stpui_image Struct Reference

#include <gutenprintui.h>

Data Fields

stp_image_t im
void(* transpose )(struct stpui_image *image)
void(* hflip )(struct stpui_image *image)
void(* vflip )(struct stpui_image *image)
void(* rotate_ccw )(struct stpui_image *image)
void(* rotate_cw )(struct stpui_image *image)
void(* rotate_180 )(struct stpui_image *image)
void(* crop )(struct stpui_image *image, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)

Field Documentation

stp_image_t stpui_image::im

void(* stpui_image::transpose)(struct stpui_image *image)

void(* stpui_image::hflip)(struct stpui_image *image)

void(* stpui_image::vflip)(struct stpui_image *image)

void(* stpui_image::rotate_ccw)(struct stpui_image *image)

void(* stpui_image::rotate_cw)(struct stpui_image *image)

void(* stpui_image::rotate_180)(struct stpui_image *image)

void(* stpui_image::crop)(struct stpui_image *image, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sun Jul 26 16:37:28 2009 for libgutenprintui2 API Reference by  doxygen 1.5.6