os: - linux - osx language: cpp compiler: - gcc - clang env: - ARGS="" before_script: - mkdir _build - cd _build script: - if [ ${COVERITY_SCAN_BRANCH} != 1 ] ; then cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$CC -DCOVERAGE=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Continuous $ARGS ; fi - if [ ${COVERITY_SCAN_BRANCH} != 1 ] ; then make ; fi - if [ ${COVERITY_SCAN_BRANCH} != 1 ] ; then make test ; fi after_success: - ./coveralls-upload - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) # trigger Buildtime Trend Service to parse Travis CI log notifications: webhooks: - https://buildtimetrend.herokuapp.com/travis # use docker based faster build sudo: false # install build dependencies and enable Coverity scan addons: apt: packages: - libbluetooth-dev - libusb-1.0-0-dev - libgudev-1.0-dev - unixodbc-dev - libdbi-dev - libdbd-sqlite3 coverity_scan: project: name: "gammu/gammu" description: "Build submitted via Travis CI" notification_email: michal@cihar.com build_command_prepend: cmake .. build_command: make branch_pattern: coverity_scan matrix: exclude: - os: osx compiler: gcc include: - os: linux compiler: gcc env: ARGS="-DENABLE_GETOPT=OFF"