#!/usr/bin/make -f derives_from_ubuntu := $(shell (dpkg-vendor --derives-from Ubuntu && echo "yes") || echo "no") -include /usr/share/python3/python.mk ifeq (,$(py_sitename)) py_sitename = site-packages py_libdir = /usr/lib/python$(subst python,,$(1))/site-packages py_sitename_sh = $(py_sitename) py_libdir_sh = $(py_libdir) endif # Override py_sitename as the python.mk module gives the wrong "dist-packages" py_sitename = site-packages PYTHON=python3 PYTHON_DEFAULT_VERSION:=$(shell py3versions -dv) PYTHON_SITENAME:=$(call py_sitename, $(PYTHON_DEFAULT_VERSION)) PKGTMP:=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp PPDDIR:=$(PKGTMP)/usr/share/ppd # Autoconf export DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS) export DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all GZIP = gzip -n --best ## ## Build-tree preparation ## %: dh $@ --buildsystem=autoconf --with python3 --with pyppd override_dh_autoreconf: dh_autoreconf --as-needed sh -- debian/autogen.sh # Clean everything up, including everything auto-generated # at build time that needs not to be kept around in the Debian diff override_dh_clean: dh_clean find . -regextype posix-extended -iregex '.*\.(ldl|ppd|pdf|ps|pcl)\.gz' | xargs gunzip -f ;\ rm -f *.1 -rm -f prnt/hpijs/platform.h prnt/hpijs/auto-include.h find -type d -name build -print0 | xargs -0 -r rm -rf \; # We prefer to regenerate these using pyuic (cd ui5 && for i in *.ui ; do rm -f $${i%.ui}.py ; done) ## ## Package build ## override_dh_auto_configure: dh_auto_configure -- \ PYTHON="$(PYTHON)" \ --config-cache \ --docdir=\$${prefix}/share/doc/hplip \ --with-docdir=\$${prefix}/share/doc/hplip \ --with-htmldir=\$${prefix}/share/doc/hplip-doc \ --disable-foomatic-rip-hplip-install \ --with-drvdir=\$${prefix}/share/cups/drv \ --with-hpppddir=\$${prefix}/share/ppd/hplip/HP \ --datadir=\$${prefix}/share \ --without-icondir \ --enable-hpcups-install \ --enable-cups-drv-install \ --enable-hpijs-install \ --enable-foomatic-drv-install \ --disable-foomatic-ppd-install \ --enable-network-build \ --enable-scan-build \ --enable-gui-build \ --enable-fax-build \ --disable-qt3 \ --disable-qt4 \ --enable-qt5 \ --enable-policykit override_dh_auto_build: # Compress various files before building, they are needed for the build, and were # compressed in the non-repacked upstream tarballs -find . -name '*.ppd' | xargs ${GZIP} -f -find data/ -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*\.(ldl|pcl|ps|pdf)' | xargs ${GZIP} -f # Rebuild the UI files and patch the imports to be relative (set -e; cd ui5; \ for i in *.ui ; do pyuic5 -o $${i%.ui}.py $$i; done; \ modules=$$(for i in *.py; do echo -n $${i%%.py}\|; done; echo dummyalternative); \ sed -r "s#from ($$modules)#from .\1#" -i *.py \ ) # Patch out retranslateUi call like upstream does sed -i s/self.retranslateUi/#self.retranslateUi/ ui5/devmgr5_base.py dh_auto_build ## ## Debian packaging ## override_dh_install: # Clean up libtool archives find $(PKGTMP) -name '*.la' -delete # Remove hpcups support for the HP Officejet Pro K550 as it is known # to not work. This way hpijs (which works) will be used (Ubuntu bugs # #981473, #1311697) perl -e '$$content = join("", <>); $$content =~ s:^\s*\{[^\n]*?\n[^\n]*?pro.k550.*?\}\s*\n::ism; print $$content' $(PKGTMP)/usr/share/cups/drv/hpcups.drv > $(PKGTMP)/usr/share/cups/drv/hpcups.drv.new rm $(PKGTMP)/usr/share/cups/drv/hpcups.drv mv $(PKGTMP)/usr/share/cups/drv/hpcups.drv.new $(PKGTMP)/usr/share/cups/drv/hpcups.drv ifeq ($(derives_from_ubuntu),yes) # Install wrapper script for hp-plugin, to be called by update-notifier # on udev signal (Ubuntu only) install -d $(CURDIR)/debian/hplip/usr/bin/ install -m 755 debian/local/scripts/hp-plugin-ubuntu $(CURDIR)/debian/hplip/usr/bin/ endif # Install Apport hook install -D -m 644 debian/local/apport-hook.py $(PKGTMP)/usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_hplip.py # Remove identical PPD files shipped under different names ( cd "$(PKGTMP)" && fdupes -r1q usr/share/ppd | while read s; do \ set -- $$(echo $$s | tr ' ' '\n' | sort); \ f=$$1; shift; \ for d; do \ echo "Removing duplicate PPD file $$d, original is $$f"; \ rm $$d; \ done; \ done ) # Generate man pages corresponding to the programs export HPLIP_BUILD=1; \ ( cd ./debian/tmp/usr/bin/; \ for file in *; do \ if readlink $$file | grep ".py"; then \ PYTHONPATH=../lib/python$(PYTHON_DEFAULT_VERSION)/$(PYTHON_SITENAME)/ \ HOME=./ \ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) $(PYTHON) ./$$file --help-man > $(CURDIR)/$$file.1 ; \ fi; \ done \ ) # Correct Python interpreter path in all executables, and 'upgrade' it to $(PYTHON) for file in ./debian/tmp/usr/bin/* ./debian/tmp/usr/lib/cups/*/*; do \ perl -p -i -e 's:^\s*\#\!\s*/usr/bin/(env\s+)?python.*:#!/usr/bin/$(PYTHON):' `readlink -f $$file`; \ done # Remove unneeded explicit calls of the Python interpreter to let the # (upgraded) shebangs rule for file in ./debian/tmp/*/udev/rules.d/*.rules; do \ perl -p -i -e 's:/usr/bin/$(PYTHON)\b\s*::' `readlink -f $$file`; \ done # Remove all *.pyc files, they do not need to be shipped with the # package find ./debian/tmp/ -name '*.pyc' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f # Remove files we are not to ship from the install tree @echo Removing non-shipped files, see debian/non-shipped-files.txt @cat debian/non-shipped-files.txt | \ ( cd "$(PKGTMP)" && xargs -d '\n' -t -r rm -fv ) # Remove stray #! lines on python libraries, and fix permissions find "$(PKGTMP)/usr/share/hplip" -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print0 | \ xargs -0 -r -i@ find @ -type f -name '*.py' | \ while read -r i ; do \ chmod a-x "$$i" && \ sed < "$$i" > "$$i.tmp" -e '/^#!/ {1 d}' && \ mv -f "$$i.tmp" "$$i" ; \ done # executable-not-elf-or-script chmod -x $(PKGTMP)/usr/share/hplip/installer/distros.dat mkdir -p "$(PKGTMP)/usr/share/applications" install -m 644 debian/*.desktop "$(PKGTMP)/usr/share/applications" mkdir -p "$(PKGTMP)/etc/sane.d/dll.d" install -m 644 debian/hplip.sane "$(PKGTMP)/etc/sane.d/dll.d/hplip" dh_install # Modify all Ghostscript command lines to have the "-dNOINTERPOLATE" # coomand line option. This makes rendering the pages much faster perl -p -i -e "s/(\-sDEVICE=)/-dNOINTERPOLATE \1/" \ $(CURDIR)/debian/*/usr/share/ppd/hplip/HP/HP-Fax*.ppd \ $(CURDIR)/debian/*/usr/share/cups/drv/hpijs.drv \ $(CURDIR)/debian/*/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstotiff # Patch the PPDs for the hpijs-ppds package to use foomatic-rip # as CUPS filter and not foomatic-rip-hplip. Also add # "-dNOINTERPOLATE" to the Ghostscript command lines to make rendering # by Ghostscript faster. (if dh_listpackages | grep -q hpijs-ppds; then \ cd $(CURDIR)/debian/hpijs-ppds/usr/share/ppd/hplip/HP/ && \ for ppdgz in *.ppd.gz; do \ gunzip -f $$ppdgz; \ ppd=$$(basename $$ppdgz .gz);\ perl -p -i -e 's/foomatic-rip-hplip/foomatic-rip/g' $$ppd; \ perl -p -i -e "s/(\-sDEVICE=)/-dNOINTERPOLATE \1/" $$ppd; \ done; fi \ ) # Remove models.dat from hplip-data - we ship with libsane-hpaio if dh_listpackages | grep -q hplip-data; then \ rm $(CURDIR)/debian/hplip-data/usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat; \ fi override_dh_pyppd: # Don't compress the 4 Fax PPDs dh_pyppd -Nprinter-driver-hpijs -Nprinter-driver-hpcups override_dh_makeshlibs: dh_makeshlibs -plibsane-hpaio --noscripts dh_makeshlibs --remaining-packages override_dh_python3: dh_python3 --no-shebang-rewrite dh_python3 /usr/share/hplip --no-shebang-rewrite override_dh_shlibdeps: dh_shlibdeps --dpkg-shlibdeps-params=--ignore-missing-info get-orig-source: set -e;\ curbranch=$$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD); \ repackv=+dfsg0; \ quilt pop -af || true ;\ rm -Rf .pc ;\ gbp import-orig --no-pristine-tar --no-merge --uscan --upstream-branch=upstream/latest;\ git checkout upstream/latest-repack ;\ utag=`git describe --exact-match heads/upstream/latest | sed -e 's#^upstream/##'` ;\ git merge --strategy-option=theirs --no-commit upstream/$$utag || true ;\ find . -regextype posix-extended -iregex '.*\.(ldl|ppd|pdf|ps|pcl)\.gz' | xargs gunzip -f ;\ git add -A . ;\ git commit -m "Merge upstream $$utag version; un-gzip source files" ;\ urtag=$$utag$$repackv ;\ urcommit=`git rev-parse --verify HEAD`;\ git tag upstream/$$urtag -m "Upstream repacked $$utag version" ;\ git archive --format=tar --prefix=hplip-$$urtag/ upstream/$$urtag | xz -6e > ../hplip_$$urtag.orig.tar.xz ;\ pristine-tar commit ../hplip_$$urtag.orig.tar.xz upstream/$$urtag ;\ git checkout $$curbranch ;\ git debrebase new-upstream $$utag $$urcommit