#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # (c) Copyright 2011-2015 HP Development Company, L.P. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Author: Amarnath Chitumalla # from __future__ import print_function __version__ = '1.0' __title__ = 'HPLIP Uninstaller' __mod__ = 'hp-uninstall' __doc__ = "Uninstaller for HPLIP ." # Std Lib import getopt, os, sys, re, time # Local from base.g import * from base import utils, tui from installer.core_install import * USAGE = [(__doc__, "", "name", True), ("Usage: %s [OPTIONS]" % __mod__, "", "summary", True), utils.USAGE_SPACE, utils.USAGE_OPTIONS, utils.USAGE_LOGGING1, utils.USAGE_LOGGING2, utils.USAGE_LOGGING3, ("Non-interactive mode:", "-n (without asking for permission)","option",False), utils.USAGE_HELP, ] def usage(typ='text'): if typ == 'text': utils.log_title(__title__, __version__) utils.format_text(USAGE, typ, __title__, __mod__, __version__) sys.exit(0) mode = INTERACTIVE_MODE auto = False log_level = None log.set_module(__mod__) try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hl:gn', ['help', 'help-rest', 'help-man', 'help-desc', 'gui', 'lang=','logging=', 'debug']) except getopt.GetoptError as e: log.error(e.msg) usage() sys.exit(1) if os.getenv("HPLIP_DEBUG"): log.set_level('debug') for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif o == '--help-rest': usage('rest') elif o == '--help-man': usage('man') elif o in ('-q', '--lang'): language = a.lower() elif o == '--help-desc': print(__doc__, end=' ') sys.exit(0) elif o in ('-l', '--logging'): log_level = a.lower().strip() # if not log.set_level(log_level): # usage() elif o in ('-g', '--debug'): log_level = 'debug' # log.set_level('debug') elif o == '-n': mode = NON_INTERACTIVE_MODE if log_level is not None: if not log.set_level(log_level): usage() log_file = os.path.normpath('%s/hplip-uninstall.log'%prop.user_dir) if os.getuid() != 0: log.error("To run 'hp-uninstall' utility, you must have root privileges.(Try using 'sudo' or 'su -c')") sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(log_file): os.remove(log_file) log.set_logfile(log_file) log.set_where(log.LOG_TO_CONSOLE_AND_FILE) log.debug("Log file=%s" % log_file) log.debug("euid = %d" % os.geteuid()) utils.log_title(__title__, __version__, True) log.info("Uninstaller log saved in: %s" % log.bold(log_file)) log.info("") core = CoreInstall(MODE_CHECK, INTERACTIVE_MODE) core.init() core.uninstall(mode)