path: root/src/UT/FULLPATH.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/UT/FULLPATH.cpp')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/UT/FULLPATH.cpp b/src/UT/FULLPATH.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4092a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/UT/FULLPATH.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+/* ------------------------------
+ * Fil: FullPath.c
+ * ------------------------------ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef LINUX
+# include <unistd.h>
+# include <new>
+#ifdef UNIX
+# include <ctype.h>
+#ifdef OS2
+# include <os2.h>
+#ifdef BORLAND
+# include <windows.h>
+#ifdef WIN32
+# include <windows.h>
+#include "fyut.h"
+#ifdef UNIX
+#define wchar_t char
+#define wcschr strchr
+CH _fullpath
+CD ==============================================================
+CD Makes a complete path from a non-complete path. Handles "..",
+CD "." and will prepend the path with current working directory
+CD if it is relative (does not start with slash)
+CD The function returns buffer, pointer to memory area containing
+CD full path if buffer was NULL, or NULL if a error occured
+CD (e.g. full path was longer than maxlen and a buffer
+CD was supplied.) The pointer should be free'd by calling code.
+CD Parameters:
+CD Type Name I/O Explanation
+CD -------------------------------------------------------------
+CD char *buffer i/o Buffer to put full path into or NULL.
+CD const char *pathname i Pathname to expand
+CD size_t maxlen i Size of buffer.
+CD char * r buffer, pointer to char[] or NULL
+CD ==============================================================
+char * _fullpath(char *buffer, const char *pathname, size_t maxlen) {
+ if(maxlen < _MAX_PATH) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ char * wpath;
+ wpath = new (std::nothrow) char[_MAX_PATH];
+ if (wpath == NULL) { // could not allocate memory
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ char * wpath2;
+ wpath2 = new (std::nothrow) char[_MAX_PATH];
+ if (wpath2 == NULL) {
+ delete [] wpath;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ strncpy(wpath, pathname, _MAX_PATH);
+ strncpy(wpath2, pathname, _MAX_PATH);
+ /* Make relativer paths of ./foo-paths */
+ if(pathname[0] == '.' && pathname[1] == UT_SLASH) {
+ strncpy(wpath, pathname+2, _MAX_PATH);
+ strncpy(wpath, pathname+2, _MAX_PATH);
+ }
+ char * prevPos = NULL;
+ char same[4] = { UT_SLASH, '.', UT_SLASH, '\0' }; // e.g. "/./"
+ /* replace /./ with nothing */
+ while ((prevPos = strstr(wpath, same)) != NULL) {
+ prevPos[1] = '\0';
+ UT_StrCopy(wpath2, wpath, _MAX_PATH);
+ strncat(wpath2, (prevPos+strlen(same)), _MAX_PATH);
+ UT_StrCopy(wpath, wpath2, _MAX_PATH);
+ }
+ char prev[5] = { UT_SLASH, '.', '.', UT_SLASH, '\0' }; // e.g "/../"
+ int i = -1;
+ /* Remove /../ and parent folder */
+ while ((prevPos = strstr(wpath, prev)) != NULL) {
+ /* Walk forward in the string until first slash or start of string */
+ while((prevPos + i) >= wpath && prevPos[i] != UT_SLASH) {
+ prevPos[i--] = '\0';
+ }
+ UT_StrCopy(wpath2, wpath, _MAX_PATH);
+ strncat(wpath2, (prevPos+strlen(prev)), _MAX_PATH);
+ UT_StrCopy(wpath, wpath2, _MAX_PATH);
+ i = -1;
+ }
+ /* prepend cwd on relative paths */
+ if(wpath[0] != UT_SLASH) {
+ if(getcwd(wpath2, _MAX_PATH) == NULL) {
+ delete [] wpath;
+ delete [] wpath2;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* getcwd gives ut the path w/o ending slash */
+ strncat(wpath2, UT_STR_SLASH, _MAX_PATH-(strlen(wpath2)+1));
+ strncat(wpath2, wpath, _MAX_PATH)-(strlen(wpath2)+1);
+ UT_StrCopy(wpath, wpath2, _MAX_PATH);
+ }
+ int endLen = strlen(wpath);
+ int startAt = 0;
+ if(wpath[0] == UT_SLASH) {
+ endLen--;
+ startAt = 1;
+ }
+ if(wpath[endLen] == UT_SLASH) {
+ wpath[endLen] = '\0';
+ endLen--;
+ }
+ delete [] wpath2;
+ if (endLen < maxlen && buffer != NULL) { /* we have a buffer, and we have room in buffer */
+ UT_StrCopy(buffer, (wpath+startAt), maxlen);
+ delete [] wpath;
+ return buffer;
+ } else if (buffer == NULL) { /* we have no buffer */
+ char * tempbuf;
+ if ((tempbuf = (char*)UT_MALLOC(endLen+1)) != NULL) {
+ UT_StrCopy(tempbuf, (wpath+startAt), (endLen+1));
+ delete [] wpath;
+ return tempbuf;
+ } else { /* failed to alloc memory*/
+ delete [] wpath;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ } else { /* not room in buffer and we were supposed to use the buffer */
+ delete [] wpath;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+CH UT_FullPath Finn fullstendig filnavn
+CD ==================================================================
+CD Formål:
+CD Lag absolutt path navn fra relativt path navn.
+CD I tilleg tolker denne environment-variabler inn i filnavnet.
+CD Environment-varialen skrives i parantes.
+CD Eks:
+CD Filnavnet (FKB)\CV03851V.SOS
+CD pakkes ut til D:\DATA\SOSI\FKB\CV03851V.SOS
+CD Type Navn I/U Merknad
+CD ------------------------------------------------------------------
+CD wchar_t *pszBuffer u Komplett filnavn
+CD const wchar_t *pszPath i Forkortet filnavn
+CD size_t maxlen i Max lengde av pszBuffer
+CD short sStatus r Status; 0=OK, annen verdi er feil.
+CD Bruk: sStatus = UT_FullPath(szBuffer,szPath,maxlen);
+ ==================================================================
+SK_EntPnt_UT short UT_FullPath(char *pszBuffer, const char *pszPath, size_t maxlen)
+ char szFilnavn[_MAX_PATH];
+ char *pszStart,*pszSlutt;
+ char *env;
+#ifdef BORLAND
+ wchar_t *pszOrgPath;
+ /* Søk start- og sluttparantes */
+ UT_StrCopy(szFilnavn,pszPath,_MAX_PATH);
+ pszStart = strchr(szFilnavn,'(');
+ pszSlutt = strchr(szFilnavn,')');
+ /* Både start- og sluttparantes er funnet,
+ og starten er først i strengen */
+ if (pszStart != NULL && pszSlutt != NULL && pszStart < pszSlutt) {
+ *pszStart++ = '\0';
+ *pszSlutt++ = '\0';
+#ifdef LINUX
+ env = getenv( UT_StrUpper(pszStart));
+ size_t len;
+ _dupenv_s(&env, &len, UT_StrUpper(pszStart));
+ /* Navnet er ikke funnet */
+ if (env == NULL) {
+ UT_StrCopy(szFilnavn,pszPath,_MAX_PATH);
+ } else {
+ UT_StrCat(szFilnavn,env,_MAX_PATH);
+ UT_ClrTrailsp(szFilnavn);
+ UT_StrCat(szFilnavn,pszPath+(pszSlutt-szFilnavn),_MAX_PATH);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Hent filopplysninger */
+#ifdef UNIX
+ return (short)(_fullpath(pszBuffer,szFilnavn,maxlen) != NULL)? 0 : 1;
+#ifdef OS232
+ return (short) DosQueryPathInfo(szFilnavn,FIL_QUERYFULLNAME,pszBuffer,maxlen);
+#ifdef OS216
+ return (short) DosQPathInfo(szFilnavn,FIL_QUERYFULLNAME,(PBYTE)pszBuffer,(USHORT)maxlen,0);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ return (short)(_fullpath(pszBuffer,szFilnavn,maxlen) != NULL)? 0 : 1;
+#ifdef BORLAND
+ pszOrgPath = FullPath(pszBuffer,szFilnavn,maxlen);
+ if (pszOrgPath != NULL)
+ return((short)0);
+ else
+ return ((short)1);