# Using the dnsname plugin with Podman The *dnsname* plugin allows containers to resolve each other by name. The plugin adds each container's name to an instance of a dnsmasq server. The plugin is enabled through adding it to a network's CNI configuration. The containers will only be able to resolve each other if they are on the same CNI network. **Note**: This plugin does not work with rootless containers. This tutorial assumes you already have Podman, containernetworking-plugins, and a golang development environment installed. ## Install dnsmasq Using your package manager, install the *dnsmasq* package. For Fedora, this would be: `sudo dnf install dnsmasq` ## Build and install 1. using git, clone the *github.com/containers/dnsname* repository. 2. make install PREFIX=/usr -- this will install the dnsname plugin into /usr/libexec/cni where your CNI plugins should already exist. ## Configure a CNI network for Podman 1. Create a new network using `podman network create`. For example, `podman network create foobar` will suffice. The following example [configuration file](example/cni-podman1.conflist) shows a usable example for Podman. ## Example: container name resolution 1. sudo podman run -dt --name web --network foobar quay.io/libpod/alpine_nginx:latest 5139d65d22135e9ecab511559d863754550894a32285befd94dab231017048c2 Note: we use the --network foobar here. Also, in this test image, the nginx server will respond with *podman rulez* on an http request. 2. sudo podman run -it --name client --network cni-podman1 quay.io/libpod/alpine_nginx:latest curl http://web/ podman rulez ## Enabling name resolution on the default Podman network After making sure the *dnsplugin* is functioning properly, you can add name resolution to your default Podman network. This can be done two different ways: 1. Add the *dnsname* plugin as described in above to your default Podman network. This default network is usually `/etc/cni/net.d/87-podman-bridge.conflist`. 2. Add a new network as described above and then edit `/etc/containers/libpod.conf` and change the `cni_default_network` key to your network name.