import posixpath import os import tempfile from mercurial import context from mercurial import util as hgutil from mercurial import revlog from mercurial import node import compathacks import util import maps import layouts import editor import svnwrap class SVNMeta(object): def __init__(self, repo, uuid=None, subdir=None, skiperrorcheck=False): """path is the path to the target hg repo. subdir is the subdirectory of the edits *on the svn server*. It is needed for stripping paths off in certain cases. """ # simple and public variables self.ui = repo.ui self.repo = repo self.path = os.path.normpath(repo.join('..')) self.firstpulled = 0 self.lastdate = '1970-01-01 00:00:00 -0000' self.addedtags = {} self.deletedtags = {} # private variables self._skiperror = skiperrorcheck self._tags = None self._layoutobj = None self._revmap = None self._authors = None self._branchmap = None self._tagmap = None self._filemap = None self._layout = None # create .hg/svn folder if it doesn't exist if not os.path.isdir(self.metapath): os.makedirs(self.metapath) # properties that need .hg/svn to exist self.uuid = uuid self.subdir = subdir # generated properties that have a persistent file stored on disk self._gen_cachedconfig('lastpulled', 0, configname=False) self._gen_cachedconfig('defaultauthors', True) self._gen_cachedconfig('caseignoreauthors', False) self._gen_cachedconfig('defaulthost', self.uuid) self._gen_cachedconfig('usebranchnames', True) self._gen_cachedconfig('defaultmessage', '') self._gen_cachedconfig('branch', '') self._gen_cachedconfig('layout', 'auto') # misc self.branches = util.load(self.branch_info_file) or {} self.prevbranches = dict(self.branches) def _get_cachedconfig(self, name, filename, configname, default, pre): """Return a cached value for a config option. If the cache is uninitialized then try to read its value from disk. Option can be overridden by the commandline. name: property name, e.g. 'lastpulled' filename: name of file in .hg/svn configname: commandline option name default: default value pre: transformation to apply to a value before caching it. """ varname = '_' + name if getattr(self, varname) is None: # construct the file path from metapath (e.g. .hg/svn) plus the # filename f = os.path.join(self.metapath, filename) # load the config property (i.e. command-line or .hgrc) c = None if configname: # a little awkward but we need to convert the option from a # string to whatever type the default value is, so we use the # type of `default` to determine with ui.config method to call c = None if isinstance(default, bool): c = self.ui.configbool('hgsubversion', configname, default) elif isinstance(default, int): c = self.ui.configint('hgsubversion', configname, default) elif isinstance(default, list): c = self.ui.configlist('hgsubversion', configname, default) else: c = self.ui.config('hgsubversion', configname, default) # load the value from disk val = util.load(f, default=default) # prefer the non-default, and the one sent from command-line if c is not None and c != val and c != default: val = c # apply transformation if necessary if pre: val = pre(val) # set the value as the one from disk (or default if not found) setattr(self, varname, val) # save the value to disk by using the setter property setattr(self, name, val) return getattr(self, varname) def _set_cachedconfig(self, value, name, filename): varname = '_' + name f = os.path.join(self.metapath, filename) setattr(self, varname, value) util.dump(value, f) def _gen_cachedconfig(self, name, default=None, filename=None, configname=None, pre=None): """Generate an attribute for reading (and caching) config data. This method constructs a new attribute on self with the given name. The actual value from the config file will be read lazily, and then cached once that read has occurred. No cache invalidation will happen, so within a session these values shouldn't be required to mutate. """ setattr(SVNMeta, '_' + name, None) if filename is None: filename = name if configname is None: configname = name prop = property(lambda x: self._get_cachedconfig(name, filename, configname, default, pre=pre), lambda x, y: self._set_cachedconfig(y, name, filename)) setattr(SVNMeta, name, prop) def layout_from_subversion(self, svn, revision=None): """ Guess what layout to use based on directories under the svn root. This is intended for use during bootstrapping. It guesses which layout to use based on the presence or absence of the conventional trunk, branches, tags dirs immediately under the path your are cloning. Additionally, this will write the layout in use to the ui object passed, if any. """ try: rootlist = svn.list_dir('', revision=revision) except svnwrap.SubversionException, e: err = "%s (subversion error: %d)" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) raise hgutil.Abort(err) if sum(map(lambda x: x in rootlist, ('branches', 'tags', 'trunk'))): layout = 'standard' else: layout = 'single' self.ui.setconfig('hgsubversion', 'layout', layout) return layout def layout_from_commit(self, subdir, revpath, branch): """ Guess what the layout is based existing commit info Specifically, this compares the subdir for the repository and the revpath as extracted from the convinfo in the commit. If they match, the layout is assumed to be single. Otherwise, it tries the available layouts and selects the first one that would translate the given branch to the given revpath. """ subdir = subdir or '/' if subdir == revpath: return 'single' candidates = set() for layout in layouts.NAME_TO_CLASS: layoutobj = layouts.layout_from_name(layout, self) try: remotepath = layoutobj.remotepath(branch, subdir) except KeyError: continue if remotepath == revpath: candidates.add(layout) if len(candidates) == 1: return candidates.pop() elif candidates: config_layout = self.layout if config_layout in candidates: return config_layout return 'standard' @property def layout_file(self): return os.path.join(self.metapath, 'layout') @property def layoutobj(self): # if self.layout has changed, we need to create a new layoutobj if not self._layoutobj or != self.layout: self._layoutobj = layouts.layout_from_name(self.layout, self) return self._layoutobj @property def editor(self): if not hasattr(self, '_editor'): self._editor = editor.HgEditor(self) return self._editor def _get_subdir(self): return self.__subdir def _set_subdir(self, subdir): if subdir: subdir = '/'.join(p for p in subdir.split('/') if p) self.__subdir = None subdirfile = os.path.join(self.metapath, 'subdir') if os.path.isfile(subdirfile): stored_subdir = util.load(subdirfile) assert stored_subdir is not None if subdir is None: self.__subdir = stored_subdir elif subdir and subdir != stored_subdir: raise hgutil.Abort('unable to work on a different path in the ' 'repository') else: self.__subdir = subdir elif subdir is not None: util.dump(subdir, subdirfile) self.__subdir = subdir elif not self._skiperror: raise hgutil.Abort("hgsubversion metadata unavailable; " "please run 'hg svn rebuildmeta'") subdir = property(_get_subdir, _set_subdir, None, 'Error-checked sub-directory of source Subversion ' 'repository.') def _get_uuid(self): return self.__uuid def _set_uuid(self, uuid): self.__uuid = None uuidfile = os.path.join(self.metapath, 'uuid') if os.path.isfile(uuidfile): stored_uuid = util.load(uuidfile) assert stored_uuid if uuid and uuid != stored_uuid: raise hgutil.Abort('unable to operate on unrelated repository') self.__uuid = uuid or stored_uuid elif uuid: util.dump(uuid, uuidfile) self.__uuid = uuid elif not self._skiperror: raise hgutil.Abort("hgsubversion metadata unavailable; " "please run 'hg svn rebuildmeta'") uuid = property(_get_uuid, _set_uuid, None, 'Error-checked UUID of source Subversion repository.') @property def metapath(self): return os.path.join(self.path, '.hg', 'svn') @property def branch_info_file(self): return os.path.join(self.metapath, 'branch_info') @property def authors_file(self): return os.path.join(self.metapath, 'authors') @property def authors(self): if self._authors is None: self._authors = maps.AuthorMap(self) return self._authors @property def filemap_file(self): return os.path.join(self.metapath, 'filemap') @property def filemap(self): if self._filemap is None: self._filemap = maps.FileMap(self) return self._filemap @property def branchmap_file(self): return os.path.join(self.metapath, 'branchmap') @property def branchmap(self): if self._branchmap is None: self._branchmap = maps.BranchMap(self) return self._branchmap @property def tagfile(self): # called tagmap for backwards compatibility return os.path.join(self.metapath, 'tagmap') @property def tags(self): if self._tags is None: self._tags = maps.Tags(self) return self._tags @property def tagmap_file(self): # called tag-renames for backwards compatibility return os.path.join(self.metapath, 'tag-renames') @property def tagmap(self): if self._tagmap is None: self._tagmap = maps.TagMap(self) return self._tagmap @property def revmap_file(self): return os.path.join(self.metapath, 'rev_map') @property def revmap(self): if self._revmap is None: self._revmap = maps.RevMap(self) return self._revmap def fixdate(self, date): if date is not None: date = date.replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', '').split('.')[0] date += ' -0000' self.lastdate = date else: date = self.lastdate return date def save(self): '''Save the Subversion metadata. This should really be called after every revision is created. ''' util.dump(self.branches, self.branch_info_file) def localname(self, path): """Compute the local name for a branch located at path. """ return self.layoutobj.localname(path) def remotename(self, branch): return self.layoutobj.remotename(branch) def genextra(self, revnum, branch): extra = {} subdir = self.subdir if subdir and subdir[-1] == '/': subdir = subdir[:-1] if subdir and subdir[0] != '/': subdir = '/' + subdir path = self.layoutobj.remotepath(branch, subdir) if branch: extra['branch'] = branch extra['convert_revision'] = 'svn:%(uuid)s%(path)s@%(rev)s' % { 'uuid': self.uuid, 'path': path, 'rev': revnum, } return extra def mapbranch(self, extra, close=False): if close: extra['close'] = 1 mapped = self.branchmap.get(extra.get('branch', 'default')) if not self.usebranchnames or mapped == 'default': extra.pop('branch', None) elif mapped: extra['branch'] = mapped if extra.get('branch') == 'default': extra.pop('branch', None) def normalize(self, path): '''Normalize a path to strip of leading slashes and our subdir if we have one. ''' if self.subdir and path == self.subdir[:-1]: return '' if path and path[0] == '/': path = path[1:] if path == self.subdir: return '' if path and path.startswith(self.subdir + '/'): path = path[len(self.subdir):] if path and path[0] == '/': path = path[1:] return path def getmessage(self, rev): msg = rev.message if msg: try: msg.decode('utf-8') return msg except UnicodeDecodeError: # ancient svn failed to enforce utf8 encoding return msg.decode('iso-8859-1').encode('utf-8') else: return self.defaultmessage def get_path_tag(self, path): """If path could represent the path to a tag, returns the potential (non-empty) tag name. Otherwise, returns None Note that it's only a tag if it was copied from the path '' in a branch (or tag) we have, for our purposes. """ path = self.normalize(path) return self.layoutobj.get_path_tag(path, self.layoutobj.taglocations) def split_branch_path(self, path, existing=True): """Figure out which branch inside our repo this path represents, and also figure out which path inside that branch it is. Returns a tuple of (path within branch, local branch name, server-side branch path). Note that tag paths can also be matched: assuming tags/tag-1.1 is a tag then: tags/tag-1.1 => ('', '../tags/tag-1.1', 'tags/tag-1.1') tags/tag-1.1/file => ('file', '../tags/tag-1.1', 'tags/tag-1.1') tags/tag-1.2 => (None, None, None) If existing=True, will return None, None, None if the file isn't on some known branch. If existing=False, then it will guess what the branch would be if it were known. Server-side branch path should be relative to our subdirectory. """ path = self.normalize(path) tag = self.get_path_tag(path) if tag: # consider the new tags when dispatching entries matched = [] for tags in (self.tags, self.addedtags): matched += [t for t in tags if (tag == t or tag.startswith(t + '/'))] if not matched: return None, None, None matched.sort(key=len, reverse=True) if tag == matched[0]: brpath = '' svrpath = path else: brpath = tag[len(matched[0])+1:] svrpath = path[:-(len(brpath)+1)] ln = self.localname(svrpath) return brpath, ln, svrpath branch_path, local_path = self.layoutobj.split_remote_name(path, self.branches) branch_name = self.layoutobj.localname(branch_path) if branch_name in self.branches: return local_path, branch_name, branch_path elif existing or (branch_name and branch_name.startswith('../')): return None, None, None else: return local_path, branch_name, branch_path def _determine_parent_branch(self, p, src_path, src_rev, revnum): if src_path is not None: src_file, src_branch = self.split_branch_path(src_path)[:2] src_tag = self.get_path_tag(src_path) if src_tag or src_file == '': brpath, fpath = self.layoutobj.split_remote_name(p, self.branches) # we'll sometimes get a different path out of # split_remate_name than the one we passed in, but # only for the root of a branch, since the svn copies # of those will sometimes be of parent directories of # our root if fpath == '': ln = self.localname(brpath) else: ln = self.localname(p) if src_tag in self.tags: changeid = self.tags[src_tag] src_rev, src_branch = self.get_source_rev(changeid)[:2] return {ln: (src_branch, src_rev, revnum)} return {} def is_path_valid(self, path, existing=True): if path is None: return False subpath = self.split_branch_path(path, existing)[0] if subpath is None: return False return subpath in self.filemap def get_parent_svn_branch_and_rev(self, number, branch, exact=False): """Return the parent revision of branch at number as a tuple (parentnum, parentbranch) or (None, None) if undefined. By default, current revision copy records will be used to resolve the parent. For instance, if branch1 is replaced by branch2 in current revision, then the parent of current revision on branch1 will be branch2. In this case, use exact=True to select the existing branch before looking at the copy records. """ if (number, branch) in self.revmap: return number, branch real_num = 0 for num, br in self.revmap.iterkeys(): if br != branch: continue if num <= number and num > real_num: real_num = num if branch in self.branches: parent_branch = self.branches[branch][0] parent_branch_rev = self.branches[branch][1] # check to see if this branch already existed and is the same if parent_branch_rev < real_num: return real_num, branch # if that wasn't true, then this is the a new branch with the # same name as some old deleted branch if parent_branch_rev <= 0 and real_num == 0: return None, None branch_created_rev = self.branches[branch][2] if parent_branch == 'trunk': parent_branch = None if branch_created_rev <= number + 1 and branch != parent_branch: # did the branch exist in previous run if exact and branch in self.prevbranches: if self.prevbranches[branch][1] < real_num: return real_num, branch return self.get_parent_svn_branch_and_rev( parent_branch_rev, parent_branch) if real_num != 0: return real_num, branch return None, None def get_parent_revision(self, number, branch, exact=False): '''Get the parent revision hash for a commit on a specific branch. ''' tag = self.get_path_tag(self.remotename(branch)) if tag: # Reference a tag being created if tag in self.addedtags: tbranch, trev = self.addedtags[tag] fromtag = self.get_path_tag(self.remotename(tbranch)) if not fromtag: # Created from a regular branch, not another tag tagged = self.get_parent_svn_branch_and_rev(trev, tbranch) return node.hex(self.revmap[tagged]) tag = fromtag # Reference an existing tag limitedtags = maps.Tags(self, endrev=number - 1) if tag in limitedtags: return limitedtags[tag] r, br = self.get_parent_svn_branch_and_rev(number - 1, branch, exact) if r is not None: return self.revmap[r, br] return revlog.nullid def get_source_rev(self, changeid=None, ctx=None): """Return the source svn revision, the branch name and the svn branch path or a converted changeset. If supplied revision has no conversion record, raise KeyError. If ctx is None, build one from supplied changeid """ if ctx is None: ctx = self.repo[changeid] extra = ctx.extra() if 'convert_revision' not in extra: raise KeyError('%s has no conversion record' % ctx) branchpath, revnum = extra['convert_revision'][40:].rsplit('@', 1) branch = self.localname(self.normalize(branchpath)) if branchpath and branchpath[0] == '/': branchpath = branchpath[1:] return int(revnum), branch, branchpath def update_branch_tag_map_for_rev(self, revision): """Given a revision object, determine changes to branches. Returns: a dict of { 'branches': (added_branches, self.closebranches), } where adds are dicts where the keys are branch names and values are the place the branch came from. The deletions are sets of the deleted branches. """ paths = revision.paths added_branches = {} # Reset the tags delta before detecting the new one, and take # care not to fill them until done since split_branch_path() # use them. self.addedtags, self.deletedtags = {}, {} addedtags, deletedtags = {}, {} self.closebranches = set() for p in sorted(paths): t_name = self.get_path_tag(p) if t_name: src_p, src_rev = paths[p].copyfrom_path, paths[p].copyfrom_rev if src_p is not None and src_rev is not None: file, branch = self.split_branch_path(src_p)[:2] from_tag = self.get_path_tag(src_p) if file is None and not from_tag: continue if from_tag and from_tag not in self.tags: # Ignore copies from unknown tags continue if not file: # Direct branch or tag copy if from_tag: changeid = self.tags[from_tag] src_rev, branch = self.get_source_rev(changeid)[:2] if t_name not in addedtags: addedtags[t_name] = branch, src_rev else: # Subbranch or subtag copy t_name = t_name[:-(len(file)+1)] found = t_name in addedtags if found and src_rev > addedtags[t_name][1]: addedtags[t_name] = branch, src_rev elif (paths[p].action == 'D' and p.endswith(t_name) and t_name in self.tags): branch = self.get_source_rev(self.tags[t_name])[1] deletedtags[t_name] = branch, None continue # At this point we know the path is not a tag. In that # case, we only care if it is the root of a new branch (in # this function). This is determined by the following # checks: # 1. Is the file located inside any currently known # branch? If yes, then we're done with it, this isn't # interesting. # 2. Does the file have copyfrom information? If yes, and # the branch is being replaced by what would be an # ancestor, treat it as a regular revert. Otherwise, # we're done: this is a new branch, and we record the # copyfrom in added_branches if it comes from the root # of another branch, or create it from scratch. # 3. Neither of the above. This could be a branch, but it # might never work out for us. It's only ever a branch # (as far as we're concerned) if it gets committed to, # which we have to detect at file-write time anyway. So # we do nothing here. # 4. It's the root of an already-known branch, with an # action of 'D'. We mark the branch as deleted. # 5. It's the parent directory of one or more # already-known branches, so we mark them as deleted. # 6. It's a branch being replaced by another branch or a new # directory - the action will be 'R'. fi, br = self.split_branch_path(p)[:2] if fi is not None: if fi == '': if paths[p].action == 'D': self.closebranches.add(br) # case 4 elif paths[p].action == 'R': # Check the replacing source is not an ancestor # branch of the branch being replaced, this # would just be a revert. if paths[p].copyfrom_path: cfi, cbr = self.split_branch_path( paths[p].copyfrom_path, paths[p].copyfrom_rev)[:2] if cfi == '': cctx = self.repo[self.get_parent_revision( paths[p].copyfrom_rev + 1, cbr)] ctx = self.repo[self.get_parent_revision( revision.revnum, br)] if cctx and util.isancestor(ctx, cctx): continue parent = self._determine_parent_branch( p, paths[p].copyfrom_path, paths[p].copyfrom_rev, revision.revnum) added_branches.update(parent) continue # case 1 if paths[p].action == 'D': for known in self.branches: if self.remotename(known).startswith(p): self.closebranches.add(known) # case 5 parent = self._determine_parent_branch( p, paths[p].copyfrom_path, paths[p].copyfrom_rev, revision.revnum) if not parent and paths[p].copyfrom_path: bpath, branch = self.split_branch_path(p, False)[:2] if (bpath is not None and branch not in self.branches and branch not in added_branches): parent = {branch: (None, 0, revision.revnum)} elif bpath is None: srcpath = paths[p].copyfrom_path srcrev = paths[p].copyfrom_rev parent = {} for br in self.branches: rn = self.remotename(br) if rn.startswith(srcpath[1:] + '/'): bname = posixpath.basename(rn) newbr = posixpath.join(p, bname) parent.update( self._determine_parent_branch( newbr, rn, srcrev, revision.revnum)) added_branches.update(parent) self.addedtags, self.deletedtags = addedtags, deletedtags return { 'branches': (added_branches, self.closebranches), } def save_tbdelta(self, tbdelta): self.prevbranches = dict(self.branches) for br in tbdelta['branches'][1]: del self.branches[br] self.branches.update(tbdelta['branches'][0]) def movetag(self, tag, hash, rev, date): if tag in self.tags and self.tags[tag] == hash: return # determine branch from earliest unclosed ancestor branchparent = self.repo[hash] while branchparent.extra().get('close'): branchparent = branchparent.parents()[0] branch = self.get_source_rev(ctx=branchparent)[1] parentctx = self.repo[self.get_parent_revision(rev.revnum + 1, branch)] if '.hgtags' in parentctx: tagdata = parentctx.filectx('.hgtags').data() else: tagdata = '' tagdata += '%s %s\n' % (node.hex(hash), self.tagmap.get(tag, tag)) def hgtagsfn(repo, memctx, path): assert path == '.hgtags' return compathacks.makememfilectx(repo, path=path, data=tagdata, islink=False, isexec=False, copied=False) revnum, branch = self.get_source_rev(ctx=parentctx)[:2] newparent = None for child in parentctx.children(): if (self.get_source_rev(ctx=child)[1] == branch and child.extra().get('close', False)): newparent = child if newparent: parentctx = newparent revnum, branch = self.get_source_rev(ctx=parentctx)[:2] ctx = context.memctx(self.repo, (parentctx.node(), node.nullid), self.getmessage(rev), ['.hgtags', ], hgtagsfn, self.authors[], date, parentctx.extra()) new_hash = self.repo.svn_commitctx(ctx) if not newparent: assert self.revmap[revnum, branch] == parentctx.node() self.revmap[revnum, branch] = new_hash self.tags[tag] = hash, rev.revnum util.describe_commit(self.ui, new_hash, branch) def committags(self, rev, endbranches): if not self.addedtags and not self.deletedtags: return date = self.fixdate( # determine additions/deletions per branch branches = {} for tags in (self.addedtags, self.deletedtags): for tag, (branch, srcrev) in tags.iteritems(): op = srcrev is None and 'rm' or 'add' branches.setdefault(branch, []).append((op, tag, srcrev)) for b, tags in branches.iteritems(): # modify parent's .hgtags source parent = self.repo[self.get_parent_revision(rev.revnum, b)] if '.hgtags' not in parent: src = '' else: src = parent['.hgtags'].data() fromtag = self.get_path_tag(self.remotename(b)) for op, tag, r in sorted(tags, reverse=True): if tag in self.tagmap and not self.tagmap[tag]: continue tagged = node.hex(node.nullid) # op != 'add' if op == 'add': if fromtag: if fromtag in self.tags: tagged = node.hex(self.tags[fromtag]) else: tagged = node.hex(self.revmap[ self.get_parent_svn_branch_and_rev(r, b)]) src += '%s %s\n' % (tagged, self.tagmap.get(tag, tag)) self.tags[tag] = node.bin(tagged), rev.revnum # add new changeset containing updated .hgtags def fctxfun(repo, memctx, path): return compathacks.makememfilectx(repo, path='.hgtags', data=src, islink=False, isexec=False, copied=None) extra = self.genextra(rev.revnum, b) if fromtag: extra['branch'] = parent.extra().get('branch', 'default') self.mapbranch(extra, b in endbranches or fromtag) ctx = context.memctx(self.repo, (parent.node(), node.nullid), self.getmessage(rev), ['.hgtags'], fctxfun, self.authors[], date, extra) new = self.repo.svn_commitctx(ctx) if not fromtag and (rev.revnum, b) not in self.revmap: self.revmap[rev.revnum, b] = new if b in endbranches: endbranches.pop(b) bname = b or 'default' self.ui.status('Marked branch %s as closed.\n' % bname) def delbranch(self, branch, node, rev): pctx = self.repo[node] files = pctx.manifest().keys() extra = self.genextra(rev.revnum, branch) self.mapbranch(extra, True) ctx = context.memctx(self.repo, (node, revlog.nullid), self.getmessage(rev), [], lambda x, y, z: None, self.authors[], self.fixdate(, extra) new = self.repo.svn_commitctx(ctx) self.ui.status('Marked branch %s as closed.\n' % (branch or 'default'))