
The curve type models a linear, spline or gamma curve. More...

Data Structures

struct  stp_curve_point_t
 Point (x,y) for piecewise curve. More...


typedef stp_curve stp_curve_t
 The curve opaque data type.


 Curve types. More...
enum  stp_curve_wrap_mode_t { STP_CURVE_WRAP_NONE, STP_CURVE_WRAP_AROUND }
 Wrapping mode. More...
 Composition types. More...
 Behaviour when curve exceeds bounds. More...


stp_curve_tstp_curve_create (stp_curve_wrap_mode_t wrap)
 Create a new curve.
stp_curve_tstp_curve_create_copy (const stp_curve_t *curve)
 Copy and allocate an curve.
void stp_curve_copy (stp_curve_t *dest, const stp_curve_t *source)
 Copy an curve.
void stp_curve_destroy (stp_curve_t *curve)
 Destroy an curve.
int stp_curve_set_bounds (stp_curve_t *curve, double low, double high)
 Set the lower and upper bounds on a curve.
void stp_curve_get_bounds (const stp_curve_t *curve, double *low, double *high)
 Get the lower and upper bounds on a curve.
stp_curve_wrap_mode_t stp_curve_get_wrap (const stp_curve_t *curve)
 Get the wrapping mode.
int stp_curve_is_piecewise (const stp_curve_t *curve)
 Determine whether the curve is piecewise.
void stp_curve_get_range (const stp_curve_t *curve, double *low, double *high)
size_t stp_curve_count_points (const stp_curve_t *curve)
 Get the number of allocated points in the curve.
int stp_curve_set_interpolation_type (stp_curve_t *curve, stp_curve_type_t itype)
 Set the curve interpolation type.
stp_curve_type_t stp_curve_get_interpolation_type (const stp_curve_t *curve)
 Get the curve interpolation type.
int stp_curve_set_data (stp_curve_t *curve, size_t count, const double *data)
 Set all data points of the curve.
int stp_curve_set_data_points (stp_curve_t *curve, size_t count, const stp_curve_point_t *data)
 Set all data points of the curve.
int stp_curve_set_float_data (stp_curve_t *curve, size_t count, const float *data)
 Set the data points in a curve from float values.
int stp_curve_set_long_data (stp_curve_t *curve, size_t count, const long *data)
 Set the data points in a curve from long values.
int stp_curve_set_ulong_data (stp_curve_t *curve, size_t count, const unsigned long *data)
 Set the data points in a curve from unsigned long values.
int stp_curve_set_int_data (stp_curve_t *curve, size_t count, const int *data)
 Set the data points in a curve from integer values.
int stp_curve_set_uint_data (stp_curve_t *curve, size_t count, const unsigned int *data)
 Set the data points in a curve from unsigned integer values.
int stp_curve_set_short_data (stp_curve_t *curve, size_t count, const short *data)
 Set the data points in a curve from short values.
int stp_curve_set_ushort_data (stp_curve_t *curve, size_t count, const unsigned short *data)
 Set the data points in a curve from unsigned short values.
stp_curve_tstp_curve_get_subrange (const stp_curve_t *curve, size_t start, size_t count)
 Get a curve containing a subrange of data.
int stp_curve_set_subrange (stp_curve_t *curve, const stp_curve_t *range, size_t start)
const double * stp_curve_get_data (const stp_curve_t *curve, size_t *count)
 Get a pointer to the curve's raw data.
const stp_curve_point_tstp_curve_get_data_points (const stp_curve_t *curve, size_t *count)
 Get a pointer to the curve's raw data as points.
const float * stp_curve_get_float_data (const stp_curve_t *curve, size_t *count)
 Get pointer to the curve's raw data as floats.
const long * stp_curve_get_long_data (const stp_curve_t *curve, size_t *count)
 Get pointer to the curve's raw data as longs.
const unsigned long * stp_curve_get_ulong_data (const stp_curve_t *curve, size_t *count)
 Get pointer to the curve's raw data as unsigned longs.
const int * stp_curve_get_int_data (const stp_curve_t *curve, size_t *count)
 Get pointer to the curve's raw data as integers.
const unsigned int * stp_curve_get_uint_data (const stp_curve_t *curve, size_t *count)
 Get pointer to the curve's raw data as unsigned integers.
const short * stp_curve_get_short_data (const stp_curve_t *curve, size_t *count)
 Get pointer to the curve's raw data as shorts.
const unsigned short * stp_curve_get_ushort_data (const stp_curve_t *curve, size_t *count)
 Get pointer to the curve's raw data as unsigned shorts.
const stp_sequence_tstp_curve_get_sequence (const stp_curve_t *curve)
 Get the underlying stp_sequence_t data structure which stp_curve_t is derived from.
int stp_curve_set_gamma (stp_curve_t *curve, double f_gamma)
 Set the gamma of a curve.
double stp_curve_get_gamma (const stp_curve_t *curve)
 Get the gamma value of the curve.
int stp_curve_set_point (stp_curve_t *curve, size_t where, double data)
 Set a point along the curve.
int stp_curve_get_point (const stp_curve_t *curve, size_t where, double *data)
 Get a point along the curve.
int stp_curve_interpolate_value (const stp_curve_t *curve, double where, double *result)
 Interpolate a point along the curve.
int stp_curve_resample (stp_curve_t *curve, size_t points)
 Resample a curve (change the number of points).
int stp_curve_rescale (stp_curve_t *curve, double scale, stp_curve_compose_t mode, stp_curve_bounds_t bounds_mode)
 Rescale a curve (multiply all points by a scaling constant).
int stp_curve_write (FILE *file, const stp_curve_t *curve)
 Write a curve to a file.
char * stp_curve_write_string (const stp_curve_t *curve)
 Write a curve to a string.
stp_curve_tstp_curve_create_from_stream (FILE *fp)
 Create a curve from a stream.
stp_curve_tstp_curve_create_from_file (const char *file)
 Create a curve from a stream.
stp_curve_tstp_curve_create_from_string (const char *string)
 Create a curve from a string.
int stp_curve_compose (stp_curve_t **retval, stp_curve_t *a, stp_curve_t *b, stp_curve_compose_t mode, int points)
 Compose two curves, creating a third curve.

Detailed Description

The curve type models a linear, spline or gamma curve.

curve "inherits" from the sequence data structure (implemented via containment), since the curve data is represented internally as a sequence of numbers, for linear and spline curves. Linear Piecewise Curves (LPCs) should be implemented in the future which represent a curve in a more compact format.

Various operations are supported, including interpolation and composition.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct stp_curve stp_curve_t

The curve opaque data type.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum stp_curve_bounds_t

Behaviour when curve exceeds bounds.

STP_CURVE_BOUNDS_RESCALE  Rescale the bounds.

STP_CURVE_BOUNDS_CLIP  Clip the curve to the existing bounds.

STP_CURVE_BOUNDS_ERROR  Error if bounds are violated.

enum stp_curve_compose_t

Composition types.

STP_CURVE_COMPOSE_ADD  Add composition.

STP_CURVE_COMPOSE_MULTIPLY  Multiply composition.

STP_CURVE_COMPOSE_EXPONENTIATE  Exponentiate composition.

enum stp_curve_type_t

Curve types.

STP_CURVE_TYPE_LINEAR  Linear interpolation.

STP_CURVE_TYPE_SPLINE  Spline interpolation.

enum stp_curve_wrap_mode_t

Wrapping mode.

STP_CURVE_WRAP_NONE  The curve does not wrap.
STP_CURVE_WRAP_AROUND  The curve wraps to its starting point.

Function Documentation

int stp_curve_compose ( stp_curve_t **  retval,
stp_curve_t a,
stp_curve_t b,
stp_curve_compose_t  mode,
int  points 

Compose two curves, creating a third curve.

Only add and multiply composition is currently supported. If both curves are gamma curves with the same sign, and the operation is multiplication or division, the returned curve is a gamma curve with the appropriate number of points. Both a and b must have the same wraparound type.

retval a pointer to store the location of the newly-created output curve in.
a the first source curve.
b the second source curve.
mode the composition mode.
points the number of points in the output curve (must not exceed 1048576). It must be at least two, unless the curve is a gamma curve and the operation chosen is multiplication or division. If -1, the resulting number of points will be the least common multiplier of the number of points in the input and output curves (but will not exceed 1048576).
FALSE if element-wise composition fails.

void stp_curve_copy ( stp_curve_t dest,
const stp_curve_t source 

Copy an curve.

Both dest and source must be valid curves previously created with stp_curve_create().

dest the destination curve.
source the source curve.

size_t stp_curve_count_points ( const stp_curve_t curve  ) 

Get the number of allocated points in the curve.

curve the curve to use.
the number of points.

stp_curve_t* stp_curve_create ( stp_curve_wrap_mode_t  wrap  ) 

Create a new curve.

Curves have y=lower..upper. The default bounds are 0..1. The default interpolation type is linear. There are no points allocated, and the gamma is defaulted to 1. The curve is a dense (equally-spaced) curve.

A wrapped curve has the same value at x=0 and x=1. The wrap mode of a curve cannot be changed except by routines that destroy the old curve entirely (e. g. stp_curve_copy, stp_curve_read).

wrap the wrap mode of the curve.
the newly created curve.

stp_curve_t* stp_curve_create_copy ( const stp_curve_t curve  ) 

Copy and allocate an curve.

dest will be created, and then the contents of source will be copied into it. dest must not have been previously allocated with stp_curve_create().

curve the source curve.
the new copy of the curve.

stp_curve_t* stp_curve_create_from_file ( const char *  file  ) 

Create a curve from a stream.

NOTE that these calls are not thread-safe! These routines may manipulate the locale to achieve a safe representation.
file the file to read.
the newly created curve, or NULL if an error occured.

stp_curve_t* stp_curve_create_from_stream ( FILE *  fp  ) 

Create a curve from a stream.

NOTE that these calls are not thread-safe! These routines may manipulate the locale to achieve a safe representation.
fp the stream to read.
the newly created curve, or NULL if an error occured.

stp_curve_t* stp_curve_create_from_string ( const char *  string  ) 

Create a curve from a string.

NOTE that these calls are not thread-safe! These routines may manipulate the locale to achieve a safe representation.
string the string to read.
the newly created curve, or NULL if an error occured.

void stp_curve_destroy ( stp_curve_t curve  ) 

Destroy an curve.

It is an error to destroy the curve more than once.

curve the curve to destroy.

void stp_curve_get_bounds ( const stp_curve_t curve,
double *  low,
double *  high 

Get the lower and upper bounds on a curve.

curve the curve to use.
low a pointer to a double to store the lower bound in.
high a pointer to a double to store the upper bound in.

const double* stp_curve_get_data ( const stp_curve_t curve,
size_t *  count 

Get a pointer to the curve's raw data.

curve the curve to use.
count a pointer to a size_t to store the curve size in.
a pointer to the curve data. This data is not guaranteed to be valid beyond the next non-const curve call. If the curve is a pure gamma curve (no associated points), NULL is returned and the count is 0. This call also returns NULL if the curve is a piecewise curve.

const stp_curve_point_t* stp_curve_get_data_points ( const stp_curve_t curve,
size_t *  count 

Get a pointer to the curve's raw data as points.

curve the curve to use.
count a pointer to a size_t to store the curve size in.
a pointer to the curve data. This data is not guaranteed to be valid beyond the next non-const curve call. If the curve is a pure gamma curve (no associated points), NULL is returned and the count is 0. This call also returns NULL if the curve is a dense (equally-spaced) curve.

const float* stp_curve_get_float_data ( const stp_curve_t curve,
size_t *  count 

Get pointer to the curve's raw data as floats.

curve the curve to use.
count a pointer to a size_t to store the curve size in.
a pointer to the curve data. This data is not guaranteed to be valid beyond the next non-const curve call. If the curve is a pure gamma curve (no associated points), NULL is returned and the count is 0. This also returns NULL if the curve is a piecewise curve.

double stp_curve_get_gamma ( const stp_curve_t curve  ) 

Get the gamma value of the curve.

the gamma value. A value of 0 indicates that the curve does not have a valid gamma value.

const int* stp_curve_get_int_data ( const stp_curve_t curve,
size_t *  count 

Get pointer to the curve's raw data as integers.

curve the curve to use.
count a pointer to a size_t to store the curve size in.
a pointer to the curve data. This data is not guaranteed to be valid beyond the next non-const curve call. If the curve is a pure gamma curve (no associated points), NULL is returned and the count is 0. This also returns NULL if the curve is a piecewise curve.

stp_curve_type_t stp_curve_get_interpolation_type ( const stp_curve_t curve  ) 

Get the curve interpolation type.

curve the curve to use.
the interpolation type.

const long* stp_curve_get_long_data ( const stp_curve_t curve,
size_t *  count 

Get pointer to the curve's raw data as longs.

curve the curve to use.
count a pointer to a size_t to store the curve size in.
a pointer to the curve data. This data is not guaranteed to be valid beyond the next non-const curve call. If the curve is a pure gamma curve (no associated points), NULL is returned and the count is 0. This also returns NULL if the curve is a piecewise curve.

int stp_curve_get_point ( const stp_curve_t curve,
size_t  where,
double *  data 

Get a point along the curve.

curve the curve to use.
where the point to get.
data a pointer to a double to store the value of where in.
FALSE if where is outside of the number of valid points. This also returns NULL if the curve is a piecewise curve.

void stp_curve_get_range ( const stp_curve_t curve,
double *  low,
double *  high 

const stp_sequence_t* stp_curve_get_sequence ( const stp_curve_t curve  ) 

Get the underlying stp_sequence_t data structure which stp_curve_t is derived from.

This can be used for fast access to the raw data.

curve the curve to use.
the stp_sequence_t. If the curve is a piecewise curve, the sequence returned is NULL;

const short* stp_curve_get_short_data ( const stp_curve_t curve,
size_t *  count 

Get pointer to the curve's raw data as shorts.

curve the curve to use.
count a pointer to a size_t to store the curve size in.
a pointer to the curve data. This data is not guaranteed to be valid beyond the next non-const curve call. If the curve is a pure gamma curve (no associated points), NULL is returned and the count is 0. This also returns NULL if the curve is a piecewise curve.

stp_curve_t* stp_curve_get_subrange ( const stp_curve_t curve,
size_t  start,
size_t  count 

Get a curve containing a subrange of data.

If the start or count is invalid, the returned curve will compare equal to NULL (i. e. it will be a null pointer). start and count must not exceed the number of points in the curve, and count must be at least 2. The curve must be a dense (equally-spaced) curve

curve the curve to use.
start the start of the subrange.
count the number of point starting at start.
a curve containing the subrange. The returned curve is non-wrapping.

const unsigned int* stp_curve_get_uint_data ( const stp_curve_t curve,
size_t *  count 

Get pointer to the curve's raw data as unsigned integers.

curve the curve to use.
count a pointer to a size_t to store the curve size in.
a pointer to the curve data. This data is not guaranteed to be valid beyond the next non-const curve call. If the curve is a pure gamma curve (no associated points), NULL is returned and the count is 0. This also returns NULL if the curve is a piecewise curve.

const unsigned long* stp_curve_get_ulong_data ( const stp_curve_t curve,
size_t *  count 

Get pointer to the curve's raw data as unsigned longs.

curve the curve to use.
count a pointer to a size_t to store the curve size in.
a pointer to the curve data. This data is not guaranteed to be valid beyond the next non-const curve call. If the curve is a pure gamma curve (no associated points), NULL is returned and the count is 0. This also returns NULL if the curve is a piecewise curve.

const unsigned short* stp_curve_get_ushort_data ( const stp_curve_t curve,
size_t *  count 

Get pointer to the curve's raw data as unsigned shorts.

curve the curve to use.
count a pointer to a size_t to store the curve size in.
a pointer to the curve data. This data is not guaranteed to be valid beyond the next non-const curve call. If the curve is a pure gamma curve (no associated points), NULL is returned and the count is 0. This also returns NULL if the curve is a piecewise curve.

stp_curve_wrap_mode_t stp_curve_get_wrap ( const stp_curve_t curve  ) 

Get the wrapping mode.

curve the curve to use.
the wrapping mode.

int stp_curve_interpolate_value ( const stp_curve_t curve,
double  where,
double *  result 

Interpolate a point along the curve.

curve the curve to use.
where the point to interpolate.
result a pointer to double to store the value of where in. If interpolation would produce a value outside of the allowed range (as could happen with spline interpolation), the value is clipped to the range.
FALSE if 'where' is less than 0 or greater than the number of points, an error is returned. Also returns FALSE if the curve is a piecewise curve.

int stp_curve_is_piecewise ( const stp_curve_t curve  ) 

Determine whether the curve is piecewise.

curve the curve to use.
whether the curve is piecewise

int stp_curve_resample ( stp_curve_t curve,
size_t  points 

Resample a curve (change the number of points).

This does not destroy the gamma value of a curve. Points are interpolated as required; any interpolation that would place points outside of the bounds of the curve will be clipped to the bounds. The resulting curve is always dense (equally-spaced). This is the correct way to convert a piecewise curve to an equally-spaced curve.

curve the curve to use (must not exceed 1048576).
points the number of points.
FALSE if the number of points is invalid (less than two, except that zero points is permitted for a gamma curve).

int stp_curve_rescale ( stp_curve_t curve,
double  scale,
stp_curve_compose_t  mode,
stp_curve_bounds_t  bounds_mode 

Rescale a curve (multiply all points by a scaling constant).

This also rescales the bounds. Note that this currently destroys the gamma property of the curve.

curve the curve to use.
scale the scaling factor.
mode the composition mode.
bounds_mode the bounds exceeding mode.
FALSE if this would exceed floating point limits

int stp_curve_set_bounds ( stp_curve_t curve,
double  low,
double  high 

Set the lower and upper bounds on a curve.

To change the bounds adjusting data as required, use stp_curve_rescale instead.

curve the curve to use.
low the lower bound.
high the upper bound.
FALSE if any existing points on the curve are outside the bounds.

int stp_curve_set_data ( stp_curve_t curve,
size_t  count,
const double *  data 

Set all data points of the curve.

If any of the data points fall outside the bounds, the operation is not performed and FALSE is returned. This creates a curve with equally-spaced points.

curve the curve to use.
count the number of points (must be at least two and not more than 1048576).
data a pointer to an array of doubles (must be at least count in size).
1 on success, 0 on failure.

int stp_curve_set_data_points ( stp_curve_t curve,
size_t  count,
const stp_curve_point_t data 

Set all data points of the curve.

If any of the data points fall outside the bounds, the operation is not performed and FALSE is returned. This creates a piecewise curve.

curve the curve to use.
count the number of points (must be at least two and not more than 1048576).
data a pointer to an array of points (must be at least count in size). The first point must have X=0, and each point must have an X value at least .000001 greater than the previous point. If the curve is not a wraparound curve, the last point must have X=1.
1 on success, 0 on failure.

int stp_curve_set_float_data ( stp_curve_t curve,
size_t  count,
const float *  data 

Set the data points in a curve from float values.

If any of the data points fall outside the bounds, the operation is not performed and FALSE is returned. This creates a curve with equally-spaced points.

curve the curve to use.
count the number of the number of points (must be at least two and not more than 1048576).
data a pointer to an array of floats (must be at least count in size).
1 on success, 0 on failure.

int stp_curve_set_gamma ( stp_curve_t curve,
double  f_gamma 

Set the gamma of a curve.

This replaces all existing points along the curve. The bounds are set to 0..1. If the gamma value is positive, the function is increasing; if negative, the function is decreasing. Count must be either 0 or at least 2. If the count is zero, the gamma of the curve is set for interpolation purposes, but points cannot be assigned to. It is illegal to set gamma on a wrap-mode curve. The resulting curve is treated as a dense (equally-spaced) curve.

curve the curve to use.
f_gamma the gamma value to set.
FALSE if the gamma value is illegal (0, infinity, or NaN), or if the curve wraps around.

int stp_curve_set_int_data ( stp_curve_t curve,
size_t  count,
const int *  data 

Set the data points in a curve from integer values.

If any of the data points fall outside the bounds, the operation is not performed and FALSE is returned. This creates a curve with equally-spaced points.

curve the curve to use.
count the number of the number of points (must be at least two and not more than 1048576).
data a pointer to an array of integers (must be at least count in size).
1 on success, 0 on failure.

int stp_curve_set_interpolation_type ( stp_curve_t curve,
stp_curve_type_t  itype 

Set the curve interpolation type.

curve the curve to use.
itype the interpolation type.
1 on success, or 0 if itype is invalid.

int stp_curve_set_long_data ( stp_curve_t curve,
size_t  count,
const long *  data 

Set the data points in a curve from long values.

If any of the data points fall outside the bounds, the operation is not performed and FALSE is returned. This creates a curve with equally-spaced points.

curve the curve to use.
count the number of the number of points (must be at least two and not more than 1048576).
data a pointer to an array of longs (must be at least count in size).
1 on success, 0 on failure.

int stp_curve_set_point ( stp_curve_t curve,
size_t  where,
double  data 

Set a point along the curve.

This call destroys any gamma value assigned to the curve.

curve the curve to use.
where the point to set.
data the value to set where to.
FALSE if data is outside the valid bounds or if where is outside the number of valid points. This also returns NULL if the curve is a piecewise curve.

int stp_curve_set_short_data ( stp_curve_t curve,
size_t  count,
const short *  data 

Set the data points in a curve from short values.

If any of the data points fall outside the bounds, the operation is not performed and FALSE is returned. This creates a curve with equally-spaced points.

curve the curve to use.
count the number of the number of points (must be at least two and not more than 1048576).
data a pointer to an array of shorts (must be at least count in size).
1 on success, 0 on failure.

int stp_curve_set_subrange ( stp_curve_t curve,
const stp_curve_t range,
size_t  start 

int stp_curve_set_uint_data ( stp_curve_t curve,
size_t  count,
const unsigned int *  data 

Set the data points in a curve from unsigned integer values.

If any of the data points fall outside the bounds, the operation is not performed and FALSE is returned. This creates a curve with equally-spaced points.

curve the curve to use.
count the number of the number of points (must be at least two and not more than 1048576).
data a pointer to an array of unsigned integers (must be at least count in size).
1 on success, 0 on failure.

int stp_curve_set_ulong_data ( stp_curve_t curve,
size_t  count,
const unsigned long *  data 

Set the data points in a curve from unsigned long values.

If any of the data points fall outside the bounds, the operation is not performed and FALSE is returned. This creates a curve with equally-spaced points.

curve the curve to use.
count the number of the number of points (must be at least two and not more than 1048576).
data a pointer to an array of unsigned longs (must be at least count in size).
1 on success, 0 on failure.

int stp_curve_set_ushort_data ( stp_curve_t curve,
size_t  count,
const unsigned short *  data 

Set the data points in a curve from unsigned short values.

If any of the data points fall outside the bounds, the operation is not performed and FALSE is returned. This creates a curve with equally-spaced points.

curve the curve to use.
count the number of the number of points (must be at least two and not more than 1048576).
data a pointer to an array of unsigned shorts (must be at least count in size).
1 on success, 0 on failure.

int stp_curve_write ( FILE *  file,
const stp_curve_t curve 

Write a curve to a file.

The printable representation is guaranteed to contain only 7-bit printable ASCII characters, and is null-terminated. The curve will not contain any space, newline, single quote, or comma characters. Furthermore, a printed curve will be read back correctly in all locales. These calls are not guaranteed to provide more than 6 decimal places of precision or +/-0.5e-6 accuracy, whichever is less.

NOTE that these calls are not thread-safe! These routines may manipulate the locale to achieve a safe representation.
file the file to write.
curve the curve to use.
1 on success, 0 on failure.

char* stp_curve_write_string ( const stp_curve_t curve  ) 

Write a curve to a string.

The printable representation is guaranteed to contain only 7-bit printable ASCII characters, and is null-terminated. The curve will not contain any space, newline, or comma characters. Furthermore, a printed curve will be read back correctly in all locales. These calls are not guaranteed to provide more than 6 decimal places of precision or +/-0.5e-6 accuracy, whichever is less.

NOTE that these calls are not thread-safe! These routines may manipulate the locale to achieve a safe representation.
curve the curve to use.
a pointer to a string. This is allocated on the heap, and it is the caller's responsibility to free it.

Generated on Sun Jun 17 11:45:12 2007 for libgutenprint API Reference by  doxygen 1.5.2