[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkZktNHFhxC1kYA9KKdKpYJO4clq9WDsjE" nickname="Jason" subject="comment 4" date="2013-04-25T01:18:00Z" content=""" Oh! That might be it! During the whole \"I have two remotes with the name s3\" situation, it seems that both of them in my .git/config ended up with the same uuid, even though the original one had a different uuid. If I change it back, I end up getting an access denied when I try to `git annex get ...`. Progress! I thought that you were supposed to do a `git annex initremote s3` from a clone to enable a remote with the credentials stored in the repo. It seems that internally something still thinks that the \"s3\" remote has the new uuid. When I run that command it changes the uuid back to the new (invalid) one. Is there a way I can totally remove the bad s3 (which I've partially renamed to s3thefirst) remote from my history/repo (I'm pretty sure it's been synced back up to origin at this point) or properly rename it so it doesn't keep getting confused? Hopefully that will address my problem. """]]