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printers.h File Reference

Printer functions. More...

#include <gutenprint/list.h>
#include <gutenprint/vars.h>

Data Structures

struct  stp_printfuncs_t
struct  stp_family


typedef stp_printer stp_printer_t
 The printer opaque data type (representation of printer model).
typedef stp_family stp_family_t


int stp_printer_model_count (void)
 Get the number of available printer models.
const stp_printer_tstp_get_printer_by_index (int idx)
 Get a printer model by its index number.
const stp_printer_tstp_get_printer_by_long_name (const char *long_name)
 Get a printer model by its long (translated) name.
const stp_printer_tstp_get_printer_by_driver (const char *driver)
 Get a printer model by its short name.
const stp_printer_tstp_get_printer (const stp_vars_t *v)
 Get the printer model from a vars object.
int stp_get_printer_index_by_driver (const char *driver)
 Get the printer index number from the printer model short (driver) name.
const char * stp_printer_get_long_name (const stp_printer_t *p)
 Get a printer model's long (translated) name.
const char * stp_printer_get_driver (const stp_printer_t *p)
 Get a printer model's short (driver) name.
const char * stp_printer_get_family (const stp_printer_t *p)
 Get a printer model's family name.
const char * stp_printer_get_manufacturer (const stp_printer_t *p)
 Get a printer model's manufacturer's name.
int stp_printer_get_model (const stp_printer_t *p)
 Get a printer model's model number.
const stp_vars_tstp_printer_get_defaults (const stp_printer_t *p)
 Get the default vars for a particular printer model.
void stp_set_printer_defaults (stp_vars_t *v, const stp_printer_t *p)
 Set a vars object to use a particular driver, and set the parameter to its defaults.
int stp_print (const stp_vars_t *v, stp_image_t *image)
 Print the image.
int stp_start_job (const stp_vars_t *v, stp_image_t *image)
 Start a print job.
int stp_end_job (const stp_vars_t *v, stp_image_t *image)
 End a print job.
int stp_get_model_id (const stp_vars_t *v)
int stp_verify_printer_params (stp_vars_t *v)
int stp_family_register (stp_list_t *family)
int stp_family_unregister (stp_list_t *family)
void stp_initialize_printer_defaults (void)
stp_parameter_list_t stp_printer_list_parameters (const stp_vars_t *v)
void stp_printer_describe_parameter (const stp_vars_t *v, const char *name, stp_parameter_t *description)
const char * stp_describe_output (const stp_vars_t *v)

Detailed Description

Printer functions.

Generated on Sat Jul 2 09:45:09 2005 for libgutenprint API Reference by  doxygen 1.4.3-20050530