version: "{build}" image: Visual Studio 2015 configuration: - Release - Debug clone_depth: 100 environment: MYSQL_PATH: C:\Program Files\MySql\MySQL Server 5.7 POSTGRESQL_PATH: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5 PGUSER: postgres PGPASSWORD: Password12! matrix: - GENERATOR: "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" - GENERATOR: "Visual Studio 14 2015" clone_folder: c:\projects\gammu install: - ps: if (($env:CONFIGURATION) -eq "Debug" ) { .\admin\install_opencppcoverage.ps1 } - appveyor DownloadFile before_build: - cmd: >- "%MYSQL_PATH%\\bin\\mysql.exe" "--password=Password12!" "--user=root" "-e" "create database smsd;" - cmd: >- "%POSTGRESQL_PATH%\\bin\\createdb.exe" smsd - cmd: >- cmake -G "%GENERATOR%" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%P% -DODBC_TESTING=OFF "-DODBC_DSN=mysql:Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.3 Unicode Driver}:host=localhost;dbname=smsd" -DMYSQL_TESTING=ON -DMYSQL_USER=root "-DMYSQL_PASSWORD=Password12!" -DPSQL_TESTING=ON -DPSQL_USER=postgres "-DPSQL_PASSWORD=Password12!" -DMEMORYCHECK_COMMAND="c:/projects/gammu/admin/windows-coverage.bat" -DMEMORYCHECK_COMMAND_OPTIONS="--separator" -DMEMORYCHECK_TYPE=Valgrind -DPOSTGRES_FOUND=OFF -DMYSQL_FOUND=OFF build: project: ALL_BUILD.vcxproj parallel: true verbosity: quiet after_build: - cmake --build . --config %CONFIGURATION% --target package test_script: - "SET PATH=%MYSQL_PATH%\\bin;%POSTGRESQL_PATH%\\bin;c:\\projects\\gammu;%PATH%" - ps: >- $failure = 0; try { if (($env:CONFIGURATION) -eq "Release" ) { $mode = "ExperimentalTest"; } else { $mode = "ExperimentalMemCheck"; } ctest --output-on-failure --no-compress-output --dashboard $mode --build-config ($env:CONFIGURATION); $failure = $lastExitCode; } catch { $failure = 1; } finally { # Copy test results to fixed name Copy-Item Testing\$(Get-Content Testing\TAG -TotalCount 1)\*.xml test.xml; # XLST CTest XML into Junit XML msxsl test.xml admin/ctest-to-junit.xsl -o junit.xml; # Upload results to AppVeyor $wc = New-Object 'System.Net.WebClient'; $wc.UploadFile("$($env:APPVEYOR_JOB_ID)", (Resolve-Path .\junit.xml)); } if ($failure -ne 0) { # Propagate error code from testsuite exit $failure; } after_test: - bash admin/ services: - mysql - postgresql artifacts: - path: Gammu-*-Windows.exe name: Gammu Installer - path: CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log name: CMake log - path: CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log name: CMake errors - path: CMakeCache.txt name: CMake cache - path: test.xml name: Test results - path: junit.xml name: Transformed test results