Building the gutenprint Debian packages -*- mode: text -*- ======================================= Prerequisites ------------- The packages that must be installed to build the gutenprint packages are listed in the Build-Depends field of the control file debian/control[.in]. However, these are the prerequisites to build the Debianised source. Other packages may be needed if building directly from CVS; it is less likely other tools will be needed if building from a distributed tarball. Other tools that might potentially be needed are the latest versions of gettext, texi2html, docbook-utils and imagemagick. build-essential and devscripts should also be installed in order to build Debian packages. # apt-get build-dep gutenprint should do this automatically, if the gutenprint sources are available in your APT sources.list. Getting the source ------------------ Since 5.0.0 (and its prereleases), building from upstream CVS or the release tarball is no longer supported (and in fact, not even possible). The Debian packaging is only provided in the Debian diff. To get the source, run $ apt-get source gutenprint or download it from your nearest Debian mirror. Making changes -------------- If needed, modify debian/changelog to change the version numbering. The version number should be the same as the package version number, followed by a hyphen and a Debian package revision number e.g. 4.2.0-1 for release 4.2.0, Debian revision 1. Run $ debian/rules debian/control after changing the version number, to ensure the control file is up-to-date. If any source changes are required, please use dpatch, and place the patch under debian/patches. Once you have created a diff, create a dpatch as follows: dpatch patch-template -p '0n_patch_name' "Patch description" \ < mypatch.diff > debian/patches/0n_patch_name.dpatch and add "0n_patch_name.dpatch" to debian/patches/00list Building -------- To build the packages: $ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc or $ debuild -us -uc -L -i It should build without problems on Debian 3.1 (sarge) and unstable, but will no longer build on Debian 3.0 (woody) and earlier distributions. I hope you like it! Roger Leigh -- Sun, 14 Aug 2005 13:11:35 +0100