Engine: Investment-Portfolio InputVariable: Age enabled: true range: 20.000 100.000 term: Young ZShape 30.000 90.000 term: Old SShape 30.000 90.000 InputVariable: RiskTolerance enabled: true range: 0.000 10.000 term: Low ZShape 2.000 8.000 term: High SShape 2.000 8.000 OutputVariable: PercentageInStocks enabled: true range: 0.000 100.000 accumulation: EinsteinSum defuzzifier: Centroid 200 default: nan lock-previous: false lock-range: false term: AboutFifteen Gaussian 15.000 10.000 term: AboutFifty Gaussian 50.000 10.000 term: AboutEightyFive Gaussian 85.000 10.000 RuleBlock: enabled: true conjunction: EinsteinProduct disjunction: EinsteinSum activation: EinsteinProduct rule: if Age is Young or RiskTolerance is High then PercentageInStocks is AboutEightyFive rule: if Age is Old or RiskTolerance is Low then PercentageInStocks is AboutFifteen rule: if Age is not extremely Old and RiskTolerance is not extremely Low then PercentageInStocks is AboutFifty with 0.500 rule: if Age is not extremely Young and RiskTolerance is not extremely High then PercentageInStocks is AboutFifty with 0.500