include/gutenprint/image.h File Reference

Image functions. More...

Data Structures

struct  stp_image
 The image type is an abstract data type for interfacing with the image creation program. More...


#define STP_CHANNEL_LIMIT   (32)


typedef struct stp_image stp_image_t
 The image type is an abstract data type for interfacing with the image creation program.


enum  stp_image_status_t { STP_IMAGE_STATUS_OK, STP_IMAGE_STATUS_ABORT }
 Image status. More...


void stp_image_init (stp_image_t *image)
void stp_image_reset (stp_image_t *image)
int stp_image_width (stp_image_t *image)
int stp_image_height (stp_image_t *image)
stp_image_status_t stp_image_get_row (stp_image_t *image, unsigned char *data, size_t limit, int row)
const char * stp_image_get_appname (stp_image_t *image)
void stp_image_conclude (stp_image_t *image)

Detailed Description

Image functions.

Generated on Tue Aug 10 20:32:51 2010 for libgutenprint API Reference by  doxygen 1.5.6