#!/bin/sh # This script downloads list of Sony-Ericsson phones from web and # prepares list suitable for common/gsmphones.c URL=http://homepage.mac.com/alvinmok/ericsson/types.html tmp=`mktemp` wget -O - "$URL" | tr '\r' '\n' > "$tmp" awk 'BEGIN { p = 0; } /Type code orderin/ { p = 1; } /.*<\/th>.*<\/td>(<\/tr>)?/ { if (p) print $0; } /<\/table>/ { p = 0;}' < "$tmp" | \ sed 's@@\n@; s@@@; s@@;@g; s@@@; s@@@; s@@@;' | \ grep -Ev ' |Cancelled' | \ gawk -F \; '{ delete models; delete ids; models[0] = $1; ids[0] = $2; if (match($2, "(.*)/(.*)/(.*)", a)) { ids[0] = a[1]; ids[1] = a[2]; ids[2] = a[3]; } else if (match($2, "(.*)/(.*)", a)) { ids[0] = a[1]; ids[1] = a[2]; } if (match($1, "(.*)-([^-]*)/(.*)", a)) { models[0] = a[1]"-"a[2]; models[1] = a[1]"-"a[3]; } /* New ID */ if (length(models[0]) == 14) { sms = ", F_SUBMIT_SIM_ONLY"; } else { sms = ""; } if (models[0] == "FAE-1021011-BV") { sms = sms", F_SMS_LOCATION_0"; } if (length(models) == 2 && length(ids) == 2) { print "\t{\""ids[0]"\",\t\""models[0]"\" ,\"\",\t\t\t\t {F_OBEX"sms", 0}},"; print "\t{\""ids[1]"\",\t\""models[1]"\" ,\"\",\t\t\t\t {F_OBEX"sms", 0}},"; } else { /* Restore IDs, we need to have unique model */ if (length(models) == 1) { delete ids; ids[0] = $2; } for (model in models) { for (id in ids) { print "\t{\""ids[id]"\",\t\""models[model]"\" ,\"\",\t\t\t\t {F_OBEX"sms", 0}},"; } } } }' rm -f "$tmp"