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The list data type implements a fast generic doubly-linked list. More...


typedef stp_list_item stp_list_item_t
 The list item opaque data type.
typedef stp_list stp_list_t
 The list opaque data type.
typedef void(* stp_node_freefunc )(void *)
 A callback function to free the data a node contains.
typedef void *(* stp_node_copyfunc )(const void *)
 A callback function to copy the data a node contains.
typedef const char *(* stp_node_namefunc )(const void *)
 A callback function to get the name of a node.
typedef int(* stp_node_sortfunc )(const void *, const void *)
 A callback function to compare two nodes.


void stp_list_node_free_data (void *item)
 Free node data allocated with stp_malloc.
stp_list_tstp_list_create (void)
 Create a new list object.
stp_list_tstp_list_copy (const stp_list_t *list)
 Copy and allocate a list object.
int stp_list_destroy (stp_list_t *list)
 Destroy a list object.
stp_list_item_tstp_list_get_start (const stp_list_t *list)
 Find the first item in a list.
stp_list_item_tstp_list_get_end (const stp_list_t *list)
 Find the last item in a list.
stp_list_item_tstp_list_get_item_by_index (const stp_list_t *list, int idx)
 Find an item in a list by its index.
stp_list_item_tstp_list_get_item_by_name (const stp_list_t *list, const char *name)
 Find an item in a list by its name.
stp_list_item_tstp_list_get_item_by_long_name (const stp_list_t *list, const char *long_name)
 Find an item in a list by its long name.
int stp_list_get_length (const stp_list_t *list)
 Get the length of a list.
void stp_list_set_freefunc (stp_list_t *list, stp_node_freefunc freefunc)
 Set a list node free function.
stp_node_freefunc stp_list_get_freefunc (const stp_list_t *list)
 Get a list node free function.
void stp_list_set_copyfunc (stp_list_t *list, stp_node_copyfunc copyfunc)
 Set a list node copy function.
stp_node_copyfunc stp_list_get_copyfunc (const stp_list_t *list)
 Get a list node copy function.
void stp_list_set_namefunc (stp_list_t *list, stp_node_namefunc namefunc)
 Set a list node name function.
stp_node_namefunc stp_list_get_namefunc (const stp_list_t *list)
 Get a list node name function.
void stp_list_set_long_namefunc (stp_list_t *list, stp_node_namefunc long_namefunc)
 Set a list node long name function.
stp_node_namefunc stp_list_get_long_namefunc (const stp_list_t *list)
 Get a list node long name function.
void stp_list_set_sortfunc (stp_list_t *list, stp_node_sortfunc sortfunc)
 Set a list node sort function.
stp_node_sortfunc stp_list_get_sortfunc (const stp_list_t *list)
 Get a list node sort function.
int stp_list_item_create (stp_list_t *list, stp_list_item_t *next, const void *data)
 Create a new list item.
int stp_list_item_destroy (stp_list_t *list, stp_list_item_t *item)
 Destroy a list item.
stp_list_item_tstp_list_item_prev (const stp_list_item_t *item)
 Get the previous item in the list.
stp_list_item_tstp_list_item_next (const stp_list_item_t *item)
 Get the next item in the list.
void * stp_list_item_get_data (const stp_list_item_t *item)
 Get the data associated with a list item.
int stp_list_item_set_data (stp_list_item_t *item, void *data)
 Set the data associated with a list item.

Detailed Description

The list data type implements a fast generic doubly-linked list.

It supports all of the operations you might want in a list (insert, remove, iterate over the list, copy whole lists), plus some (optional) less common features: finding items by index, name or long name, and sorting. These should also be fairly fast, due to caching in the list head.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct stp_list_item stp_list_item_t

The list item opaque data type.

This object is a node in the list.

typedef struct stp_list stp_list_t

The list opaque data type.

This object represents the list as a whole.

typedef void*(* stp_node_copyfunc)(const void *)

A callback function to copy the data a node contains.

The parameter is a pointer to the node data. The return value is a pointer to the new copy of the data.

typedef void(* stp_node_freefunc)(void *)

A callback function to free the data a node contains.

The parameter is a pointer to the node data.

typedef const char*(* stp_node_namefunc)(const void *)

A callback function to get the name of a node.

The parameter is a pointer to the node data. The return value is a pointer to the name of the node, or NULL if there is no name.

typedef int(* stp_node_sortfunc)(const void *, const void *)

A callback function to compare two nodes.

The two parameters are pointers to node data. The return value is <0 if the first sorts before the second, 0 if they sort identically, and >0 if the first sorts after the second.

Function Documentation

stp_list_t* stp_list_copy const stp_list_t list  ) 

Copy and allocate a list object.

list must be a valid list object previously created with stp_list_create().

list the list to copy.
a pointer to the new copy of the list.

stp_list_t* stp_list_create void   ) 

Create a new list object.

the newly created list object.

int stp_list_destroy stp_list_t list  ) 

Destroy a list object.

It is an error to destroy the list more than once.

list the list to destroy.
0 on success, 1 on failure.

stp_node_copyfunc stp_list_get_copyfunc const stp_list_t list  ) 

Get a list node copy function.

list the list to use.
the function previously set with stp_list_set_copyfunc, or NULL if no function has been set.

stp_list_item_t* stp_list_get_end const stp_list_t list  ) 

Find the last item in a list.

list the list to use.
a pointer to the last list item, or NULL if the list is empty.

stp_node_freefunc stp_list_get_freefunc const stp_list_t list  ) 

Get a list node free function.

list the list to use.
the function previously set with stp_list_set_freefunc, or NULL if no function has been set.

stp_list_item_t* stp_list_get_item_by_index const stp_list_t list,
int  idx

Find an item in a list by its index.

list the list to use.
idx the index to find.
a pointer to the list item, or NULL if the index is invalid or the list is empty.

stp_list_item_t* stp_list_get_item_by_long_name const stp_list_t list,
const char *  long_name

Find an item in a list by its long name.

list the list to use.
long_name the long name to find.
a pointer to the list item, or NULL if the long name is invalid or the list is empty.

stp_list_item_t* stp_list_get_item_by_name const stp_list_t list,
const char *  name

Find an item in a list by its name.

list the list to use.
name the name to find.
a pointer to the list item, or NULL if the name is invalid or the list is empty.

int stp_list_get_length const stp_list_t list  ) 

Get the length of a list.

list the list to use.
the list length (number of list items).

stp_node_namefunc stp_list_get_long_namefunc const stp_list_t list  ) 

Get a list node long name function.

list the list to use.
the function previously set with stp_list_set_long_namefunc, or NULL if no function has been set.

stp_node_namefunc stp_list_get_namefunc const stp_list_t list  ) 

Get a list node name function.

list the list to use.
the function previously set with stp_list_set_namefunc, or NULL if no function has been set.

stp_node_sortfunc stp_list_get_sortfunc const stp_list_t list  ) 

Get a list node sort function.

list the list to use.
the function previously set with stp_list_set_sortfunc, or NULL if no function has been set.

stp_list_item_t* stp_list_get_start const stp_list_t list  ) 

Find the first item in a list.

list the list to use.
a pointer to the first list item, or NULL if the list is empty.

int stp_list_item_create stp_list_t list,
stp_list_item_t next,
const void *  data

Create a new list item.

list the list to use.
next the next item in the list, or NULL to insert at the end of the list.
data the data the list item will contain.
0 on success, 1 on failure (if data is NULL, for example).

int stp_list_item_destroy stp_list_t list,
stp_list_item_t item

Destroy a list item.

list the list to use.
item the item to destroy.
0 on success, 1 on failure.

void* stp_list_item_get_data const stp_list_item_t item  ) 

Get the data associated with a list item.

item the list item to use.
the data associated with item.

stp_list_item_t* stp_list_item_next const stp_list_item_t item  ) 

Get the next item in the list.

item the item to start from.
a pointer to the list item following from item, or NULL if item is the end of the list.

stp_list_item_t* stp_list_item_prev const stp_list_item_t item  ) 

Get the previous item in the list.

item the item to start from.
a pointer to the list item prior to item, or NULL if item is the start of the list.

int stp_list_item_set_data stp_list_item_t item,
void *  data

Set the data associated with a list item.

Note that if a sortfunc is in use, changing the data will NOT re-sort the list!
item the list item to use.
data the data to set.
0 on success, 1 on failure (if data is NULL).

void stp_list_node_free_data void *  item  ) 

Free node data allocated with stp_malloc.

This function is indended for use as an stp_node_freefunc, which uses stp_free to free the node data.

item the node data to free

void stp_list_set_copyfunc stp_list_t list,
stp_node_copyfunc  copyfunc

Set a list node copy function.

This callback function will be called whenever a list item is copied. Its intended use is for automatic object copying (since C lacks a copy constructor).

list the list to use.
copyfunc the function to set.

void stp_list_set_freefunc stp_list_t list,
stp_node_freefunc  freefunc

Set a list node free function.

This callback function will be called whenever a list item is destroyed. Its intended use is for automatic object destruction and any other cleanup required.

list the list to use.
freefunc the function to set.

void stp_list_set_long_namefunc stp_list_t list,
stp_node_namefunc  long_namefunc

Set a list node long name function.

This callback function will be called whenever the long name of a list item needs to be determined. This is used to find list items by long name.

list the list to use.
long_namefunc the function to set.

void stp_list_set_namefunc stp_list_t list,
stp_node_namefunc  namefunc

Set a list node name function.

This callback function will be called whenever the name of a list item needs to be determined. This is used to find list items by name.

list the list to use.
namefunc the function to set.

void stp_list_set_sortfunc stp_list_t list,
stp_node_sortfunc  sortfunc

Set a list node sort function.

This callback function will be called to determine the sort order for list items in sorted lists.

list the list to use.
sortfunc the function to set.

Generated on Sat Jul 22 16:39:47 2006 for libgutenprint API Reference by  doxygen 1.4.4