[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkipQLNyt8RHREHpg2k5wdYeRSCCvSNSBg" nickname="Tim" subject="Just happened again" date="2014-01-16T16:23:00Z" content=""" This happened again and now I have this: lrwxr-xr-x 1 timmattison staff 197 Jan 16 11:18 distribute-client-applications.sh -> ../../../.git/annex/objects/JV/91/SHA256E-s921--51fc6a6e2924ff6e2673971b5786fe0f204a5984a700a2241cc77383f04f544e.sh/SHA256E-s921--51fc6a6e2924ff6e2673971b5786fe0f204a5984a700a2241cc77383f04f544e.sh This was on the machine that had the file, not a remote machine it was syncing to. I was editing the script, I ran it, the bash script segfaulted (expected), and then git-annex essentially deleted the file. Can you help me understand why this happens? It's obvious when it is a file I'm working on but I'm afraid it could be happening to other files and I don't know about it. """]]