/* (c) 2004 by Marcin Wiacek */ /* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2015 Michal Cihar */ #include #ifdef HAVE_MYSQL_MYSQL_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #ifndef __GNUC__ #pragma comment(lib, "mysqlclient.lib") #endif #endif #include "../core.h" #include "sql.h" long long SMSDMySQL_GetNumber(GSM_SMSDConfig * Config, SQL_result *res, unsigned int field) { return atoi(res->my.row[field]); } const char *SMSDMySQL_GetString(GSM_SMSDConfig * Config, SQL_result *res, unsigned int field) { return res->my.row[field]; } time_t SMSDMySQL_GetDate(GSM_SMSDConfig * Config, SQL_result *res, unsigned int field) { const char *date; date = res->my.row[field]; return SMSDSQL_ParseDate(Config, date); } gboolean SMSDMySQL_GetBool(GSM_SMSDConfig * Config, SQL_result *res, unsigned int field) { const char *value = res->my.row[field]; if(atoi(value) > 0){ return TRUE; } return GSM_StringToBool(value); } const char *SMSMySQL_GetString(GSM_SMSDConfig * Config, SQL_result *res, unsigned int col) { return res->my.row[col]; } /* Disconnects from a database */ void SMSDMySQL_Free(GSM_SMSDConfig * Config) { if (Config->conn.my != NULL) { mysql_close(Config->conn.my); free(Config->conn.my); Config->conn.my = NULL; } } static int SMSDMySQL_LogError(GSM_SMSDConfig * Config) { int mysql_err; mysql_err = mysql_errno(Config->conn.my); SMSD_Log(DEBUG_ERROR, Config, "Error code: %d, Error: %s", mysql_err, mysql_error(Config->conn.my)); return mysql_err; } static GSM_Error SMSDMySQL_Connect(GSM_SMSDConfig * Config) { unsigned int port = 0; int error; char *pport; char *socketname = NULL; pport = strstr(Config->host, ":"); if (pport) { *pport++ = '\0'; /* Is it port or socket? */ if (strchr("0123456798", *pport) != NULL) { port = atoi(pport); } else { socketname = pport; } } if (Config->conn.my == NULL) { Config->conn.my = malloc(sizeof(MYSQL)); mysql_init(Config->conn.my); } if (Config->conn.my == NULL) { SMSD_Log(DEBUG_ERROR, Config, "MySQL allocation failed!"); return ERR_DB_DRIVER; } if (!mysql_real_connect(Config->conn.my, Config->host, Config->user, Config->password, Config->database, port, socketname, 0)) { SMSD_Log(DEBUG_ERROR, Config, "Error connecting to database!"); SMSDMySQL_LogError(Config); error = mysql_errno(Config->conn.my); if (error == 2006 || error == 2003 || error == 2002) { /* cant connect through socket */ return ERR_DB_TIMEOUT; } return ERR_DB_CONNECT; } /* Try using utf8mb4 if MySQL server supports it */ if (mysql_query(Config->conn.my, "SET NAMES utf8mb4;") != 0) { mysql_query(Config->conn.my, "SET NAMES utf8;"); } SMSD_Log(DEBUG_INFO, Config, "Connected to Database: %s on %s", Config->database, Config->host); return ERR_NONE; } static GSM_Error SMSDMySQL_Query(GSM_SMSDConfig * Config, const char *query, SQL_result *res) { int error; if (mysql_query(Config->conn.my, query) != 0) { SMSDMySQL_LogError(Config); error = mysql_errno(Config->conn.my); if (error == 2006 || error == 2013 || error == 2012) { /* connection lost */ return ERR_DB_TIMEOUT; } return ERR_SQL; } res->my.res = mysql_store_result(Config->conn.my); res->my.row = NULL; res->my.con = Config->conn.my; return ERR_NONE; } /* free mysql results */ void SMSDMySQL_FreeResult(GSM_SMSDConfig * Config, SQL_result *res) { mysql_free_result(res->my.res); } /* set pointer to next row */ int SMSDMySQL_NextRow(GSM_SMSDConfig * Config, SQL_result *res) { MYSQL_ROW row; row = mysql_fetch_row(res->my.res); res->my.row = row; if(row != NULL){ return 1; } return 0; } /* quote strings */ char * SMSDMySQL_QuoteString(GSM_SMSDConfig * Config, const char *string) { char *buff; int len = strlen(string); buff = malloc(len*2+3); if (buff == NULL) { SMSD_Log(DEBUG_ERROR, Config, "String allocation for escaping failed!"); return NULL; } buff[0] = '\''; buff[1] = '\0'; mysql_real_escape_string(Config->conn.my, buff+1, string, len); strcat(buff, "'"); return buff; } /* LAST_INSERT_ID */ unsigned long long SMSDMySQL_SeqID(GSM_SMSDConfig * Config, const char *dummy) { return mysql_insert_id(Config->conn.my); } unsigned long SMSDMySQL_AffectedRows(GSM_SMSDConfig * Config, SQL_result *res) { return mysql_affected_rows(res->my.con); } struct GSM_SMSDdbobj SMSDMySQL = { SMSDMySQL_Connect, SMSDMySQL_Query, SMSDMySQL_Free, SMSDMySQL_FreeResult, SMSDMySQL_NextRow, SMSDMySQL_SeqID, SMSDMySQL_AffectedRows, SMSDMySQL_GetString, SMSDMySQL_GetNumber, SMSDMySQL_GetDate, SMSDMySQL_GetBool, SMSDMySQL_QuoteString, }; #endif /* How should editor hadle tabs in this file? Add editor commands here. * vim: noexpandtab sw=8 ts=8 sts=8: */