% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % % Install mode selection dialog. % % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Some global vars. % /install.option 255 string def % install types /.inst_cdrom 0 def /.inst_slp 1 def /.inst_ftp 2 def /.inst_http 3 def /.inst_nfs 4 def /.inst_smb 5 def /.inst_hd 6 def /install.last .inst_cdrom def % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Build install mode list. % % ( ) ==> ( ) % /install.init { /xmenu.install .xm_size array def /xmenu xmenu.install def /input.edit.ftp [ 63 string 127 string 31 string 31 string ] def /input.edit.http [ 63 string 127 string ] def /input.edit.nfs [ 63 string 127 string ] def /input.edit.smb [ 63 string 31 string 127 string 31 string 31 string 31 string ] def /input.edit.hd [ 63 string 127 string ] def install.read.config xmenu .xm_current install.last put % see install types (.inst_*) xmenu .xm_list [ is_dvd { "DVD" } { "CD-ROM" } ifelse "SLP" "FTP" "HTTP" "NFS" "SMB / CIFS" /txt_harddisk ] put xmenu .xm_title /txt_install_source put install.set.install.option } def % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Update install mode. % % ( ) ==> ( ) % /install.update { /xmenu xmenu.install def xmenu .xm_current get dup .inst_cdrom eq exch .inst_slp eq or { /install.last xmenu .xm_current get def install.set.install.option /window.action actRedrawPanel def } { install.dialog } ifelse } def % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Show install menu. % % ( ) => ( ) % /panel.install { "install_src" help.setcontext window.xmenu dup .xmenu xmenu.install put dup .xmenu.update /install.update put dup window.init window.show } def % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Return width of panel entry. % % ( ) => ( width ) % /panel.install.width { /xmenu xmenu.install def pmenu.width } def % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Redraw panel entry. % % ( panel ) => ( ) % /panel.install.update { /xmenu xmenu.install def pmenu.panel.update } def % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /install.dialog { /dia window.dialog def dia .text "" put xmenu .xm_current get dup .inst_ftp eq { dia .title txt_ftp_title put % Must all be of same size! dia .ed.list 4 array put dia .ed.buffer.list input.edit.ftp put dia .ed.text.list [ txt_server txt_directory txt_user1 txt_password ] put dia .ed.font font.normal put dia .ed.pw_field 3 put } if dup .inst_http eq { dia .title txt_http_title put % Must all be of same size! dia .ed.list 2 array put dia .ed.buffer.list input.edit.http put dia .ed.text.list [ txt_server txt_directory ] put } if dup .inst_nfs eq { dia .title txt_nfs_title put % Must all be of same size! dia .ed.list 2 array put dia .ed.buffer.list input.edit.nfs put dia .ed.text.list [ txt_server txt_directory ] put } if dup .inst_smb eq { dia .title txt_smb_title put % Must all be of same size! dia .ed.list 6 array put dia .ed.buffer.list input.edit.smb put dia .ed.text.list [ txt_server txt_share txt_directory txt_domain txt_user2 txt_password ] put dia .ed.font font.normal put dia .ed.pw_field 5 put } if dup .inst_hd eq { dia .title txt_harddisk_title put % Must all be of same size! dia .ed.list 2 array put dia .ed.buffer.list input.edit.hd put dia .ed.text.list [ txt_hd_diskdevice txt_directory ] put } if pop dia .ed.focus 0 put dia .ed.width 300 put dia .buttons [ button.ok button.default actInstallOK actNoClose or button.setaction button.cancel button.notdefault actInstallCancel button.setaction config.rtl { exch } if ] put dia window.init dia window.show } def /install.ok { /xmenu xmenu.install def window.done /install.last xmenu .xm_current get def /window.action actRedrawPanel def pmenu.update install.set.install.option } def /install.cancel { /xmenu xmenu.install def xmenu .xm_current install.last put } def % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Set 'install=' boot option. % % ( -- ) % /install.set.install.option { xmenu .xm_current get % default: .inst_cdrom install.option "" strcpy pop dup .inst_slp eq { install.option "install=slp:/" strcpy pop } if dup .inst_ftp eq { input.edit.ftp "install=ftp://" install.option sprintf % add user name & password dup 2 get "" ne { dup 2 get "%s" install.option dup length add sprintf dup 3 get "" ne { dup 3 get ":%s" install.option dup length add sprintf } if "@" install.option dup length add sprintf } if dup 1 get exch 0 get "%s/%s" install.option dup length add sprintf } if dup .inst_http eq { input.edit.http dup 1 get dup 0 get '/' eq { 1 add } if exch 0 get "install=http://%s/%s" install.option sprintf } if dup .inst_nfs eq { input.edit.nfs dup 1 get dup 0 get '/' eq { 1 add } if exch 0 get "install=nfs://%s/%s" install.option sprintf } if dup .inst_smb eq { input.edit.smb "install=smb://" install.option sprintf % add domain dup 3 get "" ne { dup 3 get "%s;" install.option dup length add sprintf } if % add user name & password dup 4 get "" ne { dup 4 get "%s" install.option dup length add sprintf dup 5 get "" ne { dup 5 get ":%s" install.option dup length add sprintf } if "@" install.option dup length add sprintf } if dup 2 get dup 0 get '/' eq { 1 add } if over 1 get rot 0 get "%s/%s/%s" install.option dup length add sprintf } if dup .inst_hd eq { input.edit.hd dup 1 get dup 0 get '/' eq { 1 add } if exch 0 get dup 0 get '/' eq { 1 add } if "install=hd://%s/%s" install.option sprintf } if pop } def % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Read default values. % % ( -- ) % /install.read.config { install.default dup "cdrom" eq { /install.last .inst_cdrom def } if dup "slp" eq { /install.last .inst_slp def } if dup "ftp" eq { /install.last .inst_ftp def } if dup "http" eq { /install.last .inst_http def } if dup "nfs" eq { /install.last .inst_nfs def } if dup "smb" eq { /install.last .inst_smb def } if dup "hd" eq { /install.last .inst_hd def } if pop input.edit.http 0 get install.http.server strcpy pop input.edit.http 1 get install.http.path strcpy pop input.edit.nfs 0 get install.nfs.server strcpy pop input.edit.nfs 1 get install.nfs.path strcpy pop input.edit.ftp 0 get install.ftp.server strcpy pop input.edit.ftp 1 get install.ftp.path strcpy pop input.edit.ftp 2 get install.ftp.user strcpy pop input.edit.ftp 3 get install.ftp.password strcpy pop input.edit.smb 0 get install.smb.server strcpy pop input.edit.smb 1 get install.smb.share strcpy pop input.edit.smb 2 get install.smb.path strcpy pop input.edit.smb 3 get install.smb.domain strcpy pop input.edit.smb 4 get install.smb.user strcpy pop input.edit.smb 5 get install.smb.password strcpy pop input.edit.hd 0 get install.hd.device strcpy pop input.edit.hd 1 get install.hd.path strcpy pop } def