path: root/gdigi.c
diff options
authorAndrej Shadura <>2021-10-07 16:12:09 +0200
committerAndrej Shadura <>2021-10-07 16:12:09 +0200
commitd4700c96fd551eea539921572c03842ecdc6c8c3 (patch)
treeac37ec6ef7d954feab5ad47c427e849f051da604 /gdigi.c
Import Upstream version 0.2.0+hg20110905r195
Diffstat (limited to 'gdigi.c')
1 files changed, 1241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gdigi.c b/gdigi.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a46939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdigi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1241 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Tomasz Moń <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; under version 3 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
+#include <alloca.h>
+#include "gdigi.h"
+#include "gui.h"
+static unsigned char device_id = 0x7F;
+static unsigned char family_id = 0x7F;
+static unsigned char product_id = 0x7F;
+static snd_rawmidi_t *output = NULL;
+static snd_rawmidi_t *input = NULL;
+static char *device_port = NULL;
+static GQueue *message_queue = NULL;
+static GMutex *message_queue_mutex = NULL;
+static GCond *message_queue_cond = NULL;
+ * Registers an error quark for gdigi if necessary.
+ *
+ * \return error quark used for gdigi errors
+ **/
+static GQuark gdigi_error_quark()
+ static GQuark quark = 0;
+ if (quark == 0) {
+ quark = g_quark_from_static_string("gdigi-error");
+ }
+ return quark;
+ * \param array data to calculate checksum
+ * \param length data length
+ *
+ * Calculates message checksum.
+ *
+ * \return calculated checksum.
+ **/
+static char calculate_checksum(gchar *array, gint length)
+ int x;
+ int checksum = 0;
+ for (x = 0; x<length; x++) {
+ checksum ^= array[x];
+ }
+ return checksum;
+ * Opens MIDI device. This function modifies global input and output variables.
+ *
+ * \return FALSE on success, TRUE on error.
+ **/
+gboolean open_device()
+ int err;
+ err = snd_rawmidi_open(&input, &output, device_port, SND_RAWMIDI_SYNC);
+ if (err) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "snd_rawmidi_open %s failed: %d\n", device_port, err);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ err = snd_rawmidi_nonblock(output, 0);
+ if (err) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "snd_rawmidi_nonblock failed: %d\n", err);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ snd_rawmidi_read(input, NULL, 0); /* trigger reading */
+ return FALSE;
+ * \param data data to be sent
+ * \param length data length
+ *
+ * Sends data to device. This function uses global output variable.
+ **/
+void send_data(char *data, int length)
+ snd_rawmidi_write(output, data, length);
+ * \param data data to be packed
+ * \param len data length
+ *
+ * Packs data using method used on all newer DigiTech products.
+ *
+ * \return GString containing packed data
+ **/
+GString *pack_data(gchar *data, gint len)
+ GString *packed;
+ gint i;
+ gint new_len;
+ unsigned char status;
+ gint offset;
+ gint status_byte;
+ new_len = len + (len/7);
+ packed = g_string_sized_new(new_len);
+ status = 0;
+ offset = -1;
+ status_byte = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
+ if ((i % 7) == 0) {
+ packed->str[status_byte] = status;
+ status = 0;
+ status_byte = packed->len;
+ g_string_append_c(packed, '\0');
+ }
+ g_string_append_c(packed, (data[i] & 0x7F));
+ status |= (data[i] & 0x80) >> ((i%7) + 1);
+ }
+ packed->str[status_byte] = status;
+ return packed;
+static void message_free_func(GString *msg, gpointer user_data)
+ g_string_free(msg, TRUE);
+ * \param msg message to unpack
+ *
+ * Unpacks message data. This function modifies given GString.
+ **/
+static void unpack_message(GString *msg)
+ int offset;
+ int x;
+ int i;
+ unsigned char status;
+ unsigned char *str;
+ gboolean stop = FALSE;
+ g_return_if_fail(msg != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail(msg->len > 9);
+ offset = 1;
+ x = 0;
+ i = 8;
+ str = (unsigned char*)msg->str;
+ do {
+ offset += 8;
+ status = str[offset-1];
+ for (x=0; x<7 && !stop; x++) {
+ if (offset+x >= msg->len) {
+ i++;
+ stop = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (str[offset+x] == 0xF7) {
+ if (x == 0) {
+ str[i] = status;
+ i++;
+ }
+ str[i] = 0xF7;
+ i++;
+ stop = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ str[i] = (((status << (x+1)) & 0x80) | str[x+offset]);
+ i++;
+ }
+ } while (!stop);
+ g_string_truncate(msg, i);
+ * \param msg SysEx message
+ *
+ * Checks message ID.
+ *
+ * \return MessageID, or -1 on error.
+ **/
+MessageID get_message_id(GString *msg)
+ /** \todo check if msg is valid SysEx message */
+ g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, -1);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(msg->str != NULL, -1);
+ if (msg->len > 7) {
+ return (unsigned char)msg->str[7];
+ }
+ return -1;
+void push_message(GString *msg)
+ if (((unsigned char)msg->str[0] == 0xF0) && ((unsigned char)msg->str[msg->len-1] == 0xF7))
+ g_message("Pushing correct message!");
+ else
+ g_warning("Pushing incorrect message!");
+ int x;
+ for (x = 0; x<msg->len; x++)
+ printf("%02x ", (unsigned char)msg->str[x]);
+ printf("\n");
+ switch (get_message_id(msg)) {
+ case ACK:
+ g_message("Received ACK");
+ g_string_free(msg, TRUE);
+ return;
+ case NACK:
+ g_message("Received NACK");
+ g_string_free(msg, TRUE);
+ return;
+ unpack_message(msg);
+ SettingParam *param = setting_param_new_from_data(&msg->str[8], NULL);
+ g_message("Received parameter change ID: %d Position: %d Value: %d", param->id, param->position, param->value);
+ apply_setting_param_to_gui(param);
+ setting_param_free(param);
+ g_string_free(msg, TRUE);
+ return;
+ unpack_message(msg);
+ unsigned char *str = (unsigned char*)msg->str;
+ switch (str[8]) {
+ if (str[11] == PRESETS_EDIT_BUFFER && str[12] == 0) {
+ g_message("Loaded preset %d from bank %d", str[10], str[9]);
+ g_timeout_add(0, apply_current_preset_to_gui, NULL);
+ } else
+ g_message("%d %d moved to %d %d", str[9], str[10], str[11], str[12]);
+ default:
+ g_message("Received unhandled device notification");
+ }
+ g_string_free(msg, TRUE);
+ return;
+ default:
+ g_mutex_lock(message_queue_mutex);
+ g_queue_push_tail(message_queue, msg);
+ g_cond_signal(message_queue_cond);
+ g_mutex_unlock(message_queue_mutex);
+ }
+gpointer read_data_thread(gboolean *stop)
+ /* This is mostly taken straight from alsa-utils-1.0.19 amidi/amidi.c
+ by Clemens Ladisch <> */
+ int err;
+ int npfds;
+ struct pollfd *pfds;
+ GString *string = NULL;
+ npfds = snd_rawmidi_poll_descriptors_count(input);
+ pfds = alloca(npfds * sizeof(struct pollfd));
+ snd_rawmidi_poll_descriptors(input, pfds, npfds);
+ do {
+ unsigned char buf[256];
+ int i, length;
+ unsigned short revents;
+ /* SysEx messages can't contain bytes with 8th bit set.
+ memset our buffer to 0xFF, so if for some reason we'll get out of reply bounds, we'll catch it */
+ memset(buf, sizeof(buf), 0xFF);
+ err = poll(pfds, npfds, 200);
+ if (err < 0 && errno == EINTR)
+ break;
+ if (err < 0) {
+ g_error("poll failed: %s", strerror(errno));
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((err = snd_rawmidi_poll_descriptors_revents(input, pfds, npfds, &revents)) < 0) {
+ g_error("cannot get poll events: %s", snd_strerror(errno));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP))
+ break;
+ if (!(revents & POLLIN))
+ continue;
+ err = snd_rawmidi_read(input, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ if (err == -EAGAIN)
+ continue;
+ if (err < 0) {
+ g_error("cannot read: %s", snd_strerror(err));
+ break;
+ }
+ length = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < err; ++i)
+ if ((unsigned char)buf[i] != 0xFE) /* ignore active sensing */
+ buf[length++] = buf[i];
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < length) {
+ int pos;
+ int bytes;
+ if (string == NULL) {
+ while (buf[i] != 0xF0 && i < length)
+ i++;
+ }
+ pos = i;
+ for (bytes = 0; (bytes<length-i) && (buf[i+bytes] != 0xF7); bytes++);
+ if (buf[i+bytes] == 0xF7) bytes++;
+ i += bytes;
+ if (string == NULL)
+ string = g_string_new_len((gchar*)&buf[pos], bytes);
+ else
+ g_string_append_len(string, (gchar*)&buf[pos], bytes);
+ if ((unsigned char)string->str[string->len-1] == 0xF7) {
+ /* push message on stack */
+ push_message(string);
+ string = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (*stop == FALSE);
+ if (string) {
+ g_string_free(string, TRUE);
+ string = NULL;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * \param procedure procedure ID
+ * \param data unpacked message data
+ * \param len data length
+ *
+ * Creates SysEx message then sends it. This function uses folowing global variables: device_id, family_id and product_id.
+ **/
+void send_message(gint procedure, gchar *data, gint len)
+ GString *msg = g_string_new_len("\xF0" /* SysEx status byte */
+ "\x00\x00\x10", /* Manufacturer ID */
+ 4);
+ g_string_append_printf(msg,
+ "%c%c%c" /* device, family, product ID */
+ "%c", /* procedure */
+ device_id, family_id, product_id,
+ procedure);
+ if (len > 0) {
+ GString *tmp = pack_data(data, len);
+ g_string_append_len(msg, tmp->str, tmp->len);
+ g_string_free(tmp, TRUE);
+ }
+ g_string_append_printf(msg, "%c\xF7",
+ calculate_checksum(&msg->str[1], msg->len - 1));
+ send_data(msg->str, msg->len);
+ g_string_free(msg, TRUE);
+ * \param id MessageID of requested message
+ *
+ * Reads data from message queue until message with matching id is found.
+ *
+ * \return GString containing unpacked message.
+ **/
+GString *get_message_by_id(MessageID id)
+ GString *data = NULL;
+ guint x, len;
+ gboolean found = FALSE;
+ g_mutex_lock(message_queue_mutex);
+ do {
+ len = g_queue_get_length(message_queue);
+ for (x = 0; x<len; x++) {
+ data = g_queue_peek_nth(message_queue, x);
+ if (get_message_id(data) == id) {
+ found = TRUE;
+ g_queue_pop_nth(message_queue, x);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found == FALSE)
+ g_cond_wait(message_queue_cond, message_queue_mutex);
+ } while (found == FALSE);
+ g_mutex_unlock(message_queue_mutex);
+ unpack_message(data);
+ return data;
+ * \param msg message to append value
+ * \param value value to append
+ *
+ * Packs value using scheme used on all newer DigiTech products.
+ **/
+void append_value(GString *msg, guint value)
+ /* check how many bytes long the value is */
+ guint temp = value;
+ gint n = 0;
+ do {
+ n++;
+ temp = temp >> 8;
+ } while (temp);
+ if (n == 1) {
+ if (value & 0x80)
+ n = 2;
+ else
+ g_string_append_printf(msg, "%c", value);
+ }
+ if (n > 1) {
+ gint x;
+ g_string_append_printf(msg, "%c", (n | 0x80));
+ for (x=0; x<n; x++) {
+ g_string_append_printf(msg, "%c",
+ ((value >> (8*(n-x-1))) & 0xFF));
+ }
+ }
+ * \param str pointer to value to unpack
+ * \param len return location for how many bytes value is encoded on (length is added to current value)
+ *
+ * Unpacks value using scheme used on all newer DigiTech products.
+ *
+ * \return unpacked value
+ **/
+guint unpack_value(gchar *str, int *len)
+ guint value;
+ gint tmp;
+ value = (unsigned char)str[0];
+ if (len != NULL)
+ *len += 1;
+ if (value > 0x80) {
+ tmp = value & 0x7F;
+ value = 0;
+ gint i;
+ for (i = 0; i<tmp; i++) {
+ value |= ((unsigned char)str[1+i] << (8*(tmp-i-1)));
+ }
+ if (len != NULL)
+ *len += tmp;
+ }
+ return value;
+ * Allocates memory for SettingParam.
+ *
+ * \return SettingParam which must be freed using setting_param_free.
+ **/
+SettingParam *setting_param_new()
+ SettingParam *param = g_slice_new(SettingParam);
+ param->id = -1;
+ param->position = -1;
+ param->value = -1;
+ return param;
+ * \param str pointer to setting param in message
+ * \param len return location for how many bytes value is encoded on (length is added to current value)
+ *
+ * Creates SettingParam basing on data.
+ * This function expects str to point on:
+ * -Parameter ID - 2 bytes
+ * -Parameter position - 1 byte
+ * -Parameter value - var
+ *
+ * \return newly created SettingParam which must be freed using setting_param_free.
+ **/
+SettingParam *setting_param_new_from_data(gchar *str, gint *len)
+ gint id;
+ gint position;
+ guint value;
+ id = ((unsigned char)str[0] << 8) | (unsigned char)str[1];
+ position = (unsigned char)str[2];
+ if (len != NULL)
+ *len += 3;
+ value = unpack_value(&str[3], len);
+ SettingParam *param = g_slice_new(SettingParam);
+ param->id = id;
+ param->position = position;
+ param->value = value;
+ return param;
+ * \param param SettingParam to be freed
+ *
+ * Frees all memory used by SettingParam.
+ **/
+void setting_param_free(SettingParam *param)
+ g_slice_free(SettingParam, param);
+ * Allocates memory for SettingGenetx.
+ *
+ * \return SettingGenetx which must be freed using setting_genetx_free.
+ **/
+SettingGenetx *setting_genetx_new()
+ SettingGenetx *genetx = g_slice_new(SettingGenetx);
+ /* Older patches don't specify GeNetX version */
+ genetx->version = GENETX_VERSION_1;
+ genetx->type = GENETX_TYPE_NOT_SET;
+ genetx->channel = -1;
+ genetx->name = NULL;
+ genetx->data = NULL;
+ return genetx;
+ * \param genetx SettingGenetx to be freed
+ *
+ * Frees all memory used by SettingGenetx.
+ **/
+void setting_genetx_free(SettingGenetx *genetx)
+ g_free(genetx->name);
+ if (genetx->data != NULL) {
+ g_string_free(genetx->data, TRUE);
+ }
+ g_slice_free(SettingGenetx, genetx);
+ * \param version GeNetX version
+ * \param type GeNetX type
+ *
+ * Retrieves SectionID for specified GeNetX version and type.
+ *
+ * \return SectionID specified by version and type, or -1 on error.
+ **/
+SectionID get_genetx_section_id(gint version, gint type)
+ if (version == GENETX_VERSION_1) {
+ if (type == GENETX_TYPE_AMP) {
+ } else if (type == GENETX_TYPE_CABINET) {
+ }
+ } else if (version == GENETX_VERSION_2) {
+ if (type == GENETX_TYPE_AMP) {
+ } else if (type == GENETX_TYPE_CABINET) {
+ }
+ }
+ g_message("This version of gdigi don't know what to do with this "
+ "GeNetX version (%d) and type (%d)", version, type);
+ return -1;
+ * \param id Parameter ID
+ * \param position Parameter position
+ * \param value Parameter value
+ *
+ * Forms SysEx message to set parameter then sends it to device.
+ **/
+void set_option(guint id, guint position, guint value)
+ GString *msg = g_string_sized_new(9);
+ g_string_append_printf(msg, "%c%c%c",
+ ((id & 0xFF00) >> 8), (id & 0xFF),
+ position);
+ append_value(msg, value);
+ send_message(RECEIVE_PARAMETER_VALUE, msg->str, msg->len);
+ g_string_free(msg, TRUE);
+ * \param section data section ID
+ * \param bank section-specific bank number
+ * \param index index of the desired object within the bank
+ * \param name object name
+ * \param data GString containing object data
+ *
+ * Forms RECEIVE_OBJECT SysEx message then sends it to device.
+ **/
+void send_object(SectionID section, guint bank, guint index,
+ gchar *name, GString *data)
+ GString *msg = g_string_new(NULL);
+ gint len = data->len;
+ g_string_append_printf(msg,
+ "%c%c%c%c%s%c%c%c",
+ section, bank,
+ ((index & 0xFF00) >> 8), (index & 0xFF),
+ name, 0 /* NULL terminated string */,
+ ((len & 0xFF00) >> 8), (len & 0xFF));
+ g_string_append_len(msg, data->str, data->len);
+ send_message(RECEIVE_OBJECT, msg->str, msg->len);
+ g_string_free(msg, TRUE);
+ * \param params GList containing SettingParam
+ *
+ * Forms RECEIVE_PRESET_PARAMETERS SysEx message then sends it to device.
+ **/
+void send_preset_parameters(GList *params)
+ GString *msg = g_string_sized_new(500);
+ GList *iter = params;
+ gint len = g_list_length(iter);
+ g_string_append_printf(msg, "%c%c",
+ ((len & 0xFF00) >> 8),
+ (len & 0xFF));
+ while (iter) {
+ SettingParam *param = (SettingParam *) iter->data;
+ iter = iter->next;
+ g_string_append_printf(msg, "%c%c%c",
+ ((param->id & 0xFF00) >> 8),
+ (param->id & 0xFF),
+ param->position);
+ append_value(msg, param->value);
+ };
+ send_message(RECEIVE_PRESET_PARAMETERS, msg->str, msg->len);
+ g_string_free(msg, TRUE);
+ * \param bank preset bank
+ * \param x preset index
+ *
+ * Switches to selected preset.
+ **/
+void switch_preset(guint bank, guint x)
+ GString *msg = g_string_sized_new(6);
+ g_string_append_printf(msg, "%c%c%c%c%c%c",
+ bank, x, /* source */
+ PRESETS_EDIT_BUFFER, 0, /* destination */
+ 0, /* keep existing name */
+ 1); /* load */
+ send_message(MOVE_PRESET, msg->str, msg->len);
+ g_string_free(msg, TRUE);
+ * \param x preset index
+ * \param name preset name
+ *
+ * Stores current edit buffer in user presets bank.
+ **/
+void store_preset_name(int x, const gchar *name)
+ GString *msg = g_string_sized_new(6);
+ g_string_append_printf(msg, "%c%c%c%c%s%c%c",
+ PRESETS_EDIT_BUFFER, 0, /* source */
+ PRESETS_USER, x, /* destination */
+ name, 0, /* name */
+ 1); /* load */
+ send_message(MOVE_PRESET, msg->str, msg->len);
+ g_string_free(msg, TRUE);
+ * \param x preset index
+ * \param name preset name
+ *
+ * Sets preset name.
+ **/
+void set_preset_name(int x, gchar *name)
+ GString *msg = g_string_sized_new(12);
+ g_string_append_printf(msg, "%c%c%s%c",
+ PRESETS_USER, /* preset bank */
+ x, /* preset index */
+ name, 0); /* name */
+ send_message(RECEIVE_PRESET_NAME, msg->str, msg->len);
+ g_string_free(msg, TRUE);
+ * \param bank preset bank
+ *
+ * Queries preset names.
+ *
+ * \return GStrv which must be freed with g_strfreev, or NULL on error.
+ **/
+GStrv query_preset_names(gchar bank)
+ GString *data = NULL;
+ int x; /* used to iterate over whole reply */
+ int n = 0; /* current preset number */
+ int n_total; /* total number of presets */
+ gchar **str_array = NULL;
+ /* query user preset names */
+ send_message(REQUEST_PRESET_NAMES, &bank, 1);
+ /* read reply */
+ data = get_message_by_id(RECEIVE_PRESET_NAMES);
+ if (data != NULL) {
+ if (data->len >= 10) {
+ n_total = data->str[9];
+ str_array = g_new(gchar*, n_total + 1);
+ str_array[n_total] = NULL;
+ }
+ for (x=10; ((x<data->len) && (n<n_total)); x++) {
+ if ((unsigned char)data->str[x] == 0xF7) /* every message ends with 0xF7 */
+ break;
+ str_array[n] = g_strdup(&data->str[x]);
+ x += strlen(str_array[n]);
+ n++;
+ }
+ g_string_free(data, TRUE);
+ }
+ return str_array;
+ * Reads multiple messages and puts them into GList.
+ *
+ * \param id MessageID starting message sequence
+ *
+ * \return GList with SysEx messages, which must be freed using message_list_free.
+ **/
+GList *get_message_list(MessageID id)
+ GString *data = NULL;
+ GList *list = NULL;
+ guint x, len;
+ gboolean found = FALSE;
+ gboolean done = FALSE;
+ g_mutex_lock(message_queue_mutex);
+ do {
+ len = g_queue_get_length(message_queue);
+ for (x = 0; x<len && (found == FALSE); x++) {
+ data = g_queue_peek_nth(message_queue, x);
+ if (get_message_id(data) == id) {
+ found = TRUE;
+ g_queue_pop_nth(message_queue, x);
+ unpack_message(data);
+ list = g_list_append(list, data);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found == TRUE) {
+ int i;
+ int amt;
+ switch (id) {
+ for (i = 10; (i < data->len) && data->str[i]; i++);
+ amt = (unsigned char)data->str[i+2];
+ break;
+ amt = ((unsigned char)data->str[8] << 8) | (unsigned char)data->str[9];
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_error("get_message_list() doesn't support followning id: %d", id);
+ g_string_free(data, TRUE);
+ g_list_free(list);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ while (amt) {
+ g_message("%d messages left", amt);
+ data = g_queue_pop_nth(message_queue, x);
+ if (data == NULL) {
+ g_cond_wait(message_queue_cond, message_queue_mutex);
+ } else {
+ unpack_message(data);
+ list = g_list_append(list, data);
+ amt--;
+ }
+ }
+ done = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ /* id not found in message queue */
+ g_cond_wait(message_queue_cond, message_queue_mutex);
+ }
+ } while (done == FALSE);
+ g_mutex_unlock(message_queue_mutex);
+ return list;
+ * \param list list to be freed
+ *
+ * Frees all memory used by message list.
+ **/
+void message_list_free(GList *list)
+ g_return_if_fail(list != NULL);
+ g_list_foreach(list, (GFunc) message_free_func, NULL);
+ g_list_free(list);
+ * Queries current edit buffer.
+ *
+ * \return GList with preset SysEx messages, which must be freed using message_list_free.
+ **/
+GList *get_current_preset()
+ send_message(REQUEST_PRESET, "\x04\x00", 2);
+ return get_message_list(RECEIVE_PRESET_START);
+ * Creates backup file.
+ *
+ * \param file backup file handle
+ * \param error a GError
+ *
+ * \return FALSE on success, TRUE on error.
+ **/
+static gboolean create_backup_file(GFile *file, GError **error)
+ GFileOutputStream *output = NULL;
+ GList *list = NULL, *iter = NULL;
+ const gchar header[] = {'\x01', '\x00'};
+ gsize written;
+ gboolean val;
+ if (error)
+ *error = NULL;
+ output = g_file_create(file, G_FILE_CREATE_NONE, NULL, error);
+ if (output == NULL)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (error)
+ *error = NULL;
+ val = g_output_stream_write_all(G_OUTPUT_STREAM(output), header,
+ sizeof(header), &written, NULL, error);
+ if (val == FALSE) {
+ g_object_unref(output);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ send_message(REQUEST_BULK_DUMP, "\x00", 1);
+ list = get_message_list(RECEIVE_BULK_DUMP_START);
+ for (iter = list; iter; iter = g_list_next(iter)) {
+ GString *str;
+ guchar id; /* message id */
+ guint32 len; /* message length */
+ str = (GString*) iter->data;
+ id = get_message_id(str);
+ if (error)
+ *error = NULL;
+ val = g_output_stream_write_all(G_OUTPUT_STREAM(output), &id,
+ sizeof(id), &written, NULL, error);
+ if (val == FALSE) {
+ message_list_free(list);
+ g_object_unref(output);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ len = GUINT32_TO_LE(str->len - 10);
+ if (error)
+ *error = NULL;
+ val = g_output_stream_write_all(G_OUTPUT_STREAM(output), &len,
+ sizeof(len), &written, NULL, error);
+ if (val == FALSE) {
+ message_list_free(list);
+ g_object_unref(output);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (error)
+ *error = NULL;
+ val = g_output_stream_write_all(G_OUTPUT_STREAM(output), &str->str[8],
+ str->len - 10, &written, NULL, error);
+ if (val == FALSE) {
+ message_list_free(list);
+ g_object_unref(output);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ message_list_free(list);
+ if (error)
+ *error = NULL;
+ val = g_output_stream_close(G_OUTPUT_STREAM(output), NULL, error);
+ g_object_unref(output);
+ return !val;
+ * Restores backup file.
+ *
+ * \param filename backup filename
+ * \param error a GError
+ *
+ * \return FALSE on success, TRUE on error.
+ **/
+static gboolean restore_backup_file(const gchar *filename, GError **error)
+ gchar *data;
+ gsize length;
+ gsize x;
+ if (g_file_get_contents(filename, &data, &length, error) == FALSE)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (error)
+ *error = NULL;
+ if (!(data[0] == 0x01 && data[1] == 0x00)) {
+ g_free(data);
+ g_set_error_literal(error, gdigi_error_quark(), 0,
+ "Magic byte doesn't match");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ x = 0x02;
+ while (x < length) {
+ gchar id;
+ guint32 len;
+ id = data[x];
+ x++;
+ if (x+4 <= length) {
+ len = GUINT32_FROM_LE(*((guint32*) &data[x]));
+ x += 4;
+ } else {
+ g_free(data);
+ g_set_error_literal(error, gdigi_error_quark(), 0,
+ "Unexpected end of data");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (x+len <= length) {
+ send_message(id, &data[x], len);
+ x += len;
+ } else {
+ g_free(data);
+ g_set_error_literal(error, gdigi_error_quark(), 0,
+ "Unexpected end of data");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ g_free(data);
+ return FALSE;
+ * \param device_id Variable to hold device ID
+ * \param family_id Variable to hold family ID
+ * \param product_id Variable to hold product ID
+ *
+ * Requests device information.
+ *
+ * \return TRUE on success, FALSE on error.
+ **/
+static gboolean request_who_am_i(unsigned char *device_id, unsigned char *family_id,
+ unsigned char *product_id)
+ send_message(REQUEST_WHO_AM_I, "\x7F\x7F\x7F", 3);
+ GString *data = get_message_by_id(RECEIVE_WHO_AM_I);
+ if ((data != NULL) && (data->len > 11)) {
+ *device_id = data->str[8];
+ *family_id = data->str[9];
+ *product_id = data->str[10];
+ g_string_free(data, TRUE);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void request_device_configuration()
+ gint os_major, os_minor;
+ gint cpu_major, cpu_minor;
+ gint protocol_version;
+ gint current_bank, current_preset;
+ gint media_card;
+ GString *data = get_message_by_id(RECEIVE_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION);
+ if (data->len > 14) {
+ os_major = data->str[8];
+ os_minor = (((data->str[9] & 0xF0) >> 4) * 10) |
+ (data->str[9] & 0x0F);
+ g_message("OS version: %d.%d", os_major, os_minor);
+ cpu_major = data->str[10];
+ cpu_minor = data->str[11];
+ g_message("CPU version: %d.%d", cpu_major, cpu_minor);
+ protocol_version = data->str[12];
+ g_message("Protocol version: %d", protocol_version);
+ current_bank = data->str[13];
+ current_preset = data->str[14];
+ g_message("Active bank: %d", current_bank);
+ g_message("Active preset: %d", current_preset);
+ if (os_major >= 1) {
+ media_card = data->str[15];
+ g_message("Media card present: %d", media_card);
+ }
+ }
+static GOptionEntry options[] = {
+ {"device", 'd', G_OPTION_FLAG_IN_MAIN, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &device_port, "MIDI device port to use", NULL},
+ {NULL}
+ * \param[out] devices GList containing numbers (packed into pointers)
+ * of connected DigiTech devices
+ *
+ * Checks available soundcards for DigiTech devices.
+ *
+ * \return the number of connected DigiTech devices.
+ **/
+static gint get_digitech_devices(GList **devices)
+ gint card_num = -1;
+ gint number = 0;
+ snd_card_next(&card_num);
+ while (card_num > -1) {
+ char* name;
+ snd_card_get_longname(card_num, &name);
+ gint count = strspn(name,"DigiTech");
+ if (count > 0)
+ {
+ number++;
+ *devices = g_list_append(*devices, GINT_TO_POINTER(card_num));
+ }
+ snd_card_next(&card_num);
+ }
+ return number;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ GOptionContext *context;
+ static gboolean stop_read_thread = FALSE;
+ GThread *read_thread = NULL;
+ g_thread_init(NULL);
+ gdk_threads_init();
+ context = g_option_context_new(NULL);
+ g_option_context_add_main_entries(context, options, NULL);
+ g_option_context_add_group(context, gtk_get_option_group(TRUE));
+ if (!g_option_context_parse(context, &argc, &argv, &error)) {
+ g_message("option parsing failed: %s\n", error->message);
+ g_error_free(error);
+ g_option_context_free(context);
+ }
+ if (device_port == NULL) {
+ /* port not given explicitly in commandline - search for devices */
+ GList *devices = NULL;
+ if (get_digitech_devices(&devices) <= 0) {
+ g_message("Couldn't find DigiTech devices!");
+ }
+ device_port = g_strdup_printf("hw:%d,0,0",
+ GPOINTER_TO_INT(devices->data));
+ g_list_free(devices);
+ g_message("Found device %s", device_port);
+ } else {
+ g_message("Using device %s", device_port);
+ }
+ g_option_context_free(context);
+ if (open_device() == TRUE) {
+ show_error_message(NULL, "Failed to open MIDI device");
+ } else {
+ message_queue = g_queue_new();
+ message_queue_mutex = g_mutex_new();
+ message_queue_cond = g_cond_new();
+ read_thread = g_thread_create((GThreadFunc)read_data_thread,
+ &stop_read_thread,
+ if (request_who_am_i(&device_id, &family_id, &product_id) == FALSE) {
+ show_error_message(NULL, "No suitable reply from device");
+ } else {
+ Device *device = NULL;
+ if (get_device_info(device_id, family_id, product_id, &device) == FALSE) {
+ if (unsupported_device_dialog(&device) == FALSE) {
+ g_message("Shutting down");
+ }
+ }
+ if (device != NULL) {
+ /* enable GUI mode */
+ set_option(GUI_MODE_ON_OFF, USB_POSITION, 1);
+ gui_create(device);
+ gtk_main();
+ gui_free();
+ /* disable GUI mode */
+ set_option(GUI_MODE_ON_OFF, USB_POSITION, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (read_thread != NULL) {
+ stop_read_thread = TRUE;
+ g_thread_join(read_thread);
+ }
+ if (message_queue_mutex != NULL) {
+ g_mutex_free(message_queue_mutex);
+ }
+ if (message_queue != NULL) {
+ g_message("%d unread messages in queue",
+ g_queue_get_length(message_queue));
+ g_queue_foreach(message_queue, (GFunc) message_free_func, NULL);
+ g_queue_free(message_queue);
+ }
+ if (output != NULL) {
+ snd_rawmidi_drain(output);
+ snd_rawmidi_close(output);
+ }
+ if (input != NULL) {
+ snd_rawmidi_drain(input);
+ snd_rawmidi_close(input);
+ }
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;