top_* world files use the following world file format: 5.000000000000 (size of pixel in x direction) 0.000000000000 (rotation term for row) 0.000000000000 (rotation term for column) -5.000000000000 (size of pixel in y direction) 492169.690845528910 (x coordinate of upper left of upper left pixel) 5426523.318065105000 (y coordinate of upper left of upper left pixel) Projection is direct polar relative to lat/lon 0;0 but unit is meters. This gives sensible results if the map is used in e.g. qgis. circumference of the Earth at the equator = 40 075.017 km circumference of the Earth through the poles = 40 007.863 km map_* world files use the following world file format: 5000.000000000 (scale) 0.000000000000 (ignored) 0.000000000000 (ignored) -5000.00000000 (-scale) 49.690845528910 (longitude) 26.318065105000 (latitude) latitude, longitude and scale taken from map_koord.txt The above world file does not give sensible results in other GDAL applications it uses a special hard coded case.