path: root/Cheetah/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Cheetah/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 291 deletions
diff --git a/Cheetah/ b/Cheetah/
deleted file mode 100644
index 62c707c4c..000000000
--- a/Cheetah/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# $Id:,v 1.1 2006/12/18 23:06:54 dwelch Exp $
-"""Filters for the #filter directive; output filters Cheetah's $placeholders .
-Filters may now be used standalone, for debugging or for use outside Cheetah.
-Class DummyTemplate, instance _dummyTemplateObj and class NoDefault exist only
-for this, to provide a default argument for the filter constructors (which
-would otherwise require a real template object).
-Author: Tavis Rudd <>
-Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
-Start Date: 2001/08/01
-Last Revision Date: $Date: 2006/12/18 23:06:54 $
-__author__ = "Tavis Rudd <>"
-__revision__ = "$Revision: 1.1 $"[11:-2]
-from StringIO import StringIO # not cStringIO because of unicode support
-# Additional entities WebSafe knows how to transform. No need to include
-# '<', '>' or '&' since those will have been done already.
-webSafeEntities = {' ': '&nbsp;', '"': '&quot;'}
-class Error(Exception):
- pass
-class NoDefault:
- pass
-class DummyTemplate:
- """Fake template class to allow filters to be used standalone.
- This is provides only the level of Template compatibility required by the
- standard filters. Namely, the get-settings interface works but there are
- no settings. Other aspects of Template are not implemented.
- """
- def setting(self, name, default=NoDefault):
- if default is NoDefault:
- raise KeyError(name)
- else:
- return default
- def settings(self):
- return {}
-_dummyTemplateObj = DummyTemplate()
-class Filter:
- """A baseclass for the Cheetah Filters."""
- def __init__(self, templateObj=_dummyTemplateObj):
- """Setup a ref to the templateObj. Subclasses should call this method.
- """
- self.setting = templateObj.setting
- self.settings = templateObj.settings
- def generateAutoArgs(self):
- """This hook allows the filters to generate an arg-list that will be
- appended to the arg-list of a $placeholder tag when it is being
- translated into Python code during the template compilation process. See
- the 'Pager' filter class for an example."""
- return ''
- def filter(self, val, **kw):
- """Reimplement this method if you want more advanced filterting."""
- return str(val)
-class ReplaceNone(Filter):
- def filter(self, val, **kw):
- """Replace None with an empty string. Reimplement this method if you
- want more advanced filterting."""
- if val is None:
- return ''
- return str(val)
-class EncodeUnicode(Filter):
- def filter(self, val,
- encoding='utf8',
- str=str, type=type, unicodeType=type(u''),
- **kw):
- """Encode Unicode strings, by default in UTF-8.
- >>> import Cheetah.Template
- >>> t = Cheetah.Template.Template('''
- ... $myvar
- ... ${myvar, encoding='utf16'}
- ... ''', searchList=[{'myvar': u'Asni\xe8res'}],
- ... filter='EncodeUnicode')
- >>> print t
- """
- if type(val)==unicodeType:
- filtered = val.encode(encoding)
- elif val is None:
- filtered = ''
- else:
- filtered = str(val)
- return filtered
-class RawOrEncodedUnicode(Filter):
- def filter(self, val,
- #encoding='utf8',
- encoding=None,
- str=str, type=type, unicodeType=type(u''),
- **kw):
- """Pass Unicode strings through unmolested, unless an encoding is specified.
- """
- if type(val)==unicodeType:
- if encoding:
- filtered = val.encode(encoding)
- else:
- filtered = val
- elif val is None:
- filtered = ''
- else:
- filtered = str(val)
- return filtered
-class MaxLen(Filter):
- def filter(self, val, **kw):
- """Replace None with '' and cut off at maxlen."""
- if val is None:
- return ''
- output = str(val)
- if kw.has_key('maxlen') and len(output) > kw['maxlen']:
- return output[:kw['maxlen']]
- return output
-class Pager(Filter):
- def __init__(self, templateObj=_dummyTemplateObj):
- Filter.__init__(self, templateObj)
- self._IDcounter = 0
- def buildQString(self,varsDict, updateDict):
- finalDict = varsDict.copy()
- finalDict.update(updateDict)
- qString = '?'
- for key, val in finalDict.items():
- qString += str(key) + '=' + str(val) + '&'
- return qString
- def generateAutoArgs(self):
- ID = str(self._IDcounter)
- self._IDcounter += 1
- return ', trans=trans, ID=' + ID
- def filter(self, val, **kw):
- """Replace None with '' and cut off at maxlen."""
- if val is None:
- return ''
- output = str(val)
- if kw.has_key('trans') and kw['trans']:
- ID = kw['ID']
- marker = kw.get('marker', '<split>')
- req = kw['trans'].request()
- URI = req.environ()['SCRIPT_NAME'] + req.environ()['PATH_INFO']
- queryVar = 'pager' + str(ID) + '_page'
- fields = req.fields()
- page = int(fields.get( queryVar, 1))
- pages = output.split(marker)
- output = pages[page-1]
- output += '<BR>'
- if page > 1:
- output +='<A HREF="' + URI + self.buildQString(fields, {queryVar:max(page-1,1)}) + \
- '">Previous Page</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'
- if page < len(pages):
- output += '<A HREF="' + URI + self.buildQString(
- fields,
- {queryVar:
- min(page+1,len(pages))}) + \
- '">Next Page</A>'
- return output
- return output
-class WebSafe(Filter):
- """Escape HTML entities in $placeholders.
- """
- def filter(self, val, **kw):
- # Do the default conversion.
- if val is None:
- return ''
- s = str(val)
- # These substitutions are copied from cgi.escape().
- s = s.replace("&", "&amp;") # Must be done first!
- s = s.replace("<", "&lt;")
- s = s.replace(">", "&gt;")
- # Process the additional transformations if any.
- if kw.has_key('also'):
- also = kw['also']
- entities = webSafeEntities # Global variable.
- for k in also:
- if entities.has_key(k):
- v = entities[k]
- else:
- v = "&#%s;" % ord(k)
- s = s.replace(k, v)
- # Return the puppy.
- return s
-class Strip(Filter):
- """Strip leading/trailing whitespace but preserve newlines.
- This filter goes through the value line by line, removing leading and
- trailing whitespace on each line. It does not strip newlines, so every
- input line corresponds to one output line, with its trailing newline intact.
- We do not use val.split('\n') because that would squeeze out consecutive
- blank lines. Instead, we search for each newline individually. This
- makes us unable to use the fast C .split method, but it makes the filter
- much more widely useful.
- This filter is intended to be usable both with the #filter directive and
- with the proposed #sed directive (which has not been ratified yet.)
- """
- def filter(self, val, **kw):
- if val is None:
- return ''
- s = str(val)
- result = StringIO()
- start = 0 # The current line will be s[start:end].
- while 1: # Loop through each line.
- end = s.find('\n', start) # Find next newline.
- if end == -1: # If no more newlines.
- break
- chunk = s[start:end].strip()
- result.write(chunk)
- result.write('\n')
- start = end + 1
- # Write the unfinished portion after the last newline, if any.
- chunk = s[start:].strip()
- result.write(chunk)
- return result.getvalue()
-class StripSqueeze(Filter):
- """Canonicalizes every chunk of whitespace to a single space.
- Strips leading/trailing whitespace. Removes all newlines, so multi-line
- input is joined into one ling line with NO trailing newline.
- """
- def filter(self, val, **kw):
- if val is None:
- return ''
- s = str(val).split()
- return " ".join(s)
-## MAIN ROUTINE -- testing
-def test():
- s1 = "abc <=> &"
- s2 = " asdf \n\t 1 2 3\n"
- print "WebSafe INPUT:", `s1`
- print " WebSafe:", `WebSafe().filter(s1)`
- print
- print " Strip INPUT:", `s2`
- print " Strip:", `Strip().filter(s2)`
- print "StripSqueeze:", `StripSqueeze().filter(s2)`
- print "Unicode:", `EncodeUnicode().filter(u'aoeu12345\u1234')`
-if __name__ == "__main__": test()
-# vim: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab