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-INTERNET-DRAFT Clifford Neuman
-draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-02.txt Brian Tung
-Updates: RFC 1510 ISI
-expires April 19, 1997 John Wray
- Digital Equipment Corporation
- Jonathan Trostle
- CyberSafe Corporation
- Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication in Kerberos
-0. Status Of this Memo
- This document is an Internet-Draft. Internet-Drafts are working
- documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas,
- and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute
- working documents as Internet-Drafts.
- Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
- months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other docu-
- ments at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
- reference material or to cite them other than as ``work in pro-
- gress.''
- To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the
- ``1id-abstracts.txt'' listing contained in the Internet-Drafts Sha-
- dow Directories on (US East Coast),
- (Europe), (US West Coast), or (Pacific
- Rim).
- The distribution of this memo is unlimited. It is filed as
- draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-02.txt, and expires April 19, 1997.
- Please send comments to the authors.
-1. Abstract
- This document defines extensions to the Kerberos protocol
- specification (RFC 1510, "The Kerberos Network Authentication
- Service (V5)", September 1993) to provide a method for using public
- key cryptography during initial authentication. The method defined
- specifies the way in which preauthentication data fields and error
- data fields in Kerberos messages are to be used to transport public
- key data.
-2. Motivation
- Public key cryptography presents a means by which a principal may
- demonstrate possession of a key, without ever having divulged this
- key to anyone else. In conventional cryptography, the encryption
- key and decryption key are either identical or can easily be
- derived from one another. In public key cryptography, however,
- neither the public key nor the private key can be derived from the
- other (although the private key RECORD may include the information
- required to generate BOTH keys). Hence, a message encrypted with a
- public key is private, since only the person possessing the private
- key can decrypt it; similarly, someone possessing the private key
- can also encrypt a message, thus providing a digital signature.
- Furthermore, conventional keys are often derived from passwords, so
- messages encrypted with these keys are susceptible to dictionary
- attacks, whereas public key pairs are generated from a
- pseudo-random number sequence. While it is true that messages
- encrypted using public key cryptography are actually encrypted with
- a conventional secret key, which is in turn encrypted using the
- public key pair, the secret key is also randomly generated and is
- hence not vulnerable to a dictionary attack.
- The advantages provided by public key cryptography have produced a
- demand for its integration into the Kerberos authentication
- protocol. The public key integration into Kerberos described in
- this document has three goals.
- First, by allowing users to register public keys with the KDC, the
- KDC can be recovered much more easily in the event it is
- compromised. With Kerberos as it currently stands, compromise of
- the KDC is disastrous. All keys become known by the attacker and
- all keys must be changed. Second, we allow users that have public
- key certificates signed by outside authorities to obtain Kerberos
- credentials for access to Kerberized services. Third, we obtain the
- above benefits while maintaining the performance advantages of
- Kerberos over protocols that use only public key authentication.
- If users register public keys, compromise of the KDC does not
- divulge their private key. Compromise of security on the KDC is
- still a problem, since an attacker can impersonate any user by
- creating a ticket granting ticket for the user. When the compromise
- is detected, the KDC can be cleaned up and restored from backup
- media and loaded with a backup private/public key pair. Keys for
- application servers are conventional symmetric keys and must be
- changed.
- Note: If a user stores his private key, in an encrypted form, on
- the KDC, then it may be desirable to change the key pair, since the
- private key is encrypted using a symmetric key derived from a
- password (as described below), and can therefore be vulnerable to
- dictionary attack if a good password policy is not used.
- Alternatively, if the encrypting symmetric key has 56 bits, then it
- may also be desirable to change the key pair after a short period
- due to the short key length. The KDC does not have access to the
- user's unencrypted private key.
- There are two important areas where public key cryptography will
- have immediate use: in the initial authentication of users
- registered with the KDC or using public key certificates from
- outside authorities, and to establish inter-realm keys for
- cross-realm authentication. This memo describes a method by which
- the first of these can be done. The second case will be the topic
- for a separate proposal.
- Some of the ideas on which this proposal is based arose during
- discussions over several years between members of the SAAG, the
- IETF-CAT working group, and the PSRG, regarding integration of
- Kerberos and SPX. Some ideas are drawn from the DASS system, and
- similar extensions have been discussed for use in DCE. These
- changes are by no means endorsed by these groups. This is an
- attempt to revive some of the goals of that group, and the
- proposal approaches those goals primarily from the Kerberos
- perspective.
-3. Initial authentication of users with public keys
- This section describes the extensions to Version 5 of the Kerberos
- protocol that will support the use of public key cryptography by
- users in the initial request for a ticket granting ticket.
- Roughly speaking, the following changes to RFC 1510 are proposed:
- Users can initially authenticate using public key or conventional
- (symmetric key) cryptography. After a KDC compromise, the KDC
- replies with an error message that informs the client of the new
- KDC public backup key. Users must authenticate using public key
- cryptography in response to the error message. If applicable, the
- client generates the new user secret key at this point as well.
- Public key initial authentication is performed using either the
- RSA encryption or Diffie Hellman public key algorithms. There is
- also an option to allow the user to store his/her private key
- encrypted in the user password in the KDC database; this option
- solves the problem of transporting the user private key to
- different workstations. The combination of this option and the
- provision for conventional symmetric key authentication allows
- organizations to smoothly migrate to public key cryptography.
- This proposal will allow users either to use keys registered
- directly with the KDC, or to use keys already registered for use
- with X.509, PEM, or PGP, to obtain Kerberos credentials. These
- credentials can then be used, as before, with application servers
- supporting Kerberos. Use of public key cryptography will not be a
- requirement for Kerberos, but if one's organization runs a KDC
- supporting public key, then users may choose to be registered with
- a public key pair, instead of or in addition to the current secret
- key.
- The application request and response between Kerberos clients and
- application servers will continue to be based on conventional
- cryptography, or will be converted to use user-to-user
- authentication. There are performance issues and other reasons
- that servers may be better off using conventional cryptography.
- For this proposal, we feel that 80 percent of the benefits of
- integrating public key with Kerberos can be attained for 20 percent
- of the effort, by addressing only initial authentication. This
- proposal does not preclude separate extensions.
- With these changes, users will be able to register public keys,
- only in realms that support public key, but they will still be able
- to perform initial authentication from a client that does not
- support public key. They will be able to use services registered in
- any realm. Furthermore, users registered with conventional keys
- will be able to use any client.
- This proposal addresses three ways in which users may use public
- key cryptography for initial authentication with Kerberos, with
- minimal change to the existing protocol. Users may register keys
- directly with the KDC, or they may present certificates by outside
- certification authorities (or certifications by other users)
- attesting to the association of the public key with the named user.
- In both cases, the end result is that the user obtains a
- conventional ticket granting ticket or conventional server ticket
- that may be used for subsequent authentication, with such
- subsequent authentication using only conventional cryptography.
- Additionally, users may also register a digital signature
- verification key with the KDC. We provide this option for the
- licensing benefits, as well as a simpler variant of the initial
- authentication exchange. However, this option relies on the client
- to generate random keys.
- We first consider the case where the user's key is registered with
- the KDC.
-3.1 Definitions
- Before we proceed, we will lay some groundwork definitions for
- encryption and signatures. We propose the following definitions
- of signature and encryption modes (and their corresponding values
- on the wire):
- #define ENCTYPE_SIGN_MD5_RSA 0x0011
- #define ENCTYPE_ENCRYPT_RSA_PUB 0x0022
- allowing further modes to be defined accordingly.
- In the exposition below, we will use the notation E (T, K) to
- denote the encryption of data T, with key (or parameters) K.
- If E is ENCTYPE_SIGN_MD5_RSA, then
- E (T, K) = {T, RSAEncryptPrivate (MD5Hash (T), K)}
- E (T, K) = RSAEncryptPrivate (T, K)
- Correspondingly, if E is ENCTYPE_ENCRYPT_RSA_PUB, then
- E (T, K) = RSAEncryptPublic (T, K)
-3.2 Initial request for user registered with public key on KDC
- In this scenario it is assumed that the user is registered with a
- public key on the KDC. The user's private key may be held by the
- user, or it may be stored on the KDC, encrypted so that it cannot
- be used by the KDC.
-3.2.1 User's private key is stored locally
- Implementation of the changes in this section is REQUIRED.
- In this section, we present the basic Kerberos V5 pk-init protocol
- that all conforming implementations must support. The key features
- of the protocol are: (1) easy, automatic (for the clients) recovery
- after a KDC compromise, (2) the ability for a realm to support a
- mix of old and new Kerberos V5 clients with the new clients being a
- mix of both public key and symmetric key configured clients, and
- (3) support for Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange as well as RSA
- public key encryption. The benefit of having new clients being able
- to use either symmetric key or public key initial authentication is
- that it allows an organization to roll out the new clients as
- rapidly as possible without having to be concerned about the need
- to purchase additional hardware to support the CPU intensive public
- key cryptographic operations.
- In order to give a brief overview of the four protocols in this
- section, we now give diagrams of the protocols. We denote
- encryption of message M with key K by {M}K and the signature of
- message M with key K by [M]K. All messages from the KDC to the
- client are AS_REP messages unless denoted otherwise; similarly, all
- messages from the client to the KDC are AS_REQ messages unless
- denoted otherwise. Since only the padata fields are affected by
- this specification in the AS_REQ and AS_REP messages, we do not
- show the other fields. We first show the RSA encryption option in
- normal mode:
- certifier list, [cksum, time, nonce, kdcRealm,
- kdcName]User PrivateKey
- C ------------------------------------------------------> KDC
- list of cert's, {[encReplyKey, nonce]KDC privkey}
- EncReplyTmpKey, {EncReplyTmpKey}Userpubkey
- C <------------------------------------------------------ KDC
- We now show RSA encryption in recovery mode:
- certifier list, [cksum, time, nonce, kdcRealm,
- kdcName]User PrivateKey
- C ------------------------------------------------------> KDC
- error data: [nonce, algID (RSA),
- KDC PublicKey Kvno and PublicKey, KDC Salt]
- Signed with KDC PrivateKey
- C <------------------------------------------------------ KDC
- certifier list, [cksum, time, nonce, kdcRealm, kdcName,
- {newUserSymmKey, nonce}KDC public key]User PrivateKey
- C ------------------------------------------------------> KDC
- list of cert's, {[encReplyKey, nonce]KDC privkey}
- EncReplyTmpKey, {EncReplyTmpKey}Userpubkey
- C <------------------------------------------------------ KDC
- Next, we show Diffie Hellman in normal mode:
- certifier list, [cksum, time, nonce, kdcRealm, kdcName,
- User DH public parameter]User PrivateKey
- C ------------------------------------------------------> KDC
- list of cert's, {encReplyKey, nonce}DH shared symmetric
- key, [KDC DH public parameter]KDC Private Key
- C <------------------------------------------------------ KDC
- Finally, we show Diffie Hellman in recovery mode:
- certifier list, [cksum, time, nonce, kdcRealm, kdcName,
- User DH public parameter]User PrivateKey
- C ------------------------------------------------------> KDC
- error data: [nonce, algID (DH), KDC DH public
- parameter, KDC DH ID, KDC PublicKey
- Kvno and PublicKey, KDC Salt]
- Signed with KDC PrivateKey
- C <------------------------------------------------------ KDC
- certifier list, [cksum, time, nonce, kdcRealm,
- kdcName, User DH public parameter, {newUserSymmKey,
- nonce}DH shared key, KDC DH ID]User PrivateKey
- C ------------------------------------------------------> KDC
- list of cert's, {encReplyKey, nonce}DH shared
- symmetric key
- C <------------------------------------------------------ KDC
- If the user stores his private key locally, the initial request
- to the KDC for a ticket granting ticket proceeds according to
- RFC 1510, except that a preauthentication field containing a
- nonce signed by the user's private key is included. The
- preauthentication field may also include a list of the root
- certifiers trusted by the user.
- signedAuth[1] SignedPKAuthenticator
- }
- SignedPKAuthenticator ::= SEQUENCE {
- authent[0] PKAuthenticator,
- authentSig[1] Signature
- }
- PKAuthenticator ::= SEQUENCE {
- cksum[0] Checksum OPTIONAL,
- cusec[1] INTEGER,
- ctime[2] KerberosTime,
- nonce[3] INTEGER,
- kdcRealm[4] Realm,
- kdcName[5] PrincipalName,
- clientPubValue[6] SubjectPublicKeyInfo OPTIONAL,
- -- DH algorithm
- recoveryData[7] RecoveryData OPTIONAL
- -- Recovery Alg.
- }
- RecoveryData ::= SEQUENCE {
- clientRecovData[0] ClientRecovData,
- -- DH algorithm, copied
- -- from KDC response
- }
- ClientRecovData ::= CHOICE {
- newPrincKey[0] EncryptedData, -- EncPaPkAsRoot
- -- encrypted with
- -- either KDC
- -- public key or
- -- DH shared key
- recovDoneFlag[1] INTEGER -- let KDC know that
- -- recovery is done
- -- when user uses a
- -- mix of clients or
- -- does not want to
- -- keep a symmetric
- -- key in the database
- }
- EncPaPkAsRoot ::= SEQUENCE {
- newSymmKey[0] EncryptionKey -- the principal's new
- -- symmetric key
- nonce[1] INTEGER -- the same nonce as
- -- the one in the
- -- PKAuthenticator
- }
- Signature ::= SEQUENCE {
- sigType[0] INTEGER,
- sigHash[2] OCTET STRING
- }
- Notationally, sigHash is then
- sigType (authent, userPrivateKey)
- where userPrivateKey is the user's private key (corresponding to the
- public key held in the user's database record). Valid sigTypes are
- thus far limited to the above-listed ENCTYPE_SIGN_MD5_RSA; we expect
- that other types may be listed (and given on-the-wire values between
- 0x0011 and 0x001f).
- The format of each certificate depends on the particular service
- used. (Alternatively, the KDC could send, with its reply, a
- sequence of certifications (see below), but since the KDC is likely
- to have more certifications than users have trusted root certifiers,
- we have chosen the first method.) In the event that the client
- believes it already possesses the current public key of the KDC, a
- zero-length root-cert field is sent.
- The fields in the signed authenticator are the same as those in the
- Kerberos authenticator; in addition, we include a client-generated
- nonce, and the name of the KDC. The structure is itself signed
- using the user's private key corresponding to the public key
- registered with the KDC. We include the newSymmKey field so clients
- can generate a new symmetric key (for users, this key is based on
- a password and a salt value generated by the KDC) and
- confidentially send this key to the KDC during the recovery phase.
- We now describe the recovery phase of the protocol. There is a bit
- associated with each principal in the database indicating whether
- recovery for that principal is necessary. After a KDC compromise,
- the KDC software is reloaded from backup media and a new backup
- KDC public/private pair is generated. The public half of this pair
- is then either made available to the KDC, or given to the
- appropriate certification authorities for certification. The private
- half is not made available to the KDC until after the next
- compromise clean-up. If clients are maintaining a copy of the KDC
- public key, they also have a copy of the backup public key.
- After the reload of KDC software, the bits associated with
- recovery of each principal are all set. The KDC clears the bit
- for each principal that undergoes the recovery phase. In addition,
- there is a bit associated with each principal to indicate whether
- there is a valid symmetric key in the database for the principal.
- These bits are all cleared after the reload of the KDC software
- (the old symmetric keys are no longer valid). Finally, there is a
- bit associated with each principal indicating whether that
- principal still uses non-public key capable clients. If a user
- principal falls into this category, a public key capable client
- cannot transparently re-establish a symmetric key for that user,
- since the older clients would not be able to compute the new
- symmetric key that includes hashing the password with a KDC
- supplied salt value. The re-establishment of the symmetric key
- in this case is outside the scope of this protocol.
- One method of re-establishing a symmetric key for public key
- capable clients is to generate a hash of the user password and a
- KDC supplied salt value. The KDC salt is changed after every
- compromise of the KDC. In the recovery protocol, if the principal
- does not still use old clients, the KDC supplied salt is sent to
- the client principal in a KRB_ERROR message with error code
- KDC_RECOVERY_NEEDED. The error data field of the message contains
- the following structure which is encoded into an octet string.
- recoveryDhErr SignedDHError, -- Used during recovery
- -- when algorithm is DH
- -- based
- recoveryPKEncErr SignedPKEncError -- Used during recovery
- -- for PK encryption
- -- (RSA,...)
- }
- SignedDHError ::= SEQUENCE {
- dhErr DHError,
- dhErrSig Signature
- }
- SignedPKEncError ::= SEQUENCE {
- pkEncErr PKEncryptError,
- pkEncErrSig Signature
- }
- DHError ::= SEQUENCE {
- nonce INTEGER, -- From AS_REQ
- algorithmId INTEGER, -- DH algorithm
- kdcPubValue SubjectPublicKeyInfo, -- DH algorithm
- kdcPubValueId INTEGER, -- DH algorithm
- kdcPublicKeyKvno INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- New KDC public
- -- key kvno
- kdcPublicKey OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- New KDC pubkey
- kdcSalt OCTET STRING OPTIONAL -- If user uses
- -- only new
- -- clients
- }
- PKEncryptError ::= SEQUENCE {
- nonce INTEGER, -- From AS_REQ
- algorithmId INTEGER, -- Public Key
- -- encryption alg
- kdcPublicKeyKvno INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- New KDC public
- -- key kvno
- kdcPublicKey OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- New KDC public
- -- key
- kdcSalt OCTET STRING OPTIONAL -- If user uses
- -- only new
- -- clients
- }
- The KDC_RECOVERY_NEEDED error message is sent in response to a
- client AS_REQ message if the client principal needs to be
- recovered, unless the client AS_REQ contains the PKAuthenticator
- with a nonempty RecoveryData field (in this case the client has
- already received the KDC_RECOVERY_NEEDED error message. We will
- also see in section 3.2.2 that a different error response is
- sent by the KDC if the encrypted user private key is stored in
- the KDC database.) If the client principal uses only new clients,
- then the kdcSalt field is returned; otherwise, the kdcSalt field
- is absent.
- If the client uses the Diffie Hellman algorithm during the recovery
- phase then the DHError field contains the public Diffie Hellman
- parameter (kdcPubValue) for the KDC along with an identifier
- (kdcPubValueID). The client will then send this identifier to
- the KDC in an AS_REQ message; the identifier allows the KDC to
- look up the Diffie Hellman private value corresponding to the
- identifier. Depending on how often the KDC updates its private
- Diffie Hellman parameters, it will have to store anywhere between a
- handful and several dozen of these identifiers and their parameters.
- The KDC must send its Diffie Hellman public value to the client
- first so the client can encrypt its new symmetric key.
- In the case where the user principal does not need to be recovered
- and the user still uses old clients as well as new clients, the
- KDC_ERR_NULL_KEY error is sent in response to symmetric AS_REQ
- messages when there is no valid symmetric key in the KDC database.
- This situation can occur if the user principal has been recovered
- but no new symmetric key has been established in the database.
- In addition, the two error messages with error codes
- so the error data contains the kdcSalt encoded as an OCTET STRING.
- The reason for the modification is to allow principals that use
- new clients only to have their symmetric key transparently updated
- by the client software during the recovery phase. The kdcSalt is
- used to create the new symmetric key. As a performance optimization,
- the kdcSalt is stored in the /krb5/salt file along with the realm.
- Thus the /krb5/salt file consists of realm-salt pairs. If the file
- is missing, or the salt is not correct, the above error messages
- allow the client to find out the correct salt. New clients which
- are configured for symmetric key authentication attempt to
- preauthenticate with the salt from the /krb5/salt file as an
- input into their key, and if the file is not present, the new client
- does not use preauthentication. The error messages above return
- either the correct salt to use, or no salt at all which indicates
- that the principal is still using old clients (the client software
- should use the existing mapping from the user password to the
- symmetric key).
- In order to assure interoperability between clients from different
- vendors and organizations, a standard algorithm is needed for
- creating the symmetric key from the principal password and kdcSalt.
- The algorithm for creating the symmetric key is as follows: take the
- SHA-1 hash of the kdcSalt concatenated with the principal password
- and use the 20 byte output as the input into the existing key
- generation process (string to key function). After a compromise, the
- KDC changes the kdcSalt; thus, the recovery algorithm allows users
- to obtain a new symmetric key without actually changing their
- password.
- The response from the KDC would be identical to the response in RFC
- 1510, except that instead of being encrypted in the secret key
- shared by the client and the KDC, it is encrypted in a random key
- freshly generated by the KDC (of type ENCTYPE_ENC_CBC_CRC). A
- preauthentication field (specified below) accompanies the response,
- optionally containing a certificate with the public key for the KDC
- (since we do not assume that the client knows this public key), and
- a package containing the secret key in which the rest of the
- response is encrypted, along with the same nonce used in the rest
- of the response, in order to prevent replays. This package is itself
- signed with the private key of the KDC, then encrypted with the
- symmetric key that is returned encrypted in the public key of the
- user (or for Diffie Hellman, encrypted in the shared secret Diffie
- Hellman symmetric key).
- Pictorially, in the public key encryption case we have:
- kdcCert, {[encReplyKey, nonce] Sig w/KDC
- privkey}EncReplyTmpKey, {EncReplyTmpKey}Userpubkey
- Pictorially, in the Diffie Hellman case we have:
- kdcCert, {encReplyKey, nonce}DH shared symmetric key,
- [DH public value]Sig w/KDC privkey
- kdcCert[0] SEQUENCE OF Certificate,
- encryptShell[1] EncryptedData,
- -- EncPaPkAsRepPartShell
- -- encrypted by
- -- encReplyTmpKey or DH
- -- shared symmetric key
- pubKeyExchange[2] PubKeyExchange OPTIONAL,
- -- a choice between
- -- a KDC signed DH
- -- value and a public
- -- key encrypted
- -- symmetric key.
- -- Not needed after
- -- recovery when
- -- DH is used.
- }
- PubKeyExchange ::= CHOICE {
- signedDHPubVal SignedDHPublicValue,
- encryptKey EncryptedData
- -- EncPaPkAsRepTmpKey
- -- encrypted by
- -- userPublicKey
- }
- SignedDHPublicValue ::= SEQUENCE {
- dhPublic[0] SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
- dhPublicSig[1] Signature
- }
- EncPaPkAsRepPartShell ::= SEQUENCE {
- encReplyPart[0] EncPaPkAsRepPart,
- encReplyPartSig[1] Signature OPTIONAL
- -- encReplyPart
- -- signed by kdcPrivateKey
- -- except not present in
- -- DH case
- }
- EncPaPkAsRepPart ::= SEQUENCE {
- encReplyKey[0] EncryptionKey,
- nonce[1] INTEGER,
- }
- EncPaPkAsRepTmpKey ::= SEQUENCE {
- encReplyTmpKey[0] EncryptionKey
- }
- The kdc-cert specification is lifted, with slight modifications,
- from v3 of the X.509 certificate specification:
- Certificate ::= SEQUENCE {
- version[0] Version DEFAULT v1 (1),
- serialNumber[1] CertificateSerialNumber,
- signature[2] AlgorithmIdentifier,
- issuer[3] PrincipalName,
- validity[4] Validity,
- subjectRealm[5] Realm,
- subject[6] PrincipalName,
- subjectPublicKeyInfo[7] SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
- issuerUniqueID[8] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
- subjectUniqueID[9] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
- authentSig[10] Signature
- }
- The kdc-cert must have as its root certification one of the
- certifiers sent to the KDC with the original request. If the KDC
- has no such certification, then it will instead reply with a
- KRB_ERROR of type KDC_ERROR_PREAUTH_FAILED. If a zero-length
- root-cert was sent by the client as part of the PA-PK-AS-ROOT, then
- a correspondingly zero-length kdc-cert may be absent, in which case
- the client uses its copy of the KDC's public key. In the case of
- recovery, the client uses its copy of the backup KDC public key.
- Upon receipt of the response from the KDC, the client will verify
- the public key for the KDC from PA-PK-AS-REP preauthentication data
- field. The certificate must certify the key as belonging to a
- principal whose name can be derived from the realm name. If the
- certificate checks out, the client then decrypts the EncPaPkAsRepPart
- and verifies the signature of the KDC. It then uses the random key
- contained therein to decrypt the rest of the response, and continues
- as per RFC 1510. Because there is direct trust between the user and
- the KDC, the transited field of the ticket returned by the KDC should
- remain empty. (Cf. Section 3.3.)
- Examples
- We now give several examples illustrating the protocols in this
- section. Encryption of message M with key K is denoted {M}K and
- the signature of message M with key K is denoted [M]K.
- Example 1: The requesting user principal needs to be recovered and
- uses only new clients. The recovery algorithm is Diffie Hellman (DH).
- Then the exchange sequence between the user principal and the KDC is:
- Client --------> AS_REQ (with or without preauth) --------> KDC
- Client <--- KRB_ERROR (error code KDC_RECOVERY_NEEDED) <--- KDC
- error data: [nonce, algID (DH), KDC DH public parameter,
- KDC DH ID, KDC PublicKey Kvno and PublicKey,
- KDC Salt]Signed with KDC PrivateKey
- At this point, the client validates the KDC signature, checks to
- see if the nonce is the same as the one in the AS_REQ, and stores
- the new KDC public key and public key version number. The client
- then generates a Diffie Hellman private parameter and computes
- the corresponding Diffie Hellman public parameter; the client
- also computes the shared Diffie Hellman symmetric key using the
- KDC Diffie Hellman public parameter and its own Diffie Hellman
- private parameter. Next, the client prompts the user for his/her
- password (if it does not already have the password). The password
- is concatenated with the KDC Salt and then SHA1 hashed; the
- result is fed into the string to key function to obtain the new
- user DES key.
- The new user DES key will be encrypted (along with the AS_REQ
- nonce) using the Diffie Hellman symmetric key and sent to the
- KDC in the new AS_REQ message:
- Client -> AS_REQ with preauth: rootCert, [PKAuthenticator with
- user DH public parameter, {newUser DES key, nonce}DH
- symmetric key, KDC DH ID]Signed with User PrivateKey
- -> KDC
- The KDC DH ID is copied by the client from the KDC_ERROR message
- received above. Upon receipt and validation of this message, the
- KDC first uses the KDC DH ID as an index to locate its
- private Diffie Hellman parameter; it uses this parameter in
- combination with the user public Diffie Hellman parameter
- to compute the symmetric Diffie Hellman key. The KDC checks
- if the encrypted nonce is the same as the one in the
- PKAuthenticator and the AS_REQ part. The KDC then enters
- the new user DES key into the database, resets the recovery
- needed bit, and sets the valid symmetric key in database
- bit. The KDC then creates the AS_REP message:
- Client <-- AS_REP with preauth: kdcCert, {encReplyKey,
- nonce}DH symmetric key <-------------------- KDC
- The AS_REP encrypted part is encrypted with the encReplyKey
- that is generated on the KDC. The nonces are copied from the
- client AS_REQ. The kdcCert is a sequence of certificates
- that have been certified by certifiers listed in the client
- rootCert field, unless a zero length rootCert field was sent.
- In the last case, the kdcCert will also have zero length.
-3.2.2. Private key held by KDC
- Implementation of the changes in this section is RECOMMENDED.
- When the user's private key is not carried with the user, the
- user may encrypt the private key using conventional cryptography,
- and register the encrypted private key with the KDC. As
- described in the previous section, the SHA1 hash of the password
- concatenated with the kdcSalt is also stored in the KDC database
- if the user only uses new clients. We restrict users of this
- protocol to using new clients only. The reason for this restriction
- is that it is not secure to store both the user private key
- encrypted in the user's password and the user password on the KDC
- simultaneously.
- There are several options for storing private keys. If the
- user stores their private key on a removable disk, it is
- less convenient since they need to always carry the disk
- around with them; in addition, the procedures for extracting
- the key may vary between different operating systems.
- Alternatively, the user can store a private key on the hard
- disks of systems that he/she uses; besides limiting the
- systems that the user can login from there is also a
- greater security risk to the private key. If smart card
- readers or slots are deployed in an organization, then the
- user can store his/her private key on a smart card. Finally,
- the user can store his/her private key encrypted in a password
- on the KDC. This last option is probably the most practical
- option currently; it is important that a good password policy
- be used.
- When the user's private key is stored on the KDC,
- preauthentication is required. There are two cases depending on
- whether the requesting user principal needs to be recovered.
- In order to obtain its private key, a user principal includes the
- padata type PA-PK-AS-REQ in the preauthentication data
- field of the AS_REQ message. The accompanying pa-data field is:
- algorithmId[0] INTEGER, -- Public Key Alg.
- encClientPubVal[1] EncryptedData -- EncPaPkAsReqDH
- -- (encrypted with key
- -- K1)
- }
- EncPaPkAsReqDH ::= SEQUENCE {
- clientPubValue[0] SubjectPublicKeyInfo
- }
- Pictorially, PA-PK-AS-REQ is algorithmID, {clientPubValue}K1.
- The user principal sends its Diffie-Hellman public value encrypted
- in the key K1. The key K1 is derived by performing string to key on
- the SHA1 hash of the user password concatenated with the kdcSalt
- which is stored in the /krb5/salt file. If the file is absent,
- the concatenation step is skipped in the above algorithm. The
- Diffie Hellman parameters g and p are implied by the algorithmID
- field. By choosing g and p correctly, dictionary attacks against
- the key K1 can be made more difficult [Jaspan].
- If the requesting user principal needs recovery, the encrypted
- user private key is stored in the KDC database, and the AS_REQ
- RecoveryData field is not present in the PKAuthenticator, then
- the KDC replies with a KRB_ERROR message, with msg-type set to
- KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED, and e-data set to:
- signedDHErr SignedDHError, -- signed by KDC
- encUserKey OCTET STRING OPTIONAL -- encrypted by
- -- user password
- -- key; (recovery
- -- response)
- }
- The user principal should then continue with the section
- protocol using the Diffie Hellman algorithm.
- We now assume that the requesting user principal does not need
- recovery.
- Upon receipt of the authentication request with the PA-PK-AS-REQ,
- the KDC generates the AS response as defined in RFC 1510, but
- additionally includes a preauthentication field of type
- kdcCert SEQUENCE OF Certificate,
- encUserKeyPart EncryptedData, -- EncPaPkUserKeyPart
- kdcPrivKey KDCPrivKey,
- kdcPrivKeySig Signature
- }
- The kdc-cert field is identical to that in the PA-PK-AS-REP
- preauthentication data field returned with the KDC response, and
- must be validated as belonging to the KDC in the same manner.
- KDCPrivKey ::= SEQUENCE {
- nonce INTEGER, -- From AS_REQ
- algorithmId INTEGER, -- DH algorithm
- kdcPubValue SubjectPublicKeyInfo, -- DH algorithm
- kdcSalt OCTET STRING -- Since user
- -- uses only new
- -- clients
- }
- The KDCPrivKey field is signed using the KDC private key.
- The encrypted part of the AS_REP message is encrypted using the
- Diffie Hellman derived symmetric key, as is the EncPaPkUserKeyPart.
- EncPaPkUserKeyPart ::= SEQUENCE {
- encUserKey OCTET STRING,
- nonce INTEGER -- From AS_REQ
- }
- Notationally, if encryption algorithm A is used, then enc-key-part
- is
- A ({encUserKey, nonce}, Diffie-Hellman-symmetric-key).
- If the client has used an incorrect kdcSalt to compute the
- key K1, then the client needs to resubmit the above AS_REQ
- message using the correct kdcSalt field from the KDCPrivKey
- field.
- This message contains the encrypted private key that has been
- registered with the KDC by the user, as encrypted by the user,
- super-encrypted with the Diffie Hellman derived symmetric key.
- Because there is direct trust between the user and the KDC, the
- transited field of the ticket returned by the KDC should remain
- empty. (Cf. Section 3.3.)
- Examples
- We now give several examples illustrating the protocols in this
- section.
- Example 1: The requesting user principal needs to be recovered
- and stores his/her encrypted private key on the KDC. Then the
- exchange sequence between the user principal and the KDC is:
- Client --------> AS_REQ (with or without preauth) -----> KDC
- Client <--- KRB_ERROR (error code KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED)
- error data: [nonce, algID (DH), KDC DH public
- parameter, KDC DH ID, KDC PublicKey
- Kvno and PublicKey, KDC Salt]Signed
- with KDC PrivateKey, {user private
- key}user password <------------- KDC
- The protocol now continues with the second AS_REQ as in Example
- 1 of section
- Example 2: The requesting user principal does not need to be
- recovered and stores his/her encrypted private key on the KDC.
- Then the exchange sequence between the user principal and the KDC
- when the user principal wants to obtain his/her private key is:
- Client -> AS_REQ with preauth: algID,
- {DH public parameter}K1 -> KDC
- The key K1 is generated by using the string to key function
- on the SHA1 hash of the password concatenated with the kdcSalt
- from the /krb5/salt file. If the file is absent, then
- the concatenation step is skipped, and the client will learn
- the correct kdcSalt in the following AS_REP message from the
- KDC. The algID should indicate some type of Diffie Hellman
- algorithm.
- The KDC replies with the AS_REP message with a preauthentication
- data field:
- Client <-- AS_REP with preauth: kdcCert, {encUserKey, <-- KDC
- nonce}DH symmetric key, [nonce, algID, DH
- public parameter, kdcSalt]KDC privateKey
- The client validates the KDC's signature and checks that
- the nonce matches the nonce in its AS_REQ message.
- If the kdcSalt does not match what the client used, it
- starts the protocol over. The client then uses the KDC
- Diffie Hellman public parameter along with its own Diffie
- Hellman private parameter to compute the Diffie Hellman
- symmetric key. This key is used to decrypt the encUserKey
- field; the client checks if the nonce matches its AS_REQ
- nonce. At this point, the initial authentication protocol
- is complete.
- Example 3: The requesting user principal does not need to be
- recovered and stores his/her encrypted private key on the KDC.
- In this example, the user principal uses the conventional
- symmetric key Kerberos V5 initial authentication protocol
- exchange.
- We note that the conventional protocol exposes the user
- password to dictionary attacks; therefore, the user password
- must be changed more often. An example of when this protocol
- would be used is when new clients have been installed but an
- organization has not phased in public key authentication for
- all clients due to performance concerns.
- Client ----> AS_REQ with preauthentication: {time}K1 --> KDC
- Client <-------------------- AS_REP <------------------ KDC
- The key K1 is derived as in the preceding two examples.
-3.3. Clients with a public key certified by an outside authority
- Implementation of the changes in this section is OPTIONAL.
- In the case where the client is not registered with the current
- KDC, the client is responsible for obtaining the private key on
- its own. The client will request initial tickets from the KDC
- using the TGS exchange, but instead of performing
- preauthentication using a Kerberos ticket granting ticket, or
- with the PA-PK-AS-REQ that is used when the public key is known
- to the KDC, the client performs preauthentication using the
- preauthentication data field of type PA-PK-AS-EXT-CERT:
- signedAuth[1] SignedPKAuthenticator
- }
- where the user-cert specification depends on the type of
- certificate that the user possesses. In cases where the service
- has separate key pairs for digital signature and for encryption,
- we recommend that the signature keys be used for the purposes of
- sending the preauthentication (and deciphering the response).
- The authenticator is the one used from the exchange in section
- 3.2.1, except that it is signed using the private key corresponding
- to the public key in the user-cert.
- The KDC will verify the preauthentication authenticator, and check the
- certification path against its own policy of legitimate certifiers.
- This may be based on a certification hierarchy, or simply a list of
- recognized certifiers in a system like PGP.
- If all checks out, the KDC will issue Kerberos credentials, as in 3.2,
- but with the names of all the certifiers in the certification path
- added to the transited field of the ticket, with a principal name
- taken from the certificate (this might be a long path for X.509, or a
- string like "John Q. Public <>" if the certificate
- was a PGP certificate. The realm will identify the kind of
- certificate and the final certifier as follows:
- cert_type/final_certifier
- as in PGP/<>.
-3.4. Digital Signature
- Implementation of the changes in this section is OPTIONAL.
- We offer this option with the warning that it requires the client
- process to generate a random DES key; this generation may not
- be able to guarantee the same level of randomness as the KDC.
- If a user registered a digital signature key pair with the KDC,
- a separate exchange may be used. The client sends a KRB_AS_REQ
- as described in section 3.2.2. If the user's database record
- indicates that a digital signature key is to be used, then the
- KDC sends back a KRB_ERROR as in section 3.2.2.
- It is assumed here that the signature key is stored on local disk.
- The client generates a random key of enctype ENCTYPE_DES_CBC_CRC,
- signs it using the signature key (otherwise the signature is
- performed as described in section 3.2.1), then encrypts the whole
- with the public key of the KDC. This is returned with a separate
- KRB_AS_REQ in a preauthentication of type
- signedKey[0] EncryptedData -- PaPkAsSignedData
- }
- PaPkAsSignedData ::= SEQUENCE {
- signedKeyPart[0] SignedKeyPart,
- signedKeyAuth[1] PKAuthenticator,
- sig[2] Signature
- }
- SignedKeyPart ::= SEQUENCE {
- encSignedKey[0] EncryptionKey,
- nonce[1] INTEGER
- }
- where the nonce is the one from the request. Upon receipt of the
- request, the KDC decrypts, then verifies the random key. It then
- replies as per RFC 1510, except that instead of being encrypted
- with the password-derived DES key, the reply is encrypted using
- the randomKey sent by the client. Since the client already knows
- this key, there is no need to accompany the reply with an extra
- preauthentication field. Because there is direct trust between
- the user and the KDC, the transited field of the ticket returned
- by the KDC should remain empty. (Cf. Section 3.3.)
- In the event that the KDC database indicates that the user
- principal must be recovered, and the PKAuthenticator does not
- contain the RecoveryData field, the KDC will reply with the
- KDC_RECOVERY_NEEDED error. The user principal then sends
- another AS_REQ message that includes the RecoveryData field
- in the PKAuthenticator. The AS_REP message is the same as
- in the basic Kerberos V5 protocol.
-4. Preauthentication Data Types
- We propose that the following preauthentication types be allocated
- for the preauthentication data packages described in this draft:
- #define KRB5_PADATA_ROOT_CERT 17 /* PA-PK-AS-ROOT */
- #define KRB5_PADATA_PUBLIC_REP 18 /* PA-PK-AS-REP */
- #define KRB5_PADATA_PUBLIC_REQ 19 /* PA-PK-AS-REQ */
-5. Encryption Information
- For the public key cryptography used in direct registration, we
- used (in our implementation) the RSAREF library supplied with the
- PGP 2.6.2 release. Encryption and decryption functions were
- implemented directly on top of the primitives made available
- therein, rather than the fully sealing operations in the API.
-6. Compatibility with One-Time Passcodes
- We solicit discussion on how the use of public key cryptography
- for initial authentication will interact with the proposed use of
- one time passwords discussed in Internet Draft
- <draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-passwords-00.txt>.
-7. Strength of Encryption and Signature Mechanisms
- In light of recent findings on the strengths of MD5 and various DES
- modes, we solicit discussion on which modes to incorporate into the
- protocol changes.
-8. Expiration
- This Internet-Draft expires on April 19, 1997.
-9. Authors' Addresses
- B. Clifford Neuman
- USC/Information Sciences Institute
- 4676 Admiralty Way Suite 1001
- Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695
- Phone: 310-822-1511
- EMail:
- Brian Tung
- USC/Information Sciences Institute
- 4676 Admiralty Way Suite 1001
- Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695
- Phone: 310-822-1511
- EMail:
- John Wray
- Digital Equipment Corporation
- 550 King Street, LKG2-2/Z7
- Littleton, MA 01460
- Phone: 508-486-5210
- EMail:
- Jonathan Trostle
- CyberSafe Corporation
- 1605 NW Sammamish Rd., Suite 310
- Issaquah, WA 98027-5378
- Phone: 206-391-6000
- EMail: