2, " ",
+ x->getStandardDeviation(), x->getMean()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const GaussianProduct * x = dynamic_cast<const GaussianProduct*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'gauss2mf',[" << fl::Op::join(4, " ",
+ x->getStandardDeviationA(), x->getMeanA(),
+ x->getStandardDeviationB(), x->getMeanB()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const Linear * x = dynamic_cast<const Linear*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'linear',[" << fl::Op::join<scalar>(x->coefficients(), " ") << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const PiShape * x = dynamic_cast<const PiShape*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'pimf',[" << fl::Op::join(4, " ",
+ x->getBottomLeft(), x->getTopLeft(),
+ x->getTopRight(), x->getBottomRight()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const Ramp * x = dynamic_cast<const Ramp*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'rampmf',[" << fl::Op::join(2, " ",
+ x->getStart(), x->getEnd()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const Rectangle * x = dynamic_cast<const Rectangle*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'rectmf',[" << fl::Op::join(2, " ",
+ x->getStart(), x->getEnd()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const SigmoidDifference * x = dynamic_cast<const SigmoidDifference*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'dsigmf',[" << fl::Op::join(4, " ",
+ x->getRising(), x->getLeft(),
+ x->getFalling(), x->getRight()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const Sigmoid * x = dynamic_cast<const Sigmoid*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'sigmf',[" << fl::Op::join(2, " ",
+ x->getSlope(), x->getInflection()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const SigmoidProduct * x = dynamic_cast<const SigmoidProduct*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'psigmf',[" << fl::Op::join(4, " ",
+ x->getRising(), x->getLeft(),
+ x->getFalling(), x->getRight()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const SShape * x = dynamic_cast<const SShape*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'smf',[" << fl::Op::join(2, " ",
+ x->getStart(), x->getEnd()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const Spike * x = dynamic_cast<const Spike*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'spikemf',[" << fl::Op::join(2, " ",
+ x->getCenter(), x->getWidth()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const Trapezoid * x = dynamic_cast<const Trapezoid*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'trapmf',[" << fl::Op::join(4, " ",
+ x->getVertexA(), x->getVertexB(), x->getVertexC(), x->getVertexD()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const Triangle * x = dynamic_cast<const Triangle*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'trimf',[" << fl::Op::join(3, " ",
+ x->getVertexA(), x->getVertexB(), x->getVertexC()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ if (const ZShape * x = dynamic_cast<const ZShape*> (term)) {
+ ss << "'zmf',[" << fl::Op::join(2, " ",
+ x->getStart(), x->getEnd()) << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ ss << "[exporter error] term of class <" << term->className() << "> not supported";
+ throw fl::Exception(ss.str(), FL_AT);
+ }
+ FisExporter* FisExporter::clone() const {
+ return new FisExporter(*this);
+ }