/* fuzzylite (R), a fuzzy logic control library in C++. Copyright (C) 2010-2017 FuzzyLite Limited. All rights reserved. Author: Juan Rada-Vilela, Ph.D. This file is part of fuzzylite. fuzzylite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the FuzzyLite License included with the software. You should have received a copy of the FuzzyLite License along with fuzzylite. If not, see . fuzzylite is a registered trademark of FuzzyLite Limited. */ #include "catch2/catch.hpp" #include "fl/Headers.h" namespace fl { /** * Tests: term/Trapezoid * * @author Juan Rada-Vilela, Ph.D. * */ TEST_CASE("trapezoid can be open ended with -infinity", "[term][trapezoid]") { Trapezoid trapezoid("A", -fl::inf, 0, 1, 2); Ramp ramp("a", 2, 1); //(-inf, inf) for (scalar i = -10.0; Op::isLE(i, 10.0); i += .2) { FL_DBG("A(" << i << ")=" << trapezoid.membership(i)); FL_DBG("a(" << i << ")=" << ramp.membership(i)); REQUIRE(Op::isEq(trapezoid.membership(i), ramp.membership(i))); } REQUIRE(Op::isEq(trapezoid.membership(-fl::inf), 1.0)); REQUIRE(Op::isEq(trapezoid.membership(fl::inf), 0.0)); } TEST_CASE("trapezoid can be open ended with +infinity", "[term][trapezoid]") { Trapezoid trapezoid("A", 0, 1, 2, fl::inf); Ramp ramp("a", 0, 1); //(-inf, inf) for (scalar i = -10.0; Op::isLE(i, 10.0); i += .2) { REQUIRE(Op::isEq(trapezoid.membership(i), ramp.membership(i))); } REQUIRE(Op::isEq(trapezoid.membership(fl::inf), 1.0)); REQUIRE(Op::isEq(trapezoid.membership(-fl::inf), 0.0)); } }