/* Author: Juan Rada-Vilela, Ph.D. Copyright (C) 2010-2014 FuzzyLite Limited All rights reserved This file is part of fuzzylite. fuzzylite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. fuzzylite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with fuzzylite. If not, see . fuzzyliteâ„¢ is a trademark of FuzzyLite Limited. */ #include "fl/term/GaussianProduct.h" namespace fl { GaussianProduct::GaussianProduct(const std::string& name, scalar meanA, scalar standardDeviationA, scalar meanB, scalar standardDeviationB, scalar height) : Term(name, height), _meanA(meanA), _standardDeviationA(standardDeviationA), _meanB(meanB), _standardDeviationB(standardDeviationB) { } GaussianProduct::~GaussianProduct() { } std::string GaussianProduct::className() const { return "GaussianProduct"; } scalar GaussianProduct::membership(scalar x) const { if (fl::Op::isNaN(x)) return fl::nan; bool xLEa = fl::Op::isLE(x, _meanA); scalar a = (1 - xLEa) + xLEa * std::exp( (-(x - _meanA) * (x - _meanA)) / (2 * _standardDeviationA * _standardDeviationA) ); bool xGEb = fl::Op::isGE(x, _meanB); scalar b = (1 - xGEb) + xGEb * std::exp( (-(x - _meanB) * (x - _meanB)) / (2 * _standardDeviationB * _standardDeviationB) ); return _height * a * b; } std::string GaussianProduct::parameters() const { return Op::join(4, " ", _meanA, _standardDeviationA, _meanB, _standardDeviationB) + (not Op::isEq(_height, 1.0) ? " " + Op::str(_height) : ""); } void GaussianProduct::configure(const std::string& parameters) { if (parameters.empty()) return; std::vector values = Op::split(parameters, " "); std::size_t required = 4; if (values.size() < required) { std::ostringstream ex; ex << "[configuration error] term <" << className() << ">" << " requires <" << required << "> parameters"; throw fl::Exception(ex.str(), FL_AT); } setMeanA(Op::toScalar(values.at(0))); setStandardDeviationA(Op::toScalar(values.at(1))); setMeanB(Op::toScalar(values.at(2))); setStandardDeviationB(Op::toScalar(values.at(3))); if (values.size() > required) setHeight(Op::toScalar(values.at(required))); } void GaussianProduct::setMeanA(scalar meanA) { this->_meanA = meanA; } scalar GaussianProduct::getMeanA() const { return this->_meanA; } void GaussianProduct::setStandardDeviationA(scalar sigmaA) { this->_standardDeviationA = sigmaA; } scalar GaussianProduct::getStandardDeviationA() const { return this->_standardDeviationA; } void GaussianProduct::setMeanB(scalar meanB) { this->_meanB = meanB; } scalar GaussianProduct::getMeanB() const { return this->_meanB; } void GaussianProduct::setStandardDeviationB(scalar sigmaB) { this->_standardDeviationB = sigmaB; } scalar GaussianProduct::getStandardDeviationB() const { return this->_standardDeviationB; } GaussianProduct* GaussianProduct::clone() const { return new GaussianProduct(*this); } Term* GaussianProduct::constructor() { return new GaussianProduct; } }