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The array is a simple "two-dimensional array of numbers" data structure. More...


typedef stp_array stp_array_t
 The array opaque data type.


stp_array_tstp_array_create (int x_size, int y_size)
 Create a new array.
void stp_array_destroy (stp_array_t *array)
 Destroy an array.
void stp_array_copy (stp_array_t *dest, const stp_array_t *source)
 Copy an array.
stp_array_tstp_array_create_copy (const stp_array_t *array)
 Copy and allocate an array.
void stp_array_set_size (stp_array_t *array, int x_size, int y_size)
 Resize an array.
void stp_array_get_size (const stp_array_t *array, int *x_size, int *y_size)
 Get the size of an array.
void stp_array_set_data (stp_array_t *array, const double *data)
 Set the data in an array.
void stp_array_get_data (const stp_array_t *array, size_t *size, const double **data)
 Get the data in an array.
int stp_array_set_point (stp_array_t *array, int x, int y, double data)
 Set the data at a single point in the array.
int stp_array_get_point (const stp_array_t *array, int x, int y, double *data)
 Get the data at a single point in the array.
const stp_sequence_tstp_array_get_sequence (const stp_array_t *array)
 Get the underlying stp_sequence_t.

Detailed Description

The array is a simple "two-dimensional array of numbers" data structure.

array "inherits" from the sequence data structure (implemented via containment).

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct stp_array stp_array_t

The array opaque data type.

Function Documentation

void stp_array_copy stp_array_t dest,
const stp_array_t source

Copy an array.

Both dest and source must be valid arrays previously created with stp_array_create().

dest the destination array.
source the source array.

stp_array_t* stp_array_create int  x_size,
int  y_size

Create a new array.

The total size of the array will be (x_size * y_size).

x_size the number of "columns".
y_size the number of "rows".
the newly created array.

stp_array_t* stp_array_create_copy const stp_array_t array  ) 

Copy and allocate an array.

dest will be created, and then the contents of source will be copied into it. dest must not have been previously allocated with stp_array_create().

array the source array.
the new copy of the array.

void stp_array_destroy stp_array_t array  ) 

Destroy an array.

It is an error to destroy the array more than once.

array the array to destroy.

void stp_array_get_data const stp_array_t array,
size_t *  size,
const double **  data

Get the data in an array.

array the array to get the data from.
size the number of elements in the array (x_size * y_size) are stored in the size_t pointed to.
data a pointer to the first element of an array of doubles is stored in a pointer to double*.
 stp_array_t *array;
 size_t size;
 double *data;
 stp_array_get_data(array, &size, &data);

int stp_array_get_point const stp_array_t array,
int  x,
int  y,
double *  data

Get the data at a single point in the array.

array the array to use.
x the x location.
y the y location.
data the datum is stored in the double pointed to.
1 on success, 0 on failure.

const stp_sequence_t* stp_array_get_sequence const stp_array_t array  ) 

Get the underlying stp_sequence_t.

array the array to use.
the (constant) stp_sequence_t.

void stp_array_get_size const stp_array_t array,
int *  x_size,
int *  y_size

Get the size of an array.

The current x and y sizes are stored in the integers pointed to by x_size and y_size.

array the array to get the size of.
x_size a pointer to an integer to store the x size in.
y_size a pointer to an integer to store the y size in.

void stp_array_set_data stp_array_t array,
const double *  data

Set the data in an array.

array the array to set.
data a pointer to the first member of an array containing the data to set. This array must be at least as long as (x_size * y_size).

int stp_array_set_point stp_array_t array,
int  x,
int  y,
double  data

Set the data at a single point in the array.

array the array to use.
x the x location.
y the y location.
data the datum to set.
1 on success, 0 on failure.

void stp_array_set_size stp_array_t array,
int  x_size,
int  y_size

Resize an array.

Resizing an array will destroy all data stored in the array.

array the array to resize.
x_size the new number of "columns".
y_size the new number of "rows".

Generated on Sun May 14 12:15:57 2006 for libgutenprint API Reference by  doxygen 1.4.4