/* fuzzylite (R), a fuzzy logic control library in C++. Copyright (C) 2010-2017 FuzzyLite Limited. All rights reserved. Author: Juan Rada-Vilela, Ph.D. This file is part of fuzzylite. fuzzylite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the FuzzyLite License included with the software. You should have received a copy of the FuzzyLite License along with fuzzylite. If not, see . fuzzylite is a registered trademark of FuzzyLite Limited. */ #include "test/catch.hpp" #include "fl/Headers.h" namespace fl { /** * Tests: term/Function * * @author Juan Rada-Vilela, Ph.D. * */ TEST_CASE("function parses basic arithmetic", "[term][function]") { Function f; std::string text = "3+4*2/(1-5)^2^3"; CHECK(f.toPostfix(text) == "3 4 2 * 1 5 - 2 3 ^ ^ / +"); CHECK(f.parse(text)->toInfix() == "3.000 ^ 2.000 ^ 5.000 - 1.000 / 2.000 * 4.000 + 3.000"); CHECK(f.parse(text)->toPrefix() == "+ / ^ ^ 3.000 2.000 - 5.000 1.000 * 2.000 4.000 3.000"); } TEST_CASE("function parses basic trigonometry", "[term][function]") { Function f; std::string text = "sin(y*x)^2/x"; CHECK_THROWS(f.load(text)); f.variables["y"] = 1.0; f.load(text); CHECK(f.toPostfix(text) == "y x * sin 2 ^ x /"); CHECK(f.parse(text)->toInfix() == "x / 2.000 ^ x * y sin"); CHECK(f.parse(text)->toPrefix() == "/ x ^ 2.000 sin * x y"); } TEST_CASE("function parses propositions", "[term][function]") { Function f; std::string text = "(Temperature is High and Oxygen is Low) or " "(Temperature is Low and (Oxygen is Low or Oxygen is High))"; CHECK(f.toPostfix(text) == "Temperature is High Oxygen is Low " "and Temperature is Low Oxygen is Low Oxygen is High or and or"); } TEST_CASE("function cannot deal with negative numbers", "[term][function]") { Function f; std::string text = "-5 *4/sin(-pi/2)"; SECTION("function throws exception") { CHECK_THROWS(f.parse(text)->evaluate()); } f.variables["pi"] = 3.14; CHECK_THROWS(f.parse(text)->evaluate(&f.variables)); text = "~5 *4/sin(~pi/2)"; CHECK(f.parse(text)->evaluate(&f.variables) == Approx(20)); f.load(text); f.variables["pi"] = 3.14; CHECK(f.toPostfix(text) == "5 ~ 4 * pi ~ 2 / sin /"); CHECK(f.parse(text)->toInfix() == "2.000 / pi ~ sin / 4.000 * 5.000 ~"); CHECK(f.parse(text)->toPrefix() == "/ sin / 2.000 ~ pi * 4.000 ~ 5.000"); } TEST_CASE("Function is clonable", "[term][function]") { Function* f = new Function; std::string text = "2+2"; f->load(text); CHECK(Op::isEq(f->membership(fl::nan), 4)); Function* clone = f->clone(); delete f; CHECK(Op::isEq(clone->membership(fl::nan), 4)); delete clone; } TEST_CASE("Function is constructor copyable", "[term][function]") { Function* f = new Function; std::string text = "2+2"; f->load(text); CHECK(Op::isEq(f->membership(fl::nan), 4)); Function* clone = new Function(*f); delete f; CHECK(Op::isEq(clone->membership(fl::nan), 4)); delete clone; } TEST_CASE("Function computes tree size correctly", "[term][function]"){ Function f("f", "x*x+(x-x)/x+log(x)"); f.load(); CHECK(f.root()->treeSize() == 6); CHECK(f.root()->treeSize(Function::Element::Function) == 1); CHECK(f.root()->treeSize(Function::Element::Operator) == 5); FL_LOG(f.complexity().toString()); } }