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-Network Working Group Abhijit Menon-Sen
-Internet-Draft Oryx Mail Systems GmbH
-Intended Status: Proposed Standard Chris Newman
-Expires: August 2009 Sun Microsystems
- Alexey Melnikov
- Isode Ltd
- February 15, 2009
- Salted Challenge Response (SCRAM) SASL Mechanism
- draft-newman-auth-scram-09.txt
-Status of this Memo
- This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with
- the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.
- Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
- Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
- other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
- Drafts.
- Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
- months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
- at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
- material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
- The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
- The list of Internet-
- Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
- This Internet-Draft expires in July 2009.
-Copyright Notice
- Copyright (c) 2009 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
- document authors. All rights reserved.
- This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
- Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
- ( in effect on the date of
- publication of this document. Please review these documents
- carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with
- respect to this document.
-Menon-Sen & Co Expires August 2009 FF[Page 1]
-Internet-draft February 2009
- The secure authentication mechanism most widely deployed and used by
- Internet application protocols is the transmission of clear-text
- passwords over a channel protected by Transport Layer Security
- (TLS). There are some significant security concerns with that
- mechanism, which could be addressed by the use of a challenge
- response authentication mechanism protected by TLS. Unfortunately,
- the challenge response mechanisms presently on the standards track
- all fail to meet requirements necessary for widespread deployment,
- and have had success only in limited use.
- This specification describes a family of authentication mechanisms
- called the Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism
- (SCRAM), which addresses the security concerns and meets the
- deployability requirements. When used in combination with TLS or an
- equivalent security layer, a mechanism from this family could
- improve the status-quo for application protocol authentication and
- provide a suitable choice for a mandatory-to-implement mechanism for
- future application protocol standards.
-1. Conventions Used in This Document
- The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
- document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
- Formal syntax is defined by [RFC5234] including the core rules
- defined in Appendix B of [RFC5234].
- Example lines prefaced by "C:" are sent by the client and ones
- prefaced by "S:" by the server. If a single "C:" or "S:" label
- applies to multiple lines, then the line breaks between those lines
- are for editorial clarity only, and are not part of the actual
- protocol exchange.
-1.1. Terminology
- This document uses several terms defined in [RFC4949] ("Internet
- Security Glossary") including the following: authentication,
- authentication exchange, authentication information, brute force,
- challenge-response, cryptographic hash function, dictionary attack,
- eavesdropping, hash result, keyed hash, man-in-the-middle, nonce,
- one-way encryption function, password, replay attack and salt.
- Readers not familiar with these terms should use that glossary as a
- reference.
-Menon-Sen & Co Expires August 2009 FF[Page 2]
-Internet-draft February 2009
- Some clarifications and additional definitions follow:
- - Authentication information: Information used to verify an identity
- claimed by a SCRAM client. The authentication information for a
- SCRAM identity consists of salt, iteration count, the "StoredKey"
- and "ServerKey" (as defined in the algorithm overview) for each
- supported cryptographic hash function.
- - Authentication database: The database used to look up the
- authentication information associated with a particular identity.
- For application protocols, LDAPv3 (see [RFC4510]) is frequently
- used as the authentication database. For network-level protocols
- such as PPP or 802.11x, the use of RADIUS is more common.
- - Base64: An encoding mechanism defined in [RFC4648] which converts
- an octet string input to a textual output string which can be
- easily displayed to a human. The use of base64 in SCRAM is
- restricted to the canonical form with no whitespace.
- - Octet: An 8-bit byte.
- - Octet string: A sequence of 8-bit bytes.
- - Salt: A random octet string that is combined with a password
- before applying a one-way encryption function. This value is used
- to protect passwords that are stored in an authentication
- database.
-1.2. Notation
- The pseudocode description of the algorithm uses the following
- notations:
- - ":=": The variable on the left hand side represents the octet
- string resulting from the expression on the right hand side.
- - "+": Octet string concatenation.
- - "[ ]": A portion of an expression enclosed in "[" and "]" may not
- be included in the result under some circumstances. See the
- associated text for a description of those circumstances.
- - HMAC(key, str): Apply the HMAC keyed hash algorithm (defined in
- [RFC2104]) using the octet string represented by "key" as the key
- and the octet string "str" as the input string. The size of the
- result is the hash result size for the hash function in use. For
- example, it is 20 octets for SHA-1 (see [RFC3174]).
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-Internet-draft February 2009
- - H(str): Apply the cryptographic hash function to the octet string
- "str", producing an octet string as a result. The size of the
- result depends on the hash result size for the hash function in
- use.
- - XOR: Apply the exclusive-or operation to combine the octet string
- on the left of this operator with the octet string on the right of
- this operator. The length of the output and each of the two inputs
- will be the same for this use.
- - Hi(str, salt):
- U0 := HMAC(str, salt || INT(1))
- U1 := HMAC(str, U0)
- U2 := HMAC(str, U1)
- ...
- Ui-1 := HMAC(str, Ui-2)
- Ui := HMAC(str, Ui-1)
- Hi := U0 XOR U1 XOR U2 XOR ... XOR Ui
- where "i" is the iteration count, "||" is the string concatenation
- operator and INT(g) is a four-octet encoding of the integer g,
- most significant octet first.
- This is, essentially, PBKDF2 [RFC2898] with HMAC() as the PRF and
- with dkLen == output length of HMAC() == output length of H().
-2. Introduction
- This specification describes a family of authentication mechanisms
- called the Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism
- (SCRAM) which addresses the requirements necessary to deploy a
- challenge-response mechanism more widely than past attempts. When
- used in combination with Transport Layer Security (TLS, see [TLS])
- or an equivalent security layer, a mechanism from this family could
- improve the status-quo for application protocol authentication and
- provide a suitable choice for a mandatory-to-implement mechanism for
- future application protocol standards.
- For simplicity, this family of mechanism does not presently include
- negotiation of a security layer. It is intended to be used with an
- external security layer such as that provided by TLS or SSH.
- SCRAM provides the following protocol features:
- - The authentication information stored in the authentication
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-Internet-draft February 2009
- database is not sufficient by itself to impersonate the client.
- The information is salted to prevent a pre-stored dictionary
- attack if the database is stolen.
- - The server does not gain the ability to impersonate the client to
- other servers (with an exception for server-authorized proxies).
- - The mechanism permits the use of a server-authorized proxy without
- requiring that proxy to have super-user rights with the back-end
- server.
- - A standard attribute is defined to enable storage of the
- authentication information in LDAPv3 (see [RFC4510]).
- - Both the client and server can be authenticated by the protocol.
- For an in-depth discussion of why other challenge response
- mechanisms are not considered sufficient, see appendix A. For more
- information about the motivations behind the design of this
- mechanism, see appendix B.
- Comments regarding this draft may be sent either to the ietf-
- mailing list or to the authors.
-3. SCRAM Algorithm Overview
- Note that this section omits some details, such as client and server
- nonces. See Section 5 for more details.
- To begin with, the client is in possession of a username and
- password. It sends the username to the server, which retrieves the
- corresponding authentication information, i.e. a salt, StoredKey,
- ServerKey and the iteration count i. (Note that a server
- implementation may chose to use the same iteration count for all
- account.) The server sends the salt and the iteration count to the
- client, which then computes the following values and sends a
- ClientProof to the server:
- SaltedPassword := Hi(password, salt)
- ClientKey := H(SaltedPassword)
- StoredKey := H(ClientKey)
- AuthMessage := client-first-message + "," +
- server-first-message + "," +
- final-client-message-without-proof
- ClientSignature := HMAC(StoredKey, AuthMessage)
- ClientProof := ClientKey XOR ClientSignature
- ServerKey := HMAC(SaltedPassword, salt)
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-Internet-draft February 2009
- ServerSignature := HMAC(ServerKey, AuthMessage)
- The server authenticates the client by computing the
- ClientSignature, exclusive-ORing that with the ClientProof to
- recover the ClientKey and verifying the correctness of the ClientKey
- by applying the hash function and comparing the result to the
- StoredKey. If the ClientKey is correct, this proves that the client
- has access to the user's password.
- Similarly, the client authenticates the server by computing the
- ServerSignature and comparing it to the value sent by the server.
- If the two are equal, it proves that the server had access to the
- user's ServerKey.
- The AuthMessage is computed by concatenating messages from the
- authentication exchange. The format of these messages is defined in
- the Formal Syntax section.
-4. SCRAM mechanism names
- A SCRAM mechanism name is a string "SCRAM-HMAC-" followed by the
- uppercased name of the underlying hashed function taken from the
- IANA "Hash Function Textual Names" registry (see
- For interoperability, all SCRAM clients and servers MUST implement
- the SCRAM-HMAC-SHA-1 authentication mechanism, i.e. an
- authentication mechanism from the SCRAM family that uses the SHA-1
- hash function as defined in [RFC3174].
-5. SCRAM Authentication Exchange
- SCRAM is a text protocol where the client and server exchange
- messages containing one or more attribute-value pairs separated by
- commas. Each attribute has a one-letter name. The messages and their
- attributes are described in section 5.1, and defined in the Formal
- Syntax section.
- This is a simple example of a SCRAM-HMAC-SHA-1 authentication
- exchange:
- C: n=Chris Newman,r=ClientNonce
- S: r=ClientNonceServerNonce,s=PxR/wv+epq,i=128
- C: r=ClientNonceServerNonce,p=WxPv/siO5l+qxN4
- S: v=WxPv/siO5l+qxN4
- With channel-binding data sent by the client this might look like this:
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-Internet-draft February 2009
- C: n=Chris Newman,r=ClientNonce
- S: r=ClientNonceServerNonce,s=PxR/wv+epq,i=128
- C: c=0123456789ABCDEF,r=ClientNonceServerNonce,p=WxPv/siO5l+qxN4
- S: v=WxPv/siO5l+qxN4
- <<Note that the channel-bind data above, as well as all hashes are fake>>
- First, the client sends a message containing the username, and a
- random, unique nonce. In response, the server sends the user's
- iteration count i, the user's salt, and appends its own nonce to the
- client-specified one. The client then responds with the same nonce
- and a ClientProof computed using the selected hash function as
- explained earlier. In this step the client can also include an
- optional authorization identity. The server verifies the nonce and
- the proof, verifies that the authorization identity (if supplied by
- the client in the second message) is authorized to act as the
- authentication identity, and, finally, it responds with a
- ServerSignature, concluding the authentication exchange. The client
- then authenticates the server by computing the ServerSignature and
- comparing it to the value sent by the server. If the two are
- different, the client MUST consider the authentication exchange to
- be unsuccessful and it might have to drop the connection.
-5.1 SCRAM attributes
- This section describes the permissible attributes, their use, and
- the format of their values. All attribute names are single US-ASCII
- letters and are case-sensitive.
- - a: This optional attribute specifies an authorization identity. A
- client may include it in its second message to the server if it
- wants to authenticate as one user, but subsequently act as a
- different user. This is typically used by an administrator to
- perform some management task on behalf of another user, or by a
- proxy in some situations.
- Upon the receipt of this value the server verifies its correctness
- according to the used SASL protocol profile. Failed verification
- results in failed authentication exchange.
- If this attribute is omitted (as it normally would be), or
- specified with an empty value, the authorization identity is
- assumed to be derived from the username specified with the
- (required) "n" attribute.
- The server always authenticates the user specified by the "n"
- attribute. If the "a" attribute specifies a different user, the
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-Internet-draft February 2009
- server associates that identity with the connection after
- successful authentication and authorization checks.
- The syntax of this field is the same as that of the "n" field with
- respect to quoting of '=' and ','.
- - n: This attribute specifies the name of the user whose password is
- used for authentication. A client must include it in its first
- message to the server. If the "a" attribute is not specified
- (which would normally be the case), this username is also the
- identity which will be associated with the connection subsequent
- to authentication and authorization.
- Before sending the username to the server, the client MUST prepare
- the username using the "SASLPrep" profile [SASLPrep] of the
- "stringprep" algorithm [RFC3454]. If the preparation of the
- username fails or results in an empty string, the client SHOULD
- abort the authentication exchange (*).
- (*) An interactive client can request a repeated entry of the
- username value.
- Upon receipt of the username by the server, the server SHOULD
- prepare it using the "SASLPrep" profile [SASLPrep] of the
- "stringprep" algorithm [RFC3454]. If the preparation of the
- username fails or results in an empty string, the server SHOULD
- abort the authentication exchange.
- The characters ',' or '=' in usernames are sent as '=2C' and '=3D'
- respectively. If the server receives a username which contains '='
- not followed by either '2C' or '3D', then the server MUST fail the
- authentication.
- - m: This attribute is reserved for future extensibility. In this
- version of SCRAM, its presence in a client or a server message
- MUST cause authentication failure when the attribute is parsed by
- the other end.
- - r: This attribute specifies a sequence of random printable
- characters excluding ',' which forms the nonce used as input to
- the hash function. No quoting is applied to this string (unless
- the binding of SCRAM to a particular protocol states otherwise).
- As described earlier, the client supplies an initial value in its
- first message, and the server augments that value with its own
- nonce in its first response. It is important that this be value
- different for each authentication. The client MUST verify that the
- initial part of the nonce used in subsequent messages is the same
- as the nonce it initially specified. The server MUST verify that
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-Internet-draft February 2009
- the nonce sent by the client in the second message is the same as
- the one sent by the server in its first message.
- - c: This optional attribute specifies base64-encoded channel-
- binding data. It is sent by the client in the second step. If
- specified by the client, if the server supports the specified
- channel binding type and if the server can't verify it, then the
- server MUST fail the authentication exchange. Whether this
- attribute is included, and the meaning and contents of the
- channel-binding data depends on the external security layer in
- use. This is necessary to detect a man-in-the-middle attack on the
- security layer.
- - s: This attribute specifies the base64-encoded salt used by the
- server for this user. It is sent by the server in its first
- message to the client.
- - i: This attribute specifies an iteration count for the selected
- hash function and user, and must be sent by the server along with
- the user's salt.
- For SCRAM-HMAC-SHA-1 SASL mechanism servers SHOULD announce a hash
- iteration-count of at least 128.
- - p: This attribute specifies a base64-encoded ClientProof. The
- client computes this value as described in the overview and sends
- it to the server.
- - v: This attribute specifies a base64-encoded ServerSignature. It
- is sent by the server in its final message, and may be used by the
- client to verify that the server has access to the user's
- authentication information. This value is computed as explained in
- the overview.
-6. Formal Syntax
- The following syntax specification uses the Augmented Backus-Naur
- Form (ABNF) notation as specified in [RFC5234]. "UTF8-2", "UTF8-3"
- and "UTF8-4" non-terminal are defined in [UTF-8].
- generic-message = attr-val *("," attr-val)
- ;; Generic syntax of any server challenge
- ;; or client response
- attr-val = ALPHA "=" value
- value = *(value-char)
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-Internet-draft February 2009
- value-safe-char = %01-2B / %2D-3C / %3E-7F /
- UTF8-2 / UTF-3 / UTF8-4
- ;; UTF8-char except NUL, "=", and ",".
- value-char = value-safe-char / "="
- base64-char = ALPHA / DIGIT / "/" / "+"
- base64-4 = 4*4(base64-char)
- base64-3 = 3*3(base64-char) "="
- base64-2 = 2*2(base64-char) "=="
- base64 = *(base64-4) [base64-3 / base64-2]
- posit-number = (%x31-39) *DIGIT
- ;; A positive number
- saslname = 1*(value-safe-char / "=2C" / "=3D")
- ;; Conforms to <value>
- authzid = "a=" saslname
- ;; Protocol specific.
- username = "n=" saslname
- ;; Usernames are prepared using SASLPrep.
- reserved-mext = "m=" 1*(value-char)
- ;; Reserved for signalling mandatory extensions.
- ;; The exact syntax will be defined in
- ;; the future.
- channel-binding = "c=" base64
- proof = "p=" base64
- nonce = "r=" c-nonce [s-nonce]
- ;; Second part provided by server.
- c-nonce = value
- s-nonce = value
- salt = "s=" base64
- verifier = "v=" base64
- ;; base-64 encoded ServerSignature.
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-Internet-draft February 2009
- iteration-count = "i=" posit-number
- ;; A positive number
- client-first-message =
- [reserved-mext ","] username "," nonce [","
- extensions]
- server-first-message =
- [reserved-mext ","] nonce "," salt ","
- iteration-count ["," extensions]
- client-final-message-without-proof =
- [authzid ","] [channel-binding ","] nonce [","
- extensions]
- client-final-message =
- client-final-message-without-proof "," proof
- server-final-message =
- verifier ["," extensions]
- extensions = attr-val *("," attr-val)
- ;; All extensions are optional,
- ;; i.e. unrecognized attributes
- ;; not defined in this document
- ;; MUST be ignored.
-7. Security Considerations
- If the authentication exchange is performed without a strong
- security layer, then a passive eavesdropper can gain sufficient
- information to mount an offline dictionary or brute-force attack
- which can be used to recover the user's password. The amount of time
- necessary for this attack depends on the cryptographic hash function
- selected, the strength of the password and the iteration count
- supplied by the server. An external security layer with strong
- encryption will prevent this attack.
- If the external security layer used to protect the SCRAM exchange
- uses an anonymous key exchange, then the SCRAM channel binding
- mechanism can be used to detect a man-in-the-middle attack on the
- security layer and cause the authentication to fail as a result.
- However, the man-in-the-middle attacker will have gained sufficient
- information to mount an offline dictionary or brute-force attack.
- For this reason, SCRAM includes the ability to increase the
- iteration count over time.
-Menon-Sen & Co Expires August 2009 FF[Page 11]
-Internet-draft February 2009
- If the authentication information is stolen from the authentication
- database, then an offline dictionary or brute-force attack can be
- used to recover the user's password. The use of salt mitigates this
- attack somewhat by requiring a separate attack on each password.
- Authentication mechanisms which protect against this attack are
- available (e.g., the EKE class of mechanisms), but the patent
- situation is presently unclear.
- If an attacker obtains the authentication information from the
- authentication repository and either eavesdrops on one
- authentication exchange or impersonates a server, the attacker gains
- the ability to impersonate that user to all servers providing SCRAM
- access using the same hash function, password, iteration count and
- salt. For this reason, it is important to use randomly-generated
- salt values.
- If the server detects (from the value of the client-specified "h"
- attribute) that both endpoints support a stronger hash function that
- the one the client actually chooses to use, then it SHOULD treat
- this as a downgrade attack and reject the authentication attempt.
- A hostile server can perform a computational denial-of-service
- attack on clients by sending a big iteration count value.
-Menon-Sen & Co Expires August 2009 FF[Page 12]
-Internet-draft February 2009
-8. IANA considerations
- IANA is requested to add the following entry to the SASL Mechanism
- registry established by [RFC4422]:
- To:
- Subject: Registration of a new SASL mechanism SCRAM-HMAC-SHA-1
- SASL mechanism name (or prefix for the family): SCRAM-HMAC-SHA-1
- Security considerations: Section 7 of [RFCXXXX]
- Published specification (optional, recommended): [RFCXXXX]
- Person & email address to contact for further information:
- Intended usage: COMMON
- Owner/Change controller: IESG <>
- Note:
- Note that even though this document defines a family of SCRAM-HMAC
- mechanisms, it doesn't register a family of SCRAM-HMAC mechanisms in
- the SASL Mechanisms registry. IANA is requested to prevent future
- registrations of SASL mechanisms starting with SCRAM-HMAC- without
- consulting the SASL mailing list <> first.
- Note to future SCRAM-HMAC mechanism designers: each new SCRAM-HMAC
- SASL mechanism MUST be explicitly registered with IANA and MUST
- comply with SCRAM-HMAC mechanism naming convention defined in
- Section 4 of this document.
-9. Acknowedgements
- The authors would like to thank Dave Cridland for his contributions
- to this document.
-10. Normative References
- [RFC4648] Josefsson, "The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data
- Encodings", RFC 4648, SJD, October 2006.
- [UTF-8] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO
- 10646", STD 63, RFC 3629, November 2003.
- [RFC2104] Krawczyk, Bellare, Canetti, "HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for
- Message Authentication", IBM, February 1997.
- [RFC2119] Bradner, "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
-Menon-Sen & Co Expires August 2009 FF[Page 13]
-Internet-draft February 2009
- Requirement Levels", RFC 2119, Harvard University, March
- 1997.
- [RFC3174] Eastlake, Jones, "US Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1)", RFC
- 3174, Motorola, September 2001
- [RFC5234] Crocker, Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
- Specifications: ABNF", RFC 5234, January 2008.
- [RFC4422] Melnikov, Zeilenga, "Simple Authentication and Security
- Layer (SASL)", RFC 4422, Isode Limited, June 2006.
- [SASLPrep] Zeilenga, K., "SASLprep: Stringprep profile for user
- names and passwords", RFC 4013, February 2005.
- [RFC3454] Hoffman, P., Blanchet, M., "Preparation of
- Internationalized Strings ("stringprep")", RFC 3454,
- December 2002.
-11. Informative References
- [RFC2195] Klensin, Catoe, Krumviede, "IMAP/POP AUTHorize Extension
- for Simple Challenge/Response", RFC 2195, MCI, September
- 1997.
- [RFC2202] Cheng, Glenn, "Test Cases for HMAC-MD5 and HMAC-SHA-1",
- RFC 2202, IBM, September 1997
- [RFC2898] Kaliski, B., "PKCS #5: Password-Based Cryptography
- Specification Version 2.0", RFC 2898, September 2000.
- [TLS] Dierks, Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security (TLS)
- Protocol, Version 1.2", RFC 5246, August 2008.
- [RFC4949] Shirey, "Internet Security Glossary, Version 2", RFC
- 4949, FYI 0036, August 2007.
- [RFC4086] Eastlake, Schiller, Crocker, "Randomness Requirements for
- Security", RFC 4086, BCP 0106, Motorola Laboratories,
- June 2005.
- [RFC4510] Zeilenga, "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP):
- Technical Specification Road Map", RFC 4510, June 2006.
- [DIGEST-MD5] Leach, P. and C. Newman , "Using Digest Authentication
- as a SASL Mechanism", RFC 2831, May 2000. <<Also draft-
-Menon-Sen & Co Expires August 2009 FF[Page 14]
-Internet-draft February 2009
- ietf-sasl-rfc2831bis-12.txt>>
- [DIGEST-HISTORIC] Melnikov, "Moving DIGEST-MD5 to Historic", work in
- progress, draft-ietf-sasl-digest-to-historic-00.txt, July
- 2008
- [CRAM-HISTORIC] Zeilenga, "CRAM-MD5 to Historic", work in progress,
- draft-ietf-sasl-crammd5-to-historic-00.txt, November
- 2008.
- [PLAIN] Zeilenga, "The PLAIN Simple Authentication and Security
- Layer (SASL) Mechanism" RFC 4616, August 2006.
-12. Authors' Addresses
- Abhijit Menon-Sen
- Oryx Mail Systems GmbH
- Email:
- Alexey Melnikov
- Isode Ltd
- EMail:
- Chris Newman
- Sun Microsystems
- 1050 Lakes Drive
- West Covina, CA 91790
- Email:
-Appendix A: Other Authentication Mechanisms
- The DIGEST-MD5 [DIGEST-MD5] mechanism has proved to be too complex
- to implement and test, and thus has poor interoperability. The
- security layer is often not implemented, and almost never used;
- everyone uses TLS instead. For a more complete list of problems
- with DIGEST-MD5 which lead to the creation of SCRAM see [DIGEST-
- The CRAM-MD5 SASL mechanism, while widely deployed has also some
- problems, in particular it is missing some modern SASL features such
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- as support for internationalized usernames and passwords, support
- for passing of authorization identity, support for channel bindings.
- It also doesn't support server authentication. For a more complete
- list of problems with CRAM-MD5 see [CRAM-HISTORIC].
- The PLAIN [PLAIN] SASL mechanism allows a malicious server or
- eavesdropper to impersonate the authenticating user to any other
- server for which the user has the same password. It also sends the
- password in the clear over the network, unless TLS is used. Server
- authentication is not supported.
-Appendix B: Design Motivations
- The following design goals shaped this document. Note that some of
- the goals have changed since the initial version of the document.
- The SASL mechanism has all modern SASL features: support for
- internationalized usernames and passwords, support for passing of
- authorization identity, support for channel bindings.
- Both the client and server can be authenticated by the protocol.
- The authentication information stored in the authentication
- database is not sufficient by itself to impersonate the client.
- <<The server does not gain the ability to impersonate the client
- to other servers (with an exception for server-authorized
- proxies).>>
- The mechanism is extensible, but [hopefully] not overengineered in
- this respect.
- Easier to implement than DIGEST-MD5 in both clients and servers.
-Appendix C: SCRAM Examples
- <<To be written.>>
-Menon-Sen & Co Expires August 2009 FF[Page 16]
-Internet-draft February 2009
- (RFC Editor: Please delete everything after this point)
-Open Issues
- - The appendices need to be written.
- - Should the server send a base64-encoded ServerSignature for the
- value of the "v" attribute, or should it compute a ServerProof the
- way the client computes a ClientProof?
-Changes since -07
- Updated References.
- Clarified purpose of the m= attribute.
- Fixed a problem with authentication/authorization identity's ABNF
- not allowing for some characters.
- Updated ABNF for nonce to show client-generated and server-generated
- parts.
- Only register SCRAM-HMAC-SHA-1 with IANA and require explicit
- registrations of all other SCRAM-HMAC- mechanisms.
-Changes since -06
- Removed hash negotiation from SCRAM and turned it into a family of
- SASL mechanisms.
- Start using "Hash Function Textual Names" IANA registry for SCRAM
- mechanism naming.
- Fixed definition of Hi(str, salt) to be consistent with [RFC2898].
- Clarified extensibility of SCRAM: added m= attribute (for future
- mandatory extensions) and specified that all unrecognized
- attributes must be ignored.
-Changes since -05
- Changed the mandatory to implement hash algorithm to SHA-1 (as per
-Menon-Sen & Co Expires August 2009 FF[Page 17]
-Internet-draft February 2009
- WG consensus).
- Added text about use of SASLPrep for username
- canonicalization/validation.
- Clarified that authorization identity is canonicalized/verified
- according to SASL protocol profile.
- Clarified that iteration count is per-user.
- Clarified how clients select the authentication function.
- Added IANA registration for the new mechanism.
- Added missing normative references (UTF-8, SASLPrep).
- Various editorial changes based on comments from Hallvard B
- Furuseth, Nico William and Simon Josefsson.
-Changes since -04
- - Update Base64 and Security Glossary references.
- - Add Formal Syntax section.
- - Don't bother with "v=".
- - Make MD5 mandatory to implement. Suggest i=128.
-Changes since -03
- - Seven years have passed, in which it became clear that DIGEST-MD5
- suffered from unacceptably bad interoperability, so SCRAM-MD5 is
- now back from the dead.
- - Be hash agnostic, so MD5 can be replaced more easily.
- - General simplification.
-Menon-Sen & Co Expires August 2009 FF[Page 18]