/* Author: Juan Rada-Vilela, Ph.D. Copyright (C) 2010-2014 FuzzyLite Limited All rights reserved This file is part of fuzzylite. fuzzylite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. fuzzylite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with fuzzylite. If not, see . fuzzyliteâ„¢ is a trademark of FuzzyLite Limited. */ #include "fl/imex/FllImporter.h" #include "fl/Headers.h" #include namespace fl { FllImporter::FllImporter(const std::string& separator) : Importer(), _separator(separator) { } FllImporter::~FllImporter() { } std::string FllImporter::name() const { return "FllImporter"; } void FllImporter::setSeparator(const std::string& separator) { this->_separator = separator; } std::string FllImporter::getSeparator() const { return this->_separator; } Engine* FllImporter::fromString(const std::string& fll) const { FL_unique_ptr engine(new Engine); std::string tag; std::ostringstream block; std::istringstream fclReader(fll); std::string line; std::queue lineQueue; bool processPending = false; int lineNumber = 0; while (not lineQueue.empty() or std::getline(fclReader, line)) { if (not lineQueue.empty()) { line = lineQueue.front(); lineQueue.pop(); } else { line = clean(line); if (line.empty()) continue; std::vector split = Op::split(line, _separator); line = clean(split.front()); for (std::size_t i = 1; i < split.size(); ++i) { lineQueue.push(clean(split.at(i))); } ++lineNumber; } if (line.empty()) continue; std::size_t colon = line.find_first_of(':'); if (colon == std::string::npos) { throw fl::Exception("[import error] expected a colon at line " + Op::str(lineNumber) + ": " + line, FL_AT); } std::string key = Op::trim(line.substr(0, colon)); std::string value = Op::trim(line.substr(colon + 1)); if ("Engine" == key) { engine->setName(value); continue; } else { processPending = (key == "InputVariable" or key == "OutputVariable" or key == "RuleBlock"); } if (processPending) { process(tag, block.str(), engine.get()); block.str(""); //clear buffer block.clear(); //clear error flags processPending = false; tag = key; } block << key << ":" << value << "\n"; } process(tag, block.str(), engine.get()); return engine.release(); } void FllImporter::process(const std::string& tag, const std::string& block, Engine* engine) const { if (tag.empty()) return; if ("InputVariable" == tag) { processInputVariable(block, engine); } else if ("OutputVariable" == tag) { processOutputVariable(block, engine); } else if ("RuleBlock" == tag) { processRuleBlock(block, engine); } else { throw fl::Exception("[import error] block tag <" + tag + "> not recognized", FL_AT); } } void FllImporter::processInputVariable(const std::string& block, Engine* engine) const { std::istringstream reader(block); std::string line; InputVariable* inputVariable = new InputVariable; engine->addInputVariable(inputVariable); while (std::getline(reader, line)) { std::pair keyValue = parseKeyValue(line, ':'); if ("InputVariable" == keyValue.first) { inputVariable->setName(Op::validName(keyValue.second)); } else if ("enabled" == keyValue.first) { inputVariable->setEnabled(parseBoolean(keyValue.second)); } else if ("range" == keyValue.first) { std::pair range = parseRange(keyValue.second); inputVariable->setRange(range.first, range.second); } else if ("term" == keyValue.first) { inputVariable->addTerm(parseTerm(keyValue.second, engine)); } else { throw fl::Exception("[import error] key <" + keyValue.first + "> not " "recognized in pair <" + keyValue.first + ":" + keyValue.second + ">", FL_AT); } } } void FllImporter::processOutputVariable(const std::string& block, Engine* engine) const { std::istringstream reader(block); std::string line; OutputVariable* outputVariable = new OutputVariable; engine->addOutputVariable(outputVariable); while (std::getline(reader, line)) { std::pair keyValue = parseKeyValue(line, ':'); if ("OutputVariable" == keyValue.first) { outputVariable->setName(Op::validName(keyValue.second)); } else if ("enabled" == keyValue.first) { outputVariable->setEnabled(parseBoolean(keyValue.second)); } else if ("range" == keyValue.first) { std::pair range = parseRange(keyValue.second); outputVariable->setRange(range.first, range.second); } else if ("default" == keyValue.first) { outputVariable->setDefaultValue(Op::toScalar(keyValue.second)); } else if ("lock-previous" == keyValue.first or "lock-valid" == keyValue.first) { outputVariable->setLockPreviousOutputValue(parseBoolean(keyValue.second)); } else if ("lock-range" == keyValue.first) { outputVariable->setLockOutputValueInRange(parseBoolean(keyValue.second)); } else if ("defuzzifier" == keyValue.first) { outputVariable->setDefuzzifier(parseDefuzzifier(keyValue.second)); } else if ("accumulation" == keyValue.first) { outputVariable->fuzzyOutput()->setAccumulation(parseSNorm(keyValue.second)); } else if ("term" == keyValue.first) { outputVariable->addTerm(parseTerm(keyValue.second, engine)); } else { throw fl::Exception("[import error] key <" + keyValue.first + "> not " "recognized in pair <" + keyValue.first + ":" + keyValue.second + ">", FL_AT); } } } void FllImporter::processRuleBlock(const std::string& block, Engine* engine) const { std::istringstream reader(block); std::string line; RuleBlock* ruleBlock = new RuleBlock; engine->addRuleBlock(ruleBlock); while (std::getline(reader, line)) { std::pair keyValue = parseKeyValue(line, ':'); if ("RuleBlock" == keyValue.first) { ruleBlock->setName(keyValue.second); } else if ("enabled" == keyValue.first) { ruleBlock->setEnabled(parseBoolean(keyValue.second)); } else if ("conjunction" == keyValue.first) { ruleBlock->setConjunction(parseTNorm(keyValue.second)); } else if ("disjunction" == keyValue.first) { ruleBlock->setDisjunction(parseSNorm(keyValue.second)); } else if ("activation" == keyValue.first) { ruleBlock->setActivation(parseTNorm(keyValue.second)); } else if ("rule" == keyValue.first) { Rule* rule = new Rule; rule->setText(keyValue.second); try { rule->load(engine); } catch (std::exception& ex) { FL_LOG(ex.what()); } ruleBlock->addRule(rule); } else { throw fl::Exception("[import error] key <" + keyValue.first + "> not " "recognized in pair <" + keyValue.first + ":" + keyValue.second + ">", FL_AT); } } } Term* FllImporter::parseTerm(const std::string& text, Engine* engine) const { std::vector tokens = Op::split(text, " "); //MEDIUM Triangle 0.500 1.000 1.500 if (tokens.size() < 2) { throw fl::Exception("[syntax error] expected a term in format , " "but found <" + text + ">", FL_AT); } FL_unique_ptr term; term.reset(FactoryManager::instance()->term()->constructObject(tokens.at(1))); Term::updateReference(term.get(), engine); term->setName(Op::validName(tokens.at(0))); std::ostringstream parameters; for (std::size_t i = 2; i < tokens.size(); ++i) { parameters << tokens.at(i); if (i + 1 < tokens.size()) parameters << " "; } term->configure(parameters.str()); return term.release(); } TNorm* FllImporter::parseTNorm(const std::string& name) const { if (name == "none") return FactoryManager::instance()->tnorm()->constructObject(""); return FactoryManager::instance()->tnorm()->constructObject(name); } SNorm* FllImporter::parseSNorm(const std::string& name) const { if (name == "none") return FactoryManager::instance()->snorm()->constructObject(""); return FactoryManager::instance()->snorm()->constructObject(name); } Defuzzifier* FllImporter::parseDefuzzifier(const std::string& text) const { std::vector parameters = Op::split(text, " "); std::string name = parameters.at(0); if (name == "none") return FactoryManager::instance()->defuzzifier()->constructObject(""); Defuzzifier* defuzzifier = FactoryManager::instance()->defuzzifier()->constructObject(name); if (parameters.size() > 1) { std::string parameter(parameters.at(1)); if (IntegralDefuzzifier * integralDefuzzifier = dynamic_cast (defuzzifier)) { integralDefuzzifier->setResolution((int) Op::toScalar(parameter)); } else if (WeightedDefuzzifier * weightedDefuzzifier = dynamic_cast (defuzzifier)) { WeightedDefuzzifier::Type type = WeightedDefuzzifier::Automatic; if (parameter == "Automatic") type = WeightedDefuzzifier::Automatic; else if (parameter == "TakagiSugeno") type = WeightedDefuzzifier::TakagiSugeno; else if (parameter == "Tsukamoto") type = WeightedDefuzzifier::Tsukamoto; else throw fl::Exception("[syntax error] unknown parameter of WeightedDefuzzifier <" + parameter + ">", FL_AT); weightedDefuzzifier->setType(type); } } return defuzzifier; } std::pair FllImporter::parseRange(const std::string& text) const { std::pair range = parseKeyValue(text, ' '); return std::pair(Op::toScalar(range.first), Op::toScalar(range.second)); } bool FllImporter::parseBoolean(const std::string& boolean) const { if ("true" == boolean) return true; if ("false" == boolean) return false; throw fl::Exception("[syntax error] expected boolean , " "but found <" + boolean + ">", FL_AT); } std::pair FllImporter::parseKeyValue(const std::string& text, char separator) const { std::size_t half = text.find_first_of(separator); if (half == std::string::npos) { std::ostringstream ex; ex << "[syntax error] expected pair in the form " ", but found <" << text << ">"; throw fl::Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT); } std::pair result; result.first = text.substr(0, half); result.second = text.substr(half + 1); return result; } std::string FllImporter::clean(const std::string& line) const { if (line.empty()) return line; if (line.size() == 1) return isspace(line.at(0)) ? "" : line; int start = 0, end = line.size() - 1; while (start <= end and isspace(line.at(start))) { ++start; } int sharp = start; while (sharp <= end) { if (line.at(sharp) == '#') { end = sharp - 1; break; } ++sharp; } while (end >= start and (line.at(end) == '#' or isspace(line.at(end)))) { --end; } int length = end - start + 1; return line.substr(start, length); } FllImporter* FllImporter::clone() const { return new FllImporter(*this); } }