path: root/tcltk
diff options
authorRuben Undheim <>2018-09-02 23:23:56 +0200
committerRuben Undheim <>2018-09-02 23:23:56 +0200
commitf755f8b97dcbe99f794bbd0d946e41b98b1b23a3 (patch)
tree44da2be9806fc45af2aed51857922b85b0698247 /tcltk
Import Upstream version 9.7.93
Diffstat (limited to 'tcltk')
13 files changed, 9022 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcltk/Depend b/tcltk/Depend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aacaf2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcltk/Depend
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+tclirsim.o: tclirsim.c ../base/defs.h ../base/net.h ../base/globals.h \
+ ../base/rsim.h
+tclanalyzer.o: tclanalyzer.c ../base/globals.h ../base/net.h \
+ ../analyzer/ana.h ../base/defs.h ../analyzer/ana_glob.h \
+ ../analyzer/graphics.h
+lookup.o: lookup.c ../base/globals.h ../base/net.h
+tkAnalyzer.o: tkAnalyzer.c ../analyzer/ana.h ../base/net.h ../base/defs.h \
+ ../analyzer/ana_glob.h ../base/rsim.h
+tkTag.o: tkTag.c ../base/net.h
diff --git a/tcltk/Makefile b/tcltk/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..075be78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcltk/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+MODULE = tcltk
+SRCS = tclirsim.c tclanalyzer.c lookup.c
+TK_SRCS = tkAnalyzer.c tkTag.c
+include ${IRSIMDIR}/defs.mak
+DFLAGS += -DIRSIM_DATE="\"`date`\""
+LIBS += ${GR_LIBS} -lm
+CLEANS += irsim.tcl irsimexec
+CFLAGS += -I${IRSIMDIR}/base -I${IRSIMDIR}/analyzer
+ $(DESTDIR)${TCLDIR}/tkcon.tcl \
+ $(DESTDIR)${TCLDIR}/console.tcl \
+ $(DESTDIR)${TCLDIR}/vcd.tcl \
+ $(DESTDIR)${TCLDIR}/irsim.tcl
+tcl-main: irsimexec irsim.tcl
+install-tcl: irsimexec $(DESTDIR)${BINDIR}/ ${TCL_FILES}
+ ${RM} $(DESTDIR)${TCLDIR}/irsimexec
+ ${CP} irsimexec $(DESTDIR)${TCLDIR}/irsimexec
+irsimexec: irsimexec.c tclirsim.o
+ ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ${DFLAGS} irsimexec.c -o irsimexec \
+ sed -e /TCL_DIR/s%TCL_DIR%${TCLDIR}%g \
+ > irsim.tcl
+ sed -e /TCL_DIR/s%TCL_DIR%${TCLDIR}%g \
+ >
+ ${RM} $(DESTDIR)${TCLDIR}/$*
+ ${CP} $* $(DESTDIR)${TCLDIR}/$*
+ ${CP} $(DESTDIR)${BINDIR}/irsim
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)${BINDIR}; chmod 0755 irsim)
+include ${IRSIMDIR}/rules.mak
diff --git a/tcltk/console.tcl b/tcltk/console.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffe66e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcltk/console.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Tcl commands to run in the console before IRSIM is initialized
+puts stdout "Running IRSIM Console Functions"
+bind .text <Control-Key-c> {irsim::interrupt}
diff --git a/tcltk/ b/tcltk/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e9e9333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcltk/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# For installation, put this file ( in a standard executable path.
+# Put startup script "irsim.tcl" and shared library ""
+# in ${CAD_ROOT}/irsim/tcl/, with a symbolic link from file
+# ".wishrc" to "irsim.tcl".
+# This script starts irsim under the Tcl interpreter,
+# reading commands from a special .wishrc script which
+# launches irsim and retains the Tcl interactive interpreter.
+# Parse for the argument "-c[onsole]". If it exists, run irsim
+# with the TkCon console. Strip this argument from the argument list.
+export IRSIM_WISH
+# Hacks for Cygwin
+if [ ${TERM:=""} = "cygwin" ]; then
+ export DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:=":0"}
+for i in $@ ; do
+ case $i in
+ -noc*) TKCON=;;
+ esac
+if [ $TKCON ]; then
+ exec TCL_DIR/tkcon.tcl \
+ -eval "source TCL_DIR/console.tcl" \
+ -slave "package require Tk; set argc $#; set argv [list $*]; \
+ source TCL_DIR/irsim.tcl"
+# exec TCL_DIR/tkcon.tcl -exec "" -eval \
+# "set argc $#; set argv [list $*]; source TCL_DIR/irsim.tcl"
+# Run the stand-in for wish (irsimexec), which acts exactly like "wish"
+# except that it replaces ~/.wishrc with irsim.tcl. This executable is
+# *only* needed when running without the console; the console itself is
+# capable of sourcing the startup script.
+ exec TCL_DIR/irsimexec -- $@
diff --git a/tcltk/ b/tcltk/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..639cf40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcltk/
@@ -0,0 +1,1111 @@
+# Wishrc startup for ToolScript (irsim)
+# For installation: Put this file and also into
+# directory ${CAD_ROOT}/irsim/tcl/, and set the "load" line below
+# to point to the location of Also see comments
+# in shell script "".
+load TCL_DIR/tclirsimSHDLIB_EXT
+# Load the "random" library, if it exists
+catch {load TCL_DIR/randomSHDLIB_EXT}
+# It is important to make sure no irsim commands overlap with Tcl built-in
+# commands, because otherwise the namespace import will fail.
+proc pushnamespace { name } {
+ set y [namespace eval ${name} info commands ::${name}::*]
+ set z [info commands]
+ foreach v $y {
+ regsub -all {\*} $v {\\*} i
+ set x [namespace tail $i]
+ if {[lsearch $z $x] < 0} {
+ namespace import $i
+ } else {
+ puts "Warning: ${name} command '$x' use fully-qualified name '$v'"
+ }
+ }
+proc popnamespace { name } {
+ set z [info commands]
+ set l [expr [string length ${name}] + 5]
+ while {[set v [lsearch $z ${name}_tcl_*]] >= 0} {
+ set y [lindex $z $v]
+ set w [string range $y $l end]
+ interp alias {} ::$w {}
+ rename ::$y ::$w
+ puts "Info: replacing ::$w with ::$y"
+ }
+ namespace forget ::${name}::*
+# Convenience routines
+# Convert a (decimal) number into a bit vector string. If dir = 0 (default),
+# MSB is on the left. if dir = 1, MSB is on the right.
+proc irsim::bconvert {value bits {dir 0}} {
+ set str ""
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $bits} {incr i} {
+ if {$dir == 0} {
+ set str "[expr {$value & 1}]$str"
+ } else {
+ append str [expr {$value & 1}]
+ }
+ set value [expr {$value >> 1}]
+ }
+ return $str
+# List nodes in the top-level of a hierarchically-specified netlist,
+# where hierarchy is implied by the use of "/" in the net names.
+proc irsim::listtopnodes {{separator /}} {
+ set allnodes [listnodes]
+ set topnodes {}
+ foreach n $allnodes {
+ if {[string first $separator $n] < 0} {
+ lappend topnodes $n
+ }
+ }
+ return $topnodes
+# Cross-Application section
+# Check namespaces for existence of other applications
+set UsingMagic 0
+set UsingXCircuit 0
+set UsingNetgen 0
+set nlist [namespace children]
+foreach i $nlist {
+ switch $i {
+ ::magic { set UsingMagic 1 }
+ ::xcircuit { set UsingXCircuit 1 }
+ ::netgen { set UsingNetgen 1 }
+ }
+# Setup Magic assuming that the Tcl version is installed.
+proc magic { args } {
+ global CAD_ROOT
+ global argc
+ global argv
+ set magicscript [glob -nocomplain ${CAD_ROOT}/magic/tcl/magic.tcl]
+ if { ${magicscript} == {} } {
+ puts stderr "\"magic\" requires Tcl-based Magic version 7.2 or newer."
+ puts stderr "Could not find script \"magic.tcl\". If Magic is installed in a"
+ puts stderr "place other than CAD_ROOT (=${CAD_ROOT}), use the command"
+ puts stderr "\"source <path>/magic.tcl\"."
+ } else {
+ set argv $args
+ set argc [llength $args]
+ uplevel #0 source $magicscript
+ }
+# Setup Xcircuit assuming that the Tcl version is installed.
+proc xcircuit { args } {
+ global CAD_ROOT
+ global argc
+ global argv
+ set xcircscript [glob -nocomplain ${CAD_ROOT}/xcircuit*/xcircuit.tcl]
+ if { ${xcircscript} == {} } {
+ puts stderr "\"xcircuit\" requires Tcl-based XCircuit version 3.1 or newer."
+ puts stderr "Could not find script \"xcircuit.tcl\". If XCircuit is installed in a"
+ puts stderr "place other than CAD_ROOT (=${CAD_ROOT}), use the command"
+ puts stderr "\"source <path>/xcircuit.tcl\"."
+ } else {
+ # if there are multiple installed versions, choose the highest version.
+ if {[llength $xcircscript] > 1} {
+ set xcircscript [lindex [lsort -decreasing -dictionary $xcircscript] 0]
+ }
+ set argv $args
+ set argc [llength $args]
+ uplevel source $xcircscript
+ }
+# Setup Netgen assuming that the Tcl version is installed.
+proc netgen { args } {
+ global CAD_ROOT
+ global argc
+ global argv
+ set netgenscript [glob -nocomplain ${CAD_ROOT}/netgen/tcl/netgen.tcl]
+ if { ${netgenscript} == {} } {
+ puts stderr "\"netgen\" requires Tcl-based Netgen version 1.2 or newer."
+ puts stderr "Could not find script \"netgen.tcl\". If Netgen is installed in a"
+ puts stderr "place other than CAD_ROOT (=${CAD_ROOT}), use the command"
+ puts stderr "\"source <path>/netgen.tcl\"."
+ } else {
+ set argv $args
+ set argc [llength $args]
+ source $netgenscript
+ }
+# Import other Tcl scripts
+catch {source TCL_DIR/vcd.tcl}
+# Backwards-compatibility commands
+proc @ { args } {
+ # Process a command file with backwards-compatibility for original
+ # IRSIM commands "set" and "flush"
+ set f [open $args]
+ while {![eof $f]} {
+ set linein [gets $f]
+ regsub -- {^set } $linein "setvector " linein
+ regsub -- {^flush} $linein histflush linein
+ eval $linein
+ }
+ close $f
+proc < { args } {
+ restorestate $args
+proc << { args } {
+ restoreall $args
+proc > { args } {
+ savestate $args
+proc ! { args } {
+ querygate $args
+proc ? { args } {
+ querysource $args
+proc | { args } {
+set auto_noexec 1 ;# don't EVER call UNIX commands w/o "shell" in front
+# Have we called irsim from tkcon or a clone thereof? If so, set IrsimConsole
+if {! $UsingMagic } {
+ if {[lsearch [interp aliases] tkcon] != -1} {
+ set IrsimConsole tkcon
+ wm withdraw .
+ # Get rid of some overlapping tkcon commands which are not needed.
+ if {[lsearch [info commands] orig_alias] < 0} {rename alias orig_alias}
+ } else {
+ rename unknown tcl_unknown
+ proc unknown { args } {
+ # CAD tools special:
+ # Check for commands which were renamed to tcl_(command)
+ set cmd [lindex $args 0]
+ if {[lsearch [info commands] tcl_$cmd] >= 0} {
+ set arglist [concat tcl_$cmd [lrange $args 1 end]]
+ set ret [catch {eval $arglist} result]
+ if {$ret == 0} {
+ return $result
+ } else {
+ return -code $ret -errorcode $errorCode $result
+ }
+ }
+ return [eval [concat tcl_unknown $args]]
+ }
+ }
+# These commands are defined by Tcl but not by magic, so they can be
+# altered in any IRSIM mode of operation.
+if {[lsearch [info commands] orig_clock] < 0} {rename clock orig_clock}
+if {[lsearch [info commands] orig_trace] < 0} {rename trace orig_trace}
+pushnamespace irsim
+# The analyzer window setup
+set RsimOpts(banner) [irsim::print banner]
+set RsimOpts(legend) [irsim::print legend]
+set RsimOpts(times) [irsim::print times]
+set RsimOpts(outline) [irsim::print outline]
+set RsimOpts(scroll) [simtime scroll]
+set RsimOpts(step) 100.0
+set RsimOpts(sstep) 1000.0
+set RsimOpts(base) 0
+toplevel .analyzer
+wm geometry .analyzer 800x350+50+50
+wm protocol .analyzer WM_DELETE_WINDOW {wm withdraw .analyzer}
+frame .analyzer.menubar
+frame .analyzer.scope
+menubutton .analyzer.menubar.print -text Print \
+ -menu -relief groove
+menubutton .analyzer.menubar.base -text Base \
+ -menu -relief groove
+menubutton .analyzer.menubar.window -text Window \
+ -menu -relief groove
+menubutton .analyzer.menubar.zoom -text Zoom \
+ -menu -relief groove
+set m [menu -tearoff 0]
+$m add command -label "File" \
+ -command {GetUserInput "Enter filename:" "[irsim::print title]" \
+ "irsim::print file"}
+$m add command -label "Title" \
+ -command {GetUserInput "Enter title:" "[irsim::print title]" \
+ "irsim::get_title"}
+$m add separator
+$m add check -label "Banner" -variable RsimOpts(banner) \
+ -command {irsim::print banner $RsimOpts(banner)}
+$m add check -label "Legend" -variable RsimOpts(legend) \
+ -command {irsim::print legend $RsimOpts(legend)}
+$m add check -label "Times" -variable RsimOpts(times) \
+ -command {irsim::print times $RsimOpts(times)}
+$m add check -label "Outline" -variable RsimOpts(outline) \
+ -command {irsim::print outline $RsimOpts(outline)}
+set m [menu -tearoff 0]
+$m add command -label "Manage Traces" \
+ -command {wm deiconify .nodelist; irsim::update_nodelist force}
+$m add command -label "Name Length" \
+ -command {GetUserInput "Length (characters):" "[trace characters]" \
+ "irsim::get_length"}
+$m add check -label "Scroll" -variable RsimOpts(scroll) \
+ -command {simtime scroll $RsimOpts(scroll)}
+$m add command -label "Scroll Step" \
+ -command {GetUserInput "Scroll Step:" "$RsimOpts(step)" \
+ "irsim::set_scrollstep"}
+$m add command -label "Shift Step" \
+ -command {GetUserInput "Scroll Shift Step:" "$RsimOpts(sstep)" \
+ "irsim::set_scrollsstep"}
+set m [menu -tearoff 0]
+$m add radio -label "Binary" -variable RsimOpts(base) \
+ -value binary -command {base set binary}
+$m add radio -label "Octal" -variable RsimOpts(base) \
+ -value octal -command {base set octal}
+$m add radio -label "Unsigned Decimal" -variable RsimOpts(base) \
+ -value decimal -command {base set decimal}
+$m add radio -label "Signed Decimal" -variable RsimOpts(base) \
+ -value signed -command {base set signed}
+$m add radio -label "Hex" -variable RsimOpts(base) \
+ -value hexidecimal -command {base set hexidecimal}
+set m [menu -tearoff 0]
+$m add command -label "In" -command {zoom in}
+$m add command -label "Out" -command {zoom out}
+$m add command -label "Full" -command {simtime left [simtime begin]; \
+ simtime right [simtime end]}
+label .analyzer.menubar.title -text "logic analyzer display" \
+ -anchor w -padx 5
+set scb(center) [image create bitmap \
+ -file TCL_DIR/bitmaps/center.xbm \
+ -background gray -foreground steelblue]
+set scb(lleft) [image create bitmap \
+ -file TCL_DIR/bitmaps/lleft.xbm \
+ -background gray -foreground steelblue]
+set scb(left) [image create bitmap \
+ -file TCL_DIR/bitmaps/left.xbm \
+ -background gray -foreground steelblue]
+set scb(right) [image create bitmap \
+ -file TCL_DIR/bitmaps/right.xbm \
+ -background gray -foreground steelblue]
+set scb(rright) [image create bitmap \
+ -file TCL_DIR/bitmaps/rright.xbm \
+ -background gray -foreground steelblue]
+pack .analyzer.menubar.title -side left -expand true -fill both
+pack .analyzer.menubar.print -side right
+pack .analyzer.menubar.window -side right
+pack .analyzer.menubar.base -side right
+pack .analyzer.menubar.zoom -side right
+tkanalyzer .analyzer.scope.display -background black
+pack .analyzer.menubar -fill x -side top
+pack .analyzer.scope -fill both -side bottom -expand true
+grid columnconfigure .analyzer.scope 1 -weight 1
+grid rowconfigure .analyzer.scope 1 -weight 1
+label .analyzer.scope.time0 -text "0.0" -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken -anchor e
+label .analyzer.scope.time1 -text "" -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken
+label .analyzer.scope.time2 -text "0.0" -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken -anchor w
+frame .analyzer.scope.names -width 50 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 \
+ -background skyblue2
+frame .analyzer.scope.values -width 50 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 \
+ -background skyblue2
+frame .analyzer.scope.lbuttons
+frame .analyzer.scope.rbuttons
+button -image $scb(center) -borderwidth 1 \
+ -command {simtime left [simtime begin] ; simtime right [simtime end]}
+button .analyzer.scope.lbuttons.lleft -image $scb(lleft) -borderwidth 1 \
+ -command {simtime move [simtime begin]}
+button .analyzer.scope.lbuttons.left -image $scb(left) -borderwidth 1 \
+ -command {simtime move -$RsimOpts(step)}
+button .analyzer.scope.rbuttons.right -image $scb(right) -borderwidth 1 \
+ -command {simtime move +$RsimOpts(step).0}
+button .analyzer.scope.rbuttons.rright -image $scb(rright) -borderwidth 1 \
+ -command {irsim::move_to_end}
+set c [canvas .analyzer.scope.scrollx -relief sunken -borderwidth 1 -height 13]
+$c create rect 2 2 15 15 -fill steelblue -width 0 -tag slider
+bind $c <Button-1> {irsim::center_slider %x}
+bind $c <B1-Motion> {irsim::center_slider %x}
+bind $c <Button-3> {irsim::grab_slider %x}
+bind $c <B3-Motion> {irsim::resize_slider %x}
+# Callback function for Print->Title menu button
+proc irsim::get_title {title} {
+ irsim::print title "$title"
+ .analyzer.menubar.title configure -text "$title"
+proc irsim::get_length {length} {
+ trace characters $length
+proc irsim::set_scrollstep {value} {
+ global RsimOpts
+ set RsimOpts(step) $value
+proc irsim::set_scrollsstep {value} {
+ global RsimOpts
+ set RsimOpts(sstep) $value
+proc irsim::update_slider {} {
+ set a [simtime begin]
+ set b [simtime end]
+ set w [.analyzer.scope.display width]
+ set d [expr {$b - $a}]
+ if {$d > 0} {
+ set sc [expr {($w - 0.0) / $d}]
+ set c [expr {[simtime left] * $sc}]
+ set e [expr {[simtime right] * $sc}]
+ .analyzer.scope.scrollx coords slider $c 2 $e 15
+ }
+# Adjust the screen position so that the time endpoint is at the
+# rightmost edge of the screen, at the current zoom factor.
+proc irsim::move_to_end {} {
+ set a [simtime right]
+ set b [simtime left]
+ set c [simtime end]
+ simtime move [expr {$c - $a + $b}]
+ irsim::update_times
+ irsim::update_slider
+# Find the edge of the slider closest to the pointer, and grab
+# it (button-3 press).
+proc irsim::grab_slider {x} {
+ global RsimOpts
+ set scoords [.analyzer.scope.scrollx coords slider]
+ set a [lindex $scoords 0]
+ set b [lindex $scoords 2]
+ set m [expr {($a + $b) / 2}]
+ if {$x > $m} {
+ set RsimOpts(slider_edge) right
+ } else {
+ set RsimOpts(slider_edge) left
+ }
+ irsim::resize_slider $x
+# Change the scale of the view by moving one end of the slider
+# without changing the other (button-3 motion)
+proc irsim::resize_slider {x} {
+ global RsimOpts
+ set edge $RsimOpts(slider_edge)
+ set w [.analyzer.scope.display width]
+ set a [simtime begin]
+ set b [simtime end]
+ set d [expr {$b - $a}]
+ if {$d > 0} {
+ set sc [expr {($w - 0.0) / $d}]
+ set newtime [expr {$a + ($x / $sc)}]
+ simtime $RsimOpts(slider_edge) $newtime
+ }
+ irsim::update_times
+ irsim::update_slider
+# Adjust the screen position such that, when mapped, the slider
+# is centered on the cursor x position. This also preps for
+# moving the slider.
+proc irsim::center_slider {x} {
+ set a [simtime begin]
+ set b [simtime end]
+ set w [.analyzer.scope.display width]
+ set d [expr {$b - $a}]
+ if {$d > 0} {
+ set sc [expr {($w - 0.0) / $d}]
+ set sz [expr {[simtime right] - [simtime left]}]
+ simtime move [expr {$a + ($x / $sc) - (($sz + 0.0) / 2)}]
+ irsim::update_times
+ irsim::update_slider
+ }
+pack .analyzer.scope.lbuttons.left -side right
+pack .analyzer.scope.lbuttons.lleft -side right
+pack -side right
+pack .analyzer.scope.rbuttons.right -side left
+pack .analyzer.scope.rbuttons.rright -side left
+grid .analyzer.scope.time0 -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news
+grid .analyzer.scope.time1 -row 0 -column 1 -sticky news
+grid .analyzer.scope.time2 -row 0 -column 2 -sticky news
+grid .analyzer.scope.names -row 1 -column 0 -sticky news
+grid .analyzer.scope.display -row 1 -column 1 -sticky news
+grid .analyzer.scope.values -row 1 -column 2 -sticky news
+grid .analyzer.scope.lbuttons -row 2 -column 0 -sticky news
+grid .analyzer.scope.scrollx -row 2 -column 1 -sticky news
+grid .analyzer.scope.rbuttons -row 2 -column 2 -sticky news
+proc irsim::UpdateAnalyzer {args} {
+ # puts stderr "UpdateAnalyzer $args level [info level]"
+ if {[wm state .analyzer] == "withdrawn"} {
+ wm deiconify .analyzer
+ if {[info level] <= 1} {
+ tkwait visibility .analyzer
+ update idletasks
+ # analyzer $args
+ }
+ }
+ irsim::update_times
+ irsim::update_traces
+ irsim::update_nodelist
+# Button callback for marker
+bind .analyzer.scope.display <Button-2> \
+ {marker off ; .analyzer.scope.time1 configure -text ""; irsim::no_values}
+bind .analyzer.scope.display <Button-1> \
+ {if {%x > 0} {marker set [trace cursor %y] [simtime cursor %x];\
+ irsim::update_times; irsim::update_values}}
+bind .analyzer.scope.display <B1-Motion> \
+ {if {%x > 0} {marker set [trace cursor %y] [simtime cursor %x];\
+ irsim::update_times; irsim::update_values}}
+bind .analyzer.scope.display <ButtonPress-3> \
+ {if {%x > 0} {marker 2 move [simtime cursor %x]; irsim::update_times}}
+bind .analyzer.scope.display <B3-Motion> \
+ {if {%x > 0} {marker 2 move [simtime cursor %x]; irsim::update_times}}
+bind .analyzer.scope.display <ButtonRelease-3> \
+ {if {%x > 0} {marker 2 off; irsim::update_times}}
+bind .analyzer.scope.display <B3-Key-z> {irsim::zoom_to_delta}
+bind .analyzer.scope.display <Left> {simtime move -$RsimOpts(step)}
+bind .analyzer.scope.display <Right> {simtime move +$RsimOpts(step)}
+bind .analyzer.scope.display <Shift-Key-Left> {simtime move -$RsimOpts(sstep)}
+bind .analyzer.scope.display <Shift-Key-Right> {simtime move +$RsimOpts(sstep)}
+bind .analyzer.scope.display <Key-z> {zoom out}
+bind .analyzer.scope.display <Key-Z> {zoom in}
+bind .analyzer.scope.display <Key-v> \
+ {simtime left [simtime begin]; simtime right [simtime end]}
+bind .analyzer.scope.display <Enter> {focus %W}
+bind .analyzer.scope <Configure> { \
+ update idletasks; irsim::update_traces; \
+ update idletasks; irsim::update_slider}
+wm withdraw .analyzer
+.analyzer.scope.display init ;# force mapping of window
+irsim::tag analyzer {irsim::UpdateAnalyzer %N}
+irsim::tag ana {irsim::UpdateAnalyzer %N}
+irsim::tag s {irsim::update_all}
+irsim::tag p {irsim::update_all}
+irsim::tag c {irsim::update_all}
+irsim::tag R {irsim::update_all}
+irsim::tag simtime {irsim::update_if_move %1 %2}
+irsim::tag base {irsim::update_if_base_change %1}
+irsim::tag zoom {irsim::update_all}
+irsim::tag trace {irsim::trace_callback %1 %2}
+proc irsim::trace_callback {option {name {}}} {
+ global RsimOpts
+ if {$option == "select"} {
+ set tl [trace list all]
+ foreach tr $tl {
+ .analyzer.scope.names.b_$tr configure -background yellow
+ }
+ .analyzer.scope.names.b_$name configure -background orange
+ set RsimOpts(base) [base get $name]
+ } elseif {$option == "remove"} {
+ grid columnconfigure .analyzer.scope 0 -minsize 40
+ grid columnconfigure .analyzer.scope 2 -minsize 40
+ irsim::update_traces
+ irsim::update_nodelist
+ } elseif {$option == "characters"} {
+ grid columnconfigure .analyzer.scope 0 -minsize 40
+ irsim::update_traces
+ } elseif {$option == "move"} {
+ irsim::update_traces
+ }
+# Zoom to make the area mapped out by the marker & delta become the
+# full screen view.
+proc irsim::zoom_to_delta {} {
+ set x1 [simtime marker]
+ set x2 [simtime delta]
+ if {$x2 != {}} {
+ if {$x1 > $x2} {
+ set x $x1
+ set x1 $x2
+ set x2 $x
+ }
+ simtime left $x1
+ simtime right $x2
+ }
+# Update various widgets in response to a simulation time change
+# Format time string to two decimal places
+proc irsim::update_all {} {
+ if {[info level] <= 1} {
+ irsim::update_times
+ irsim::update_slider
+ }
+# Update on a "simtime move" command
+proc irsim::update_if_move {{option {}} {targ {}}} {
+ global RsimOpts
+ if {[info level] <= 1} {
+ if {$option == "move" || $targ != {}} {
+ irsim::update_times
+ irsim::update_slider
+ set RsimOpts(scroll) [simtime scroll]
+ }
+ }
+# Update on a "base set" command
+proc irsim::update_if_base_change {{option {}}} {
+ if {[info level] <= 1} {
+ if {$option == "set"} {
+ irsim::update_traces
+ irsim::update_values
+ }
+ }
+proc irsim::update_times {} {
+ .analyzer.scope.time0 configure -text [format "%0.2f" \
+ [simtime left]]
+ set tmarker [simtime marker]
+ if {$tmarker != {}} {
+ set dmarker [simtime delta]
+ if {$dmarker != {}} {
+ .analyzer.scope.time1 configure -text \
+ [format "%0.2f %0.2f (delta = %0.2f)" \
+ $tmarker $dmarker [expr {$dmarker - $tmarker}]]
+ } else {
+ .analyzer.scope.time1 configure -text [format "%0.2f" $tmarker]
+ }
+ }
+ .analyzer.scope.time2 configure -text [format "%0.2f" [simtime right]]
+proc irsim::update_traces {} {
+ set tl [trace list all]
+ set minv 0
+ set minn 0
+ foreach tr [place slaves .analyzer.scope.names] {place forget $tr}
+ foreach tr [place slaves .analyzer.scope.values] {place forget $tr}
+ foreach tr $tl {
+ set yl [trace bottom $tr]
+ set yt [trace top $tr]
+ incr yt
+ set yh [expr {$yl - $yt - 1}]
+ if {[catch {place .analyzer.scope.names.b_$tr -y $yt -height $yh}]} {
+ button .analyzer.scope.names.b_$tr -text $tr -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief ridge -background yellow \
+ -command "trace select $tr"
+ place .analyzer.scope.names.b_$tr -y $yt -height $yh \
+ -relwidth 1 -relx 0
+ }
+ set newminn [font measure [.analyzer.scope.names.b_$tr cget -font] $tr]
+ set newminn [expr {$newminn + 10}] ;# allow 10-pixel surround
+ if {$newminn > $minn} {
+ set minn $newminn
+ grid columnconfigure .analyzer.scope 0 -minsize $minn
+ }
+ if {[catch {place .analyzer.scope.values.b_$tr -y $yt -height $yh}]} {
+ label .analyzer.scope.values.b_$tr -text "" -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief ridge -background yellowgreen
+ place .analyzer.scope.values.b_$tr -y $yt -height $yh \
+ -relwidth 1 -relx 0
+ }
+ set trbase [trace base $tr]
+ if {$trbase < 1} {set trbase 1}
+ if {$trbase == 5} {
+ set trdigits [expr ([trace bits $tr] + 2) / 3]
+ } elseif {$trbase == 6} {
+ set trdigits [expr 1 + (([trace bits $tr] + 2) / 3)]
+ } else {
+ set trdigits [expr ([trace bits $tr] + $trbase - 1) / $trbase]
+ }
+ set newminv [font measure [.analyzer.scope.values.b_$tr cget -font] \
+ [string repeat X $trdigits]]
+ set newminv [expr {$newminv + 10}] ;# allow 10-pixel surround
+ if {$newminv > $minv} {
+ set minv $newminv
+ grid columnconfigure .analyzer.scope 2 -minsize $minv
+ }
+ }
+ # Even up all the boundaries to match the largest.
+ foreach tr [place slaves .analyzer.scope.names] {place $tr -relwidth 1}
+ foreach tr [place slaves .analyzer.scope.values] {place $tr -relwidth 1}
+proc irsim::update_values {} {
+ set tl [trace list all]
+ foreach tr $tl {
+ set ltext [trace value $tr]
+ if {$ltext != {}} {
+ .analyzer.scope.values.b_$tr configure -text [trace value $tr]
+ }
+ }
+proc irsim::no_values {} {
+ set tl [trace list all]
+ foreach tr $tl {
+ .analyzer.scope.values.b_$tr configure -text ""
+ }
+# End of analyzer window setup
+# Node list window setup
+toplevel .nodelist
+frame .nodelist.freenodes
+frame .nodelist.usednodes
+frame .nodelist.freevectors
+frame .nodelist.usedvectors
+listbox .nodelist.freenodes.list \
+ -yscrollcommand {.nodelist.freenodes.sbar set}
+scrollbar .nodelist.freenodes.sbar -width 10 -orient vertical \
+ -command {.nodelist.freenodes.list yview}
+listbox .nodelist.usednodes.list \
+ -yscrollcommand {.nodelist.usednodes.sbar set}
+scrollbar .nodelist.usednodes.sbar -width 10 -orient vertical \
+ -command {.nodelist.usednodes.list yview}
+listbox .nodelist.freevectors.list \
+ -yscrollcommand {.nodelist.freevectors.sbar set}
+scrollbar .nodelist.freevectors.sbar -width 10 -orient vertical \
+ -command {.nodelist.freevectors.list yview}
+listbox .nodelist.usedvectors.list \
+ -yscrollcommand {.nodelist.usedvectors.sbar set}
+scrollbar .nodelist.usedvectors.sbar -width 10 -orient vertical \
+ -command {.nodelist.usedvectors.list yview}
+label .nodelist.freenodes.title -text "Nodes"
+label .nodelist.usednodes.title -text "Nodes in Analyzer"
+label .nodelist.freevectors.title -text "Vectors"
+label .nodelist.usedvectors.title -text "Vectors in Analyzer"
+pack .nodelist.freenodes.title -side top
+pack .nodelist.freenodes.list -side left -expand true -fill both
+pack .nodelist.freenodes.sbar -side right -fill y
+pack .nodelist.usednodes.title -side top
+pack .nodelist.usednodes.list -side left -expand true -fill both
+pack .nodelist.usednodes.sbar -side right -fill y
+pack .nodelist.freevectors.title -side top
+pack .nodelist.freevectors.list -side left -expand true -fill both
+pack .nodelist.freevectors.sbar -side right -fill y
+pack .nodelist.usedvectors.title -side top
+pack .nodelist.usedvectors.list -side left -expand true -fill both
+pack .nodelist.usedvectors.sbar -side right -fill y
+label .nodelist.title -text "IRSIM node and vector lists"
+frame .nodelist.bbar
+button .nodelist.bbar.close -text "Close" -command {wm withdraw .nodelist}
+pack .nodelist.bbar.close -side bottom -padx 5 -pady 5
+grid .nodelist.title -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
+grid .nodelist.freenodes -row 1 -column 0 -sticky news
+grid .nodelist.usednodes -row 1 -column 1 -sticky news
+grid .nodelist.freevectors -row 2 -column 0 -sticky news
+grid .nodelist.usedvectors -row 2 -column 1 -sticky news
+grid .nodelist.bbar -row 3 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
+grid columnconfigure .nodelist 0 -weight 1
+grid columnconfigure .nodelist 1 -weight 1
+grid rowconfigure .nodelist 1 -weight 1
+grid rowconfigure .nodelist 2 -weight 1
+bind .nodelist.freenodes.list <ButtonRelease-1> {irsim::pushnode %y}
+bind .nodelist.usednodes.list <ButtonRelease-1> {irsim::popnode %y}
+bind .nodelist.freevectors.list <ButtonRelease-1> {irsim::pushvector %y}
+bind .nodelist.usedvectors.list <ButtonRelease-1> {irsim::popvector %y}
+proc irsim::pushnode {y} {
+ set p_idx [.nodelist.freenodes.list nearest $y]
+ set p_key [.nodelist.freenodes.list get $p_idx]
+ .nodelist.freenodes.list delete $p_idx
+ .nodelist.usednodes.list insert end $p_key
+ ana $p_key
+proc irsim::popnode {y} {
+ set p_idx [.nodelist.usednodes.list nearest $y]
+ set p_key [.nodelist.usednodes.list get $p_idx]
+ .nodelist.usednodes.list delete $p_idx
+ .nodelist.freenodes.list insert end $p_key
+ trace remove $p_key
+proc irsim::pushvector {y} {
+ set p_idx [.nodelist.freevectors.list nearest $y]
+ set p_key [.nodelist.freevectors.list get $p_idx]
+ .nodelist.freevectors.list delete $p_idx
+ .nodelist.usedvectors.list insert end $p_key
+ ana $p_key
+proc irsim::popvector {y} {
+ set p_idx [.nodelist.usedvectors.list nearest $y]
+ set p_key [.nodelist.usedvectors.list get $p_idx]
+ .nodelist.usedvectors.list delete $p_idx
+ .nodelist.freevectors.list insert end $p_key
+ trace remove $p_key
+wm withdraw .nodelist
+proc irsim::update_nodelist {{state {}}} {
+ if {$state != "force"} {
+ if {[wm state .nodelist] == "withdrawn"} {return}
+ }
+ set n {}
+ set v {}
+ set tn {}
+ set tv {}
+ foreach t [trace list all] {
+ if {[trace class $t] == "vector"} {lappend tv $t} else {lappend tn $t}
+ }
+ foreach i [lsort [listnodes]] {
+ if {[lsearch $tn $i] < 0} {lappend n $i}
+ }
+ foreach i [lsort [listvectors]] {
+ if {[lsearch $tv $i] < 0} {lappend v $i}
+ }
+ .nodelist.freenodes.list delete 0 end
+ .nodelist.usednodes.list delete 0 end
+ .nodelist.freevectors.list delete 0 end
+ .nodelist.usedvectors.list delete 0 end
+ foreach i $n {
+ .nodelist.freenodes.list insert end $i
+ }
+ foreach i $v {
+ .nodelist.freevectors.list insert end $i
+ }
+ foreach i $tn {
+ .nodelist.usednodes.list insert end $i
+ }
+ foreach i $tv {
+ .nodelist.usedvectors.list insert end $i
+ }
+# User prompt window setup
+toplevel .irsimprompt
+label .irsimprompt.message -anchor w
+pack .irsimprompt.message -side top -expand true -fill x -padx 10 -pady 5
+entry .irsimprompt.entry -width 40 -background white
+pack .irsimprompt.entry -side top -padx 10
+frame .irsimprompt.buttons
+button .irsimprompt.buttons.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {wm withdraw .irsimprompt}
+button .irsimprompt.buttons.okay -text "Okay"
+pack .irsimprompt.buttons.cancel -side left
+pack .irsimprompt.buttons.okay -side right
+pack .irsimprompt.buttons -side bottom -expand true -fill x -padx 10 -pady 5
+bind .irsimprompt.entry <Return> {.irsimprompt.buttons.okay invoke}
+wm withdraw .irsimprompt
+proc GetUserInput {prompt_text default_value action_proc args} {
+ .irsimprompt.message configure -text $prompt_text
+ .irsimprompt.entry delete 0 end
+ .irsimprompt.entry insert 0 $default_value
+ .irsimprompt.buttons.okay configure \
+ -command [subst {$action_proc \[.irsimprompt.entry get\] $args ; \
+ wm withdraw .irsimprompt}]
+ wm deiconify .irsimprompt
+ catch {focus .irsimprompt.entry}
+# End of user prompt window setup
+# Check for the presence of the "magic" namespace, and if it exists, set up
+# handling between the two programs.
+if { $UsingMagic } {
+ array set magicnodes {} ;# initialize node dictionary
+ set nodevalues {}
+ # Callback routine which returns a node value to Tcl
+ proc nodegetvalue { name value tval } {
+ global nodevalues
+ if {"${value}" != "t"} {lappend nodevalues ${value}}
+ }
+ # Callback which returns the time to Tcl
+ proc timegetvalue { name value tval } {
+ return $tval
+ }
+ # Magic-to-IRSIM node name conversion (to be done)
+ proc magictoirsim { nodename } {
+ return $nodename
+ }
+ # Watch the currently selected node in IRSIM
+ proc watchnode { {wnode {} } {color white} } {
+ global magicnodes
+ global nodevalues
+ if { $wnode == {} } {
+ set wnode [magictoirsim [magic::getnode]]
+ if {$wnode == {} } { return }
+ } else {
+ goto $wnode
+ set wnode [magictoirsim $wnode]
+ }
+ set bvals [magic::box values]
+ set fx [expr {([lindex $bvals 0] + [lindex $bvals 2]) / 2}]
+ set fy [expr {([lindex $bvals 1] + [lindex $bvals 3]) / 2}]
+ set nodevalues {}
+ display tclproc nodegetvalue
+ irsim::d ${wnode}
+ set ival [lindex $nodevalues 0]
+ display tclproc nodecallback
+ magic::element add text irsim_$wnode $color $fx $fy "${wnode}=${ival}"
+ irsim::w $wnode
+ set magicnodes(${wnode}) irsim_${wnode}
+ }
+ # Stop watching a node
+ proc unwatchnode { wnode } {
+ global magicnodes
+ magic::element delete irsim_$wnode
+ unset magicnodes($wnode)
+ }
+ # Move a node to be centered in the current box
+ proc movenode { wnode } {
+ global magicnodes
+ set bvals [magic::box values]
+ set fx [expr {([lindex $bvals 0] + [lindex $bvals 2]) / 2}]
+ set fy [expr {([lindex $bvals 1] + [lindex $bvals 3]) / 2}]
+ magic::element configure $magicnodes(${wnode}) position $fx $fy
+ }
+ # Display the time in the magic window, positioned where the box is.
+ proc watchtime {} {
+ global magicnodes
+ set bvals [magic::box values]
+ set fx [expr {([lindex $bvals 0] + [lindex $bvals 2]) / 2}]
+ set fy [expr {([lindex $bvals 1] + [lindex $bvals 3]) / 2}]
+ display tclproc timegetvalue
+ set tval [irsim::d]
+ display tclproc nodecallback
+ magic::element add text irsim_curtime white $fx $fy "time=${tval}ns"
+ set magicnodes(curtime) irsim_curtime
+ }
+ # Stop watching the time
+ proc unwatchtime {} {
+ unwatchnode curtime
+ }
+ proc movetime {} {
+ movenode curtime
+ }
+ # Search for a file in either the current directory or magic's
+ # cell path.
+ proc pathfile { filename } {
+ global CAD_ROOT
+ set spath [join [list . [subst [magic::path cell]]]]
+ foreach i $spath {
+ set rfile [glob -nocomplain ${i}/${filename}]
+ if { $rfile != {} } { return $rfile }
+ }
+ return {}
+ }
+ # Callback function for printing nodes and vectors
+ proc nodecallback { name value tval } {
+ global magicnodes
+ if {"${value}" == "t"} {
+ if {[info exists magicnodes(curtime)]} {
+ magic::element configure $magicnodes(curtime) text "time=${tval}ns"
+ puts stdout "\n"
+ } else {
+ puts stdout "time=${tval}ns\n"
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {[info exists magicnodes($name)]} {
+ magic::element configure $magicnodes($name) text "${name}=${value}"
+ } else {
+ puts -nonewline stdout "${name}=${value} "
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Start irsim intelligently; assume basic parameters; extract and
+ # do ext2sim if necessary.
+ # To-do: guess the parameter file name from the extract style?
+ proc irsim { { prmfile scmos100 } { cellname {} } } {
+ if { $cellname == {} } {
+ # Get the current window's cellname
+ set curcell [ magic::cellname list window ]
+ set simfile [ pathfile ${curcell}.sim ]
+ if { $simfile == {} } {
+ set extfile [ pathfile ${curcell}.ext ]
+ if { $extfile == {} } {
+ magic::extract all
+ }
+ magic::exttosim
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {[ file ext $cellname ] == ".sim"} {
+ set simfile $cellname
+ } else {
+ set curcell [ file root $cellname ]
+ set simfile ${cellname}.sim
+ }
+ }
+ irsim::start $prmfile $simfile
+ # Setup for callback functions displaying in magic.
+ display tclproc nodecallback
+ }
+# If we are using magic, we return to the interpreter here; IRSIM is
+# started using the "irsim::start" command and the procedures just defined.
+} else {
+ # If magic is not active, the command "watchnode" calls "analyzer".
+ proc watchnode {args} {wm deiconify .analyzer; update idletasks; analyzer $args}
+ # The command "watchtime" is meaningless w/o magic, but if it's called,
+ # then it is assumed that the analyzer window is expected to pop up.
+ proc watchtime {args} {wm deiconify .analyzer; update idletasks; analyzer}
+ if {[string range [wm title .] 0 3] == "wish"} {
+ wm withdraw .
+ }
+# Parse command-line argument list
+ if {[string length $argv] == 0} {
+ irsim::start
+ } else {
+ set argafter {irsim::start}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i 1} {
+ set x [lindex $argv $i]
+# Command-line argument handling goes here
+# We have to handle all of irsim's command line arguments so we can
+# figure out if a cell has been named for preloading.
+# "-w" is reserved: expects a "wrapper.tcl" program to run.
+ switch -regexp -- $x {
+ ^-w(rap)?(per)?$ { ;# This regexp accepts -w, -wrap, and -wrapper
+ source TCL_DIR/wrapper.tcl
+ }
+ -s -
+ -n* {
+ lappend argafter $x
+ }
+ default {
+ lappend argafter $x
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eval $argafter ;# irsim::start ${argv}
+ }
+# Irsim start function drops back to interpreter after initialization & setup
diff --git a/tcltk/irsimexec.c b/tcltk/irsimexec.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bc805a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcltk/irsimexec.c
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+/* irsimexec.c */
+/* */
+/* Written by R. Timothy Edwards for MultiGiG, Inc., November 2004 */
+/* This file mainly lifted from the main application routine for */
+/* "wish" from the Tk distribution. */
+/* */
+/* This is a compact re-write of the "wish" executable that calls */
+/* Tk_MainEx with application-specific processing. Specifically, */
+/* "wish" doesn't allow the startup script (~/.wishrc) to be renamed. */
+/* However, for irsim running as an extension of Tcl, we want to source */
+/* the irsim.tcl file instead of ~/.wishrc. So, all this file really */
+/* does is to set the Tcl variable "tcl_rcFileName" to irsim.tcl, so */
+/* that it will be processed as the startup script, followed by a drop */
+/* back to the Tcl interpreter command-line main loop. */
+/* */
+/* This is a standalone executable. However, it is only called when */
+/* "-noconsole" is specified on the UNIX command-line. When the */
+/* console is used, the console is capable of sourcing the irsim.tcl */
+/* script itself, and so it uses "wish" as the executable. However, */
+/* the console redirects standard input, so it prevents irsim from */
+/* being used in a batch processing mode. Thus, to batch-process with */
+/* irsim, use "irsim -noc < script.tcl" or, interactively, */
+/* "irsim -noc << EOF" followed by commands entered from stdin */
+/* and ending with "EOF". */
+/* */
+/* The "irsimexec" method replaces the former use of "wish" with the */
+/* "irsim" script setting HOME to point to the directory containing */
+/* ".wishrc", a symbolic link to "irsim.tcl". That failed to work on */
+/* remote systems because the $HOME environment variable is also used */
+/* to find the user's .Xauthority file to authenticate the X11 */
+/* connection. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <tk.h>
+#include <tcl.h>
+/* Application initiation. This is exactly like the AppInit routine */
+/* for "wish", minus the cruft, but with "tcl_rcFileName" set to */
+/* "irsim.tcl" instead of "~/.wishrc". */
+ Tcl_Interp *interp;
+ if (Tcl_Init(interp) == TCL_ERROR) {
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (Tk_Init(interp) == TCL_ERROR) {
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ Tcl_StaticPackage(interp, "Tk", Tk_Init, Tk_SafeInit);
+ /* This is where we replace the home ".wishrc" file with */
+ /* irsim's startup script. */
+ Tcl_SetVar(interp, "tcl_rcFileName", TCL_DIR "/irsim.tcl", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
+ return TCL_OK;
+/* The main procedure; replacement for "wish". */
+main(argc, argv)
+ int argc;
+ char **argv;
+ Tk_Main(argc, argv, irsim_AppInit);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tcltk/lookup.c b/tcltk/lookup.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50a42c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcltk/lookup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+/* lookup.c --
+ *
+ * This file contains a single routine used to look up a string in
+ * a table, allowing unique abbreviations.
+ *
+ * Lifted in large part from the source for magic.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "globals.h"
+ * Lookup --
+ * Searches a table of strings to find one that matches a given
+ * string. It's useful mostly for command lookup.
+ *
+ * Only the portion of a string in the table up to the first
+ * blank character is considered significant for matching.
+ *
+ * Return value:
+ * If str is the same as or an unambiguous abbreviation for one
+ * of the entries in table, then the index of the matching entry
+ * is returned. If str is not the same as any entry in the table,
+ * but an abbreviation for more than one entry, then -1 is returned
+ * (ambiguous result). If str doesn't match any entry, then
+ * -2 is returned. Case differences are ignored.
+ *---------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+int lookup(char *str, char *(table[]), int quiet)
+ int match = -2; /* result, initialized to -2 = no match */
+ int pos;
+ int ststart = 0;
+ char mesg[50];
+ static char *namespace = "::irsim::";
+ /* Skip over prefix of qualified namespaces "::irsim::" and "irsim::" */
+ for (pos = 0; pos < 9; pos++)
+ if ((str[pos] != namespace[pos]) || (str[pos] == '\0')) break;
+ if (pos == 9) ststart = 9;
+ else
+ {
+ for (pos = 0; pos < 7; pos++)
+ if ((str[pos] != namespace[pos + 2]) || (str[pos] == '\0')) break;
+ if (pos == 7) ststart = 7;
+ }
+ /* search for match */
+ for (pos=0; table[pos] != NULL; pos++)
+ {
+ char *tabc = table[pos];
+ char *strc = &(str[ststart]);
+ while(*strc!='\0' && *tabc!=' ' &&
+ ((*tabc==*strc) ||
+ (isupper(*tabc) && islower(*strc) && (tolower(*tabc)== *strc))||
+ (islower(*tabc) && isupper(*strc) && (toupper(*tabc)== *strc))))
+ {
+ strc++;
+ tabc++;
+ }
+ if (*strc == '\0')
+ {
+ /* entry matches */
+ if (*tabc == ' ' || *tabc == '\0')
+ {
+ /* exact match - record it and terminate search */
+ match = pos;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (match == -2)
+ {
+ /* inexact match and no previous match - record this one
+ * and continue search */
+ match = pos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* previous match, so string is ambiguous unless exact
+ * match exists. Mark ambiguous for now, and continue
+ * search.
+ */
+ match = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!quiet) {
+ if (match == -1) {
+ sprintf(mesg, "Ambiguous option \"%s\"\n", str);
+ lprintf(stderr, mesg);
+ }
+ else if (match == -2) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Unknown option. Valid options are: ");
+ for (pos=0; table[pos] != NULL; pos++) {
+ lprintf(stderr, table[pos]);
+ lprintf(stderr, " ");
+ }
+ lprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return(match);
diff --git a/tcltk/tclanalyzer.c b/tcltk/tclanalyzer.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f68b663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcltk/tclanalyzer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+/* tclanalyzer.c --- The command-line commands to control the analyzer */
+/* window. */
+/* */
+/* Written by Tim Edwards January 2005 */
+/* */
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <tcl.h>
+#include <tk.h>
+#include "globals.h"
+#include "ana.h"
+#include "ana_glob.h"
+#include "graphics.h"
+#include "units.h"
+extern Tcl_Interp *irsiminterp;
+extern char **targv;
+extern int targc;
+extern int lookup();
+extern Trptr get_trace();
+extern void WritePSfile();
+extern void SetTimeLeft(), SetTimeRight();
+extern void TraceValue(), TraceInput(), TraceBits(), RemoveTrace();
+extern void UpdateWinRemove(), GetNameLen();
+extern void MoveToTimeValue(), ChangeTraceBase(), SetCursor();
+extern void MoveCursorToTime(), MoveDeltaToTime(), MoveToT();
+extern void MoveTraces(), SelectTrace();
+extern int ValidTime();
+extern int psBanner, psLegend, psTimes, psOutline;
+extern int max_name_len, autoScroll;
+/* The original Analyzer was driven by Xt callbacks, so */
+/* there is no command syntax for it. We create one */
+/* here. */
+/* base [trace] [value] */
+int tclirsim_base()
+ int varg = 2, idx;
+ Trptr trace = selectedTrace;
+ char *bptr;
+ static char *baseTypes[] = {
+ "none", "binary", "quartile", "octal", "hexidecimal", "decimal",
+ "signed"
+ };
+ static char *baseOptions[] = {
+ "get", "set", NULL
+ };
+ enum baseopt {
+ };
+ if (targc == 1) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: base get [trace]\n");
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: base set [trace] type\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ idx = lookup(targv[1], baseOptions, FALSE);
+ if (idx < 0) return -1;
+ /* If there are 3 arguments, the second one should */
+ /* be a vector or node. Otherwise, trace is set to */
+ /* NULL, and ChangeTraceBase will use the */
+ /* currently selected trace, if there is one. */
+ if (((idx == BASE_GET) && (targc == 3))
+ || ((idx == BASE_SET) && (targc == 4))) {
+ varg = 3;
+ trace = get_trace(targv[2]);
+ if (trace == NULL) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "No trace named \"%s\"!\n", targv[2]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (idx == BASE_GET) {
+ Tcl_SetResult(irsiminterp, baseTypes[trace->bdigit], 0);
+ }
+ else if (targc <= varg) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Trace types are: binary, decimal, octal, or hexidecimal.\n");
+ lprintf(stderr, "Trace type may begin with \"u\" to make it unsigned.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ bptr = targv[varg];
+ switch (*bptr) {
+ case 'b': case 'd': case 'o':
+ case 'h': case 'x': case 's':
+ ChangeTraceBase(trace, bptr);
+ break;
+ default:
+ lprintf(stderr, "Unknown/unhandled numeric base.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* marker [set|move|delta] */
+int tclirsim_marker()
+ float rtime;
+ TimeType time; /* TimeType is "Ulong" in ana.h */
+ Trptr t;
+ int idx, which, argst;
+ double dt;
+ static char *markerOptions[] = {
+ "get", "move", "set", "off", NULL
+ };
+ enum markeropt {
+ };
+ if (targc == 1) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: marker [1|2] <option>...\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Assume primary cursor (1) unless indicated otherwise */
+ if (sscanf(targv[1], "%d", &which) == 1)
+ argst = 2;
+ else {
+ argst = 1;
+ which = 1;
+ }
+ if (which <= 0 || which > 2) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Optional marker number must be 1 or 2\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ idx = lookup(targv[argst], markerOptions, FALSE);
+ if (idx < 0) return -1;
+ switch (idx) {
+ /* This duplicates "simtime marker" and "simtime delta" */
+ case MARKER_GET:
+ dt = (which == 1) ? analyzer_time_marker() : analyzer_time_delta();
+ if (dt >= 0.0) {
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(dt));
+ }
+ break;
+ case MARKER_SET:
+ if ((targc - argst + 1) != 4) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: marker set <trace> <time>.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if (which == 2) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Option not available for the delta marker\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ t = get_trace(targv[argst + 1]);
+ if (sscanf(targv[argst + 2], "%f", &rtime) != 1) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Invalid time value.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ time = (TimeType)(ns2d(rtime));
+ if (t != NULL) SetCursor(t, time);
+ MoveCursorToTime(time);
+ break;
+ if ((targc - argst + 1) == 2) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: marker move <time>.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if (sscanf(targv[argst + 1], "%f", &rtime) != 1) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Invalid time value.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ time = (TimeType)(ns2d(rtime));
+ if (which == 2)
+ MoveDeltaToTime(time);
+ else
+ MoveCursorToTime(time);
+ break;
+ case MARKER_OFF:
+ if (which == 2)
+ MoveDeltaToTime((TimeType) -1);
+ else
+ MoveCursorToTime((TimeType) -1);
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* print <name> */
+int tclirsim_print()
+ int idx, bidx, bval;
+ Tcl_Obj *robj;
+ static char *booleanOptions[] = {
+ "false", "no", "off", "0", "true", "yes", "on", "1"
+ };
+ static char *timeOptions[] = {
+ "banner", "legend", "times", "title", "outline", "file", NULL
+ };
+ enum timeopt {
+ };
+ if (targc == 1) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: print <option>...\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ idx = lookup(targv[1], timeOptions, FALSE);
+ if (idx < 0) return -1;
+ if (targc == 2) {
+ switch (idx) {
+ robj = Tcl_NewBooleanObj(psBanner);
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, robj);
+ break;
+ robj = Tcl_NewBooleanObj(psLegend);
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, robj);
+ break;
+ robj = Tcl_NewBooleanObj(psTimes);
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, robj);
+ break;
+ if (banner) {
+ robj = Tcl_NewStringObj(banner, -1);
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, robj);
+ }
+ break;
+ robj = Tcl_NewBooleanObj(psOutline);
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, robj);
+ break;
+ case PRINT_FILE:
+ printPS("");
+ lprintf(stderr, "Filename required\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (targc == 3) {
+ if ((idx != PRINT_FILE) && (idx != PRINT_TITLE)) {
+ bidx = lookup(targv[2], booleanOptions, FALSE);
+ if (bidx < 0) return -1;
+ bval = (bidx <= 3) ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ switch (idx) {
+ psBanner = bval;
+ break;
+ psLegend = bval;
+ break;
+ psTimes = bval;
+ break;
+ psOutline = bval;
+ break;
+ case PRINT_FILE:
+ printPS(targv[2]);
+ break;
+ if (banner) free(banner);
+ banner = strdup(targv[2]);
+ bannerLen = strlen(banner);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* simtime <option> */
+int tclirsim_simtime()
+ int idx, x;
+ double dt;
+ static char *booleanOptions[] = {
+ "false", "no", "off", "0", "true", "yes", "on", "1"
+ };
+ static char *timeOptions[] = {
+ "begin", "end", "left", "right", "delta", "marker", "cursor",
+ "move", "scroll", NULL
+ };
+ enum timeopt {
+ };
+ if (targc == 1) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: simtime <option>");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ idx = lookup(targv[1], timeOptions, FALSE);
+ if (idx < 0) return -1;
+ switch (idx) {
+ case TIME_BEGIN:
+ if (targc == 2)
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(analyzer_time_start()));
+ break;
+ case TIME_END:
+ if (targc == 2) {
+ dt = analyzer_time_end();
+ if (dt >= 0.0) {
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(dt));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case TIME_LEFT:
+ if (targc == 3) {
+ if (sscanf(targv[2], "%lg", &dt) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ else {
+ /* Set the zoom such that the time at the left edge */
+ /* is set to the specified time while the right */
+ /* edge remains constant. */
+ if (dt < 0.0) dt = 0.0;
+ SetTimeLeft((TimeType)(ns2d(dt)));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (targc == 2) {
+ dt = analyzer_time_left();
+ if (dt >= 0.0) {
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(dt));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case TIME_RIGHT:
+ if (targc == 3) {
+ if (sscanf(targv[2], "%lg", &dt) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ else {
+ /* Set the zoom such that the time at the right */
+ /* edge is set to the specified time while the */
+ /* left edge remains constant. */
+ if (dt < 0.0) dt = 0.0;
+ SetTimeRight((TimeType)(ns2d(dt)));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (targc == 2) {
+ dt = analyzer_time_right();
+ if (dt >= 0.0) {
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(dt));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case TIME_DELTA:
+ if (targc == 2) {
+ dt = analyzer_time_delta();
+ if (dt >= 0.0) {
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(dt));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if (targc == 2) {
+ dt = analyzer_time_marker();
+ if (dt >= 0.0) {
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(dt));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ x = -1;
+ if (targc == 3) {
+ if (sscanf(targv[2], "%d", &x) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (x >= 0) {
+ dt = (double)analyzer_time_cursor(x);
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(dt));
+ }
+ else {
+ Tcl_SetResult(irsiminterp, "Bad position value", 0);
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ break;
+ case TIME_MOVE:
+ if (targc == 3) {
+ if (sscanf(targv[2], "%lg", &dt) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ if (targv[2][0] == '+' || targv[2][0] == '-') {
+ /* Move relative, by the indicated value */
+ TimeType ltime;
+ double rt = analyzer_time_left();
+ if ((rt + dt) < 0.0) rt = dt = 0.0;
+ ltime = (TimeType)(ns2d(rt + dt));
+ MoveToTimeValue(ltime);
+ }
+ else {
+ MoveToT(targv[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if (targc == 2) {
+ if (autoScroll)
+ Tcl_SetResult(irsiminterp, "1", 0);
+ else
+ Tcl_SetResult(irsiminterp, "0", 0);
+ }
+ else if (targc == 3) {
+ idx = lookup(targv[2], booleanOptions, FALSE);
+ if (idx < 0) return -1;
+ autoScroll = (idx <= 3) ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* trace <option> */
+int tclirsim_trace()
+ Trptr t, s;
+ int result = 0, idx, tidx, y;
+ char *tracename;
+ static char *traceOptions[] = {
+ "top", "bottom", "order", "base", "class", "cursor", "input",
+ "list", "select", "value", "bits", "remove", "characters",
+ "move", (char *)NULL
+ };
+ enum traceopt {
+ };
+ static char *listOptions[] = {
+ "vectors", "nodes", "all", (char *)NULL
+ };
+ enum listopt {
+ };
+ if (targc == 1) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: trace <option>");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ idx = lookup(targv[1], traceOptions, FALSE);
+ if (idx < 0) return -1;
+ tracename = (targc >= 3) ? targv[2] : NULL;
+ switch (idx) {
+ case TRACE_MOVE:
+ if (targc != 4) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: trace move <trace1> <trace2>\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ t = get_trace(targv[2]);
+ s = get_trace(targv[3]);
+ if (t == NULL || s == NULL) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "invalid trace name.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ MoveTraces(t, s);
+ break;
+ case TRACE_TOP:
+ if (targc == 3)
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp,
+ Tcl_NewIntObj(analyzer_trace_top(tracename)));
+ break;
+ if (targc == 3)
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp,
+ Tcl_NewIntObj(analyzer_trace_bottom(tracename)));
+ break;
+ if (targc == 3)
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp,
+ Tcl_NewIntObj(analyzer_trace_order(tracename)));
+ break;
+ case TRACE_BASE:
+ if (targc == 3)
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp,
+ Tcl_NewIntObj(analyzer_trace_base(tracename)));
+ break;
+ if (targc == 3)
+ Tcl_SetResult(irsiminterp, analyzer_trace_class(tracename), NULL);
+ break;
+ y = -1;
+ if (targc == 3) {
+ if (sscanf(targv[2], "%d", &y) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ tracename = analyzer_trace_cursor((TimeType)y);
+ if (tracename != NULL) {
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, Tcl_NewStringObj(tracename, -1));
+ }
+ /* If no trace was found, simply return nothing. */
+ break;
+ case TRACE_LIST:
+ tidx = -1;
+ if (targc >= 3) tidx = lookup(targv[2], listOptions, FALSE);
+ if (tidx < 0) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: trace list [all|nodes|vectors]\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ switch(tidx) {
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, analyzer_list_vectors(irsiminterp));
+ break;
+ case LIST_NODES:
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, analyzer_list_nodes(irsiminterp));
+ break;
+ case LIST_ALL:
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, analyzer_list_all(irsiminterp));
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (targc == 2) {
+ if (selectedTrace) {
+ SelectTrace(selectedTrace); /* prints stuff. . . */
+ }
+ else {
+ lprintf(stderr, "must select or specify a trace.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ t = get_trace(targv[2]);
+ if (t == NULL) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "invalid trace name.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ SelectTrace(t);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (targc != 3) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: trace value <trace>\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ t = get_trace(targv[2]);
+ if (t == NULL) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "invalid trace name.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ TraceValue(t, 0); /* Set 2nd arg. = 1 to force binary */
+ break;
+ if (targc != 3) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: trace input <trace>\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ t = get_trace(targv[2]);
+ if (t == NULL) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "invalid trace name.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ TraceInput(t);
+ break;
+ case TRACE_BITS:
+ if (targc != 3) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: trace input <trace>\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ t = get_trace(targv[2]);
+ if (t == NULL) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "invalid trace name.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ TraceBits(t);
+ break;
+ if (targc != 3) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: trace remove [all|<trace>]\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ t = get_trace(targv[2]);
+ if (t == NULL) {
+ if (!strcmp(targv[2], "all"))
+ ClearTraces();
+ else {
+ lprintf(stderr, "invalid trace name.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ RemoveTrace(t);
+ UpdateWinRemove();
+ break;
+ if (targc == 2) {
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(irsiminterp, Tcl_NewIntObj(max_name_len));
+ }
+ else if (targc == 3) {
+ GetNameLen(targv[2]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return result;
+/* zoom [in|out] */
+int tclirsim_zoom()
+ int idx;
+ static char *zoomOptions[] = {
+ "in", "out", NULL
+ };
+ enum zoomopt {
+ };
+ if (targc == 1) {
+ /* To-do: return zoom factor */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ idx = lookup(targv[1], zoomOptions, FALSE);
+ if (idx < 0) return -1;
+ switch(idx) {
+ case ZOOM_IN:
+ Zoom("in");
+ break;
+ case ZOOM_OUT:
+ Zoom("out");
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tcltk/tclirsim.c b/tcltk/tclirsim.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de13ba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcltk/tclirsim.c
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+/* tclirsim.c --- Creates the interpreter-wrapped version of irsim */
+/* */
+/* Written by Tim Edwards November 2002 */
+/* */
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <signal.h> /* Ctrl-C interrupt handling */
+#include <tcl.h>
+#include <tk.h>
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "net.h"
+#include "globals.h"
+#include "rsim.h"
+ * Handling of VA_COPY. These variables are set by the configuration
+ * script. Some systems define va_copy, some define __va_copy, and
+ * some don't define it at all. It is assumed that systems which do
+ * not define it at all allow arguments to be copied with "=".
+ */
+#ifndef HAVE_VA_COPY
+ #ifdef HAVE___VA_COPY
+ #define va_copy(a, b) __va_copy(a, b)
+ #else
+ #define va_copy(a, b) a = b
+ #endif
+Tcl_Interp *irsiminterp;
+Tcl_Interp *consoleinterp;
+private int UseTkConsole = TRUE;
+extern char *filename; /* current input file (see rsim.h) */
+extern int lineno; /* current line number */
+extern char *first_file; /* basename of network file read-in */
+extern int targc;
+extern char **targv;
+extern Command cmds[];
+extern char wildCard[MAXARGS];
+extern void Tcl_stdflush();
+extern void InitTkAnalyzer();
+extern void TagInit();
+extern int IrsimTagCallback();
+extern void enable_interrupt();
+extern void disable_interrupt();
+extern Tcl_Obj *list_all_vectors();
+private int InterruptPending = FALSE;
+private void (*oldinthandler)() = SIG_DFL;
+int tclirsim_base();
+int tclirsim_marker();
+int tclirsim_print();
+int tclirsim_simtime();
+int tclirsim_trace();
+int tclirsim_zoom();
+Command anacmds[] = {
+ {"base", tclirsim_base, 1, 4, "base get|set [trace] [bin|oct|hex]", 0},
+ {"marker", tclirsim_marker, 1, 4, "marker [1|2] set|move|delta...", 0},
+ {"print", tclirsim_print, 1, 3, "print [<file>|<option>...]", 0},
+ {"simtime", tclirsim_simtime, 1, 4, "simtime <option>", 0},
+ {"trace", tclirsim_trace, 1, 4, "trace <option>", 0},
+ {"zoom", tclirsim_zoom, 1, 2, "zoom [in|out]", 0},
+/* Procedure finput(name) --- reads commands from a file */
+static int finput(char *filename)
+ char *cmdstring;
+ int result;
+ result = Tcl_EvalFile(irsiminterp, filename);
+ return (result == TCL_OK) ? 1 : 0;
+/* Procedures cmdfile() and docmdpath(): do nothing */
+/* (maybe deal with this properly, later) */
+public int cmdfile() {
+ return 0;
+public int docmdpath() {
+ return 0;
+/* Dispatch an IRSIM command from the Tcl command line */
+static int _irsim_dispatch(Command *command,
+ Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char *argv[])
+ static char *conflicts[] =
+ {
+ "clock", "trace", NULL
+ };
+ static char *resolutions[] =
+ {
+ "orig_clock", "orig_trace", NULL
+ };
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ } conflictCommand;
+ Tcl_Obj *objv0;
+ char *argv0;
+ int result, idx, i;
+ int (*handler)();
+ /* Check command (argv[0]) against known conflicting Tcl/Tk command */
+ /* names. If the command is potentially a Tcl/Tk call, then try it */
+ /* as such, first. If Tcl returns an error, try it again as an */
+ /* IRSIM command. */
+ /* Note: of the command conflicts, 1) alias is a tkcon command and */
+ /* is just renamed by the startup script 2) "clear" has the same */
+ /* 1-argument syntax for both Tcl and IRSIM. 3) "time" has the same */
+ /* 2-argument syntax for both Tcl and IRSIM. So only "clock" can */
+ /* be handled appropriately. */
+ argv0 = argv[0];
+ if (!strncmp(argv0, "::", 2)) argv0 += 2;
+ objv0 = Tcl_NewStringObj(argv0, strlen(argv0));
+ if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv0, (CONST char **)conflicts,
+ "overloaded command", 0, &idx) == TCL_OK)
+ {
+ Tcl_Obj **objv = (Tcl_Obj **)Tcl_Alloc(argc * sizeof(Tcl_Obj *));
+ objv[0] = Tcl_NewStringObj(resolutions[idx], strlen(resolutions[idx]));
+ Tcl_IncrRefCount(objv[0]);
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ {
+ objv[i] = Tcl_NewStringObj(argv[i], strlen(argv[i]));
+ Tcl_IncrRefCount(objv[i]);
+ }
+ result = Tcl_EvalObjv(interp, argc, objv, 0);
+ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
+ Tcl_DecrRefCount(objv[i]);
+ Tcl_Free((char *)objv);
+ if (result == TCL_OK)
+ return result;
+ }
+ Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
+ if ((argc < command->nmin) || (argc > command->nmax))
+ {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s %s\n", command->name, command->help);
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ handler = command->handler;
+ targc = argc;
+ targv = argv;
+ /* Check for wildcard character '*' */
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ wildCard[i] = (strchr(argv[i], '*') != NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ enable_interrupt();
+ result = (*handler)();
+ disable_interrupt();
+ /* There should be a consensus on the return value. . . */
+ if (result == -1)
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ else
+ return IrsimTagCallback(interp, argc, argv);
+ }
+/* Redefine fprintf for stdout and stderr */
+/* For use with the TkCon console. */
+void vlprintf(FILE *f, const char *fmt, va_list args_in)
+ va_list args;
+ static char outstr[128] = "puts -nonewline std";
+ char *outptr, *bigstr = NULL, *finalstr = NULL;
+ int i, nchars, result, escapes = 0;
+ Tcl_Interp *printinterp = (UseTkConsole) ? consoleinterp : irsiminterp;
+ strcpy (outstr + 19, (f == stderr) ? "err \"" : "out \"");
+ outptr = outstr;
+ va_copy(args, args_in);
+ nchars = vsnprintf(outptr + 24, 102, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ if (nchars >= 102)
+ {
+ va_copy(args, args_in);
+ bigstr = Tcl_Alloc(nchars + 26);
+ strncpy(bigstr, outptr, 24);
+ outptr = bigstr;
+ vsnprintf(outptr + 24, nchars + 2, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ }
+ else if (nchars == -1) nchars = 126;
+ if (logfile != NULL) logprint(outptr + 24);
+ for (i = 24; *(outptr + i) != '\0'; i++)
+ if (*(outptr + i) == '\"' || *(outptr + i) == '[' ||
+ *(outptr + i) == ']' || *(outptr + i) == '\\')
+ escapes++;
+ if (escapes > 0)
+ {
+ finalstr = Tcl_Alloc(nchars + escapes + 26);
+ strncpy(finalstr, outptr, 24);
+ escapes = 0;
+ for (i = 24; *(outptr + i) != '\0'; i++)
+ {
+ if (*(outptr + i) == '\"' || *(outptr + i) == '[' ||
+ *(outptr + i) == ']' || *(outptr + i) == '\\')
+ {
+ *(finalstr + i + escapes) = '\\';
+ escapes++;
+ }
+ *(finalstr + i + escapes) = *(outptr + i);
+ }
+ outptr = finalstr;
+ }
+ *(outptr + 24 + nchars + escapes) = '\"';
+ *(outptr + 25 + nchars + escapes) = '\0';
+ result = Tcl_EvalEx(printinterp, outptr, -1, 0);
+ if (bigstr != NULL) Tcl_Free(bigstr);
+ if (finalstr != NULL) Tcl_Free(finalstr);
+ /* return result; */ /* set result if necessary; don't return it, */
+ /* or else redefine lprintf() in the header file. . . */
+/* Standard multiple-argument version of the va_list */
+/* defined routine vlprintf() above. */
+void lprintf(FILE *f, const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ vlprintf(f, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+/* To go along with the redirected fprintf() routine, */
+/* we have corresponding flush commands for stdout */
+/* and stderr. */
+void Tcl_stdflush(f)
+ FILE *f;
+ Tcl_SavedResult state;
+ static char stdstr[] = "::tcl_flush stdxxx";
+ char *stdptr = stdstr + 15;
+ Tcl_SaveResult(irsiminterp, &state);
+ strcpy(stdptr, (f == stderr) ? "err" : "out");
+ Tcl_EvalEx(irsiminterp, stdstr, -1, 0);
+ Tcl_RestoreResult(irsiminterp, &state);
+/* Interrupt handling routines */
+/* Handler is only used when netgen is run from a */
+/* terminal, not the Tk console. */
+void sighandler(int sig)
+ /* Don't do anything else here! */
+ InterruptPending = 1;
+/* Set up the interrupt flag (both methods) and signal */
+/* handler (terminal-based method only). */
+void enable_interrupt()
+ InterruptPending = 0;
+ oldinthandler = signal(SIGINT, sighandler);
+void disable_interrupt()
+ if (InterruptPending)
+ InterruptPending = 0;
+ signal(SIGINT, oldinthandler);
+/* Generate an interrupt condition */
+/* from a Control-C in the console window. */
+/* The console script binds this procedure to Ctrl-C. */
+int _tkcon_interrupt(ClientData clientData,
+ Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
+ InterruptPending = 1;
+ return TCL_OK;
+/* Allow Tcl to periodically do (Tk) window events. This */
+/* will not cause problems because netgen is not inherently */
+/* window based and only the console defines window commands. */
+/* This also works with the terminal-based method although */
+/* in that case, Tcl_DoOneEvent() should always return 0. */
+int check_interrupt() {
+ if (InterruptPending) {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Interrupt!\n");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+/* Redefine the "error" function */
+void rsimerror(char *filename, ... )
+ va_list args;
+ int lineno;
+ char *fmt;
+ va_start(args, filename);
+ lineno = va_arg(args, int);
+ fmt = va_arg(args, char *);
+ if (filename != NULL)
+ lprintf(stderr, "(%s,%d): ", filename, lineno);
+ vlprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+/* Procedure Usage() --- usage of irsim in Tcl */
+void Usage(char *fmt, ... )
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ vlprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ lprintf(stderr, "usage:\n irsim ");
+ lprintf(stderr, "[-s] prm_file [sim_file ..] "
+ "[-tcl_file ..]|[-c tcl_file]|[-@ cmd_file]\n");
+ lprintf(stderr, "\t-s\t\tstack series transistors\n");
+ lprintf(stderr, "\tprm_file\telectrical parameters file\n");
+ lprintf(stderr, "\tsim_file\tsim (network) file[s]\n");
+ lprintf(stderr, "\ttcl_file\tTcl script command file[s]\n");
+ lprintf(stderr, "\tcmd_file\tOriginal syntax IRSIM command file[s]\n");
+/* Procedure to read in a .sim file from the command */
+/* line. */
+static int _irsim_readsim(ClientData clientData,
+ Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char *argv[])
+ char *filename, *pdptr, *prefix;
+ int result = TCL_OK;
+ if (argc != 2 && argc != 3)
+ {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: readsim [<prefix>] <sim_filename>\n");
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (argc == 3)
+ prefix = argv[1];
+ else
+ prefix = NULL;
+ filename = argv[argc - 1];
+ if ((pdptr = strrchr(filename, '.')) == NULL) {
+ filename = (char *)malloc(strlen(argv[argc - 1]) + 5);
+ sprintf(filename, "%s.sim", argv[argc - 1]);
+ }
+ if (rd_network(filename, prefix, (config_flags & CONFIG_LOADED) ? 0 : -1))
+ result = TCL_ERROR;
+ else
+ ConnectNetwork();
+ if (filename != argv[argc - 1]) free(filename);
+ return result;
+/* Procedure to add a "fake" node to the database. */
+/* This is useful for generating reference signals or */
+/* vectors in the analyzer window, or to use IRSIM as */
+/* a backend to a program like "cver", replacing */
+/* (for example) dinotrace. Fake nodes don't connect */
+/* to the database network, but they can be forced to */
+/* specific values. */
+static int _irsim_addnode(ClientData clientData,
+ Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char *argv[])
+ nptr n;
+ if (argc < 2)
+ {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Usage: addnode <nodename> [<capval>]\n");
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ n = RsimGetNode(argv[1]);
+ if (argc == 3)
+ n->ncap += atof(argv[2]);
+ return TCL_OK;
+/* Procedure to list all of the known nodes, and */
+/* return them as a Tcl list. */
+static int _irsim_listnodes(ClientData clientData,
+ Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char *argv[])
+ nptr n;
+ for (n = GetNodeList(); n != NULL; n = n->
+ {
+ if (n->nflags & ALIAS)
+ continue;
+ Tcl_AppendElement(interp, n->nname);
+ }
+ return TCL_OK;
+/* Procedure to list all of the known vectors, and */
+/* return them as a Tcl list. */
+static int _irsim_listvectors(ClientData clientData,
+ Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char *argv[])
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, list_all_vectors());
+ return TCL_OK;
+/* Main startup procedure */
+/* This function replaces function main() in rsim.c */
+static int _irsim_start(ClientData clientData,
+ Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char *argv[])
+ int i, arg1, has_prm_file = -1;
+ char versionstr[128];
+ /* Did we start in the same interpreter as we initialized? */
+ if (irsiminterp != interp)
+ {
+ lprintf(stderr, "Warning: Switching interpreters. "
+ "Tcl-irsim is not set up to handle this.\n");
+ irsiminterp = interp;
+ }
+ lprintf(stdout, "Starting irsim under Tcl interpreter\n");
+ /* Initialization stuff from original main() function */
+ InitSignals();
+ InitUsage();
+ InitThevs();
+ InitCAD();
+ init_hist();
+ init_subs(subs);
+ InitTimes(sim_time0, stepsize, cur_delta, 0);
+ sprintf(versionstr, "IRSIM %s.%s compiled on %s\n", IRSIM_VERSION,
+ lprintf(stdout, versionstr);
+ Tcl_stdflush(stdout);
+ filename = "*initialization*";
+ for (arg1 = 1; arg1 < argc; arg1++)
+ {
+ if (argv[arg1][0] == '-')
+ {
+ switch(argv[arg1][1])
+ {
+ case 's' : /* stack series transistors */
+ stack_txtors = TRUE;
+ break;
+ default :
+ Usage("Unknown switch: %s\n", argv[arg1]);
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Read in the electrical configuration file, if specified */
+ if (arg1 < argc)
+ {
+ if (strstr(argv[arg1], ".sim") == NULL) {
+ has_prm_file = config(argv[arg1]);
+ if (has_prm_file == 0) arg1++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Read network files (sim files) */
+ for (i = arg1; i < argc; i++)
+ {
+ if (argv[i][0] != '-' and argv[i][0] != '+')
+ {
+ if (rd_network(argv[i], NULL, has_prm_file))
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ if (first_file == NULL)
+ first_file = BaseName(argv[i]);
+ }
+ else if ((!strcmp(argv[i], "-c") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-@")) && (i < argc - 1))
+ i++;
+ }
+ init_event();
+ if (first_file == NULL)
+ {
+ Usage("No sim file specified.\n");
+ return TCL_OK;
+ }
+ ConnectNetwork(); /* connect all txtors to corresponding nodes */
+ /* Search for -filename for command files to process. */
+ /* This may also be specified as "-c filename" to facilitate */
+ /* the use of filename completion on the command line, which can't */
+ /* be used when the "-" is attached to the filename. */
+ /* The alternative form "-@ filename" forces backwards */
+ /* compatibility for the original IRSIM syntax (e.g., "set" instead */
+ /* of "setvector"). */
+ filename = "command line";
+ lineno = 1;
+ for (i = arg1; i < argc; i++) {
+ if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
+ char *farg;
+ if (!strcmp(&argv[i][1], "c") && (i < (argc - 1)))
+ {
+ farg = argv[++i];
+ if (!finput(farg))
+ rsimerror(filename, lineno, "cannot open %s for input\n", farg);
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(&argv[i][1], "@") && (i < (argc - 1)))
+ {
+ farg = argv[++i];
+ Tcl_VarEval(irsiminterp, "@ ", farg, (char *)NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ farg = &argv[i][1];
+ if (!finput(farg))
+ rsimerror(filename, lineno, "cannot open %s for input\n", farg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TCL_OK;
+/* Tcl Package Initialization procedure */
+int Tclirsim_Init(interp)
+ Tcl_Interp *interp;
+ int n;
+ char keyword[100];
+ char *cadroot;
+ /* Sanity check! */
+ if (interp == NULL) return TCL_ERROR;
+ /* Remember the interpreter */
+ irsiminterp = interp;
+ if (Tcl_InitStubs(interp, "8.1", 0) == NULL) return TCL_ERROR;
+ /* Use namespace to avoid conflicts with existing commands */
+ for (n = 0; cmds[n].name != NULL; n++)
+ {
+ sprintf(keyword, "irsim::%s", cmds[n].name);
+ Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, keyword, (Tcl_CmdProc *)_irsim_dispatch,
+ (ClientData)(&cmds[n]), (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);
+ }
+ /* Start command */
+ Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "irsim::start", (Tcl_CmdProc *)_irsim_start,
+ (ClientData)NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);
+ /* Commands unique to the Tcl version */
+ Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "irsim::listnodes", (Tcl_CmdProc *)_irsim_listnodes,
+ (ClientData)NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);
+ Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "irsim::listvectors", (Tcl_CmdProc *)_irsim_listvectors,
+ (ClientData)NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);
+ Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "irsim::addnode", (Tcl_CmdProc *)_irsim_addnode,
+ (ClientData)NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);
+ Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "irsim::readsim", (Tcl_CmdProc *)_irsim_readsim,
+ (ClientData)NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);
+ for (n = 0; anacmds[n].name != NULL; n++)
+ {
+ sprintf(keyword, "irsim::%s", anacmds[n].name);
+ Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, keyword, (Tcl_CmdProc *)_irsim_dispatch,
+ (ClientData)(&anacmds[n]), (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);
+ }
+ /* Set up tag callbacks */
+ TagInit(interp);
+ /* Set up the command callback for the Tk analyzer window */
+ InitTkAnalyzer(interp);
+ /* Export the namespace commands */
+ Tcl_Eval(interp, "namespace eval irsim namespace export *");
+ /* Set $CAD_ROOT as a Tcl variable */
+ cadroot = getenv("CAD_ROOT");
+ if (cadroot == NULL) cadroot = CAD_DIR;
+ Tcl_SetVar(interp, "CAD_ROOT", cadroot, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
+ Tcl_PkgProvide(interp, "Tclirsim", IRSIM_VERSION);
+ if ((consoleinterp = Tcl_GetMaster(interp)) == NULL)
+ consoleinterp = interp;
+ Tcl_CreateObjCommand(consoleinterp, "irsim::interrupt", _tkcon_interrupt,
+ (ClientData)NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *)NULL);
+ return TCL_OK;
diff --git a/tcltk/tkAnalyzer.c b/tcltk/tkAnalyzer.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efa24a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcltk/tkAnalyzer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * tkAnalyzer.c --
+ *
+ * Tk implementation of the logic analyzer widget for IRSIM
+ *
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#ifdef TCL_IRSIM
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef LINUX
+#include <string.h> /* for strncmp() */
+#include <tk.h>
+#include "ana.h"
+#include "ana_glob.h"
+#include "rsim.h"
+/* Backwards compatibility to tk8.3 and earlier */
+ #define Tk_SetClassProcs(a,b,c) TkSetClassProcs(a,b,c)
+ #endif
+#ifndef CONST84
+#define CONST84
+/* Internal routine used---need to find an alternative! */
+extern int TkpUseWindow();
+ * A data structure of the following type is kept for each
+ * analyzer window that currently exists for this process:
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ Tk_Window tkwin; /* Window that embodies the analyzer. NULL
+ * means that the window has been destroyed
+ * but the data structures haven't yet been
+ * cleaned up. */
+ Display *display; /* Display containing widget. Used, among
+ * other things, so that resources can be
+ * freed even after tkwin has gone away. */
+ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter associated with widget. Used
+ * to delete widget command. */
+ Tcl_Command widgetCmd; /* Token for analyzer's widget command. */
+ char *className; /* Class name for widget (from configuration
+ * option). Malloc-ed. */
+ int width; /* Width to request for window. <= 0 means
+ * don't request any size. */
+ int height; /* Height to request for window. <= 0 means
+ * don't request any size. */
+ XColor *background; /* background pixel used by XClearArea */
+ char *useThis; /* If the window is embedded, this points to
+ * the name of the window in which it is
+ * embedded (malloc'ed). For non-embedded
+ * windows this is NULL. */
+ char *exitProc; /* Callback procedure upon window deletion. */
+ char *mydata; /* This space for hire. */
+ int flags; /* Various flags; see below for
+ * definitions. */
+} TkAnalyzer;
+ * Flag bits for analyzers:
+ *
+ * GOT_FOCUS: non-zero means this widget currently has the input focus.
+ */
+#define GOT_FOCUS 1
+static Tk_ConfigSpec configSpecs[] = {
+ {TK_CONFIG_COLOR, "-background", "background", "Background",
+ "Black", Tk_Offset(TkAnalyzer, background), 0},
+ {TK_CONFIG_SYNONYM, "-bg", "background", (char *)NULL,
+ (char *)NULL, 0, 0},
+ {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-height", "height", "Height",
+ "0", Tk_Offset(TkAnalyzer, height), 0},
+ {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-width", "width", "Width",
+ "0", Tk_Offset(TkAnalyzer, width), 0},
+ {TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-use", "use", "Use",
+ "", Tk_Offset(TkAnalyzer, useThis), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
+ {TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-exitproc", "exitproc", "ExitProc",
+ "", Tk_Offset(TkAnalyzer, exitProc), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
+ {TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-data", "data", "Data",
+ "", Tk_Offset(TkAnalyzer, mydata), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
+ {TK_CONFIG_END, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
+ (char *) NULL, 0, 0}
+ * Forward declarations for procedures defined later in this file:
+ */
+static int ConfigureTkAnalyzer _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
+ TkAnalyzer *analyzerPtr, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[],
+ int flags));
+static void DestroyTkAnalyzer _ANSI_ARGS_((char *memPtr));
+static void TkAnalyzerCmdDeletedProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ ClientData clientData));
+static void TkAnalyzerEventProc _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData,
+ XEvent *eventPtr));
+static int AnalyzerWidgetObjCmd _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData,
+ Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]));
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * TkAnalyzerObjCmd --
+ *
+ * This procedure is invoked to process the "tkanalyzer"
+ * Tcl command.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * A standard Tcl result.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * See the user documentation. These procedures are just wrappers;
+ * they call ButtonCreate to do all of the real work.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+TkAnalyzerObjCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv)
+ ClientData clientData; /* Main window associated with
+ * interpreter. */
+ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */
+ int objc; /* Number of arguments. */
+ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]; /* Argument objects. */
+ Tk_Window tkwin = (Tk_Window) clientData;
+ TkAnalyzer *analyzerPtr;
+ Tk_Window new;
+ char *arg, *useOption;
+ int i, c;
+ size_t length;
+ unsigned int mask;
+ if (objc < 2) {
+ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "pathName ?options?");
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Pre-process the argument list. Scan through it to find any
+ * "-use" option, or the "-main" option. If the "-main" option
+ * is selected, then the application will exit if this window
+ * is deleted.
+ */
+ useOption = NULL;
+ for (i = 2; i < objc; i += 2) {
+ arg = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[i], (int *) &length);
+ if (length < 2) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ c = arg[1];
+ if ((c == 'u') && (strncmp(arg, "-use", length) == 0)) {
+ useOption = Tcl_GetString(objv[i+1]);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Create the window, and deal with the special option -use.
+ */
+ if (tkwin != NULL) {
+ new = Tk_CreateWindowFromPath(interp, tkwin, Tcl_GetString(objv[1]),
+ NULL);
+ }
+ if (new == NULL) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ Tk_SetClass(new, "TkAnalyzer");
+ if (useOption == NULL) {
+ useOption = (char *)Tk_GetOption(new, "use", "Use");
+ }
+ if (useOption != NULL) {
+ if (TkpUseWindow(interp, new, useOption) != TCL_OK) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Create the widget record, process configuration options, and
+ * create event handlers. Then fill in a few additional fields
+ * in the widget record from the special options.
+ */
+ analyzerPtr = (TkAnalyzer *) ckalloc(sizeof(TkAnalyzer));
+ analyzerPtr->tkwin = new;
+ analyzerPtr->display = Tk_Display(new);
+ analyzerPtr->interp = interp;
+ analyzerPtr->widgetCmd = Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp,
+ Tk_PathName(new), AnalyzerWidgetObjCmd,
+ (ClientData) analyzerPtr, TkAnalyzerCmdDeletedProc);
+ analyzerPtr->className = NULL;
+ analyzerPtr->width = 0;
+ analyzerPtr->height = 0;
+ analyzerPtr->background = NULL;
+ analyzerPtr->useThis = NULL;
+ analyzerPtr->exitProc = NULL;
+ analyzerPtr->flags = 0;
+ analyzerPtr->mydata = NULL;
+ /*
+ * Store backreference to analyzer widget in window structure.
+ */
+ Tk_SetClassProcs(new, NULL, (ClientData) analyzerPtr);
+ /* We only handle focus and structure events, and even that might change. */
+ mask = StructureNotifyMask|FocusChangeMask|NoEventMask|ExposureMask;
+ Tk_CreateEventHandler(new, mask, TkAnalyzerEventProc, (ClientData) analyzerPtr);
+ if (ConfigureTkAnalyzer(interp, analyzerPtr, objc-2, objv+2, 0) != TCL_OK) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ Tcl_SetResult(interp, Tk_PathName(new), TCL_STATIC);
+ return TCL_OK;
+ error:
+ if (new != NULL) {
+ Tk_DestroyWindow(new);
+ }
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * AnalyzerWidgetObjCmd --
+ *
+ * This procedure is invoked to process the Tcl command
+ * that corresponds to a analyzer widget path name. See
+ * the user documentation for details on what it does.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * A standard Tcl result.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * See the user documentation.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static int
+AnalyzerWidgetObjCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv)
+ ClientData clientData; /* Information about analyzer widget. */
+ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */
+ int objc; /* Number of arguments. */
+ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]; /* Argument objects. */
+ static char *tkanalyzerOptions[] = {
+ "cget", "configure", "height", "width", "init", "help", (char *) NULL
+ };
+ enum options {
+ };
+ register TkAnalyzer *analyzerPtr = (TkAnalyzer *) clientData;
+ int result = TCL_OK, idx;
+ int c, i;
+ size_t length;
+ Tcl_Obj *robj;
+ if (objc < 2) {
+ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "option ?arg arg ...?");
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[1],
+ (CONST84 char **)tkanalyzerOptions, "option", 0,
+ &idx) != TCL_OK) {
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) analyzerPtr);
+ switch ((enum options)idx) {
+ Tcl_SetResult(interp, "Options are \"configure\", \"cget\", "
+ "\"height\", \"width\", \"init\", or \"help\".\n", NULL);
+ break;
+ if (objc != 3) {
+ Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "option");
+ result = TCL_ERROR;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ result = Tk_ConfigureValue(interp, analyzerPtr->tkwin, configSpecs,
+ (char *) analyzerPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), 0);
+ break;
+ if (objc == 2) {
+ result = Tk_ConfigureInfo(interp, analyzerPtr->tkwin, configSpecs,
+ (char *) analyzerPtr, (char *) NULL, 0);
+ } else if (objc == 3) {
+ result = Tk_ConfigureInfo(interp, analyzerPtr->tkwin, configSpecs,
+ (char *) analyzerPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), 0);
+ } else {
+ for (i = 2; i < objc; i++) {
+ char *arg = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[i], (int *) &length);
+ if (length < 2) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ c = arg[1];
+ if ((c == 'u') && (strncmp(arg, "-use", length) == 0)) {
+ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't modify ", arg,
+ " option after widget is created", (char *) NULL);
+ result = TCL_ERROR;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ result = ConfigureTkAnalyzer(interp, analyzerPtr, objc-2, objv+2,
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Report actual window width and height, for manipulating */
+ /* the slider, and converting pixels to simulation time. */
+ robj = Tcl_NewIntObj(Tk_Width(analyzerPtr->tkwin));
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, robj);
+ break;
+ robj = Tcl_NewIntObj(Tk_Height(analyzerPtr->tkwin));
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, robj);
+ break;
+ /* Force mapping of the window */
+ Tk_MakeWindowExist(analyzerPtr->tkwin);
+ start_analyzer(analyzerPtr->tkwin);
+ result = TCL_OK;
+ break;
+ }
+ done:
+ Tcl_Release((ClientData) analyzerPtr);
+ return result;
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * DestroyTkAnalyzer --
+ *
+ * This procedure is invoked by Tcl_EventuallyFree or Tcl_Release
+ * to clean up the internal structure of a analyzer at a safe time
+ * (when no-one is using it anymore).
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * Everything associated with the analyzer is freed up.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static void
+ char *memPtr; /* Info about analyzer widget. */
+ register TkAnalyzer *analyzerPtr = (TkAnalyzer *) memPtr;
+ Tk_FreeOptions(configSpecs, (char *) analyzerPtr, analyzerPtr->display,
+ if (analyzerPtr->exitProc != NULL) {
+ /* Call the exit procedure */
+ Tcl_EvalEx(analyzerPtr->interp, analyzerPtr->exitProc, -1, 0);
+ }
+ ckfree((char *) analyzerPtr);
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * ConfigureTkAnalyzer --
+ *
+ * This procedure is called to process an objv/objc list, plus
+ * the Tk option database, in order to configure (or
+ * reconfigure) a analyzer widget.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * The return value is a standard Tcl result. If TCL_ERROR is
+ * returned, then the interp's result contains an error message.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * Configuration information, such as text string, colors, font,
+ * etc. get set for analyzerPtr; old resources get freed, if there
+ * were any.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static int
+ConfigureTkAnalyzer(interp, analyzerPtr, objc, objv, flags)
+ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Used for error reporting. */
+ register TkAnalyzer *analyzerPtr; /* Information about widget; may or may
+ * not already have values for some fields. */
+ int objc; /* Number of valid entries in objv. */
+ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]; /* Arguments. */
+ int flags; /* Flags to pass to Tk_ConfigureWidget. */
+ if (Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, analyzerPtr->tkwin, configSpecs,
+ objc, (CONST84 char **) objv, (char *) analyzerPtr,
+ flags | TK_CONFIG_OBJS) != TCL_OK) {
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ if ((analyzerPtr->width > 0) || (analyzerPtr->height > 0)) {
+ Tk_GeometryRequest(analyzerPtr->tkwin, analyzerPtr->width,
+ analyzerPtr->height);
+ }
+ if (analyzerPtr->background != NULL) {
+ Tk_SetWindowBackground(analyzerPtr->tkwin, analyzerPtr->background->pixel);
+ }
+ return TCL_OK;
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * TkAnalyzerEventProc --
+ *
+ * This procedure is invoked by the Tk dispatcher on
+ * structure changes to a analyzer. For analyzers with 3D
+ * borders, this procedure is also invoked for exposures.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * When the window gets deleted, internal structures get
+ * cleaned up. When it gets exposed, it is redisplayed.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static void
+TkAnalyzerEventProc(clientData, eventPtr)
+ ClientData clientData; /* Information about window. */
+ register XEvent *eventPtr; /* Information about event. */
+ register TkAnalyzer *analyzerPtr = (TkAnalyzer *) clientData;
+ switch (eventPtr->type) {
+ case DestroyNotify:
+ if (analyzerPtr->tkwin != NULL) {
+ /*
+ * If this window is a container, then this event could be
+ * coming from the embedded application, in which case
+ * Tk_DestroyWindow hasn't been called yet. When Tk_DestroyWindow
+ * is called later, then another destroy event will be generated.
+ * We need to be sure we ignore the second event, since the analyzer
+ * could be gone by then. To do so, delete the event handler
+ * explicitly (normally it's done implicitly by Tk_DestroyWindow).
+ */
+ Tk_DeleteEventHandler(analyzerPtr->tkwin,
+ StructureNotifyMask | FocusChangeMask,
+ TkAnalyzerEventProc, (ClientData) analyzerPtr);
+ analyzerPtr->tkwin = NULL;
+ Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken(analyzerPtr->interp, analyzerPtr->widgetCmd);
+ }
+ Tcl_EventuallyFree((ClientData) analyzerPtr, DestroyTkAnalyzer);
+ analyzerON = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case FocusIn:
+ if (eventPtr->xfocus.detail != NotifyInferior) {
+ analyzerPtr->flags |= GOT_FOCUS;
+ }
+ break;
+ case FocusOut:
+ if (eventPtr->xfocus.detail != NotifyInferior) {
+ analyzerPtr->flags &= ~GOT_FOCUS;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Expose:
+ {
+ XExposeEvent *exposeEvent = (XExposeEvent *)eventPtr;
+ BBox box;
+ box.left = exposeEvent->x;
+ box.right = exposeEvent->x + exposeEvent->width - 1;
+ = exposeEvent->y + exposeEvent->height - 1;
+ = exposeEvent->y;
+ /* Note that we call RedrawTraces(), not RedrawWindow(),
+ * because RedrawTraces() is the only thing handled by
+ * the TkAnalyzer window, and it takes up the whole
+ * window, so it always must intersect traceBox.
+ */
+ RedrawTraces(&box);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ConfigureNotify:
+ {
+ BBox box;
+ XWINDOWSIZE = Tk_Width(analyzerPtr->tkwin);
+ YWINDOWSIZE = Tk_Height(analyzerPtr->tkwin);
+ start_analyzer(analyzerPtr->tkwin);
+ WindowChanges();
+ box.left = = 0;
+ box.right = XWINDOWSIZE;
+ RedrawTraces(&box);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * TkAnalyzerCmdDeletedProc --
+ *
+ * This procedure is invoked when a widget command is deleted. If
+ * the widget isn't already in the process of being destroyed,
+ * this command destroys it.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * The widget is destroyed.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static void
+ ClientData clientData; /* Pointer to widget record for widget. */
+ TkAnalyzer *analyzerPtr = (TkAnalyzer *) clientData;
+ Tk_Window tkwin = analyzerPtr->tkwin;
+ /*
+ * This procedure could be invoked either because the window was
+ * destroyed and the command was then deleted (in which case tkwin
+ * is NULL) or because the command was deleted, and then this procedure
+ * destroys the widget.
+ */
+ if (tkwin != NULL) {
+ analyzerPtr->tkwin = NULL;
+ Tk_DestroyWindow(tkwin);
+ }
+/* Create the command callback for the Tk analyzer window */
+ Tcl_Interp *interp;
+ Tk_Window tktop;
+ tktop = Tk_MainWindow(interp);
+ Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "tkanalyzer",
+ (Tcl_ObjCmdProc *)TkAnalyzerObjCmd,
+ (ClientData)tktop, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *)NULL);
+#endif /* TCL_IRSIM */
diff --git a/tcltk/tkTag.c b/tcltk/tkTag.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d0ddd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcltk/tkTag.c
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+/* Tag callback mechanism */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <tk.h>
+#include <string.h> /* for strlen() */
+#include "net.h" /* defines TRUE and FALSE */
+Tcl_HashTable IrsimTagTable;
+/* Quick reimplementation of strdup() using Tcl's alloc calls */
+char *Tcl_StrDup(const char *s)
+ char *snew;
+ int slen;
+ slen = 1 + strlen(s);
+ snew = Tcl_Alloc(slen);
+ if (snew != NULL)
+ memcpy(snew, s, slen);
+ return snew;
+/* Implement tag callbacks on functions */
+/* Find any tags associated with a command and execute them. */
+int IrsimTagCallback(Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char *argv[])
+ int argidx, result = TCL_OK;
+ char *postcmd, *substcmd, *newcmd, *sptr, *sres;
+ char *croot = argv[0];
+ Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
+ Tcl_SavedResult state;
+ int reset = FALSE;
+ int i, llen, cmdnum;
+ /* Skip over namespace qualifier, if any */
+ if (!strncmp(croot, "::", 2)) croot += 2;
+ if (!strncmp(croot, "irsim::", 10)) croot += 10;
+ entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&IrsimTagTable, croot);
+ postcmd = (entry) ? (char *)Tcl_GetHashValue(entry) : NULL;
+ if (postcmd)
+ {
+ substcmd = (char *)Tcl_Alloc(strlen(postcmd) + 1);
+ strcpy(substcmd, postcmd);
+ sptr = substcmd;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* Parse "postcmd" for Tk-substitution escapes */
+ /* Allowed escapes are: */
+ /* %W substitute the tk path of the calling window */
+ /* %r substitute the previous Tcl result string */
+ /* %R substitute the previous Tcl result string and */
+ /* reset the Tcl result. */
+ /* %[0-5] substitute the argument to the original command */
+ /* %N substitute all arguments as a list */
+ /* %% substitute a single percent character */
+ /* %* (all others) no action: print as-is. */
+ /* */
+ /* Characters "[" and "]" in IRSIM commands are escaped to */
+ /* prevent Tcl from attempting to treat them as an immediate */
+ /* evaluation. */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ while ((sptr = strchr(sptr, '%')) != NULL)
+ {
+ switch (*(sptr + 1))
+ {
+ case 'W': {
+ char *tkpath = NULL;
+ Tk_Window tkwind = Tk_MainWindow(interp);
+ if (tkwind != NULL) tkpath = Tk_PathName(tkwind);
+ if (tkpath == NULL)
+ newcmd = (char *)Tcl_Alloc(strlen(substcmd));
+ else
+ newcmd = (char *)Tcl_Alloc(strlen(substcmd) + strlen(tkpath));
+ strcpy(newcmd, substcmd);
+ if (tkpath == NULL)
+ strcpy(newcmd + (int)(sptr - substcmd), sptr + 2);
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(newcmd + (int)(sptr - substcmd), tkpath);
+ strcat(newcmd, sptr + 2);
+ }
+ Tcl_Free(substcmd);
+ substcmd = newcmd;
+ sptr = substcmd;
+ } break;
+ case 'R':
+ reset = TRUE;
+ case 'r':
+ sres = (char *)Tcl_GetStringResult(interp);
+ newcmd = (char *)Tcl_Alloc(strlen(substcmd)
+ + strlen(sres) + 1);
+ strcpy(newcmd, substcmd);
+ sprintf(newcmd + (int)(sptr - substcmd), "\"%s\"", sres);
+ strcat(newcmd, sptr + 2);
+ Tcl_Free(substcmd);
+ substcmd = newcmd;
+ sptr = substcmd;
+ break;
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5':
+ argidx = (int)(*(sptr + 1) - '0');
+ if ((argidx >= 0) && (argidx < argc))
+ {
+ int needList = 0;
+ if (strchr(argv[argidx], '[') != NULL ||
+ strchr(argv[argidx], ']') != NULL)
+ needList = 1;
+ newcmd = (char *)Tcl_Alloc(strlen(substcmd)
+ + strlen(argv[argidx]) + 2 * needList);
+ strcpy(newcmd, substcmd);
+ if (needList)
+ strcpy(newcmd + (int)(sptr - substcmd), "{");
+ strcpy(newcmd + (int)(sptr - substcmd) + needList,
+ argv[argidx]);
+ if (needList)
+ strcat(newcmd, "}");
+ strcat(newcmd, sptr + 2);
+ Tcl_Free(substcmd);
+ substcmd = newcmd;
+ sptr = substcmd;
+ }
+ else if (argidx >= argc)
+ {
+ newcmd = (char *)Tcl_Alloc(strlen(substcmd) + 1);
+ strcpy(newcmd, substcmd);
+ strcpy(newcmd + (int)(sptr - substcmd), sptr + 2);
+ Tcl_Free(substcmd);
+ substcmd = newcmd;
+ sptr = substcmd;
+ }
+ else sptr++;
+ break;
+ case 'N':
+ llen = 1;
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ llen += (1 + strlen(argv[i]));
+ newcmd = (char *)Tcl_Alloc(strlen(substcmd) + llen);
+ strcpy(newcmd, substcmd);
+ strcpy(newcmd + (int)(sptr - substcmd), "{");
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+ strcat(newcmd, argv[i]);
+ if (i < (argc - 1))
+ strcat(newcmd, " ");
+ }
+ strcat(newcmd, "}");
+ strcat(newcmd, sptr + 2);
+ Tcl_Free(substcmd);
+ substcmd = newcmd;
+ sptr = substcmd;
+ break;
+ case '%':
+ newcmd = (char *)Tcl_Alloc(strlen(substcmd) + 1);
+ strcpy(newcmd, substcmd);
+ strcpy(newcmd + (int)(sptr - substcmd), sptr + 1);
+ Tcl_Free(substcmd);
+ substcmd = newcmd;
+ sptr = substcmd;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* lprintf(stderr, "Substituted tag callback is \"%s\"\n", substcmd); */
+ Tcl_SaveResult(interp, &state);
+ result = Tcl_Eval(interp, substcmd);
+ if ((result == TCL_OK) && (reset == FALSE))
+ Tcl_RestoreResult(interp, &state);
+ else
+ Tcl_DiscardResult(&state);
+ Tcl_Free(substcmd);
+ }
+ return result;
+/* Add a command tag callback */
+int _irsim_tag(ClientData clientData,
+ Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
+ Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
+ char *hstring;
+ int new;
+ if (objc != 2 && objc != 3)
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ entry = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&IrsimTagTable, Tcl_GetString(objv[1]), &new);
+ if (entry == NULL) return TCL_ERROR;
+ hstring = (char *)Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
+ if (objc == 2)
+ {
+ Tcl_SetResult(interp, hstring, NULL);
+ return TCL_OK;
+ }
+ if (strlen(Tcl_GetString(objv[2])) == 0)
+ {
+ Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(entry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hstring = Tcl_StrDup(Tcl_GetString(objv[2]));
+ Tcl_SetHashValue(entry, hstring);
+ }
+ return TCL_OK;
+/* Initialize the tag callback stuff. */
+void TagInit(interp)
+ Tcl_Interp *interp;
+ Tcl_InitHashTable(&IrsimTagTable, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
+ Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "irsim::tag",
+ (Tcl_ObjCmdProc *)_irsim_tag,
+ (ClientData)NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *)NULL);
diff --git a/tcltk/tkcon.tcl b/tcltk/tkcon.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..071b6f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcltk/tkcon.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,5276 @@
+# \
+exec ${IRSIM_WISH:=wish} "$0" ${1+"$@"}
+## tkcon.tcl
+## Enhanced Tk Console, part of the VerTcl system
+## Originally based off Brent Welch's Tcl Shell Widget
+## (from "Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk")
+## Thanks to the following (among many) for early bug reports & code ideas:
+## Steven Wahl <>, Jan Nijtmans <>
+## Crimmins <>, Wart <>
+## Copyright 1995-2001 Jeffrey Hobbs
+## Initiated: Thu Aug 17 15:36:47 PDT 1995
+## source standard_disclaimer.tcl
+## source bourbon_ware.tcl
+# Proxy support for retrieving the current version of Tkcon.
+# Mon Jun 25 12:19:56 2001 - Pat Thoyts <>
+# In your tkcon.cfg or .tkconrc file put your proxy details into the
+# `proxy' member of the `PRIV' array. e.g.:
+# set ::tkcon::PRIV(proxy) wwwproxy:8080
+# If you want to be prompted for proxy authentication details (eg for
+# an NT proxy server) make the second element of this variable non-nil - eg:
+# set ::tkcon::PRIV(proxy) {wwwproxy:8080 1}
+# Or you can set the above variable from within tkcon by calling
+# tkcon master set ::tkcon:PRIV(proxy) wwwproxy:8080
+if {$tcl_version < 8.0} {
+ return -code error "tkcon requires at least Tcl/Tk8"
+} else {
+ # package require -exact Tk $tcl_version
+ package require Tk $tcl_version
+catch {package require bogus-package-name}
+foreach pkg [info loaded {}] {
+ set file [lindex $pkg 0]
+ set name [lindex $pkg 1]
+ if {![catch {set version [package require $name]}]} {
+ if {[string match {} [package ifneeded $name $version]]} {
+ package ifneeded $name $version [list load $file $name]
+ }
+ }
+catch {unset pkg file name version}
+# Tk 8.4 makes previously exposed stuff private.
+# FIX: Update tkcon to not rely on the private Tk code.
+if {![llength [info globals tkPriv]]} {
+ ::tk::unsupported::ExposePrivateVariable tkPriv
+foreach cmd {SetCursor UpDownLine Transpose ScrollPages} {
+ if {![llength [info commands tkText$cmd]]} {
+ ::tk::unsupported::ExposePrivateCommand tkText$cmd
+ }
+# Initialize the ::tkcon namespace
+namespace eval ::tkcon {
+ # The OPT variable is an array containing most of the optional
+ # info to configure. COLOR has the color data.
+ variable OPT
+ variable COLOR
+ # PRIV is used for internal data that only tkcon should fiddle with.
+ variable PRIV
+ set PRIV(WWW) [info exists embed_args]
+## ::tkcon::Init - inits tkcon
+# Calls: ::tkcon::InitUI
+# Outputs: errors found in tkcon's resource file
+proc ::tkcon::Init {} {
+ variable OPT
+ variable COLOR
+ variable PRIV
+ global tcl_platform env argc argv tcl_interactive errorInfo
+ if {![info exists argv]} {
+ set argv {}
+ set argc 0
+ }
+ set tcl_interactive 1
+ if {[info exists PRIV(name)]} {
+ set title $PRIV(name)
+ } else {
+ MainInit
+ # some main initialization occurs later in this proc,
+ # to go after the UI init
+ set MainInit 1
+ set title Main
+ }
+ ##
+ ## When setting up all the default values, we always check for
+ ## prior existence. This allows users who embed tkcon to modify
+ ## the initial state before tkcon initializes itself.
+ ##
+ # bg == {} will get bg color from the main toplevel (in InitUI)
+ foreach {key default} {
+ bg {}
+ blink \#FFFF00
+ cursor \#000000
+ disabled \#4D4D4D
+ proc \#008800
+ var \#FFC0D0
+ prompt \#8F4433
+ stdin \#000000
+ stdout \#0000FF
+ stderr \#FF0000
+ } {
+ if {![info exists COLOR($key)]} { set COLOR($key) $default }
+ }
+ foreach {key default} {
+ autoload {}
+ blinktime 500
+ blinkrange 1
+ buffer 512
+ calcmode 0
+ cols 80
+ debugPrompt {(level \#$level) debug [history nextid] > }
+ dead {}
+ expandorder {Pathname Variable Procname}
+ font {}
+ history 48
+ hoterrors 1
+ library {}
+ lightbrace 1
+ lightcmd 1
+ maineval {}
+ maxmenu 15
+ nontcl 0
+ prompt1 {ignore this, it's set below}
+ rows 20
+ scrollypos right
+ showmenu 1
+ showmultiple 1
+ showstatusbar 0
+ slaveeval {}
+ slaveexit close
+ subhistory 1
+ gc-delay 60000
+ gets {congets}
+ usehistory 1
+ exec slave
+ } {
+ if {![info exists OPT($key)]} { set OPT($key) $default }
+ }
+ foreach {key default} {
+ app {}
+ appname {}
+ apptype slave
+ namesp ::
+ cmd {}
+ cmdbuf {}
+ cmdsave {}
+ event 1
+ deadapp 0
+ deadsock 0
+ debugging 0
+ displayWin .
+ histid 0
+ find {}
+ find,case 0
+ find,reg 0
+ errorInfo {}
+ showOnStartup 1
+ slavealias { edit more less tkcon }
+ slaveprocs {
+ alias clear dir dump echo idebug lremove
+ tkcon_puts tkcon_gets observe observe_var unalias which what
+ }
+ version 2.3
+ RCS {RCS: @(#) $Id: tkcon.tcl,v 1.2 2008/04/18 16:28:13 tim Exp $}
+ docs ""
+ email {}
+ root .
+ } {
+ if {![info exists PRIV($key)]} { set PRIV($key) $default }
+ }
+ ##
+ ## If you set ::tkcon::OPT(exec) to {}, then instead of a multiple
+ ## interp model, you get tkcon operating in the main interp by default.
+ ## This can be useful when attaching to programs that like to operate
+ ## in the main interpter (for example, based on special wish'es).
+ ## You can set this from the command line with -exec ""
+ ## A side effect is that all tkcon command line args will be used
+ ## by the first console only.
+ #set OPT(exec) {}
+ if {$PRIV(WWW)} {
+ lappend PRIV(slavealias) history
+ set OPT(prompt1) {[history nextid] % }
+ } else {
+ lappend PRIV(slaveprocs) tcl_unknown unknown
+ set OPT(prompt1) {([file tail [pwd]]) [history nextid] % }
+ }
+ ## If we are using the default '.' toplevel, and there appear to be
+ ## children of '.', then make sure we use a disassociated toplevel.
+ if {$PRIV(root) == "." && [llength [winfo children .]]} {
+ set PRIV(root) .tkcon
+ }
+ ## Do platform specific configuration here, other than defaults
+ ### Use tkcon.cfg filename for resource filename on non-unix systems
+ ### Determine what directory the resource file should be in
+ switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
+ macintosh {
+ if {![interp issafe]} {cd [file dirname [info script]]}
+ set envHome PREF_FOLDER
+ set rcfile tkcon.cfg
+ set histfile irsim_tkcon.hst
+ catch {console hide}
+ }
+ windows {
+ set envHome HOME
+ set rcfile tkcon.cfg
+ set histfile irsim_tkcon.hst
+ }
+ unix {
+ set envHome HOME
+ set rcfile .tkconrc
+ set histfile .irsim_tkcon_hst
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists env($envHome)]} {
+ if {![info exists PRIV(rcfile)]} {
+ set PRIV(rcfile) [file join $env($envHome) $rcfile]
+ }
+ if {![info exists PRIV(histfile)]} {
+ set PRIV(histfile) [file join $env($envHome) $histfile]
+ }
+ }
+ ## Handle command line arguments before sourcing resource file to
+ ## find if resource file is being specified (let other args pass).
+ if {[set i [lsearch -exact $argv -rcfile]] != -1} {
+ set PRIV(rcfile) [lindex $argv [incr i]]
+ }
+ if {!$PRIV(WWW) && [file exists $PRIV(rcfile)]} {
+ set code [catch {uplevel \#0 [list source $PRIV(rcfile)]} err]
+ }
+ if {[info exists env(TK_CON_LIBRARY)]} {
+ lappend ::auto_path $env(TK_CON_LIBRARY)
+ } else {
+ lappend ::auto_path $OPT(library)
+ }
+ if {![info exists ::tcl_pkgPath]} {
+ set dir [file join [file dirname [info nameofexec]] lib]
+ if {[llength [info commands @scope]]} {
+ set dir [file join $dir itcl]
+ }
+ catch {source [file join $dir pkgIndex.tcl]}
+ }
+ catch {tclPkgUnknown dummy-name dummy-version}
+ ## Handle rest of command line arguments after sourcing resource file
+ ## and slave is created, but before initializing UI or setting packages.
+ set slaveargs {}
+ set slavefiles {}
+ set truth {^(1|yes|true|on)$}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
+ set arg [lindex $argv $i]
+ if {[string match {-*} $arg]} {
+ set val [lindex $argv [incr i]]
+ ## Handle arg based options
+ switch -glob -- $arg {
+ -- - -argv {
+ set argv [concat -- [lrange $argv $i end]]
+ set argc [llength $argv]
+ break
+ }
+ -color-* { set COLOR([string range $arg 7 end]) $val }
+ -exec { set OPT(exec) $val }
+ -main - -e - -eval { append OPT(maineval) \n$val\n }
+ -package - -load { lappend OPT(autoload) $val }
+ -slave { append OPT(slaveeval) \n$val\n }
+ -nontcl { set OPT(nontcl) [regexp -nocase $truth $val]}
+ -root { set PRIV(root) $val }
+ -font { set OPT(font) $val }
+ -rcfile {}
+ default { lappend slaveargs $arg; incr i -1 }
+ }
+ } elseif {[file isfile $arg]} {
+ lappend slavefiles $arg
+ } else {
+ lappend slaveargs $arg
+ }
+ }
+ ## Create slave executable
+ if {[string compare {} $OPT(exec)]} {
+ uplevel \#0 ::tkcon::InitSlave $OPT(exec) $slaveargs
+ } else {
+ set argc [llength $slaveargs]
+ set argv $slaveargs
+ uplevel \#0 $slaveargs
+ }
+ ## Attach to the slave, EvalAttached will then be effective
+ Attach $PRIV(appname) $PRIV(apptype)
+ InitUI $title
+ ## swap puts and gets with the tkcon versions to make sure all
+ ## input and output is handled by tkcon
+ if {![catch {rename ::puts ::tkcon_tcl_puts}]} {
+ interp alias {} ::puts {} ::tkcon_puts
+ }
+ if {($OPT(gets) != "") && ![catch {rename ::gets ::tkcon_tcl_gets}]} {
+ interp alias {} ::gets {} ::tkcon_gets
+ }
+ EvalSlave history keep $OPT(history)
+ if {[info exists MainInit]} {
+ # Source history file only for the main console, as all slave
+ # consoles will adopt from the main's history, but still
+ # keep separate histories
+ if {!$PRIV(WWW) && $OPT(usehistory) && [file exists $PRIV(histfile)]} {
+ puts -nonewline "loading history file ... "
+ # The history file is built to be loaded in and
+ # understood by tkcon
+ if {[catch {uplevel \#0 [list source $PRIV(histfile)]} herr]} {
+ puts stderr "error:\n$herr"
+ append PRIV(errorInfo) $errorInfo\n
+ }
+ set PRIV(event) [EvalSlave history nextid]
+ puts "[expr {$PRIV(event)-1}] events added"
+ }
+ }
+ ## Autoload specified packages in slave
+ set pkgs [EvalSlave package names]
+ foreach pkg $OPT(autoload) {
+ puts -nonewline "autoloading package \"$pkg\" ... "
+ if {[lsearch -exact $pkgs $pkg]>-1} {
+ if {[catch {EvalSlave package require [list $pkg]} pkgerr]} {
+ puts stderr "error:\n$pkgerr"
+ append PRIV(errorInfo) $errorInfo\n
+ } else { puts "OK" }
+ } else {
+ puts stderr "error: package does not exist"
+ }
+ }
+ ## Evaluate maineval in slave
+ if {[string compare {} $OPT(maineval)] && \
+ [catch {uplevel \#0 $OPT(maineval)} merr]} {
+ puts stderr "error in eval:\n$merr"
+ append PRIV(errorInfo) $errorInfo\n
+ }
+ ## Source extra command line argument files into slave executable
+ foreach fn $slavefiles {
+ puts -nonewline "slave sourcing \"$fn\" ... "
+ if {[catch {EvalSlave source [list $fn]} fnerr]} {
+ puts stderr "error:\n$fnerr"
+ append PRIV(errorInfo) $errorInfo\n
+ } else { puts "OK" }
+ }
+ ## Evaluate slaveeval in slave
+ if {[string compare {} $OPT(slaveeval)] && \
+ [catch {interp eval $OPT(exec) $OPT(slaveeval)} serr]} {
+ puts stderr "error in slave eval:\n$serr"
+ append PRIV(errorInfo) $errorInfo\n
+ }
+ ## Output any error/output that may have been returned from rcfile
+ if {[info exists code] && $code && [string compare {} $err]} {
+ puts stderr "error in $PRIV(rcfile):\n$err"
+ append PRIV(errorInfo) $errorInfo
+ }
+ if {[string compare {} $OPT(exec)]} {
+ StateCheckpoint [concat $PRIV(name) $OPT(exec)] slave
+ }
+ StateCheckpoint $PRIV(name) slave
+ Prompt "$title console display active (Tcl$::tcl_patchLevel / Tk$::tk_patchLevel)\n"
+## ::tkcon::InitSlave - inits the slave by placing key procs and aliases in it
+## It's arg[cv] are based on passed in options, while argv0 is the same as
+## the master. tcl_interactive is the same as the master as well.
+# ARGS: slave - name of slave to init. If it does not exist, it is created.
+# args - args to pass to a slave as argv/argc
+proc ::tkcon::InitSlave {slave args} {
+ variable OPT
+ variable COLOR
+ variable PRIV
+ global argv0 tcl_interactive tcl_library env auto_path
+ if {[string match {} $slave]} {
+ return -code error "Don't init the master interpreter, goofball"
+ }
+ if {![interp exists $slave]} { interp create $slave }
+ if {[interp eval $slave info command source] == ""} {
+ $slave alias source SafeSource $slave
+ $slave alias load SafeLoad $slave
+ $slave alias open SafeOpen $slave
+ $slave alias file file
+ interp eval $slave [dump var -nocomplain tcl_library auto_path env]
+ interp eval $slave { catch {source [file join $tcl_library init.tcl]} }
+ interp eval $slave { catch unknown }
+ }
+ $slave alias exit exit
+ interp eval $slave {
+ # Do package require before changing around puts/gets
+ catch {package require bogus-package-name}
+ catch {rename ::puts ::tkcon_tcl_puts}
+ }
+ foreach cmd $PRIV(slaveprocs) { $slave eval [dump proc $cmd] }
+ foreach cmd $PRIV(slavealias) { $slave alias $cmd $cmd }
+ interp alias $slave ::ls $slave ::dir -full
+ interp alias $slave ::puts $slave ::tkcon_puts
+ if {$OPT(gets) != ""} {
+ interp eval $slave { catch {rename ::gets ::tkcon_tcl_gets} }
+ interp alias $slave ::gets $slave ::tkcon_gets
+ }
+ if {[info exists argv0]} {interp eval $slave [list set argv0 $argv0]}
+ interp eval $slave set tcl_interactive $tcl_interactive \; \
+ set auto_path [list $auto_path] \; \
+ set argc [llength $args] \; \
+ set argv [list $args] \; {
+ if {![llength [info command bgerror]]} {
+ proc bgerror err {
+ global errorInfo
+ set body [info body bgerror]
+ rename ::bgerror {}
+ if {[auto_load bgerror]} { return [bgerror $err] }
+ proc bgerror err $body
+ tkcon bgerror $err $errorInfo
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach pkg [lremove [package names] Tcl] {
+ foreach v [package versions $pkg] {
+ interp eval $slave [list package ifneeded $pkg $v \
+ [package ifneeded $pkg $v]]
+ }
+ }
+## ::tkcon::InitInterp - inits an interpreter by placing key
+## procs and aliases in it.
+# ARGS: name - interp name
+# type - interp type (slave|interp)
+proc ::tkcon::InitInterp {name type} {
+ variable OPT
+ variable PRIV
+ ## Don't allow messing up a local master interpreter
+ if {[string match namespace $type] || ([string match slave $type] && \
+ [regexp {^([Mm]ain|Slave[0-9]+)$} $name])} return
+ set old [Attach]
+ set oldname $PRIV(namesp)
+ catch {
+ Attach $name $type
+ EvalAttached { catch {rename ::puts ::tkcon_tcl_puts} }
+ foreach cmd $PRIV(slaveprocs) { EvalAttached [dump proc $cmd] }
+ switch -exact $type {
+ slave {
+ foreach cmd $PRIV(slavealias) {
+ Main interp alias $name ::$cmd $PRIV(name) ::$cmd
+ }
+ }
+ interp {
+ set thistkcon [tk appname]
+ foreach cmd $PRIV(slavealias) {
+ EvalAttached "proc $cmd args { send [list $thistkcon] $cmd \$args }"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Catch in case it's a 7.4 (no 'interp alias') interp
+ EvalAttached {
+ catch {interp alias {} ::ls {} ::dir -full}
+ if {[catch {interp alias {} ::puts {} ::tkcon_puts}]} {
+ catch {rename ::tkcon_puts ::puts}
+ }
+ }
+ if {$OPT(gets) != ""} {
+ EvalAttached {
+ catch {rename ::gets ::tkcon_tcl_gets}
+ if {[catch {interp alias {} ::gets {} ::tkcon_gets}]} {
+ catch {rename ::tkcon_gets ::gets}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+ } {err}
+ eval Attach $old
+ AttachNamespace $oldname
+ if {[string compare {} $err]} { return -code error $err }
+## ::tkcon::InitUI - inits UI portion (console) of tkcon
+## Creates all elements of the console window and sets up the text tags
+# ARGS: root - widget pathname of the tkcon console root
+# title - title for the console root and main (.) windows
+# Calls: ::tkcon::InitMenus, ::tkcon::Prompt
+proc ::tkcon::InitUI {title} {
+ variable OPT
+ variable PRIV
+ variable COLOR
+ set root $PRIV(root)
+ if {[string match . $root]} { set w {} } else { set w [toplevel $root] }
+ if {!$PRIV(WWW)} {
+ wm withdraw $root
+ wm protocol $root WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit
+ }
+ set PRIV(base) $w
+ ## Text Console
+ set PRIV(console) [set con $w.text]
+ text $con -wrap char -yscrollcommand [list $ set] \
+ -foreground $COLOR(stdin) \
+ -insertbackground $COLOR(cursor)
+ $con mark set output 1.0
+ $con mark set limit 1.0
+ if {[string compare {} $COLOR(bg)]} {
+ $con configure -background $COLOR(bg)
+ }
+ set COLOR(bg) [$con cget -background]
+ if {[string compare {} $OPT(font)]} {
+ ## Set user-requested font, if any
+ $con configure -font $OPT(font)
+ } else {
+ ## otherwise make sure the font is monospace
+ set font [$con cget -font]
+ if {![font metrics $font -fixed]} {
+ font create tkconfixed -family Courier -size 12
+ $con configure -font tkconfixed
+ }
+ }
+ set OPT(font) [$con cget -font]
+ if {!$PRIV(WWW)} {
+ $con configure -setgrid 1 -width $OPT(cols) -height $OPT(rows)
+ }
+ bindtags $con [list $con TkConsole TkConsolePost $root all]
+ ## Menus
+ ## catch against use in plugin
+ if {[catch {menu $w.mbar} PRIV(menubar)]} {
+ set PRIV(menubar) [frame $w.mbar -relief raised -bd 1]
+ }
+ ## Scrollbar
+ set PRIV(scrolly) [scrollbar $ -takefocus 0 -bd 1 \
+ -command [list $con yview]]
+ InitMenus $PRIV(menubar) $title
+ Bindings
+ if {$OPT(showmenu)} {
+ $root configure -menu $PRIV(menubar)
+ }
+ pack $ -side $OPT(scrollypos) -fill y
+ pack $con -fill both -expand 1
+ set PRIV(statusbar) [set sbar [frame $w.sbar]]
+ label $sbar.attach -relief sunken -bd 1 -anchor w \
+ -textvariable ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusAttach)
+ label $sbar.mode -relief sunken -bd 1 -anchor w \
+ -textvariable ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusMode)
+ label $sbar.cursor -relief sunken -bd 1 -anchor w -width 6 \
+ -textvariable ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusCursor)
+ grid $sbar.attach $sbar.mode $sbar.cursor -sticky news -padx 1
+ grid columnconfigure $sbar 0 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfigure $sbar 1 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfigure $sbar 2 -weight 0
+ if {$OPT(showstatusbar)} {
+ pack $sbar -side bottom -fill x -before $::tkcon::PRIV(scrolly)
+ }
+ foreach col {prompt stdout stderr stdin proc} {
+ $con tag configure $col -foreground $COLOR($col)
+ }
+ $con tag configure var -background $COLOR(var)
+ $con tag raise sel
+ $con tag configure blink -background $COLOR(blink)
+ $con tag configure find -background $COLOR(blink)
+ if {!$PRIV(WWW)} {
+ wm title $root "tkcon $PRIV(version) $title"
+ bind $con <Configure> {
+ scan [wm geometry [winfo toplevel %W]] "%%dx%%d" \
+ ::tkcon::OPT(cols) ::tkcon::OPT(rows)
+ }
+ if {$PRIV(showOnStartup)} { wm deiconify $root }
+ }
+ if {$PRIV(showOnStartup)} { focus -force $PRIV(console) }
+ if {$OPT(gc-delay)} {
+ after $OPT(gc-delay) ::tkcon::GarbageCollect
+ }
+## ::tkcon::GarbageCollect - do various cleanup ops periodically to our setup
+proc ::tkcon::GarbageCollect {} {
+ variable OPT
+ variable PRIV
+ set w $PRIV(console)
+ ## Remove error tags that no longer span anything
+ ## Make sure the tag pattern matches the unique tag prefix
+ foreach tag [$w tag names] {
+ if {[string match _tag* $tag] && ![llength [$w tag ranges $tag]]} {
+ $w tag delete $tag
+ }
+ }
+ if {$OPT(gc-delay)} {
+ after $OPT(gc-delay) ::tkcon::GarbageCollect
+ }
+## ::tkcon::Eval - evaluates commands input into console window
+## This is the first stage of the evaluating commands in the console.
+## They need to be broken up into consituent commands (by ::tkcon::CmdSep) in
+## case a multiple commands were pasted in, then each is eval'ed (by
+## ::tkcon::EvalCmd) in turn. Any uncompleted command will not be eval'ed.
+# ARGS: w - console text widget
+# Calls: ::tkcon::CmdGet, ::tkcon::CmdSep, ::tkcon::EvalCmd
+proc ::tkcon::Eval {w} {
+ set incomplete [CmdSep [CmdGet $w] cmds last]
+ $w mark set insert end-1c
+ $w insert end \n
+ if {[llength $cmds]} {
+ foreach c $cmds {EvalCmd $w $c}
+ $w insert insert $last {}
+ } elseif {!$incomplete} {
+ EvalCmd $w $last
+ }
+ $w see insert
+## ::tkcon::EvalCmd - evaluates a single command, adding it to history
+# ARGS: w - console text widget
+# cmd - the command to evaluate
+# Calls: ::tkcon::Prompt
+# Outputs: result of command to stdout (or stderr if error occured)
+# Returns: next event number
+proc ::tkcon::EvalCmd {w cmd} {
+ variable OPT
+ variable PRIV
+ $w mark set output end
+ if {[string compare {} $cmd]} {
+ set code 0
+ if {$OPT(subhistory)} {
+ set ev [EvalSlave history nextid]
+ incr ev -1
+ if {[string match !! $cmd]} {
+ set code [catch {EvalSlave history event $ev} cmd]
+ if {!$code} {$w insert output $cmd\n stdin}
+ } elseif {[regexp {^!(.+)$} $cmd dummy event]} {
+ ## Check last event because history event is broken
+ set code [catch {EvalSlave history event $ev} cmd]
+ if {!$code && ![string match ${event}* $cmd]} {
+ set code [catch {EvalSlave history event $event} cmd]
+ }
+ if {!$code} {$w insert output $cmd\n stdin}
+ } elseif {[regexp {^\^([^^]*)\^([^^]*)\^?$} $cmd dummy old new]} {
+ set code [catch {EvalSlave history event $ev} cmd]
+ if {!$code} {
+ regsub -all -- $old $cmd $new cmd
+ $w insert output $cmd\n stdin
+ }
+ } elseif {$OPT(calcmode) && ![catch {expr $cmd} err]} {
+ EvalSlave history add $cmd
+ set cmd $err
+ set code -1
+ }
+ }
+ if {$code} {
+ $w insert output $cmd\n stderr
+ } else {
+ ## We are about to evaluate the command, so move the limit
+ ## mark to ensure that further <Return>s don't cause double
+ ## evaluation of this command - for cases like the command
+ ## has a vwait or something in it
+ $w mark set limit end
+ if {$OPT(nontcl) && [string match interp $PRIV(apptype)]} {
+ set code [catch {EvalSend $cmd} res]
+ if {$code == 1} {
+ set PRIV(errorInfo) "Non-Tcl errorInfo not available"
+ }
+ } elseif {[string match socket $PRIV(apptype)]} {
+ set code [catch {EvalSocket $cmd} res]
+ if {$code == 1} {
+ set PRIV(errorInfo) "Socket-based errorInfo not available"
+ }
+ } else {
+ set code [catch {EvalAttached $cmd} res]
+ if {$code == 1} {
+ if {[catch {EvalAttached [list set errorInfo]} err]} {
+ set PRIV(errorInfo) "Error getting errorInfo:\n$err"
+ } else {
+ set PRIV(errorInfo) $err
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ EvalSlave history add $cmd
+ if {$code} {
+ if {$OPT(hoterrors)} {
+ set tag [UniqueTag $w]
+ $w insert output $res [list stderr $tag] \n stderr
+ $w tag bind $tag <Enter> \
+ [list $w tag configure $tag -under 1]
+ $w tag bind $tag <Leave> \
+ [list $w tag configure $tag -under 0]
+ $w tag bind $tag <ButtonRelease-1> \
+ "if {!\[info exists tkPriv(mouseMoved)\] || !\$tkPriv(mouseMoved)} \
+ {[list edit -attach [Attach] -type error -- $PRIV(errorInfo)]}"
+ } else {
+ $w insert output $res\n stderr
+ }
+ } elseif {[string compare {} $res]} {
+ $w insert output $res\n stdout
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Prompt
+ set PRIV(event) [EvalSlave history nextid]
+## ::tkcon::EvalSlave - evaluates the args in the associated slave
+## args should be passed to this procedure like they would be at
+## the command line (not like to 'eval').
+# ARGS: args - the command and args to evaluate
+proc ::tkcon::EvalSlave args {
+ interp eval $::tkcon::OPT(exec) $args
+## ::tkcon::EvalOther - evaluate a command in a foreign interp or slave
+## without attaching to it. No check for existence is made.
+# ARGS: app - interp/slave name
+# type - (slave|interp)
+proc ::tkcon::EvalOther { app type args } {
+ if {[string compare slave $type]==0} {
+ return [Slave $app $args]
+ } else {
+ return [uplevel 1 send [list $app] $args]
+ }
+## ::tkcon::EvalSend - sends the args to the attached interpreter
+## Varies from 'send' by determining whether attachment is dead
+## when an error is received
+# ARGS: cmd - the command string to send across
+# Returns: the result of the command
+proc ::tkcon::EvalSend cmd {
+ variable OPT
+ variable PRIV
+ if {$PRIV(deadapp)} {
+ if {[lsearch -exact [winfo interps] $PRIV(app)]<0} {
+ return
+ } else {
+ set PRIV(appname) [string range $PRIV(appname) 5 end]
+ set PRIV(deadapp) 0
+ Prompt "\n\"$PRIV(app)\" alive\n" [CmdGet $PRIV(console)]
+ }
+ }
+ set code [catch {send -displayof $PRIV(displayWin) $PRIV(app) $cmd} result]
+ if {$code && [lsearch -exact [winfo interps] $PRIV(app)]<0} {
+ ## Interpreter disappeared
+ if {[string compare leave $OPT(dead)] && \
+ ([string match ignore $OPT(dead)] || \
+ [tk_dialog $PRIV(base).dead "Dead Attachment" \
+ "\"$PRIV(app)\" appears to have died.\
+ \nReturn to primary slave interpreter?" questhead 0 OK No])} {
+ set PRIV(appname) "DEAD:$PRIV(appname)"
+ set PRIV(deadapp) 1
+ } else {
+ set err "Attached Tk interpreter \"$PRIV(app)\" died."
+ Attach {}
+ set PRIV(deadapp) 0
+ EvalSlave set errorInfo $err
+ }
+ Prompt \n [CmdGet $PRIV(console)]
+ }
+ return -code $code $result
+## ::tkcon::EvalSocket - sends the string to an interpreter attached via
+## a tcp/ip socket
+## In the EvalSocket case, ::tkcon::PRIV(app) is the socket id
+## Must determine whether socket is dead when an error is received
+# ARGS: cmd - the data string to send across
+# Returns: the result of the command
+proc ::tkcon::EvalSocket cmd {
+ variable OPT
+ variable PRIV
+ global tcl_version
+ if {$PRIV(deadapp)} {
+ if {![info exists PRIV(app)] || \
+ [catch {eof $PRIV(app)} eof] || $eof} {
+ return
+ } else {
+ set PRIV(appname) [string range $PRIV(appname) 5 end]
+ set PRIV(deadapp) 0
+ Prompt "\n\"$PRIV(app)\" alive\n" [CmdGet $PRIV(console)]
+ }
+ }
+ # Sockets get \'s interpreted, so that users can
+ # send things like \n\r or explicit hex values
+ set cmd [subst -novariables -nocommands $cmd]
+ #puts [list $PRIV(app) $cmd]
+ set code [catch {puts $PRIV(app) $cmd ; flush $PRIV(app)} result]
+ if {$code && [eof $PRIV(app)]} {
+ ## Interpreter died or disappeared
+ puts "$code eof [eof $PRIV(app)]"
+ EvalSocketClosed
+ }
+ return -code $code $result
+## ::tkcon::EvalSocketEvent - fileevent command for an interpreter attached
+## via a tcp/ip socket
+## Must determine whether socket is dead when an error is received
+# ARGS: args - the args to send across
+# Returns: the result of the command
+proc ::tkcon::EvalSocketEvent {} {
+ variable PRIV
+ if {[gets $PRIV(app) line] == -1} {
+ if {[eof $PRIV(app)]} {
+ EvalSocketClosed
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ puts $line
+## ::tkcon::EvalSocketClosed - takes care of handling a closed eval socket
+# ARGS: args - the args to send across
+# Returns: the result of the command
+proc ::tkcon::EvalSocketClosed {} {
+ variable OPT
+ variable PRIV
+ catch {close $PRIV(app)}
+ if {[string compare leave $OPT(dead)] && \
+ ([string match ignore $OPT(dead)] || \
+ [tk_dialog $PRIV(base).dead "Dead Attachment" \
+ "\"$PRIV(app)\" appears to have died.\
+ \nReturn to primary slave interpreter?" questhead 0 OK No])} {
+ set PRIV(appname) "DEAD:$PRIV(appname)"
+ set PRIV(deadapp) 1
+ } else {
+ set err "Attached Tk interpreter \"$PRIV(app)\" died."
+ Attach {}
+ set PRIV(deadapp) 0
+ EvalSlave set errorInfo $err
+ }
+ Prompt \n [CmdGet $PRIV(console)]
+## ::tkcon::EvalNamespace - evaluates the args in a particular namespace
+## This is an override for ::tkcon::EvalAttached for when the user wants
+## to attach to a particular namespace of the attached interp
+# ARGS: attached
+# namespace the namespace to evaluate in
+# args the args to evaluate
+# RETURNS: the result of the command
+proc ::tkcon::EvalNamespace { attached namespace args } {
+ if {[llength $args]} {
+ uplevel \#0 $attached \
+ [list [concat [list namespace eval $namespace] $args]]
+ }
+## ::tkcon::Namespaces - return all the namespaces descendent from $ns
+proc ::tkcon::Namespaces {{ns ::} {l {}}} {
+ if {[string compare {} $ns]} { lappend l $ns }
+ foreach i [EvalAttached [list namespace children $ns]] {
+ set l [Namespaces $i $l]
+ }
+ return $l
+## ::tkcon::CmdGet - gets the current command from the console widget
+# ARGS: w - console text widget
+# Returns: text which compromises current command line
+proc ::tkcon::CmdGet w {
+ if {![llength [$w tag nextrange prompt limit end]]} {
+ $w tag add stdin limit end-1c
+ return [$w get limit end-1c]
+ }
+## ::tkcon::CmdSep - separates multiple commands into a list and remainder
+# ARGS: cmd - (possible) multiple command to separate
+# list - varname for the list of commands that were separated.
+# last - varname of any remainder (like an incomplete final command).
+# If there is only one command, it's placed in this var.
+# Returns: constituent command info in varnames specified by list & rmd.
+proc ::tkcon::CmdSep {cmd list last} {
+ upvar 1 $list cmds $last inc
+ set inc {}
+ set cmds {}
+ foreach c [split [string trimleft $cmd] \n] {
+ if {[string compare $inc {}]} {
+ append inc \n$c
+ } else {
+ append inc [string trimleft $c]
+ }
+ if {[info complete $inc] && ![regexp {[^\\]\\$} $inc]} {
+ if {[regexp "^\[^#\]" $inc]} {lappend cmds $inc}
+ set inc {}
+ }
+ }
+ set i [string compare $inc {}]
+ if {!$i && [string compare $cmds {}] && ![string match *\n $cmd]} {
+ set inc [lindex $cmds end]
+ set cmds [lreplace $cmds end end]
+ }
+ return $i
+## ::tkcon::CmdSplit - splits multiple commands into a list
+# ARGS: cmd - (possible) multiple command to separate
+# Returns: constituent commands in a list
+proc ::tkcon::CmdSplit {cmd} {
+ set inc {}
+ set cmds {}
+ foreach cmd [split [string trimleft $cmd] \n] {
+ if {[string compare {} $inc]} {
+ append inc \n$cmd
+ } else {
+ append inc [string trimleft $cmd]
+ }
+ if {[info complete $inc] && ![regexp {[^\\]\\$} $inc]} {
+ #set inc [string trimright $inc]
+ if {[regexp "^\[^#\]" $inc]} {lappend cmds $inc}
+ set inc {}
+ }
+ }
+ if {[regexp "^\[^#\]" $inc]} {lappend cmds $inc}
+ return $cmds
+## ::tkcon::UniqueTag - creates a uniquely named tag, reusing names
+## Called by ::tkcon::EvalCmd
+# ARGS: w - text widget
+# Outputs: tag name guaranteed unique in the widget
+proc ::tkcon::UniqueTag {w} {
+ set tags [$w tag names]
+ set idx 0
+ while {[lsearch -exact $tags _tag[incr idx]] != -1} {}
+ return _tag$idx
+## ::tkcon::ConstrainBuffer - This limits the amount of data in the text widget
+## Called by ::tkcon::Prompt and in tkcon proc buffer/console switch cases
+# ARGS: w - console text widget
+# size - # of lines to constrain to
+# Outputs: may delete data in console widget
+proc ::tkcon::ConstrainBuffer {w size} {
+ if {[$w index end] > $size} {
+ $w delete 1.0 [expr {int([$w index end])-$size}].0
+ }
+## ::tkcon::Prompt - displays the prompt in the console widget
+# ARGS: w - console text widget
+# Outputs: prompt (specified in ::tkcon::OPT(prompt1)) to console
+proc ::tkcon::Prompt {{pre {}} {post {}} {prompt {}}} {
+ variable OPT
+ variable PRIV
+ set w $PRIV(console)
+ if {[string compare {} $pre]} { $w insert end $pre stdout }
+ set i [$w index end-1c]
+ if {!$OPT(showstatusbar)} {
+ if {[string compare {} $PRIV(appname)]} {
+ $w insert end ">$PRIV(appname)< " prompt
+ }
+ if {[string compare :: $PRIV(namesp)]} {
+ $w insert end "<$PRIV(namesp)> " prompt
+ }
+ }
+ if {[string compare {} $prompt]} {
+ $w insert end $prompt prompt
+ } else {
+ $w insert end [EvalSlave subst $OPT(prompt1)] prompt
+ }
+ $w mark set output $i
+ $w mark set insert end
+ $w mark set limit insert
+ $w mark gravity limit left
+ if {[string compare {} $post]} { $w insert end $post stdin }
+ ConstrainBuffer $w $OPT(buffer)
+ set ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusCursor) [$w index insert]
+ $w see end
+## ::tkcon::About - gives about info for tkcon
+proc ::tkcon::About {} {
+ variable OPT
+ variable PRIV
+ variable COLOR
+ set w $PRIV(base).about
+ if {[winfo exists $w]} {
+ wm deiconify $w
+ } else {
+ global tk_patchLevel tcl_patchLevel tcl_version
+ toplevel $w
+ wm title $w "About tkcon v$PRIV(version)"
+ button $w.b -text Dismiss -command [list wm withdraw $w]
+ text $w.text -height 9 -bd 1 -width 60 \
+ -foreground $COLOR(stdin) \
+ -background $COLOR(bg) \
+ -font $OPT(font)
+ pack $w.b -fill x -side bottom
+ pack $w.text -fill both -side left -expand 1
+ $w.text tag config center -justify center
+ $w.text tag config title -justify center -font {Courier -18 bold}
+ # strip down the RCS info displayed in the about box
+ regexp {,v ([0-9\./: ]*)} $PRIV(RCS) -> RCS
+ $w.text insert 1.0 "About tkcon v$PRIV(version)" title \
+ "\n\nCopyright 1995-2001 Jeffrey Hobbs, $PRIV(email)\
+ \nRelease Info: v$PRIV(version), CVS v$RCS\
+ \nDocumentation available at:\n$PRIV(docs)\
+ \nUsing: Tcl v$tcl_patchLevel / Tk v$tk_patchLevel" center
+ $w.text config -state disabled
+ }
+## ::tkcon::InitMenus - inits the menubar and popup for the console
+# ARGS: w - console text widget
+proc ::tkcon::InitMenus {w title} {
+ variable OPT
+ variable PRIV
+ variable COLOR
+ global tcl_platform
+ if {[catch {menu $w.pop -tearoff 0}]} {
+ label $w.label -text "Menus not available in plugin mode"
+ pack $w.label
+ return
+ }
+ menu $w.context -tearoff 0 -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled)
+ set PRIV(context) $w.context
+ set PRIV(popup) $w.pop
+ proc MenuButton {w m l} {
+ $w add cascade -label $m -underline 0 -menu $w.$l
+ return $w.$l
+ }
+ foreach m [list File Console Edit Interp Prefs History Help] {
+ set l [string tolower $m]
+ MenuButton $w $m $l
+ $w.pop add cascade -label $m -underline 0 -menu $w.pop.$l
+ }
+ ## File Menu
+ ##
+ foreach m [list [menu $w.file -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled)] \
+ [menu $w.pop.file -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled)]] {
+ $m add command -label "Load File" -underline 0 -command ::tkcon::Load
+ $m add cascade -label "Save ..." -underline 0 -menu $
+ $m add separator
+ $m add command -label "Quit" -underline 0 -accel Ctrl-q -command exit
+ ## Save Menu
+ ##
+ set s $
+ menu $s -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled) -tearoff 0
+ $s add command -label "All" -underline 0 \
+ -command {::tkcon::Save {} all}
+ $s add command -label "History" -underline 0 \
+ -command {::tkcon::Save {} history}
+ $s add command -label "Stdin" -underline 3 \
+ -command {::tkcon::Save {} stdin}
+ $s add command -label "Stdout" -underline 3 \
+ -command {::tkcon::Save {} stdout}
+ $s add command -label "Stderr" -underline 3 \
+ -command {::tkcon::Save {} stderr}
+ }
+ ## Console Menu
+ ##
+ foreach m [list [menu $w.console -disabledfore $COLOR(disabled)] \
+ [menu $w.pop.console -disabledfore $COLOR(disabled)]] {
+ $m add command -label "$title Console" -state disabled
+ $m add command -label "New Console" -underline 0 -accel Ctrl-N \
+ -command ::tkcon::New
+ $m add command -label "Close Console" -underline 0 -accel Ctrl-w \
+ -command ::tkcon::Destroy
+ $m add command -label "Clear Console" -underline 1 -accel Ctrl-l \
+ -command { clear; ::tkcon::Prompt }
+ if {[string match unix $tcl_platform(platform)]} {
+ $m add separator
+ $m add command -label "Make Xauth Secure" -und 5 \
+ -command ::tkcon::XauthSecure
+ }
+ $m add separator
+ $m add cascade -label "Attach To ..." -underline 0 -menu $m.attach
+ ## Attach Console Menu
+ ##
+ set sub [menu $m.attach -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled)]
+ $sub add cascade -label "Interpreter" -underline 0 -menu $sub.apps
+ $sub add cascade -label "Namespace" -underline 1 -menu $
+ $sub add cascade -label "Socket" -underline 1 -menu $sub.sock \
+ -state [expr {([info tclversion] < 8.3)?"disabled":"normal"}]
+ ## Attach Console Menu
+ ##
+ menu $sub.apps -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled) \
+ -postcommand [list ::tkcon::AttachMenu $sub.apps]
+ ## Attach Namespace Menu
+ ##
+ menu $ -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled) -tearoff 0 \
+ -postcommand [list ::tkcon::NamespaceMenu $]
+ if {$::tcl_version >= 8.3} {
+ # This uses [file channels] to create the menu, so we only
+ # want it for newer versions of Tcl.
+ ## Attach Socket Menu
+ ##
+ menu $sub.sock -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled) -tearoff 0 \
+ -postcommand [list ::tkcon::SocketMenu $sub.sock]
+ }
+ ## Attach Display Menu
+ ##
+ if {![string compare "unix" $tcl_platform(platform)]} {
+ $sub add cascade -label "Display" -und 1 -menu $sub.disp
+ menu $sub.disp -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled) \
+ -tearoff 0 \
+ -postcommand [list ::tkcon::DisplayMenu $sub.disp]
+ }
+ }
+ ## Edit Menu
+ ##
+ set text $PRIV(console)
+ foreach m [list [menu $w.edit] [menu $w.pop.edit]] {
+ $m add command -label "Cut" -underline 2 -accel Ctrl-x \
+ -command [list ::tkcon::Cut $text]
+ $m add command -label "Copy" -underline 0 -accel Ctrl-c \
+ -command [list ::tkcon::Copy $text]
+ $m add command -label "Paste" -underline 0 -accel Ctrl-v \
+ -command [list ::tkcon::Paste $text]
+ $m add separator
+ $m add command -label "Find" -underline 0 -accel Ctrl-F \
+ -command [list ::tkcon::FindBox $text]
+ }
+ ## Interp Menu
+ ##
+ foreach m [list $w.interp $w.pop.interp] {
+ menu $m -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled) \
+ -postcommand [list ::tkcon::InterpMenu $m]
+ }
+ ## Prefs Menu
+ ##
+ foreach m [list [menu $w.prefs] [menu $w.pop.prefs]] {
+ $m add check -label "Brace Highlighting" \
+ -underline 0 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(lightbrace)
+ $m add check -label "Command Highlighting" \
+ -underline 0 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(lightcmd)
+ $m add check -label "History Substitution" \
+ -underline 0 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(subhistory)
+ $m add check -label "Hot Errors" \
+ -underline 0 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(hoterrors)
+ $m add check -label "Non-Tcl Attachments" \
+ -underline 0 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(nontcl)
+ $m add check -label "Calculator Mode" \
+ -underline 1 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(calcmode)
+ $m add check -label "Show Multiple Matches" \
+ -underline 0 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(showmultiple)
+ $m add check -label "Show Menubar" \
+ -underline 5 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(showmenu) \
+ -command {$::tkcon::PRIV(root) configure -menu [expr \
+ {$::tkcon::OPT(showmenu) ? $::tkcon::PRIV(menubar) : {}}]}
+ $m add check -label "Show Statusbar" \
+ -underline 5 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(showstatusbar) \
+ -command {
+ if {$::tkcon::OPT(showstatusbar)} {
+ pack $::tkcon::PRIV(statusbar) -side bottom -fill x \
+ -before $::tkcon::PRIV(scrolly)
+ } else { pack forget $::tkcon::PRIV(statusbar) }
+ }
+ $m add cascade -label "Scrollbar" -underline 2 -menu $m.scroll
+ ## Scrollbar Menu
+ ##
+ set m [menu $m.scroll -tearoff 0]
+ $m add radio -label "Left" -value left \
+ -variable ::tkcon::OPT(scrollypos) \
+ -command { pack config $::tkcon::PRIV(scrolly) -side left }
+ $m add radio -label "Right" -value right \
+ -variable ::tkcon::OPT(scrollypos) \
+ -command { pack config $::tkcon::PRIV(scrolly) -side right }
+ }
+ ## History Menu
+ ##
+ foreach m [list $w.history $w.pop.history] {
+ menu $m -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled) \
+ -postcommand [list ::tkcon::HistoryMenu $m]
+ }
+ ## Help Menu
+ ##
+ foreach m [list [menu $] [menu $]] {
+ $m add command -label "About " -underline 0 -accel Ctrl-A \
+ -command ::tkcon::About
+ $m add command -label "Retrieve Latest Version" -underline 0 \
+ -command ::tkcon::Retrieve
+ }
+## ::tkcon::HistoryMenu - dynamically build the menu for attached interpreters
+# ARGS: m - menu widget
+proc ::tkcon::HistoryMenu m {
+ variable PRIV
+ if {![winfo exists $m]} return
+ set id [EvalSlave history nextid]
+ if {$PRIV(histid)==$id} return
+ set PRIV(histid) $id
+ $m delete 0 end
+ while {($id>1) && ($id>$PRIV(histid)-10) && \
+ ![catch {EvalSlave history event [incr id -1]} tmp]} {
+ set lbl $tmp
+ if {[string len $lbl]>32} { set lbl [string range $tmp 0 28]... }
+ $m add command -label "$id: $lbl" -command "
+ $::tkcon::PRIV(console) delete limit end
+ $::tkcon::PRIV(console) insert limit [list $tmp]
+ $::tkcon::PRIV(console) see end
+ ::tkcon::Eval $::tkcon::PRIV(console)"
+ }
+## ::tkcon::InterpMenu - dynamically build the menu for attached interpreters
+# ARGS: w - menu widget
+proc ::tkcon::InterpMenu w {
+ variable OPT
+ variable PRIV
+ variable COLOR
+ if {![winfo exists $w]} return
+ $w delete 0 end
+ foreach {app type} [Attach] break
+ $w add command -label "[string toupper $type]: $app" -state disabled
+ if {($OPT(nontcl) && [string match interp $type]) || $PRIV(deadapp)} {
+ $w add separator
+ $w add command -state disabled -label "Communication disabled to"
+ $w add command -state disabled -label "dead or non-Tcl interps"
+ return
+ }
+ ## Show Last Error
+ ##
+ $w add separator
+ $w add command -label "Show Last Error" \
+ -command [list tkcon error $app $type]
+ ## Packages Cascaded Menu
+ ##
+ $w add separator
+ $w add cascade -label Packages -underline 0 -menu $w.pkg
+ set m $w.pkg
+ if {![winfo exists $m]} {
+ menu $m -tearoff no -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled) \
+ -postcommand [list ::tkcon::PkgMenu $m $app $type]
+ }
+ ## State Checkpoint/Revert
+ ##
+ $w add separator
+ $w add command -label "Checkpoint State" \
+ -command [list ::tkcon::StateCheckpoint $app $type]
+ $w add command -label "Revert State" \
+ -command [list ::tkcon::StateRevert $app $type]
+ $w add command -label "View State Change" \
+ -command [list ::tkcon::StateCompare $app $type]
+ ## Init Interp
+ ##
+ $w add separator
+ $w add command -label "Send tkcon Commands" \
+ -command [list ::tkcon::InitInterp $app $type]
+## ::tkcon::PkgMenu - fill in in the applications sub-menu
+## with a list of all the applications that currently exist.
+proc ::tkcon::PkgMenu {m app type} {
+ # just in case stuff has been added to the auto_path
+ # we have to make sure that the errorInfo doesn't get screwed up
+ EvalAttached {
+ set __tkcon_error $errorInfo
+ catch {package require bogus-package-name}
+ set errorInfo ${__tkcon_error}
+ unset __tkcon_error
+ }
+ $m delete 0 end
+ foreach pkg [EvalAttached [list info loaded {}]] {
+ set loaded([lindex $pkg 1]) [package provide $pkg]
+ }
+ foreach pkg [lremove [EvalAttached {package names}] Tcl] {
+ set version [EvalAttached [list package provide $pkg]]
+ if {[string compare {} $version]} {
+ set loaded($pkg) $version
+ } elseif {![info exists loaded($pkg)]} {
+ set loadable($pkg) [list package require $pkg]
+ }
+ }
+ foreach pkg [EvalAttached {info loaded}] {
+ set pkg [lindex $pkg 1]
+ if {![info exists loaded($pkg)] && ![info exists loadable($pkg)]} {
+ set loadable($pkg) [list load {} $pkg]
+ }
+ }
+ set npkg 0
+ foreach pkg [lsort -dictionary [array names loadable]] {
+ foreach v [EvalAttached [list package version $pkg]] {
+ set brkcol [expr {([incr npkg]%16)==0}]
+ $m add command -label "Load $pkg ($v)" -command \
+ "::tkcon::EvalOther [list $app] $type $loadable($pkg) $v" \
+ -columnbreak $brkcol
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists loaded] && [info exists loadable]} {
+ $m add separator
+ }
+ foreach pkg [lsort -dictionary [array names loaded]] {
+ $m add command -label "${pkg}$loaded($pkg) Loaded" -state disabled
+ }
+## ::tkcon::AttachMenu - fill in in the applications sub-menu
+## with a list of all the applications that currently exist.
+proc ::tkcon::AttachMenu m {
+ variable OPT
+ variable PRIV
+ array set interps [set tmp [Interps]]
+ foreach {i j} $tmp { set tknames($j) {} }
+ $m delete 0 end
+ set cmd {::tkcon::Prompt \n [::tkcon::CmdGet $::tkcon::PRIV(console)]}
+ $m add radio -label {None (use local slave) } -accel Ctrl-1 \
+ -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(app) \
+ -value [concat $::tkcon::PRIV(name) $::tkcon::OPT(exec)] \
+ -command "::tkcon::Attach {}; $cmd"
+ $m add separator
+ $m add command -label "Foreign Tk Interpreters" -state disabled
+ foreach i [lsort [lremove [winfo interps] [array names tknames]]] {
+ $m add radio -label $i -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(app) -value $i \
+ -command "::tkcon::Attach [list $i] interp; $cmd"
+ }
+ $m add separator
+ $m add command -label "tkcon Interpreters" -state disabled
+ foreach i [lsort [array names interps]] {
+ if {[string match {} $interps($i)]} { set interps($i) "no Tk" }
+ if {[regexp {^Slave[0-9]+} $i]} {
+ set opts [list -label "$i ($interps($i))" \
+ -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(app) -value $i \
+ -command "::tkcon::Attach [list $i] slave; $cmd"]
+ if {[string match $PRIV(name) $i]} {
+ append opts " -accel Ctrl-2"
+ }
+ eval $m add radio $opts
+ } else {
+ set name [concat Main $i]
+ if {[string match Main $name]} {
+ $m add radio -label "$name ($interps($i))" -accel Ctrl-3 \
+ -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(app) -value Main \
+ -command "::tkcon::Attach [list $name] slave; $cmd"
+ } else {
+ $m add radio -label "$name ($interps($i))" \
+ -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(app) -value $i \
+ -command "::tkcon::Attach [list $name] slave; $cmd"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+## Displays Cascaded Menu
+proc ::tkcon::DisplayMenu m {
+ $m delete 0 end
+ set cmd {::tkcon::Prompt \n [::tkcon::CmdGet $::tkcon::PRIV(console)]}
+ $m add command -label "New Display" -command ::tkcon::NewDisplay
+ foreach disp [Display] {
+ $m add separator
+ $m add command -label $disp -state disabled
+ set res [Display $disp]
+ set win [lindex $res 0]
+ foreach i [lsort [lindex $res 1]] {
+ $m add radio -label $i -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(app) -value $i \
+ -command "::tkcon::Attach [list $i] [list dpy:$win]; $cmd"
+ }
+ }
+## Sockets Cascaded Menu
+proc ::tkcon::SocketMenu m {
+ $m delete 0 end
+ set cmd {::tkcon::Prompt \n [::tkcon::CmdGet $::tkcon::PRIV(console)]}
+ $m add command -label "Create Connection" \
+ -command "::tkcon::NewSocket; $cmd"
+ foreach sock [file channels sock*] {
+ $m add radio -label $sock -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(app) -value $sock \
+ -command "::tkcon::Attach $sock socket; $cmd"
+ }
+## Namepaces Cascaded Menu
+proc ::tkcon::NamespaceMenu m {
+ variable PRIV
+ variable OPT
+ $m delete 0 end
+ if {($PRIV(deadapp) || [string match socket $PRIV(apptype)] || \
+ ($OPT(nontcl) && [string match interp $PRIV(apptype)]))} {
+ $m add command -label "No Namespaces" -state disabled
+ return
+ }
+ ## Same command as for ::tkcon::AttachMenu items
+ set cmd {::tkcon::Prompt \n [::tkcon::CmdGet $::tkcon::PRIV(console)]}
+ set names [lsort [Namespaces ::]]
+ if {[llength $names] > $OPT(maxmenu)} {
+ $m add command -label "Attached to $PRIV(namesp)" -state disabled
+ $m add command -label "List Namespaces" \
+ -command [list ::tkcon::NamespacesList $names]
+ } else {
+ foreach i $names {
+ if {[string match :: $i]} {
+ $m add radio -label "Main" -value $i \
+ -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(namesp) \
+ -command "::tkcon::AttachNamespace [list $i]; $cmd"
+ } else {
+ $m add radio -label $i -value $i \
+ -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(namesp) \
+ -command "::tkcon::AttachNamespace [list $i]; $cmd"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+## Namepaces List
+proc ::tkcon::NamespacesList {names} {
+ variable PRIV
+ set f $PRIV(base).namespaces
+ catch {destroy $f}
+ toplevel $f
+ listbox $f.names -width 30 -height 15 -selectmode single \
+ -yscrollcommand [list $f.scrollv set] \
+ -xscrollcommand [list $f.scrollh set]
+ scrollbar $f.scrollv -command [list $f.names yview]
+ scrollbar $f.scrollh -command [list $f.names xview] -orient horizontal
+ frame $f.buttons
+ button $f.cancel -text "Cancel" -command [list destroy $f]
+ grid $f.names $f.scrollv -sticky nesw
+ grid $f.scrollh -sticky ew
+ grid $f.buttons -sticky nesw
+ grid $f.cancel -in $f.buttons -pady 6
+ grid columnconfigure $f 0 -weight 1
+ grid rowconfigure $f 0 -weight 1
+ #fill the listbox
+ foreach i $names {
+ if {[string match :: $i]} {
+ $f.names insert 0 Main
+ } else {
+ $f.names insert end $i
+ }
+ }
+ #Bindings
+ bind $f.names <Double-1> {
+ ## Catch in case the namespace disappeared on us
+ catch { ::tkcon::AttachNamespace [%W get [%W nearest %y]] }
+ ::tkcon::Prompt "\n" [::tkcon::CmdGet $::tkcon::PRIV(console)]
+ destroy [winfo toplevel %W]
+ }
+# ::tkcon::XauthSecure --
+# This removes all the names in the xhost list, and secures
+# the display for Tk send commands. Of course, this prevents
+# what might have been otherwise allowable X connections
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# Returns nothing
+proc ::tkcon::XauthSecure {} {
+ global tcl_platform
+ if {[string compare unix $tcl_platform(platform)]} {
+ # This makes no sense outside of Unix
+ return
+ }
+ set hosts [exec xhost]
+ # the first line is info only
+ foreach host [lrange [split $hosts \n] 1 end] {
+ exec xhost -$host
+ }
+ exec xhost -
+ tk_messageBox -title "Xhost secured" -message "Xhost secured" -icon info
+## ::tkcon::FindBox - creates minimal dialog interface to ::tkcon::Find
+# ARGS: w - text widget
+# str - optional seed string for ::tkcon::PRIV(find)
+proc ::tkcon::FindBox {w {str {}}} {
+ variable PRIV
+ set base $PRIV(base).find
+ if {![winfo exists $base]} {
+ toplevel $base
+ wm withdraw $base
+ wm title $base "tkcon Find"
+ pack [frame $base.f] -fill x -expand 1
+ label $base.f.l -text "Find:"
+ entry $base.f.e -textvariable ::tkcon::PRIV(find)
+ pack [frame $base.opt] -fill x
+ checkbutton $base.opt.c -text "Case Sensitive" \
+ -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(find,case)
+ checkbutton $base.opt.r -text "Use Regexp" -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(find,reg)
+ pack $base.f.l -side left
+ pack $base.f.e $base.opt.c $base.opt.r -side left -fill both -expand 1
+ pack [frame $base.sep -bd 2 -relief sunken -height 4] -fill x
+ pack [frame $base.btn] -fill both
+ button $base.btn.fnd -text "Find" -width 6
+ button $base.btn.clr -text "Clear" -width 6
+ button $base.btn.dis -text "Dismiss" -width 6
+ eval pack [winfo children $base.btn] -padx 4 -pady 2 \
+ -side left -fill both
+ focus $base.f.e
+ bind $base.f.e <Return> [list $base.btn.fnd invoke]
+ bind $base.f.e <Escape> [list $base.btn.dis invoke]
+ }
+ $base.btn.fnd config -command "::tkcon::Find [list $w] \$::tkcon::PRIV(find) \
+ -case \$::tkcon::PRIV(find,case) -reg \$::tkcon::PRIV(find,reg)"
+ $base.btn.clr config -command "
+ [list $w] tag remove find 1.0 end
+ set ::tkcon::PRIV(find) {}
+ "
+ $base.btn.dis config -command "
+ [list $w] tag remove find 1.0 end
+ wm withdraw [list $base]
+ "
+ if {[string compare {} $str]} {
+ set PRIV(find) $str
+ $base.btn.fnd invoke
+ }
+ if {[string compare normal [wm state $base]]} {
+ wm deiconify $base
+ } else { raise $base }
+ $base.f.e select range 0 end
+## ::tkcon::Find - searches in text widget $w for $str and highlights it
+## If $str is empty, it just deletes any highlighting
+# ARGS: w - text widget
+# str - string to search for
+# -case TCL_BOOLEAN whether to be case sensitive DEFAULT: 0
+# -regexp TCL_BOOLEAN whether to use $str as pattern DEFAULT: 0
+proc ::tkcon::Find {w str args} {
+ $w tag remove find 1.0 end
+ set truth {^(1|yes|true|on)$}
+ set opts {}
+ foreach {key val} $args {
+ switch -glob -- $key {
+ -c* { if {[regexp -nocase $truth $val]} { set case 1 } }
+ -r* { if {[regexp -nocase $truth $val]} { lappend opts -regexp } }
+ default { return -code error "Unknown option $key" }
+ }
+ }
+ if {![info exists case]} { lappend opts -nocase }
+ if {[string match {} $str]} return
+ $w mark set findmark 1.0
+ while {[string compare {} [set ix [eval $w search $opts -count numc -- \
+ [list $str] findmark end]]]} {
+ $w tag add find $ix ${ix}+${numc}c
+ $w mark set findmark ${ix}+1c
+ }
+ $w tag configure find -background $::tkcon::COLOR(blink)
+ catch {$w see find.first}
+ return [expr {[llength [$w tag ranges find]]/2}]
+## ::tkcon::Attach - called to attach tkcon to an interpreter
+# ARGS: name - application name to which tkcon sends commands
+# This is either a slave interperter name or tk appname.
+# type - (slave|interp) type of interpreter we're attaching to
+# slave means it's a tkcon interpreter
+# interp means we'll need to 'send' to it.
+# Results: ::tkcon::EvalAttached is recreated to evaluate in the
+# appropriate interpreter
+proc ::tkcon::Attach {{name <NONE>} {type slave}} {
+ variable PRIV
+ variable OPT
+ if {[llength [info level 0]] == 1} {
+ # no args were specified, return the attach info instead
+ if {[string match {} $PRIV(appname)]} {
+ return [list [concat $PRIV(name) $OPT(exec)] $PRIV(apptype)]
+ } else {
+ return [list $PRIV(appname) $PRIV(apptype)]
+ }
+ }
+ set path [concat $PRIV(name) $OPT(exec)]
+ set PRIV(displayWin) .
+ if {[string match namespace $type]} {
+ return [uplevel 1 ::tkcon::AttachNamespace $name]
+ } elseif {[string match dpy:* $type]} {
+ set PRIV(displayWin) [string range $type 4 end]
+ } elseif {[string match sock* $type]} {
+ global tcl_version
+ if {[catch {eof $name} res]} {
+ return -code error "No known channel \"$name\""
+ } elseif {$res} {
+ catch {close $name}
+ return -code error "Channel \"$name\" returned EOF"
+ }
+ set app $name
+ set type socket
+ } elseif {[string compare {} $name]} {
+ array set interps [Interps]
+ if {[string match {[Mm]ain} [lindex $name 0]]} {
+ set name [lrange $name 1 end]
+ }
+ if {[string match $path $name]} {
+ set name {}
+ set app $path
+ set type slave
+ } elseif {[info exists interps($name)]} {
+ if {[string match {} $name]} { set name Main; set app Main }
+ set type slave
+ } elseif {[interp exists $name]} {
+ set name [concat $PRIV(name) $name]
+ set type slave
+ } elseif {[interp exists [concat $OPT(exec) $name]]} {
+ set name [concat $path $name]
+ set type slave
+ } elseif {[lsearch -exact [winfo interps] $name] > -1} {
+ if {[EvalSlave info exists tk_library] \
+ && [string match $name [EvalSlave tk appname]]} {
+ set name {}
+ set app $path
+ set type slave
+ } elseif {[set i [lsearch -exact \
+ [Main set ::tkcon::PRIV(interps)] $name]] != -1} {
+ set name [lindex [Main set ::tkcon::PRIV(slaves)] $i]
+ if {[string match {[Mm]ain} $name]} { set app Main }
+ set type slave
+ } else {
+ set type interp
+ }
+ } else {
+ return -code error "No known interpreter \"$name\""
+ }
+ } else {
+ set app $path
+ }
+ if {![info exists app]} { set app $name }
+ array set PRIV [list app $app appname $name apptype $type deadapp 0]
+ ## ::tkcon::EvalAttached - evaluates the args in the attached interp
+ ## args should be passed to this procedure as if they were being
+ ## passed to the 'eval' procedure. This procedure is dynamic to
+ ## ensure evaluation occurs in the right interp.
+ # ARGS: args - the command and args to evaluate
+ ##
+ switch -glob -- $type {
+ slave {
+ if {[string match {} $name]} {
+ interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {} \
+ ::tkcon::EvalSlave uplevel \#0
+ } elseif {[string match Main $PRIV(app)]} {
+ interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {} ::tkcon::Main
+ } elseif {[string match $PRIV(name) $PRIV(app)]} {
+ interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {} uplevel \#0
+ } else {
+ interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {} \
+ ::tkcon::Slave $::tkcon::PRIV(app)
+ }
+ }
+ sock* {
+ interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {} \
+ ::tkcon::EvalSlave uplevel \#0
+ # The file event will just puts whatever data is found
+ # into the interpreter
+ fconfigure $name -buffering line -blocking 0
+ fileevent $name readable ::tkcon::EvalSocketEvent
+ }
+ dpy:* -
+ interp {
+ if {$OPT(nontcl)} {
+ interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {} ::tkcon::EvalSlave
+ set PRIV(namesp) ::
+ } else {
+ interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {} ::tkcon::EvalSend
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ return -code error "[lindex [info level 0] 0] did not specify\
+ a valid type: must be slave or interp"
+ }
+ }
+ if {[string match slave $type] || \
+ (!$OPT(nontcl) && [regexp {^(interp|dpy)} $type])} {
+ set PRIV(namesp) ::
+ }
+ set PRIV(StatusAttach) "$PRIV(app) ($PRIV(apptype))"
+ return
+## ::tkcon::AttachNamespace - called to attach tkcon to a namespace
+# ARGS: name - namespace name in which tkcon should eval commands
+# Results: ::tkcon::EvalAttached will be modified
+proc ::tkcon::AttachNamespace { name } {
+ variable PRIV
+ variable OPT
+ if {($OPT(nontcl) && [string match interp $PRIV(apptype)]) \
+ || [string match socket $PRIV(apptype)] \
+ || $PRIV(deadapp)} {
+ return -code error "can't attach to namespace in attached environment"
+ }
+ if {[string match Main $name]} {set name ::}
+ if {[string compare {} $name] && \
+ [lsearch [Namespaces ::] $name] == -1} {
+ return -code error "No known namespace \"$name\""
+ }
+ if {[regexp {^(|::)$} $name]} {
+ ## If name=={} || ::, we want the primary namespace
+ set alias [interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached]
+ if {[string match ::tkcon::EvalNamespace* $alias]} {
+ eval [list interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {}] \
+ [lindex $alias 1]
+ }
+ set name ::
+ } else {
+ interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {} ::tkcon::EvalNamespace \
+ [interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached] [list $name]
+ }
+ set PRIV(namesp) $name
+ set PRIV(StatusAttach) "$PRIV(app) $PRIV(namesp) ($PRIV(apptype))"
+## ::tkcon::NewSocket - called to create a socket to connect to
+# ARGS: none
+# Results: It will create a socket, and attach if requested
+proc ::tkcon::NewSocket {} {
+ variable PRIV
+ set t $PRIV(base).newsock
+ if {![winfo exists $t]} {
+ toplevel $t
+ wm withdraw $t
+ wm title $t "tkcon Create Socket"
+ label $t.lhost -text "Host: "
+ entry $ -width 20
+ label $t.lport -text "Port: "
+ entry $t.port -width 4
+ button $t.ok -text "OK" -command {set ::tkcon::PRIV(grab) 1}
+ bind $ <Return> [list focus $t.port]
+ bind $t.port <Return> [list focus $t.ok]
+ bind $t.ok <Return> [list $t.ok invoke]
+ grid $t.lhost $ $t.lport $t.port -sticky ew
+ grid $t.ok - - - -sticky ew
+ grid columnconfig $t 1 -weight 1
+ grid rowconfigure $t 1 -weight 1
+ wm transient $t $PRIV(root)
+ wm geometry $t +[expr {([winfo screenwidth $t]-[winfo \
+ reqwidth $t]) / 2}]+[expr {([winfo \
+ screenheight $t]-[winfo reqheight $t]) / 2}]
+ }
+ #$ delete 0 end
+ #$t.port delete 0 end
+ wm deiconify $t
+ raise $t
+ grab $t
+ focus $
+ vwait ::tkcon::PRIV(grab)
+ grab release $t
+ wm withdraw $t
+ set host [$ get]
+ set port [$t.port get]
+ if {$host == ""} { return }
+ if {[catch {
+ set sock [socket $host $port]
+ } err]} {
+ tk_messageBox -title "Socket Connection Error" \
+ -message "Unable to connect to \"$host:$port\":\n$err" \
+ -icon error -type ok
+ } else {
+ Attach $sock socket
+ }
+## ::tkcon::Load - sources a file into the console
+## The file is actually sourced in the currently attached's interp
+# ARGS: fn - (optional) filename to source in
+# Returns: selected filename ({} if nothing was selected)
+proc ::tkcon::Load { {fn ""} } {
+ set types {
+ {{Tcl Files} {.tcl .tk}}
+ {{Text Files} {.txt}}
+ {{All Files} *}
+ }
+ if {
+ [string match {} $fn] &&
+ ([catch {tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types \
+ -title "Source File"} fn] || [string match {} $fn])
+ } { return }
+ EvalAttached [list source $fn]
+## ::tkcon::Save - saves the console or other widget buffer to a file
+## This does not eval in a slave because it's not necessary
+# ARGS: w - console text widget
+# fn - (optional) filename to save to
+proc ::tkcon::Save { {fn ""} {type ""} {opt ""} {mode w} } {
+ variable PRIV
+ if {![regexp -nocase {^(all|history|stdin|stdout|stderr|widget)$} $type]} {
+ array set s { 0 All 1 History 2 Stdin 3 Stdout 4 Stderr 5 Cancel }
+ ## Allow user to specify what kind of stuff to save
+ set type [tk_dialog $PRIV(base).savetype "Save Type" \
+ "What part of the text do you want to save?" \
+ questhead 0 $s(0) $s(1) $s(2) $s(3) $s(4) $s(5)]
+ if {$type == 5 || $type == -1} return
+ set type $s($type)
+ }
+ if {[string match {} $fn]} {
+ set types {
+ {{Tcl Files} {.tcl .tk}}
+ {{Text Files} {.txt}}
+ {{All Files} *}
+ }
+ if {[catch {tk_getSaveFile -defaultextension .tcl -filetypes $types \
+ -title "Save $type"} fn] || [string match {} $fn]} return
+ }
+ set type [string tolower $type]
+ switch $type {
+ stdin - stdout - stderr {
+ set data {}
+ foreach {first last} [$PRIV(console) tag ranges $type] {
+ lappend data [$PRIV(console) get $first $last]
+ }
+ set data [join $data \n]
+ }
+ history { set data [tkcon history] }
+ all - default { set data [$PRIV(console) get 1.0 end-1c] }
+ widget {
+ set data [$opt get 1.0 end-1c]
+ }
+ }
+ if {[catch {open $fn $mode} fid]} {
+ return -code error "Save Error: Unable to open '$fn' for writing\n$fid"
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $fid $data
+ close $fid
+## ::tkcon::MainInit
+## This is only called for the main interpreter to include certain procs
+## that we don't want to include (or rather, just alias) in slave interps.
+proc ::tkcon::MainInit {} {
+ variable PRIV
+ if {![info exists PRIV(slaves)]} {
+ array set PRIV [list slave 0 slaves Main name {} \
+ interps [list [tk appname]]]
+ }
+ interp alias {} ::tkcon::Main {} ::tkcon::InterpEval Main
+ interp alias {} ::tkcon::Slave {} ::tkcon::InterpEval
+ proc ::tkcon::GetSlaveNum {} {
+ set i -1
+ while {[interp exists Slave[incr i]]} {
+ # oh my god, an empty loop!
+ }
+ return $i
+ }
+ ## ::tkcon::New - create new console window
+ ## Creates a slave interpreter and sources in this script.
+ ## All other interpreters also get a command to eval function in the
+ ## new interpreter.
+ ##
+ proc ::tkcon::New {} {
+ variable PRIV
+ global argv0 argc argv
+ set tmp [interp create Slave[GetSlaveNum]]
+ lappend PRIV(slaves) $tmp
+ load {} Tk $tmp
+ lappend PRIV(interps) [$tmp eval [list tk appname \
+ "[tk appname] $tmp"]]
+ if {[info exist argv0]} {$tmp eval [list set argv0 $argv0]}
+ $tmp eval set argc $argc
+ $tmp eval [list set argv $argv]
+ $tmp eval [list namespace eval ::tkcon {}]
+ $tmp eval [list set ::tkcon::PRIV(name) $tmp]
+ $tmp eval [list set ::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT) $::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT)]
+ $tmp alias exit ::tkcon::Exit $tmp
+ $tmp alias ::tkcon::Destroy ::tkcon::Destroy $tmp
+ $tmp alias ::tkcon::New ::tkcon::New
+ $tmp alias ::tkcon::Main ::tkcon::InterpEval Main
+ $tmp alias ::tkcon::Slave ::tkcon::InterpEval
+ $tmp alias ::tkcon::Interps ::tkcon::Interps
+ $tmp alias ::tkcon::NewDisplay ::tkcon::NewDisplay
+ $tmp alias ::tkcon::Display ::tkcon::Display
+ $tmp alias ::tkcon::StateCheckpoint ::tkcon::StateCheckpoint
+ $tmp alias ::tkcon::StateCleanup ::tkcon::StateCleanup
+ $tmp alias ::tkcon::StateCompare ::tkcon::StateCompare
+ $tmp alias ::tkcon::StateRevert ::tkcon::StateRevert
+ $tmp eval {
+ if [catch {source -rsrc tkcon}] { source $::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT) }
+ }
+ return $tmp
+ }
+ ## ::tkcon::Exit - full exit OR destroy slave console
+ ## This proc should only be called in the main interpreter from a slave.
+ ## The master determines whether we do a full exit or just kill the slave.
+ ##
+ proc ::tkcon::Exit {slave args} {
+ variable PRIV
+ variable OPT
+ ## Slave interpreter exit request
+ if {[string match exit $OPT(slaveexit)]} {
+ ## Only exit if it specifically is stated to do so
+ uplevel 1 exit $args
+ }
+ ## Otherwise we will delete the slave interp and associated data
+ set name [InterpEval $slave]
+ set PRIV(interps) [lremove $PRIV(interps) [list $name]]
+ set PRIV(slaves) [lremove $PRIV(slaves) [list $slave]]
+ interp delete $slave
+ StateCleanup $slave
+ return
+ }
+ ## ::tkcon::Destroy - destroy console window
+ ## This proc should only be called by the main interpreter. If it is
+ ## called from there, it will ask before exiting tkcon. All others
+ ## (slaves) will just have their slave interpreter deleted, closing them.
+ ##
+ proc ::tkcon::Destroy {{slave {}}} {
+ variable PRIV
+ if {[string match {} $slave]} {
+ ## Main interpreter close request
+ if {[tk_dialog $PRIV(base).destroyme {Quit tkcon?} \
+ {Closing the Main console will quit tkcon} \
+ warning 0 "Don't Quit" "Quit tkcon"]} exit
+ } else {
+ ## Slave interpreter close request
+ set name [InterpEval $slave]
+ set PRIV(interps) [lremove $PRIV(interps) [list $name]]
+ set PRIV(slaves) [lremove $PRIV(slaves) [list $slave]]
+ interp delete $slave
+ }
+ StateCleanup $slave
+ return
+ }
+ ## We want to do a couple things before exiting...
+ if {[catch {rename ::exit ::tkcon::FinalExit} err]} {
+ puts stderr "tkcon might panic:\n$err"
+ }
+ proc ::exit args {
+ if {$::tkcon::OPT(usehistory)} {
+ if {[catch {open $::tkcon::PRIV(histfile) w} fid]} {
+ puts stderr "unable to save history file:\n$fid"
+ # pause a moment, because we are about to die finally...
+ after 1000
+ } else {
+ set max [::tkcon::EvalSlave history nextid]
+ set id [expr {$max - $::tkcon::OPT(history)}]
+ if {$id < 1} { set id 1 }
+ ## FIX: This puts history in backwards!!
+ while {($id < $max) && \
+ ![catch {::tkcon::EvalSlave history event $id} cmd]} {
+ if {[string compare {} $cmd]} {
+ puts $fid "::tkcon::EvalSlave history add [list $cmd]"
+ }
+ incr id
+ }
+ close $fid
+ }
+ }
+ uplevel 1 ::tkcon::FinalExit $args
+ }
+ ## ::tkcon::InterpEval - passes evaluation to another named interpreter
+ ## If the interpreter is named, but no args are given, it returns the
+ ## [tk appname] of that interps master (not the associated eval slave).
+ ##
+ proc ::tkcon::InterpEval {{slave {}} args} {
+ variable PRIV
+ if {[string match {} $slave]} {
+ return $PRIV(slaves)
+ } elseif {[string match {[Mm]ain} $slave]} {
+ set slave {}
+ }
+ if {[llength $args]} {
+ return [interp eval $slave uplevel \#0 $args]
+ } else {
+ return [interp eval $slave tk appname]
+ }
+ }
+ proc ::tkcon::Interps {{ls {}} {interp {}}} {
+ if {[string match {} $interp]} { lappend ls {} [tk appname] }
+ foreach i [interp slaves $interp] {
+ if {[string compare {} $interp]} { set i "$interp $i" }
+ if {[string compare {} [interp eval $i package provide Tk]]} {
+ lappend ls $i [interp eval $i tk appname]
+ } else {
+ lappend ls $i {}
+ }
+ set ls [Interps $ls $i]
+ }
+ return $ls
+ }
+ proc ::tkcon::Display {{disp {}}} {
+ variable DISP
+ set res {}
+ if {$disp != ""} {
+ if {![info exists DISP($disp)]} { return }
+ return [list $DISP($disp) [winfo interps -displayof $DISP($disp)]]
+ }
+ return [lsort -dictionary [array names DISP]]
+ }
+ proc ::tkcon::NewDisplay {} {
+ variable PRIV
+ variable DISP
+ set t $PRIV(base).newdisp
+ if {![winfo exists $t]} {
+ toplevel $t
+ wm withdraw $t
+ wm title $t "tkcon Attach to Display"
+ label $t.gets -text "New Display: "
+ entry $ -width 32
+ button $t.ok -text "OK" -command {set ::tkcon::PRIV(grab) 1}
+ bind $ <Return> [list $t.ok invoke]
+ bind $t.ok <Return> [list $t.ok invoke]
+ grid $t.gets $ -sticky ew
+ grid $t.ok - -sticky ew
+ grid columnconfig $t 1 -weight 1
+ grid rowconfigure $t 1 -weight 1
+ wm transient $t $PRIV(root)
+ wm geometry $t +[expr {([winfo screenwidth $t]-[winfo \
+ reqwidth $t]) / 2}]+[expr {([winfo \
+ screenheight $t]-[winfo reqheight $t]) / 2}]
+ }
+ $ delete 0 end
+ wm deiconify $t
+ raise $t
+ grab $t
+ focus $
+ vwait ::tkcon::PRIV(grab)
+ grab release $t
+ wm withdraw $t
+ set disp [$ get]
+ if {$disp == ""} { return }
+ regsub -all {\.} [string tolower $disp] ! dt
+ set dt $PRIV(base).$dt
+ destroy $dt
+ if {[catch {
+ toplevel $dt -screen $disp
+ set interps [winfo interps -displayof $dt]
+ if {![llength $interps]} {
+ error "No other Tk interpreters on $disp"
+ }
+ send -displayof $dt [lindex $interps 0] [list info tclversion]
+ } err]} {
+ global env
+ if {[info exists env(DISPLAY)]} {
+ set myd $env(DISPLAY)
+ } else {
+ set myd "myDisplay:0"
+ }
+ tk_messageBox -title "Display Connection Error" \
+ -message "Unable to connect to \"$disp\":\n$err\
+ \nMake sure you have xauth-based permissions\
+ (xauth add $myd . `mcookie`), and xhost is disabled\
+ (xhost -) on \"$disp\"" \
+ -icon error -type ok
+ destroy $dt
+ return
+ }
+ set DISP($disp) $dt
+ wm withdraw $dt
+ bind $dt <Destroy> [subst {catch {unset ::tkcon::DISP($disp)}}]
+ tk_messageBox -title "$disp Connection" \
+ -message "Connected to \"$disp\", found:\n[join $interps \n]" \
+ -type ok
+ }
+ ##
+ ## The following state checkpoint/revert procedures are very sketchy
+ ## and prone to problems. They do not track modifications to currently
+ ## existing procedures/variables, and they can really screw things up
+ ## if you load in libraries (especially Tk) between checkpoint and
+ ## revert. Only with this knowledge in mind should you use these.
+ ##
+ ## ::tkcon::StateCheckpoint - checkpoints the current state of the system
+ ## This allows you to return to this state with ::tkcon::StateRevert
+ # ARGS:
+ ##
+ proc ::tkcon::StateCheckpoint {app type} {
+ variable CPS
+ variable PRIV
+ if {[info exists CPS($type,$app,cmd)] && \
+ [tk_dialog $PRIV(base).warning "Overwrite Previous State?" \
+ "Are you sure you want to lose previously checkpointed\
+ state of $type \"$app\"?" questhead 1 "Do It" "Cancel"]} return
+ set CPS($type,$app,cmd) [EvalOther $app $type info commands *]
+ set CPS($type,$app,var) [EvalOther $app $type info vars *]
+ return
+ }
+ ## ::tkcon::StateCompare - compare two states and output difference
+ # ARGS:
+ ##
+ proc ::tkcon::StateCompare {app type {verbose 0}} {
+ variable CPS
+ variable PRIV
+ variable OPT
+ variable COLOR
+ if {![info exists CPS($type,$app,cmd)]} {
+ return -code error \
+ "No previously checkpointed state for $type \"$app\""
+ }
+ set w $PRIV(base).compare
+ if {[winfo exists $w]} {
+ $w.text config -state normal
+ $w.text delete 1.0 end
+ } else {
+ toplevel $w
+ frame $w.btn
+ scrollbar $ -takefocus 0 -bd 1 -command [list $w.text yview]
+ text $w.text -yscrollcommand [list $ set] -height 12 \
+ -foreground $COLOR(stdin) \
+ -background $COLOR(bg) \
+ -insertbackground $COLOR(cursor) \
+ -font $OPT(font)
+ pack $w.btn -side bottom -fill x
+ pack $ -side right -fill y
+ pack $w.text -fill both -expand 1
+ button $w.btn.close -text "Dismiss" -width 11 \
+ -command [list destroy $w]
+ button $w.btn.check -text "Recheckpoint" -width 11
+ button $w.btn.revert -text "Revert" -width 11
+ button $w.btn.expand -text "Verbose" -width 11
+ button $w.btn.update -text "Update" -width 11
+ pack $w.btn.check $w.btn.revert $w.btn.expand $w.btn.update \
+ $w.btn.close -side left -fill x -padx 4 -pady 2 -expand 1
+ $w.text tag config red -foreground red
+ }
+ wm title $w "Compare State: $type [list $app]"
+ $w.btn.check config \
+ -command "::tkcon::StateCheckpoint [list $app] $type; \
+ ::tkcon::StateCompare [list $app] $type $verbose"
+ $w.btn.revert config \
+ -command "::tkcon::StateRevert [list $app] $type; \
+ ::tkcon::StateCompare [list $app] $type $verbose"
+ $w.btn.update config -command [info level 0]
+ if {$verbose} {
+ $w.btn.expand config -text Brief \
+ -command [list ::tkcon::StateCompare $app $type 0]
+ } else {
+ $w.btn.expand config -text Verbose \
+ -command [list ::tkcon::StateCompare $app $type 1]
+ }
+ ## Don't allow verbose mode unless 'dump' exists in $app
+ ## We're assuming this is tkcon's dump command
+ set hasdump [llength [EvalOther $app $type info commands dump]]
+ if {$hasdump} {
+ $w.btn.expand config -state normal
+ } else {
+ $w.btn.expand config -state disabled
+ }
+ set cmds [lremove [EvalOther $app $type info commands *] \
+ $CPS($type,$app,cmd)]
+ set vars [lremove [EvalOther $app $type info vars *] \
+ $CPS($type,$app,var)]
+ if {$hasdump && $verbose} {
+ set cmds [EvalOther $app $type eval dump c -nocomplain $cmds]
+ set vars [EvalOther $app $type eval dump v -nocomplain $vars]
+ }
+ $w.text insert 1.0 "NEW COMMANDS IN \"$app\":\n" red \
+ $cmds {} "\n\nNEW VARIABLES IN \"$app\":\n" red $vars {}
+ raise $w
+ $w.text config -state disabled
+ }
+ ## ::tkcon::StateRevert - reverts interpreter to previous state
+ # ARGS:
+ ##
+ proc ::tkcon::StateRevert {app type} {
+ variable CPS
+ variable PRIV
+ if {![info exists CPS($type,$app,cmd)]} {
+ return -code error \
+ "No previously checkpointed state for $type \"$app\""
+ }
+ if {![tk_dialog $PRIV(base).warning "Revert State?" \
+ "Are you sure you want to revert the state in $type \"$app\"?"\
+ questhead 1 "Do It" "Cancel"]} {
+ foreach i [lremove [EvalOther $app $type info commands *] \
+ $CPS($type,$app,cmd)] {
+ catch {EvalOther $app $type rename $i {}}
+ }
+ foreach i [lremove [EvalOther $app $type info vars *] \
+ $CPS($type,$app,var)] {
+ catch {EvalOther $app $type unset $i}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## ::tkcon::StateCleanup - cleans up state information in master array
+ #
+ ##
+ proc ::tkcon::StateCleanup {args} {
+ variable CPS
+ if {![llength $args]} {
+ foreach state [array names CPS slave,*] {
+ if {![interp exists [string range $state 6 end]]} {
+ unset CPS($state)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set app [lindex $args 0]
+ set type [lindex $args 1]
+ if {[regexp {^(|slave)$} $type]} {
+ foreach state [array names CPS "slave,$app\[, \]*"] {
+ if {![interp exists [string range $state 6 end]]} {
+ unset CPS($state)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ catch {unset CPS($type,$app)}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+## ::tkcon::Event - get history event, search if string != {}
+## look forward (next) if $int>0, otherwise look back (prev)
+# ARGS: W - console widget
+proc ::tkcon::Event {int {str {}}} {
+ if {!$int} return
+ variable PRIV
+ set w $PRIV(console)
+ set nextid [EvalSlave history nextid]
+ if {[string compare {} $str]} {
+ ## String is not empty, do an event search
+ set event $PRIV(event)
+ if {$int < 0 && $event == $nextid} { set PRIV(cmdbuf) $str }
+ set len [string len $PRIV(cmdbuf)]
+ incr len -1
+ if {$int > 0} {
+ ## Search history forward
+ while {$event < $nextid} {
+ if {[incr event] == $nextid} {
+ $w delete limit end
+ $w insert limit $PRIV(cmdbuf)
+ break
+ } elseif {
+ ![catch {EvalSlave history event $event} res] &&
+ [set p [string first $PRIV(cmdbuf) $res]] > -1
+ } {
+ set p2 [expr {$p + [string length $PRIV(cmdbuf)]}]
+ $w delete limit end
+ $w insert limit $res
+ Blink $w "limit + $p c" "limit + $p2 c"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set PRIV(event) $event
+ } else {
+ ## Search history reverse
+ while {![catch {EvalSlave history event [incr event -1]} res]} {
+ if {[set p [string first $PRIV(cmdbuf) $res]] > -1} {
+ set p2 [expr {$p + [string length $PRIV(cmdbuf)]}]
+ $w delete limit end
+ $w insert limit $res
+ set PRIV(event) $event
+ Blink $w "limit + $p c" "limit + $p2 c"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ## String is empty, just get next/prev event
+ if {$int > 0} {
+ ## Goto next command in history
+ if {$PRIV(event) < $nextid} {
+ $w delete limit end
+ if {[incr PRIV(event)] == $nextid} {
+ $w insert limit $PRIV(cmdbuf)
+ } else {
+ $w insert limit [EvalSlave history event $PRIV(event)]
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ## Goto previous command in history
+ if {$PRIV(event) == $nextid} {
+ set PRIV(cmdbuf) [CmdGet $w]
+ }
+ if {[catch {EvalSlave history event [incr PRIV(event) -1]} res]} {
+ incr PRIV(event)
+ } else {
+ $w delete limit end
+ $w insert limit $res
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $w mark set insert end
+ $w see end
+## ::tkcon::ErrorHighlight - magic error highlighting
+## beware: voodoo included
+# ARGS:
+proc ::tkcon::ErrorHighlight w {
+ variable COLOR
+ ## do voodoo here
+ set app [Attach]
+ # we have to pull the text out, because text regexps are screwed on \n's.
+ set info [$w get 1.0 end-1c]
+ # Check for specific line error in a proc
+ set exp(proc) "\"(\[^\"\]+)\"\n\[\t \]+\\\(procedure \"(\[^\"\]+)\""
+ # Check for too few args to a proc
+ set exp(param) "parameter \"(\[^\"\]+)\" to \"(\[^\"\]+)\""
+ set start 1.0
+ while {
+ [regexp -indices -- $exp(proc) $info junk what cmd] ||
+ [regexp -indices -- $exp(param) $info junk what cmd]
+ } {
+ foreach {w0 w1} $what {c0 c1} $cmd {break}
+ set what [string range $info $w0 $w1]
+ set cmd [string range $info $c0 $c1]
+ if {[string match *::* $cmd]} {
+ set res [uplevel 1 ::tkcon::EvalOther $app namespace eval \
+ [list [namespace qualifiers $cmd] \
+ [list info procs [namespace tail $cmd]]]]
+ } else {
+ set res [uplevel 1 ::tkcon::EvalOther $app info procs [list $cmd]]
+ }
+ if {[llength $res]==1} {
+ set tag [UniqueTag $w]
+ $w tag add $tag $start+${c0}c $start+1c+${c1}c
+ $w tag configure $tag -foreground $COLOR(stdout)
+ $w tag bind $tag <Enter> [list $w tag configure $tag -under 1]
+ $w tag bind $tag <Leave> [list $w tag configure $tag -under 0]
+ $w tag bind $tag <ButtonRelease-1> "if {!\$tkPriv(mouseMoved)} \
+ {[list edit -attach $app -type proc -find $what -- $cmd]}"
+ }
+ set info [string range $info $c1 end]
+ set start [$w index $start+${c1}c]
+ }
+ ## Next stage, check for procs that start a line
+ set start 1.0
+ set exp(cmd) "^\"\[^\" \t\n\]+"
+ while {
+ [string compare {} [set ix \
+ [$w search -regexp -count numc -- $exp(cmd) $start end]]]
+ } {
+ set start [$w index $ix+${numc}c]
+ # +1c to avoid the first quote
+ set cmd [$w get $ix+1c $start]
+ if {[string match *::* $cmd]} {
+ set res [uplevel 1 ::tkcon::EvalOther $app namespace eval \
+ [list [namespace qualifiers $cmd] \
+ [list info procs [namespace tail $cmd]]]]
+ } else {
+ set res [uplevel 1 ::tkcon::EvalOther $app info procs [list $cmd]]
+ }
+ if {[llength $res]==1} {
+ set tag [UniqueTag $w]
+ $w tag add $tag $ix+1c $start
+ $w tag configure $tag -foreground $COLOR(proc)
+ $w tag bind $tag <Enter> [list $w tag configure $tag -under 1]
+ $w tag bind $tag <Leave> [list $w tag configure $tag -under 0]
+ $w tag bind $tag <ButtonRelease-1> "if {!\$tkPriv(mouseMoved)} \
+ {[list edit -attach $app -type proc -- $cmd]}"
+ }
+ }
+## tkcon - command that allows control over the console
+## This always exists in the main interpreter, and is aliased into
+## other connected interpreters
+# ARGS: totally variable, see internal comments
+proc tkcon {cmd args} {
+ global errorInfo
+ switch -glob -- $cmd {
+ buf* {
+ ## 'buffer' Sets/Query the buffer size
+ if {[llength $args]} {
+ if {[regexp {^[1-9][0-9]*$} $args]} {
+ set ::tkcon::OPT(buffer) $args
+ # catch in case the console doesn't exist yet
+ catch {::tkcon::ConstrainBuffer $::tkcon::PRIV(console) \
+ $::tkcon::OPT(buffer)}
+ } else {
+ return -code error "buffer must be a valid integer"
+ }
+ }
+ return $::tkcon::OPT(buffer)
+ }
+ bg* {
+ ## 'bgerror' Brings up an error dialog
+ set errorInfo [lindex $args 1]
+ bgerror [lindex $args 0]
+ }
+ cl* {
+ ## 'close' Closes the console
+ ::tkcon::Destroy
+ }
+ cons* {
+ ## 'console' - passes the args to the text widget of the console.
+ set result [uplevel 1 $::tkcon::PRIV(console) $args]
+ ::tkcon::ConstrainBuffer $::tkcon::PRIV(console) \
+ $::tkcon::OPT(buffer)
+ return $result
+ }
+ congets {
+ ## 'congets' a replacement for [gets stdin]
+ # Use the 'gets' alias of 'tkcon_gets' command instead of
+ # calling the *get* methods directly for best compatability
+ if {[llength $args]} {
+ return -code error "wrong # args: must be \"tkcon congets\""
+ }
+ tkcon show
+ set old [bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Eval>>]
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Eval>> { set ::tkcon::PRIV(wait) 0 }
+ set w $::tkcon::PRIV(console)
+ # Make sure to move the limit to get the right data
+ $w mark set insert end
+ $w mark set limit insert
+ $w see end
+ vwait ::tkcon::PRIV(wait)
+ set line [::tkcon::CmdGet $w]
+ $w insert end \n
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Eval>> $old
+ return $line
+ }
+ getc* {
+ ## 'getcommand' a replacement for [gets stdin]
+ ## This forces a complete command to be input though
+ if {[llength $args]} {
+ return -code error "wrong # args: must be \"tkcon getcommand\""
+ }
+ tkcon show
+ set old [bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Eval>>]
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Eval>> { set ::tkcon::PRIV(wait) 0 }
+ set w $::tkcon::PRIV(console)
+ # Make sure to move the limit to get the right data
+ $w mark set insert end
+ $w mark set limit insert
+ $w see end
+ vwait ::tkcon::PRIV(wait)
+ set line [::tkcon::CmdGet $w]
+ $w insert end \n
+ while {![info complete $line] || [regexp {[^\\]\\$} $line]} {
+ vwait ::tkcon::PRIV(wait)
+ set line [::tkcon::CmdGet $w]
+ $w insert end \n
+ $w see end
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Eval>> $old
+ return $line
+ }
+ get - gets {
+ ## 'gets' - a replacement for [gets stdin]
+ ## This pops up a text widget to be used for stdin (local grabbed)
+ if {[llength $args]} {
+ return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"tkcon gets\""
+ }
+ set t $::tkcon::PRIV(base).gets
+ if {![winfo exists $t]} {
+ toplevel $t
+ wm withdraw $t
+ wm title $t "tkcon gets stdin request"
+ label $t.gets -text "\"gets stdin\" request:"
+ text $ -width 32 -height 5 -wrap none \
+ -xscrollcommand [list $ set] \
+ -yscrollcommand [list $ set]
+ scrollbar $ -orient h -takefocus 0 -highlightthick 0 \
+ -command [list $ xview]
+ scrollbar $ -orient v -takefocus 0 -highlightthick 0 \
+ -command [list $ yview]
+ button $t.ok -text "OK" -command {set ::tkcon::PRIV(grab) 1}
+ bind $t.ok <Return> { %W invoke }
+ grid $t.gets - -sticky ew
+ grid $ $ -sticky news
+ grid $ -sticky ew
+ grid $t.ok - -sticky ew
+ grid columnconfig $t 0 -weight 1
+ grid rowconfig $t 1 -weight 1
+ wm transient $t $::tkcon::PRIV(root)
+ wm geometry $t +[expr {([winfo screenwidth $t]-[winfo \
+ reqwidth $t]) / 2}]+[expr {([winfo \
+ screenheight $t]-[winfo reqheight $t]) / 2}]
+ }
+ $ delete 1.0 end
+ wm deiconify $t
+ raise $t
+ grab $t
+ focus $
+ vwait ::tkcon::PRIV(grab)
+ grab release $t
+ wm withdraw $t
+ return [$ get 1.0 end-1c]
+ }
+ err* {
+ ## Outputs stack caused by last error.
+ ## error handling with pizazz (but with pizza would be nice too)
+ if {[llength $args]==2} {
+ set app [lindex $args 0]
+ set type [lindex $args 1]
+ if {[catch {::tkcon::EvalOther $app $type set errorInfo} info]} {
+ set info "error getting info from $type $app:\n$info"
+ }
+ } else {
+ set info $::tkcon::PRIV(errorInfo)
+ }
+ if {[string match {} $info]} { set info "errorInfo empty" }
+ ## If args is empty, the -attach switch just ignores it
+ edit -attach $args -type error -- $info
+ }
+ fi* {
+ ## 'find' string
+ ::tkcon::Find $::tkcon::PRIV(console) $args
+ }
+ fo* {
+ ## 'font' ?fontname? - gets/sets the font of the console
+ if {[llength $args]} {
+ if {[info exists ::tkcon::PRIV(console)] && \
+ [winfo exists $::tkcon::PRIV(console)]} {
+ $::tkcon::PRIV(console) config -font $args
+ set ::tkcon::OPT(font) [$::tkcon::PRIV(console) cget -font]
+ } else {
+ set ::tkcon::OPT(font) $args
+ }
+ }
+ return $::tkcon::OPT(font)
+ }
+ hid* - with* {
+ ## 'hide' 'withdraw' - hides the console.
+ wm withdraw $::tkcon::PRIV(root)
+ }
+ his* {
+ ## 'history'
+ set sub {\2}
+ if {[string match -new* $args]} { append sub "\n"}
+ set h [::tkcon::EvalSlave history]
+ regsub -all "( *\[0-9\]+ |\t)(\[^\n\]*\n?)" $h $sub h
+ return $h
+ }
+ ico* {
+ ## 'iconify' - iconifies the console with 'iconify'.
+ wm iconify $::tkcon::PRIV(root)
+ }
+ mas* - eval {
+ ## 'master' - evals contents in master interpreter
+ uplevel \#0 $args
+ }
+ set {
+ ## 'set' - set (or get, or unset) simple vars (not whole arrays)
+ ## from the master console interpreter
+ ## possible formats:
+ ## tkcon set <var>
+ ## tkcon set <var> <value>
+ ## tkcon set <var> <interp> <var1> <var2> w
+ ## tkcon set <var> <interp> <var1> <var2> u
+ ## tkcon set <var> <interp> <var1> <var2> r
+ if {[llength $args]==5} {
+ ## This is for use w/ 'tkcon upvar' and only works with slaves
+ foreach {var i var1 var2 op} $args break
+ if {[string compare {} $var2]} { append var1 "($var2)" }
+ switch $op {
+ u { uplevel \#0 [list unset $var] }
+ w {
+ return [uplevel \#0 [list set $var \
+ [interp eval $i [list set $var1]]]]
+ }
+ r {
+ return [interp eval $i [list set $var1 \
+ [uplevel \#0 [list set $var]]]]
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif {[llength $args] == 1} {
+ upvar \#0 [lindex $args 0] var
+ if {[array exists var]} {
+ return [array get var]
+ } else {
+ return $var
+ }
+ }
+ return [uplevel \#0 set $args]
+ }
+ append {
+ ## Modify a var in the master environment using append
+ return [uplevel \#0 append $args]
+ }
+ lappend {
+ ## Modify a var in the master environment using lappend
+ return [uplevel \#0 lappend $args]
+ }
+ sh* - dei* {
+ ## 'show|deiconify' - deiconifies the console.
+ wm deiconify $::tkcon::PRIV(root)
+ raise $::tkcon::PRIV(root)
+ focus -force $::tkcon::PRIV(console)
+ }
+ ti* {
+ ## 'title' ?title? - gets/sets the console's title
+ if {[llength $args]} {
+ return [wm title $::tkcon::PRIV(root) [join $args]]
+ } else {
+ return [wm title $::tkcon::PRIV(root)]
+ }
+ }
+ upv* {
+ ## 'upvar' masterVar slaveVar
+ ## link slave variable slaveVar to the master variable masterVar
+ ## only works masters<->slave
+ set masterVar [lindex $args 0]
+ set slaveVar [lindex $args 1]
+ if {[info exists $masterVar]} {
+ interp eval $::tkcon::OPT(exec) \
+ [list set $slaveVar [set $masterVar]]
+ } else {
+ catch {interp eval $::tkcon::OPT(exec) [list unset $slaveVar]}
+ }
+ interp eval $::tkcon::OPT(exec) \
+ [list trace variable $slaveVar rwu \
+ [list tkcon set $masterVar $::tkcon::OPT(exec)]]
+ return
+ }
+ v* {
+ return $::tkcon::PRIV(version)
+ }
+ default {
+ ## tries to determine if the command exists, otherwise throws error
+ set new ::tkcon::[string toupper \
+ [string index $cmd 0]][string range $cmd 1 end]
+ if {[llength [info command $new]]} {
+ uplevel \#0 $new $args
+ } else {
+ return -code error "bad option \"$cmd\": must be\
+ [join [lsort [list attach close console destroy \
+ font hide iconify load main master new save show \
+ slave deiconify version title bgerror]] {, }]"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+## Some procedures to make up for lack of built-in shell commands
+## tkcon_puts -
+## This allows me to capture all stdout/stderr to the console window
+## This will be renamed to 'puts' at the appropriate time during init
+# ARGS: same as usual
+# Outputs: the string with a color-coded text tag
+proc tkcon_puts args {
+ set len [llength $args]
+ foreach {arg1 arg2 arg3} $args { break }
+ if {$len == 1} {
+ tkcon console insert output "$arg1\n" stdout
+ } elseif {$len == 2} {
+ if {![string compare $arg1 -nonewline]} {
+ tkcon console insert output $arg2 stdout
+ } elseif {![string compare $arg1 stdout] \
+ || ![string compare $arg1 stderr]} {
+ tkcon console insert output "$arg2\n" $arg1
+ } else {
+ set len 0
+ }
+ } elseif {$len == 3} {
+ if {![string compare $arg1 -nonewline] \
+ && (![string compare $arg2 stdout] \
+ || ![string compare $arg2 stderr])} {
+ tkcon console insert output $arg3 $arg2
+ } elseif {(![string compare $arg1 stdout] \
+ || ![string compare $arg1 stderr]) \
+ && ![string compare $arg3 nonewline]} {
+ tkcon console insert output $arg2 $arg1
+ } else {
+ set len 0
+ }
+ } else {
+ set len 0
+ }
+ ## $len == 0 means it wasn't handled by tkcon above.
+ ##
+ if {$len == 0} {
+ global errorCode errorInfo
+ if {[catch "tkcon_tcl_puts $args" msg]} {
+ regsub tkcon_tcl_puts $msg puts msg
+ regsub -all tkcon_tcl_puts $errorInfo puts errorInfo
+ return -code error $msg
+ }
+ return $msg
+ }
+ ## WARNING: This update should behave well because it uses idletasks,
+ ## however, if there are weird looping problems with events, or
+ ## hanging in waits, try commenting this out.
+ if {$len} {
+ tkcon console see output
+ update idletasks
+ }
+## tkcon_gets -
+## This allows me to capture all stdin input without needing to stdin
+## This will be renamed to 'gets' at the appropriate time during init
+# ARGS: same as gets
+# Outputs: same as gets
+proc tkcon_gets args {
+ set len [llength $args]
+ if {$len != 1 && $len != 2} {
+ return -code error \
+ "wrong # args: should be \"gets channelId ?varName?\""
+ }
+ if {[string compare stdin [lindex $args 0]]} {
+ return [uplevel 1 tkcon_tcl_gets $args]
+ }
+ set gtype [tkcon set ::tkcon::OPT(gets)]
+ if {$gtype == ""} { set gtype congets }
+ set data [tkcon $gtype]
+ if {$len == 2} {
+ upvar 1 [lindex $args 1] var
+ set var $data
+ return [string length $data]
+ }
+ return $data
+## edit - opens a file/proc/var for reading/editing
+# Arguments:
+# type proc/file/var
+# what the actual name of the item
+# Returns: nothing
+proc edit {args} {
+ array set opts {-find {} -type {} -attach {}}
+ while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
+ -f* { set opts(-find) [lindex $args 1] }
+ -a* { set opts(-attach) [lindex $args 1] }
+ -t* { set opts(-type) [lindex $args 1] }
+ -- { set args [lreplace $args 0 0]; break }
+ default {return -code error "unknown option \"[lindex $args 0]\""}
+ }
+ set args [lreplace $args 0 1]
+ }
+ # determine who we are dealing with
+ if {[llength $opts(-attach)]} {
+ foreach {app type} $opts(-attach) {break}
+ } else {
+ foreach {app type} [tkcon attach] {break}
+ }
+ set word [lindex $args 0]
+ if {[string match {} $opts(-type)]} {
+ if {[llength [::tkcon::EvalOther $app $type info commands [list $word]]]} {
+ set opts(-type) "proc"
+ } elseif {[llength [::tkcon::EvalOther $app $type info vars [list $word]]]} {
+ set opts(-type) "var"
+ } elseif {[::tkcon::EvalOther $app $type file isfile [list $word]]} {
+ set opts(-type) "file"
+ }
+ }
+ if {[string compare $opts(-type) {}]} {
+ # Create unique edit window toplevel
+ set w $::tkcon::PRIV(base).__edit
+ set i 0
+ while {[winfo exists $w[incr i]]} {}
+ append w $i
+ toplevel $w
+ wm withdraw $w
+ if {[string length $word] > 12} {
+ wm title $w "tkcon Edit: [string range $word 0 9]..."
+ } else {
+ wm title $w "tkcon Edit: $word"
+ }
+ text $w.text -wrap none \
+ -xscrollcommand [list $ set] \
+ -yscrollcommand [list $ set] \
+ -foreground $::tkcon::COLOR(stdin) \
+ -background $::tkcon::COLOR(bg) \
+ -insertbackground $::tkcon::COLOR(cursor) \
+ -font $::tkcon::OPT(font)
+ scrollbar $ -orient h -takefocus 0 -bd 1 \
+ -command [list $w.text xview]
+ scrollbar $ -orient v -takefocus 0 -bd 1 \
+ -command [list $w.text yview]
+ set menu [menu $w.mbar]
+ $w configure -menu $menu
+ ## File Menu
+ ##
+ set m [menu [::tkcon::MenuButton $menu File file]]
+ $m add command -label "Save As..." -underline 0 \
+ -command [list ::tkcon::Save {} widget $w.text]
+ $m add command -label "Append To..." -underline 0 \
+ -command [list ::tkcon::Save {} widget $w.text a+]
+ $m add separator
+ $m add command -label "Dismiss" -underline 0 -accel "Ctrl-w" \
+ -command [list destroy $w]
+ bind $w <Control-w> [list destroy $w]
+ bind $w <$::tkcon::PRIV(meta)-w> [list destroy $w]
+ ## Edit Menu
+ ##
+ set text $w.text
+ set m [menu [::tkcon::MenuButton $menu Edit edit]]
+ $m add command -label "Cut" -under 2 \
+ -command [list tk_textCut $text]
+ $m add command -label "Copy" -under 0 \
+ -command [list tk_textCopy $text]
+ $m add command -label "Paste" -under 0 \
+ -command [list tk_textPaste $text]
+ $m add separator
+ $m add command -label "Find" -under 0 \
+ -command [list ::tkcon::FindBox $text]
+ ## Send To Menu
+ ##
+ set m [menu [::tkcon::MenuButton $menu "Send To..." send]]
+ $m add command -label "Send To $app" -underline 0 \
+ -command "::tkcon::EvalOther [list $app] $type \
+ eval \[$w.text get 1.0 end-1c\]"
+ set other [tkcon attach]
+ if {[string compare $other [list $app $type]]} {
+ $m add command -label "Send To [lindex $other 0]" \
+ -command "::tkcon::EvalOther $other \
+ eval \[$w.text get 1.0 end-1c\]"
+ }
+ grid $w.text - $ -sticky news
+ grid $ - -sticky ew
+ grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
+ grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
+ } else {
+ return -code error "unrecognized type '$word'"
+ }
+ switch -glob -- $opts(-type) {
+ proc* {
+ $w.text insert 1.0 \
+ [::tkcon::EvalOther $app $type dump proc [list $word]]
+ }
+ var* {
+ $w.text insert 1.0 \
+ [::tkcon::EvalOther $app $type dump var [list $word]]
+ }
+ file {
+ $w.text insert 1.0 [::tkcon::EvalOther $app $type eval \
+ [subst -nocommands {
+ set __tkcon(fid) [open $word r]
+ set __tkcon(data) [read \$__tkcon(fid)]
+ close \$__tkcon(fid)
+ after 1000 unset __tkcon
+ return \$__tkcon(data)
+ }
+ ]]
+ }
+ error* {
+ $w.text insert 1.0 [join $args \n]
+ ::tkcon::ErrorHighlight $w.text
+ }
+ default {
+ $w.text insert 1.0 [join $args \n]
+ }
+ }
+ wm deiconify $w
+ focus $w.text
+ if {[string compare $opts(-find) {}]} {
+ ::tkcon::Find $w.text $opts(-find) -case 1
+ }
+interp alias {} ::more {} ::edit
+interp alias {} ::less {} ::edit
+## echo
+## Relaxes the one string restriction of 'puts'
+# ARGS: any number of strings to output to stdout
+proc echo args { puts [concat $args] }
+## clear - clears the buffer of the console (not the history though)
+## This is executed in the parent interpreter
+proc clear {{pcnt 100}} {
+ if {![regexp {^[0-9]*$} $pcnt] || $pcnt < 1 || $pcnt > 100} {
+ return -code error \
+ "invalid percentage to clear: must be 1-100 (100 default)"
+ } elseif {$pcnt == 100} {
+ tkcon console delete 1.0 end
+ } else {
+ set tmp [expr {$pcnt/100.0*[tkcon console index end]}]
+ tkcon console delete 1.0 "$tmp linestart"
+ }
+## alias - akin to the csh alias command
+## If called with no args, then it dumps out all current aliases
+## If called with one arg, returns the alias of that arg (or {} if none)
+# ARGS: newcmd - (optional) command to bind alias to
+# args - command and args being aliased
+proc alias {{newcmd {}} args} {
+ if {[string match {} $newcmd]} {
+ set res {}
+ foreach a [interp aliases] {
+ lappend res [list $a -> [interp alias {} $a]]
+ }
+ return [join $res \n]
+ } elseif {![llength $args]} {
+ interp alias {} $newcmd
+ } else {
+ eval interp alias [list {} $newcmd {}] $args
+ }
+## unalias - unaliases an alias'ed command
+# ARGS: cmd - command to unbind as an alias
+proc unalias {cmd} {
+ interp alias {} $cmd {}
+## dump - outputs variables/procedure/widget info in source'able form.
+## Accepts glob style pattern matching for the names
+# ARGS: type - type of thing to dump: must be variable, procedure, widget
+# OPTS: -nocomplain
+# don't complain if no items of the specified type are found
+# -filter pattern
+# specifies a glob filter pattern to be used by the variable
+# method as an array filter pattern (it filters down for
+# nested elements) and in the widget method as a config
+# option filter pattern
+# -- forcibly ends options recognition
+# Returns: the values of the requested items in a 'source'able form
+proc dump {type args} {
+ set whine 1
+ set code ok
+ if {![llength $args]} {
+ ## If no args, assume they gave us something to dump and
+ ## we'll try anything
+ set args $type
+ set type any
+ }
+ while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
+ -n* { set whine 0; set args [lreplace $args 0 0] }
+ -f* { set fltr [lindex $args 1]; set args [lreplace $args 0 1] }
+ -- { set args [lreplace $args 0 0]; break }
+ default {return -code error "unknown option \"[lindex $args 0]\""}
+ }
+ }
+ if {$whine && ![llength $args]} {
+ return -code error "wrong \# args: [lindex [info level 0] 0] type\
+ ?-nocomplain? ?-filter pattern? ?--? pattern ?pattern ...?"
+ }
+ set res {}
+ switch -glob -- $type {
+ c* {
+ # command
+ # outputs commands by figuring out, as well as possible, what it is
+ # this does not attempt to auto-load anything
+ foreach arg $args {
+ if {[llength [set cmds [info commands $arg]]]} {
+ foreach cmd [lsort $cmds] {
+ if {[lsearch -exact [interp aliases] $cmd] > -1} {
+ append res "\#\# ALIAS: $cmd =>\
+ [interp alias {} $cmd]\n"
+ } elseif {
+ [llength [info procs $cmd]] ||
+ ([string match *::* $cmd] &&
+ [llength [namespace eval [namespace qual $cmd] \
+ info procs [namespace tail $cmd]]])
+ } {
+ if {[catch {dump p -- $cmd} msg] && $whine} {
+ set code error
+ }
+ append res $msg\n
+ } else {
+ append res "\#\# COMMAND: $cmd\n"
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif {$whine} {
+ append res "\#\# No known command $arg\n"
+ set code error
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ v* {
+ # variable
+ # outputs variables value(s), whether array or simple.
+ if {![info exists fltr]} { set fltr * }
+ foreach arg $args {
+ if {![llength [set vars [uplevel 1 info vars [list $arg]]]]} {
+ if {[uplevel 1 info exists $arg]} {
+ set vars $arg
+ } elseif {$whine} {
+ append res "\#\# No known variable $arg\n"
+ set code error
+ continue
+ } else { continue }
+ }
+ foreach var [lsort $vars] {
+ if {[uplevel 1 [list info locals $var]] == ""} {
+ # use the proper scope of the var, but
+ # namespace which won't id locals correctly
+ set var [uplevel 1 \
+ [list namespace which -variable $var]]
+ }
+ upvar 1 $var v
+ if {[array exists v] || [catch {string length $v}]} {
+ set nst {}
+ append res "array set [list $var] \{\n"
+ if {[array size v]} {
+ foreach i [lsort [array names v $fltr]] {
+ upvar 0 v\($i\) __a
+ if {[array exists __a]} {
+ append nst "\#\# NESTED ARRAY ELEM: $i\n"
+ append nst "upvar 0 [list $var\($i\)] __a;\
+ [dump v -filter $fltr __a]\n"
+ } else {
+ append res " [list $i]\t[list $v($i)]\n"
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ## empty array
+ append res " empty array\n"
+ append nst "unset [list $var](empty)\n"
+ }
+ append res "\}\n$nst"
+ } else {
+ append res [list set $var $v]\n
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p* {
+ # procedure
+ foreach arg $args {
+ if {
+ ![llength [set procs [info proc $arg]]] &&
+ ([string match *::* $arg] &&
+ [llength [set ps [namespace eval \
+ [namespace qualifier $arg] \
+ info procs [namespace tail $arg]]]])
+ } {
+ set procs {}
+ set namesp [namespace qualifier $arg]
+ foreach p $ps {
+ lappend procs ${namesp}::$p
+ }
+ }
+ if {[llength $procs]} {
+ foreach p [lsort $procs] {
+ set as {}
+ foreach a [info args $p] {
+ if {[info default $p $a tmp]} {
+ lappend as [list $a $tmp]
+ } else {
+ lappend as $a
+ }
+ }
+ append res [list proc $p $as [info body $p]]\n
+ }
+ } elseif {$whine} {
+ append res "\#\# No known proc $arg\n"
+ set code error
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ w* {
+ # widget
+ ## The user should have Tk loaded
+ if {![llength [info command winfo]]} {
+ return -code error "winfo not present, cannot dump widgets"
+ }
+ if {![info exists fltr]} { set fltr .* }
+ foreach arg $args {
+ if {[llength [set ws [info command $arg]]]} {
+ foreach w [lsort $ws] {
+ if {[winfo exists $w]} {
+ if {[catch {$w configure} cfg]} {
+ append res "\#\# Widget $w\
+ does not support configure method"
+ set code error
+ } else {
+ append res "\#\# [winfo class $w]\
+ $w\n$w configure"
+ foreach c $cfg {
+ if {[llength $c] != 5} continue
+ ## Check to see that the option does
+ ## not match the default, then check
+ ## the item against the user filter
+ if {[string compare [lindex $c 3] \
+ [lindex $c 4]] && \
+ [regexp -nocase -- $fltr $c]} {
+ append res " \\\n\t[list [lindex $c 0]\
+ [lindex $c 4]]"
+ }
+ }
+ append res \n
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif {$whine} {
+ append res "\#\# No known widget $arg\n"
+ set code error
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ a* {
+ ## see if we recognize it, other complain
+ if {[regexp {(var|com|proc|widget)} \
+ [set types [uplevel 1 what $args]]]} {
+ foreach type $types {
+ if {[regexp {(var|com|proc|widget)} $type]} {
+ append res "[uplevel 1 dump $type $args]\n"
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set res "dump was unable to resolve type for \"$args\""
+ set code error
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ return -code error "bad [lindex [info level 0] 0] option\
+ \"$type\": must be variable, command, procedure,\
+ or widget"
+ }
+ }
+ return -code $code [string trimright $res \n]
+## idebug - interactive debugger
+# idebug body ?level?
+# Prints out the body of the command (if it is a procedure) at the
+# specified level. <i>level</i> defaults to the current level.
+# idebug break
+# Creates a breakpoint within a procedure. This will only trigger
+# if idebug is on and the id matches the pattern. If so, TkCon will
+# pop to the front with the prompt changed to an idebug prompt. You
+# are given the basic ability to observe the call stack an query/set
+# variables or execute Tcl commands at any level. A separate history
+# is maintained in debugging mode.
+# idebug echo|{echo ?id?} ?args?
+# Behaves just like "echo", but only triggers when idebug is on.
+# You can specify an optional id to further restrict triggering.
+# If no id is specified, it defaults to the name of the command
+# in which the call was made.
+# idebug id ?id?
+# Query or set the idebug id. This id is used by other idebug
+# methods to determine if they should trigger or not. The idebug
+# id can be a glob pattern and defaults to *.
+# idebug off
+# Turns idebug off.
+# idebug on ?id?
+# Turns idebug on. If 'id' is specified, it sets the id to it.
+# idebug puts|{puts ?id?} args
+# Behaves just like "puts", but only triggers when idebug is on.
+# You can specify an optional id to further restrict triggering.
+# If no id is specified, it defaults to the name of the command
+# in which the call was made.
+# idebug show type ?level? ?VERBOSE?
+# 'type' must be one of vars, locals or globals. This method
+# will output the variables/locals/globals present in a particular
+# level. If VERBOSE is added, then it actually 'dump's out the
+# values as well. 'level' defaults to the level in which this
+# method was called.
+# idebug trace ?level?
+# Prints out the stack trace from the specified level up to the top
+# level. 'level' defaults to the current level.
+proc idebug {opt args} {
+ global IDEBUG
+ if {![info exists IDEBUG(on)]} {
+ array set IDEBUG { on 0 id * debugging 0 }
+ }
+ set level [expr {[info level]-1}]
+ switch -glob -- $opt {
+ on {
+ if {[llength $args]} { set IDEBUG(id) $args }
+ return [set IDEBUG(on) 1]
+ }
+ off { return [set IDEBUG(on) 0] }
+ id {
+ if {![llength $args]} {
+ return $IDEBUG(id)
+ } else { return [set IDEBUG(id) $args] }
+ }
+ break {
+ if {!$IDEBUG(on) || $IDEBUG(debugging) || \
+ ([llength $args] && \
+ ![string match $IDEBUG(id) $args]) || [info level]<1} {
+ return
+ }
+ set IDEBUG(debugging) 1
+ puts stderr "idebug at level \#$level: [lindex [info level -1] 0]"
+ set tkcon [llength [info command tkcon]]
+ if {$tkcon} {
+ tkcon master eval set ::tkcon::OPT(prompt2) \$::tkcon::OPT(prompt1)
+ tkcon master eval set ::tkcon::OPT(prompt1) \$::tkcon::OPT(debugPrompt)
+ set slave [tkcon set ::tkcon::OPT(exec)]
+ set event [tkcon set ::tkcon::PRIV(event)]
+ tkcon set ::tkcon::OPT(exec) [tkcon master interp create debugger]
+ tkcon set ::tkcon::PRIV(event) 1
+ }
+ set max $level
+ while 1 {
+ set err {}
+ if {$tkcon} {
+ # tkcon's overload of gets is advanced enough to not need
+ # this, but we get a little better control this way.
+ tkcon evalSlave set level $level
+ tkcon prompt
+ set line [tkcon getcommand]
+ tkcon console mark set output end
+ } else {
+ puts -nonewline stderr "(level \#$level) debug > "
+ gets stdin line
+ while {![info complete $line]} {
+ puts -nonewline "> "
+ append line "\n[gets stdin]"
+ }
+ }
+ if {[string match {} $line]} continue
+ set key [lindex $line 0]
+ if {![regexp {^([#-]?[0-9]+)} [lreplace $line 0 0] lvl]} {
+ set lvl \#$level
+ }
+ set res {}; set c 0
+ switch -- $key {
+ + {
+ ## Allow for jumping multiple levels
+ if {$level < $max} {
+ idebug trace [incr level] $level 0 VERBOSE
+ }
+ }
+ - {
+ ## Allow for jumping multiple levels
+ if {$level > 1} {
+ idebug trace [incr level -1] $level 0 VERBOSE
+ }
+ }
+ . { set c [catch {idebug trace $level $level 0 VERBOSE} res] }
+ v { set c [catch {idebug show vars $lvl } res] }
+ V { set c [catch {idebug show vars $lvl VERBOSE} res] }
+ l { set c [catch {idebug show locals $lvl } res] }
+ L { set c [catch {idebug show locals $lvl VERBOSE} res] }
+ g { set c [catch {idebug show globals $lvl } res] }
+ G { set c [catch {idebug show globals $lvl VERBOSE} res] }
+ t { set c [catch {idebug trace 1 $max $level } res] }
+ T { set c [catch {idebug trace 1 $max $level VERBOSE} res]}
+ b { set c [catch {idebug body $lvl} res] }
+ o { set res [set IDEBUG(on) [expr {!$IDEBUG(on)}]] }
+ h - ? {
+ puts stderr " + Move down in call stack
+ - Move up in call stack
+ . Show current proc name and params
+ v Show names of variables currently in scope
+ V Show names of variables currently in scope with values
+ l Show names of local (transient) variables
+ L Show names of local (transient) variables with values
+ g Show names of declared global variables
+ G Show names of declared global variables with values
+ t Show a stack trace
+ T Show a verbose stack trace
+ b Show body of current proc
+ o Toggle on/off any further debugging
+ c,q Continue regular execution (Quit debugger)
+ h,? Print this help
+ default Evaluate line at current level (\#$level)"
+ }
+ c - q break
+ default { set c [catch {uplevel \#$level $line} res] }
+ }
+ if {$tkcon} {
+ tkcon set ::tkcon::PRIV(event) \
+ [tkcon evalSlave eval history add [list $line]\
+ \; history nextid]
+ }
+ if {$c} {
+ puts stderr $res
+ } elseif {[string compare {} $res]} {
+ puts $res
+ }
+ }
+ set IDEBUG(debugging) 0
+ if {$tkcon} {
+ tkcon master interp delete debugger
+ tkcon master eval set ::tkcon::OPT(prompt1) \$::tkcon::OPT(prompt2)
+ tkcon set ::tkcon::OPT(exec) $slave
+ tkcon set ::tkcon::PRIV(event) $event
+ tkcon prompt
+ }
+ }
+ bo* {
+ if {[regexp {^([#-]?[0-9]+)} $args level]} {
+ return [uplevel $level {dump c -no [lindex [info level 0] 0]}]
+ }
+ }
+ t* {
+ if {[llength $args]<2} return
+ set min [set max [set lvl $level]]
+ set exp {^#?([0-9]+)? ?#?([0-9]+) ?#?([0-9]+)? ?(VERBOSE)?}
+ if {![regexp $exp $args junk min max lvl verbose]} return
+ for {set i $max} {
+ $i>=$min && ![catch {uplevel \#$i info level 0} info]
+ } {incr i -1} {
+ if {$i==$lvl} {
+ puts -nonewline stderr "* \#$i:\t"
+ } else {
+ puts -nonewline stderr " \#$i:\t"
+ }
+ set name [lindex $info 0]
+ if {[string compare VERBOSE $verbose] || \
+ ![llength [info procs $name]]} {
+ puts $info
+ } else {
+ puts "proc $name {[info args $name]} { ... }"
+ set idx 0
+ foreach arg [info args $name] {
+ if {[string match args $arg]} {
+ puts "\t$arg = [lrange $info [incr idx] end]"
+ break
+ } else {
+ puts "\t$arg = [lindex $info [incr idx]]"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ s* {
+ #var, local, global
+ set level \#$level
+ if {![regexp {^([vgl][^ ]*) ?([#-]?[0-9]+)? ?(VERBOSE)?} \
+ $args junk type level verbose]} return
+ switch -glob -- $type {
+ v* { set vars [uplevel $level {lsort [info vars]}] }
+ l* { set vars [uplevel $level {lsort [info locals]}] }
+ g* { set vars [lremove [uplevel $level {info vars}] \
+ [uplevel $level {info locals}]] }
+ }
+ if {[string match VERBOSE $verbose]} {
+ return [uplevel $level dump var -nocomplain $vars]
+ } else {
+ return $vars
+ }
+ }
+ e* - pu* {
+ if {[llength $opt]==1 && [catch {lindex [info level -1] 0} id]} {
+ set id [lindex [info level 0] 0]
+ } else {
+ set id [lindex $opt 1]
+ }
+ if {$IDEBUG(on) && [string match $IDEBUG(id) $id]} {
+ if {[string match e* $opt]} {
+ puts [concat $args]
+ } else { eval puts $args }
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ return -code error "bad [lindex [info level 0] 0] option \"$opt\",\
+ must be: [join [lsort [list on off id break print body\
+ trace show puts echo]] {, }]"
+ }
+ }
+## observe - like trace, but not
+# ARGS: opt - option
+# name - name of variable or command
+proc observe {opt name args} {
+ global tcl_observe
+ switch -glob -- $opt {
+ co* {
+ if {[regexp {^(catch|lreplace|set|puts|for|incr|info|uplevel)$} \
+ $name]} {
+ return -code error "cannot observe \"$name\":\
+ infinite eval loop will occur"
+ }
+ set old ${name}@
+ while {[llength [info command $old]]} { append old @ }
+ rename $name $old
+ set max 4
+ regexp {^[0-9]+} $args max
+ ## idebug trace could be used here
+ proc $name args "
+ for {set i \[info level\]; set max \[expr \[info level\]-$max\]} {
+ \$i>=\$max && !\[catch {uplevel \#\$i info level 0} info\]
+ } {incr i -1} {
+ puts -nonewline stderr \" \#\$i:\t\"
+ puts \$info
+ }
+ uplevel \[lreplace \[info level 0\] 0 0 $old\]
+ "
+ set tcl_observe($name) $old
+ }
+ cd* {
+ if {[info exists tcl_observe($name)] && [catch {
+ rename $name {}
+ rename $tcl_observe($name) $name
+ unset tcl_observe($name)
+ } err]} { return -code error $err }
+ }
+ ci* {
+ ## What a useless method...
+ if {[info exists tcl_observe($name)]} {
+ set i $tcl_observe($name)
+ set res "\"$name\" observes true command \"$i\""
+ while {[info exists tcl_observe($i)]} {
+ append res "\n\"$name\" observes true command \"$i\""
+ set i $tcl_observe($name)
+ }
+ return $res
+ }
+ }
+ va* - vd* {
+ set type [lindex $args 0]
+ set args [lrange $args 1 end]
+ if {![regexp {^[rwu]} $type type]} {
+ return -code error "bad [lindex [info level 0] 0] $opt type\
+ \"$type\", must be: read, write or unset"
+ }
+ if {![llength $args]} { set args observe_var }
+ uplevel 1 [list trace $opt $name $type $args]
+ }
+ vi* {
+ uplevel 1 [list trace vinfo $name]
+ }
+ default {
+ return -code error "bad [lindex [info level 0] 0] option\
+ \"[lindex $args 0]\", must be: [join [lsort \
+ [list command cdelete cinfo variable vdelete vinfo]] {, }]"
+ }
+ }
+## observe_var - auxilary function for observing vars, called by trace
+## via observe
+# ARGS: name - variable name
+# el - array element name, if any
+# op - operation type (rwu)
+proc observe_var {name el op} {
+ if {[string match u $op]} {
+ if {[string compare {} $el]} {
+ puts "unset \"${name}($el)\""
+ } else {
+ puts "unset \"$name\""
+ }
+ } else {
+ upvar 1 $name $name
+ if {[info exists ${name}($el)]} {
+ puts [dump v ${name}($el)]
+ } else {
+ puts [dump v $name]
+ }
+ }
+## which - tells you where a command is found
+# ARGS: cmd - command name
+# Returns: where command is found (internal / external / unknown)
+proc which cmd {
+ ## This tries to auto-load a command if not recognized
+ set types [uplevel 1 [list what $cmd 1]]
+ if {[llength $types]} {
+ set out {}
+ foreach type $types {
+ switch -- $type {
+ alias { set res "$cmd: aliased to [alias $cmd]" }
+ procedure { set res "$cmd: procedure" }
+ command { set res "$cmd: internal command" }
+ executable { lappend out [auto_execok $cmd] }
+ variable { lappend out "$cmd: $type" }
+ }
+ if {[info exists res]} {
+ global auto_index
+ if {[info exists auto_index($cmd)]} {
+ ## This tells you where the command MIGHT have come from -
+ ## not true if the command was redefined interactively or
+ ## existed before it had to be auto_loaded. This is just
+ ## provided as a hint at where it MAY have come from
+ append res " ($auto_index($cmd))"
+ }
+ lappend out $res
+ unset res
+ }
+ }
+ return [join $out \n]
+ } else {
+ return -code error "$cmd: command not found"
+ }
+## what - tells you what a string is recognized as
+# ARGS: str - string to id
+# Returns: id types of command as list
+proc what {str {autoload 0}} {
+ set types {}
+ if {[llength [info commands $str]] || ($autoload && \
+ [auto_load $str] && [llength [info commands $str]])} {
+ if {[lsearch -exact [interp aliases] $str] > -1} {
+ lappend types "alias"
+ } elseif {
+ [llength [info procs $str]] ||
+ ([string match *::* $str] &&
+ [llength [namespace eval [namespace qualifier $str] \
+ info procs [namespace tail $str]]])
+ } {
+ lappend types "procedure"
+ } else {
+ lappend types "command"
+ }
+ }
+ if {[llength [uplevel 1 info vars $str]]} {
+ upvar 1 $str var
+ if {[array exists var]} {
+ lappend types array variable
+ } else {
+ lappend types scalar variable
+ }
+ }
+ if {[file isdirectory $str]} {
+ lappend types "directory"
+ }
+ if {[file isfile $str]} {
+ lappend types "file"
+ }
+ if {[llength [info commands winfo]] && [winfo exists $str]} {
+ lappend types "widget"
+ }
+ if {[string compare {} [auto_execok $str]]} {
+ lappend types "executable"
+ }
+ return $types
+## dir - directory list
+# ARGS: args - names/glob patterns of directories to list
+# OPTS: -all - list hidden files as well (Unix dot files)
+# -long - list in full format "permissions size date filename"
+# -full - displays / after directories and link paths for links
+# Returns: a directory listing
+proc dir {args} {
+ array set s {
+ all 0 full 0 long 0
+ 0 --- 1 --x 2 -w- 3 -wx 4 r-- 5 r-x 6 rw- 7 rwx
+ }
+ while {[string match \-* [lindex $args 0]]} {
+ set str [lindex $args 0]
+ set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
+ switch -glob -- $str {
+ -a* {set s(all) 1} -f* {set s(full) 1}
+ -l* {set s(long) 1} -- break
+ default {
+ return -code error "unknown option \"$str\",\
+ should be one of: -all, -full, -long"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set sep [string trim [file join . .] .]
+ if {![llength $args]} { set args . }
+ if {$::tcl_version >= 8.3} {
+ # Newer glob args allow safer dir processing. The user may still
+ # want glob chars, but really only for file matching.
+ foreach arg $args {
+ if {[file isdirectory $arg]} {
+ if {$s(all)} {
+ lappend out [list $arg [lsort \
+ [glob -nocomplain -directory $arg .* *]]]
+ } else {
+ lappend out [list $arg [lsort \
+ [glob -nocomplain -directory $arg *]]]
+ }
+ } else {
+ set dir [file dirname $arg]
+ lappend out [list $dir$sep [lsort \
+ [glob -nocomplain -directory $dir [file tail $arg]]]]
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach arg $args {
+ if {[file isdirectory $arg]} {
+ set arg [string trimright $arg $sep]$sep
+ if {$s(all)} {
+ lappend out [list $arg [lsort [glob -nocomplain -- $arg.* $arg*]]]
+ } else {
+ lappend out [list $arg [lsort [glob -nocomplain -- $arg*]]]
+ }
+ } else {
+ lappend out [list [file dirname $arg]$sep \
+ [lsort [glob -nocomplain -- $arg]]]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$s(long)} {
+ set old [clock scan {1 year ago}]
+ set fmt "%s%9d %s %s\n"
+ foreach o $out {
+ set d [lindex $o 0]
+ append res $d:\n
+ foreach f [lindex $o 1] {
+ file lstat $f st
+ set f [file tail $f]
+ if {$s(full)} {
+ switch -glob $st(type) {
+ d* { append f $sep }
+ l* { append f "@ -> [file readlink $d$sep$f]" }
+ default { if {[file exec $d$sep$f]} { append f * } }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[string match file $st(type)]} {
+ set mode -
+ } else {
+ set mode [string index $st(type) 0]
+ }
+ foreach j [split [format %03o [expr {$st(mode)&0777}]] {}] {
+ append mode $s($j)
+ }
+ if {$st(mtime)>$old} {
+ set cfmt {%b %d %H:%M}
+ } else {
+ set cfmt {%b %d %Y}
+ }
+ append res [format $fmt $mode $st(size) \
+ [clock format $st(mtime) -format $cfmt] $f]
+ }
+ append res \n
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach o $out {
+ set d [lindex $o 0]
+ append res "$d:\n"
+ set i 0
+ foreach f [lindex $o 1] {
+ if {[string len [file tail $f]] > $i} {
+ set i [string len [file tail $f]]
+ }
+ }
+ set i [expr {$i+2+$s(full)}]
+ set j 80
+ ## This gets the number of cols in the tkcon console widget
+ if {[llength [info commands tkcon]]} {
+ set j [expr {[tkcon master set ::tkcon::OPT(cols)]/$i}]
+ }
+ set k 0
+ foreach f [lindex $o 1] {
+ set f [file tail $f]
+ if {$s(full)} {
+ switch -glob [file type $d$sep$f] {
+ d* { append f $sep }
+ l* { append f @ }
+ default { if {[file exec $d$sep$f]} { append f * } }
+ }
+ }
+ append res [format "%-${i}s" $f]
+ if {$j == 0 || [incr k]%$j == 0} {
+ set res [string trimright $res]\n
+ }
+ }
+ append res \n\n
+ }
+ }
+ return [string trimright $res]
+interp alias {} ::ls {} ::dir -full
+## lremove - remove items from a list
+# OPTS:
+# -all remove all instances of each item
+# -glob remove all instances matching glob pattern
+# -regexp remove all instances matching regexp pattern
+# ARGS: l a list to remove items from
+# args items to remove (these are 'join'ed together)
+proc lremove {args} {
+ array set opts {-all 0 pattern -exact}
+ while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
+ -a* { set opts(-all) 1 }
+ -g* { set opts(pattern) -glob }
+ -r* { set opts(pattern) -regexp }
+ -- { set args [lreplace $args 0 0]; break }
+ default {return -code error "unknown option \"[lindex $args 0]\""}
+ }
+ set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
+ }
+ set l [lindex $args 0]
+ foreach i [join [lreplace $args 0 0]] {
+ if {[set ix [lsearch $opts(pattern) $l $i]] == -1} continue
+ set l [lreplace $l $ix $ix]
+ if {$opts(-all)} {
+ while {[set ix [lsearch $opts(pattern) $l $i]] != -1} {
+ set l [lreplace $l $ix $ix]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $l
+if {!$::tkcon::PRIV(WWW)} {;
+## Unknown changed to get output into tkcon window
+# unknown:
+# Invoked automatically whenever an unknown command is encountered.
+# Works through a list of "unknown handlers" that have been registered
+# to deal with unknown commands. Extensions can integrate their own
+# handlers into the 'unknown' facility via 'unknown_handler'.
+# If a handler exists that recognizes the command, then it will
+# take care of the command action and return a valid result or a
+# Tcl error. Otherwise, it should return "-code continue" (=2)
+# and responsibility for the command is passed to the next handler.
+# Arguments:
+# args - A list whose elements are the words of the original
+# command, including the command name.
+proc unknown args {
+ global unknown_handler_order unknown_handlers errorInfo errorCode
+ #
+ # Be careful to save error info now, and restore it later
+ # for each handler. Some handlers generate their own errors
+ # and disrupt handling.
+ #
+ set savedErrorCode $errorCode
+ set savedErrorInfo $errorInfo
+ if {![info exists unknown_handler_order] || \
+ ![info exists unknown_handlers]} {
+ set unknown_handlers(tcl) tcl_unknown
+ set unknown_handler_order tcl
+ }
+ foreach handler $unknown_handler_order {
+ set status [catch {uplevel 1 $unknown_handlers($handler) $args} result]
+ if {$status == 1} {
+ #
+ # Strip the last five lines off the error stack (they're
+ # from the "uplevel" command).
+ #
+ set new [split $errorInfo \n]
+ set new [join [lrange $new 0 [expr {[llength $new]-6}]] \n]
+ return -code $status -errorcode $errorCode \
+ -errorinfo $new $result
+ } elseif {$status != 4} {
+ return -code $status $result
+ }
+ set errorCode $savedErrorCode
+ set errorInfo $savedErrorInfo
+ }
+ set name [lindex $args 0]
+ return -code error "invalid command name \"$name\""
+# tcl_unknown:
+# Invoked when a Tcl command is invoked that doesn't exist in the
+# interpreter:
+# 1. See if the autoload facility can locate the command in a
+# Tcl script file. If so, load it and execute it.
+# 2. If the command was invoked interactively at top-level:
+# (a) see if the command exists as an executable UNIX program.
+# If so, "exec" the command.
+# (b) see if the command requests csh-like history substitution
+# in one of the common forms !!, !<number>, or ^old^new. If
+# so, emulate csh's history substitution.
+# (c) see if the command is a unique abbreviation for another
+# command. If so, invoke the command.
+# Arguments:
+# args - A list whose elements are the words of the original
+# command, including the command name.
+proc tcl_unknown args {
+ global auto_noexec auto_noload env unknown_pending tcl_interactive
+ global errorCode errorInfo
+ # If the command word has the form "namespace inscope ns cmd"
+ # then concatenate its arguments onto the end and evaluate it.
+ set cmd [lindex $args 0]
+ if {[regexp "^namespace\[ \t\n\]+inscope" $cmd] && [llength $cmd] == 4} {
+ set arglist [lrange $args 1 end]
+ set ret [catch {uplevel 1 $cmd $arglist} result]
+ if {$ret == 0} {
+ return $result
+ } else {
+ return -code $ret -errorcode $errorCode $result
+ }
+ }
+ # CAD tools special:
+ # Check for commands which were renamed to tcl_(command)
+ if {[lsearch [info commands] tcl_$cmd] >= 0} {
+ set arglist [concat tcl_$cmd [lrange $args 1 end]]
+ set ret [catch {eval $arglist} result]
+ if {$ret == 0} {
+ return $result
+ } else {
+ return -code $ret -errorcode $errorCode $result
+ }
+ }
+ # Save the values of errorCode and errorInfo variables, since they
+ # may get modified if caught errors occur below. The variables will
+ # be restored just before re-executing the missing command.
+ set savedErrorCode $errorCode
+ set savedErrorInfo $errorInfo
+ set name [lindex $args 0]
+ if {![info exists auto_noload]} {
+ #
+ # Make sure we're not trying to load the same proc twice.
+ #
+ if {[info exists unknown_pending($name)]} {
+ return -code error "self-referential recursion in \"unknown\" for command \"$name\""
+ }
+ set unknown_pending($name) pending
+ if {[llength [info args auto_load]]==1} {
+ set ret [catch {auto_load $name} msg]
+ } else {
+ set ret [catch {auto_load $name [uplevel 1 {namespace current}]} msg]
+ }
+ unset unknown_pending($name)
+ if {$ret} {
+ return -code $ret -errorcode $errorCode \
+ "error while autoloading \"$name\": $msg"
+ }
+ #
+ # Avoid problems with renaming "array"! (for tcl-based magic only)
+ #
+ set arraycmd array
+ if {[lsearch [info commands] tcl_array] >= 0} {set arraycmd tcl_array}
+ if {![$arraycmd size unknown_pending]} { unset unknown_pending }
+ if {$msg} {
+ set errorCode $savedErrorCode
+ set errorInfo $savedErrorInfo
+ set code [catch {uplevel 1 $args} msg]
+ if {$code == 1} {
+ #
+ # Strip the last five lines off the error stack (they're
+ # from the "uplevel" command).
+ #
+ set new [split $errorInfo \n]
+ set new [join [lrange $new 0 [expr {[llength $new]-6}]] \n]
+ return -code error -errorcode $errorCode \
+ -errorinfo $new $msg
+ } else {
+ return -code $code $msg
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info level] == 1 && [string match {} [info script]] \
+ && [info exists tcl_interactive] && $tcl_interactive} {
+ if {![info exists auto_noexec]} {
+ set new [auto_execok $name]
+ if {[string compare {} $new]} {
+ set errorCode $savedErrorCode
+ set errorInfo $savedErrorInfo
+ return [uplevel 1 exec $new [lrange $args 1 end]]
+ #return [uplevel exec >&@stdout <@stdin $new [lrange $args 1 end]]
+ }
+ }
+ set errorCode $savedErrorCode
+ set errorInfo $savedErrorInfo
+ ##
+ ## History substitution moved into ::tkcon::EvalCmd
+ ##
+ set ret [catch {set cmds [info commands $name*]} msg]
+ if {[string compare $name "::"] == 0} {
+ set name ""
+ }
+ if {$ret != 0} {
+ return -code $ret -errorcode $errorCode \
+ "error in unknown while checking if \"$name\" is a unique command abbreviation: $msg"
+ }
+ set cmds [info commands $name*]
+ if {[llength $cmds] == 1} {
+ return [uplevel 1 [lreplace $args 0 0 $cmds]]
+ }
+ if {[llength $cmds]} {
+ if {$name == ""} {
+ return -code error "empty command name \"\""
+ } else {
+ return -code error \
+ "ambiguous command name \"$name\": [lsort $cmds]"
+ }
+ }
+ ## We've got nothing so far
+ ## Check and see if Tk wasn't loaded, but it appears to be a Tk cmd
+ if {![uplevel \#0 info exists tk_version]} {
+ lappend tkcmds bell bind bindtags button \
+ canvas checkbutton clipboard destroy \
+ entry event focus font frame grab grid image \
+ label listbox lower menu menubutton message \
+ option pack place radiobutton raise \
+ scale scrollbar selection send spinbox \
+ text tk tkwait toplevel winfo wm
+ if {[lsearch -exact $tkcmds $name] >= 0 && \
+ [tkcon master tk_messageBox -icon question -parent . \
+ -title "Load Tk?" -type retrycancel -default retry \
+ -message "This appears to be a Tk command, but Tk\
+ has not yet been loaded. Shall I retry the command\
+ with loading Tk first?"] == "retry"} {
+ return [uplevel 1 "load {} Tk; $args"]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -code continue
+} ; # end exclusionary code for WWW
+proc ::tkcon::Bindings {} {
+ variable PRIV
+ global tcl_platform tk_version
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Elements of tkPriv that are used in this file:
+ #
+ # char - Character position on the line; kept in order
+ # to allow moving up or down past short lines while
+ # still remembering the desired position.
+ # mouseMoved - Non-zero means the mouse has moved a significant
+ # amount since the button went down (so, for example,
+ # start dragging out a selection).
+ # prevPos - Used when moving up or down lines via the keyboard.
+ # Keeps track of the previous insert position, so
+ # we can distinguish a series of ups and downs, all
+ # in a row, from a new up or down.
+ # selectMode - The style of selection currently underway:
+ # char, word, or line.
+ # x, y - Last known mouse coordinates for scanning
+ # and auto-scanning.
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ switch -glob $tcl_platform(platform) {
+ win* { set PRIV(meta) Alt }
+ mac* { set PRIV(meta) Command }
+ default { set PRIV(meta) Meta }
+ }
+ ## Get all Text bindings into TkConsole
+ foreach ev [bind Text] { bind TkConsole $ev [bind Text $ev] }
+ ## We really didn't want the newline insertion
+ bind TkConsole <Control-Key-o> {}
+ bind TkConsole <<NextLine>> {}
+ bind TkConsole <<PrevLine>> {}
+ ## Now make all our virtual event bindings
+ foreach {ev key} [subst -nocommand -noback {
+ <<TkCon_Exit>> <Control-q>
+ <<TkCon_New>> <Control-N>
+ <<TkCon_Close>> <Control-w>
+ <<TkCon_About>> <Control-A>
+ <<TkCon_Help>> <Control-H>
+ <<TkCon_Find>> <Control-F>
+ <<TkCon_Slave>> <Control-Key-1>
+ <<TkCon_Master>> <Control-Key-2>
+ <<TkCon_Main>> <Control-Key-3>
+ <<TkCon_Expand>> <Key-Tab>
+ <<TkCon_ExpandFile>> <Key-Escape>
+ <<TkCon_ExpandProc>> <Control-P>
+ <<TkCon_ExpandVar>> <Control-V>
+ <<TkCon_Tab>> <Control-i>
+ <<TkCon_Tab>> <$PRIV(meta)-i>
+ <<TkCon_Newline>> <Control-o>
+ <<TkCon_Newline>> <$PRIV(meta)-o>
+ <<TkCon_Newline>> <Control-Key-Return>
+ <<TkCon_Newline>> <Control-Key-KP_Enter>
+ <<TkCon_Eval>> <Return>
+ <<TkCon_Eval>> <KP_Enter>
+ <<TkCon_Clear>> <Control-l>
+ <<TkCon_Previous>> <Up>
+ <<TkCon_PreviousImmediate>> <Control-p>
+ <<TkCon_PreviousSearch>> <Control-r>
+ <<TkCon_Next>> <Down>
+ <<TkCon_NextImmediate>> <Control-n>
+ <<TkCon_NextSearch>> <Control-s>
+ <<TkCon_Transpose>> <Control-t>
+ <<TkCon_ClearLine>> <Control-u>
+ <<TkCon_SaveCommand>> <Control-z>
+ <<TkCon_Popup>> <Button-3>
+ }] {
+ event add $ev $key
+ ## Make sure the specific key won't be defined
+ bind TkConsole $key {}
+ }
+ ## Make the ROOT bindings
+ bind $PRIV(root) <<TkCon_Exit>> exit
+ bind $PRIV(root) <<TkCon_New>> { ::tkcon::New }
+ bind $PRIV(root) <<TkCon_Close>> { ::tkcon::Destroy }
+ bind $PRIV(root) <<TkCon_About>> { ::tkcon::About }
+ bind $PRIV(root) <<TkCon_Help>> { ::tkcon::Help }
+ bind $PRIV(root) <<TkCon_Find>> { ::tkcon::FindBox $::tkcon::PRIV(console) }
+ bind $PRIV(root) <<TkCon_Slave>> {
+ ::tkcon::Attach {}
+ ::tkcon::Prompt "\n" [::tkcon::CmdGet $::tkcon::PRIV(console)]
+ }
+ bind $PRIV(root) <<TkCon_Master>> {
+ if {[string compare {} $::tkcon::PRIV(name)]} {
+ ::tkcon::Attach $::tkcon::PRIV(name)
+ } else {
+ ::tkcon::Attach Main
+ }
+ ::tkcon::Prompt "\n" [::tkcon::CmdGet $::tkcon::PRIV(console)]
+ }
+ bind $PRIV(root) <<TkCon_Main>> {
+ ::tkcon::Attach Main
+ ::tkcon::Prompt "\n" [::tkcon::CmdGet $::tkcon::PRIV(console)]
+ }
+ bind $PRIV(root) <<TkCon_Popup>> {
+ ::tkcon::PopupMenu %X %Y
+ }
+ ## Menu items need null TkConsolePost bindings to avoid the TagProc
+ ##
+ foreach ev [bind $PRIV(root)] {
+ bind TkConsolePost $ev {
+ # empty
+ }
+ }
+ # ::tkcon::ClipboardKeysyms --
+ # This procedure is invoked to identify the keys that correspond to
+ # the copy, cut, and paste functions for the clipboard.
+ #
+ # Arguments:
+ # copy - Name of the key (keysym name plus modifiers, if any,
+ # such as "Meta-y") used for the copy operation.
+ # cut - Name of the key used for the cut operation.
+ # paste - Name of the key used for the paste operation.
+ proc ::tkcon::ClipboardKeysyms {copy cut paste} {
+ bind TkConsole <$copy> {::tkcon::Copy %W}
+ bind TkConsole <$cut> {::tkcon::Cut %W}
+ bind TkConsole <$paste> {::tkcon::Paste %W}
+ }
+ proc ::tkcon::GetSelection {w} {
+ if {
+ ![catch {selection get -displayof $w -type UTF8_STRING} txt] ||
+ ![catch {selection get -displayof $w} txt] ||
+ ![catch {selection get -displayof $w -selection CLIPBOARD} txt]
+ } {
+ return $txt
+ }
+ return -code error "could not find default selection"
+ }
+ proc ::tkcon::Cut w {
+ if {[string match $w [selection own -displayof $w]]} {
+ clipboard clear -displayof $w
+ catch {
+ set txt [selection get -displayof $w]
+ clipboard append -displayof $w $txt
+ if {[$w compare sel.first >= limit]} {
+ $w delete sel.first sel.last
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ proc ::tkcon::Copy w {
+ if {[string match $w [selection own -displayof $w]]} {
+ clipboard clear -displayof $w
+ catch {
+ set txt [selection get -displayof $w]
+ clipboard append -displayof $w $txt
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ proc ::tkcon::Paste w {
+ if {![catch {GetSelection $w} txt]} {
+ if {[$w compare insert < limit]} { $w mark set insert end }
+ $w insert insert $txt
+ $w see insert
+ if {[string match *\n* $txt]} { ::tkcon::Eval $w }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Redefine for TkConsole what we need
+ ##
+ event delete <<Paste>> <Control-V>
+ ::tkcon::ClipboardKeysyms <Copy> <Cut> <Paste>
+ bind TkConsole <Insert> {
+ catch { ::tkcon::Insert %W [::tkcon::GetSelection %W] }
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <Triple-1> {+
+ catch {
+ eval %W tag remove sel [%W tag nextrange prompt sel.first sel.last]
+ eval %W tag remove sel sel.last-1c
+ %W mark set insert sel.first
+ }
+ }
+ ## binding editor needed
+ ## binding <events> for .tkconrc
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_ExpandFile>> {
+ if {[%W compare insert > limit]} {::tkcon::Expand %W path}
+ break
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_ExpandProc>> {
+ if {[%W compare insert > limit]} {::tkcon::Expand %W proc}
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_ExpandVar>> {
+ if {[%W compare insert > limit]} {::tkcon::Expand %W var}
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Expand>> {
+ if {[%W compare insert > limit]} {::tkcon::Expand %W}
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Tab>> {
+ if {[%W compare insert >= limit]} {
+ ::tkcon::Insert %W \t
+ }
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Newline>> {
+ if {[%W compare insert >= limit]} {
+ ::tkcon::Insert %W \n
+ }
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Eval>> {
+ ::tkcon::Eval %W
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <Delete> {
+ if {[llength [%W tag nextrange sel 1.0 end]] \
+ && [%W compare sel.first >= limit]} {
+ %W delete sel.first sel.last
+ } elseif {[%W compare insert >= limit]} {
+ %W delete insert
+ %W see insert
+ }
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <BackSpace> {
+ if {[llength [%W tag nextrange sel 1.0 end]] \
+ && [%W compare sel.first >= limit]} {
+ %W delete sel.first sel.last
+ } elseif {[%W compare insert != 1.0] && [%W compare insert > limit]} {
+ %W delete insert-1c
+ %W see insert
+ }
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <Control-h> [bind TkConsole <BackSpace>]
+ bind TkConsole <KeyPress> {
+ ::tkcon::Insert %W %A
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <Control-a> {
+ if {[%W compare {limit linestart} == {insert linestart}]} {
+ tkTextSetCursor %W limit
+ } else {
+ tkTextSetCursor %W {insert linestart}
+ }
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <Key-Home> [bind TkConsole <Control-a>]
+ bind TkConsole <Control-d> {
+ if {[%W compare insert < limit]} break
+ %W delete insert
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <Control-k> {
+ if {[%W compare insert < limit]} break
+ if {[%W compare insert == {insert lineend}]} {
+ %W delete insert
+ } else {
+ %W delete insert {insert lineend}
+ }
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Clear>> {
+ ## Clear console buffer, without losing current command line input
+ set ::tkcon::PRIV(tmp) [::tkcon::CmdGet %W]
+ clear
+ ::tkcon::Prompt {} $::tkcon::PRIV(tmp)
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Previous>> {
+ if {[%W compare {insert linestart} != {limit linestart}]} {
+ tkTextSetCursor %W [tkTextUpDownLine %W -1]
+ } else {
+ ::tkcon::Event -1
+ }
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Next>> {
+ if {[%W compare {insert linestart} != {end-1c linestart}]} {
+ tkTextSetCursor %W [tkTextUpDownLine %W 1]
+ } else {
+ ::tkcon::Event 1
+ }
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_NextImmediate>> { ::tkcon::Event 1 }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_PreviousImmediate>> { ::tkcon::Event -1 }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_PreviousSearch>> {
+ ::tkcon::Event -1 [::tkcon::CmdGet %W]
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_NextSearch>> {
+ ::tkcon::Event 1 [::tkcon::CmdGet %W]
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Transpose>> {
+ ## Transpose current and previous chars
+ if {[%W compare insert > "limit+1c"]} { tkTextTranspose %W }
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_ClearLine>> {
+ ## Clear command line (Unix shell staple)
+ %W delete limit end
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <<TkCon_SaveCommand>> {
+ ## Save command buffer (swaps with current command)
+ set ::tkcon::PRIV(tmp) $::tkcon::PRIV(cmdsave)
+ set ::tkcon::PRIV(cmdsave) [::tkcon::CmdGet %W]
+ if {[string match {} $::tkcon::PRIV(cmdsave)]} {
+ set ::tkcon::PRIV(cmdsave) $::tkcon::PRIV(tmp)
+ } else {
+ %W delete limit end-1c
+ }
+ ::tkcon::Insert %W $::tkcon::PRIV(tmp)
+ %W see end
+ }
+ catch {bind TkConsole <Key-Page_Up> { tkTextScrollPages %W -1 }}
+ catch {bind TkConsole <Key-Prior> { tkTextScrollPages %W -1 }}
+ catch {bind TkConsole <Key-Page_Down> { tkTextScrollPages %W 1 }}
+ catch {bind TkConsole <Key-Next> { tkTextScrollPages %W 1 }}
+ bind TkConsole <$PRIV(meta)-d> {
+ if {[%W compare insert >= limit]} {
+ %W delete insert {insert wordend}
+ }
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <$PRIV(meta)-BackSpace> {
+ if {[%W compare {insert -1c wordstart} >= limit]} {
+ %W delete {insert -1c wordstart} insert
+ }
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <$PRIV(meta)-Delete> {
+ if {[%W compare insert >= limit]} {
+ %W delete insert {insert wordend}
+ }
+ }
+ bind TkConsole <ButtonRelease-2> {
+ if {
+ (!$tkPriv(mouseMoved) || $tk_strictMotif) &&
+ ![catch {::tkcon::GetSelection %W} ::tkcon::PRIV(tmp)]
+ } {
+ if {[%W compare @%x,%y < limit]} {
+ %W insert end $::tkcon::PRIV(tmp)
+ } else {
+ %W insert @%x,%y $::tkcon::PRIV(tmp)
+ }
+ if {[string match *\n* $::tkcon::PRIV(tmp)]} {::tkcon::Eval %W}
+ }
+ }
+ ##
+ ## End TkConsole bindings
+ ##
+ ##
+ ## Bindings for doing special things based on certain keys
+ ##
+ bind TkConsolePost <Key-parenright> {
+ if {$::tkcon::OPT(lightbrace) && $::tkcon::OPT(blinktime)>99 && \
+ [string compare \\ [%W get insert-2c]]} {
+ ::tkcon::MatchPair %W \( \) limit
+ }
+ set ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusCursor) [%W index insert]
+ }
+ bind TkConsolePost <Key-bracketright> {
+ if {$::tkcon::OPT(lightbrace) && $::tkcon::OPT(blinktime)>99 && \
+ [string compare \\ [%W get insert-2c]]} {
+ ::tkcon::MatchPair %W \[ \] limit
+ }
+ set ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusCursor) [%W index insert]
+ }
+ bind TkConsolePost <Key-braceright> {
+ if {$::tkcon::OPT(lightbrace) && $::tkcon::OPT(blinktime)>99 && \
+ [string compare \\ [%W get insert-2c]]} {
+ ::tkcon::MatchPair %W \{ \} limit
+ }
+ set ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusCursor) [%W index insert]
+ }
+ bind TkConsolePost <Key-quotedbl> {
+ if {$::tkcon::OPT(lightbrace) && $::tkcon::OPT(blinktime)>99 && \
+ [string compare \\ [%W get insert-2c]]} {
+ ::tkcon::MatchQuote %W limit
+ }
+ set ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusCursor) [%W index insert]
+ }
+ bind TkConsolePost <KeyPress> {
+ if {$::tkcon::OPT(lightcmd) && [string compare {} %A]} {
+ ::tkcon::TagProc %W
+ }
+ set ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusCursor) [%W index insert]
+ }
+ bind TkConsolePost <Button-1> {
+ set ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusCursor) [%W index insert]
+ }
+ bind TkConsolePost <B1-Motion> {
+ set ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusCursor) [%W index insert]
+ }
+# ::tkcon::PopupMenu - what to do when the popup menu is requested
+proc ::tkcon::PopupMenu {X Y} {
+ variable PRIV
+ set w $PRIV(console)
+ if {[string compare $w [winfo containing $X $Y]]} {
+ tk_popup $PRIV(popup) $X $Y
+ return
+ }
+ set x [expr {$X-[winfo rootx $w]}]
+ set y [expr {$Y-[winfo rooty $w]}]
+ if {[llength [set tags [$w tag names @$x,$y]]]} {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $tags "proc"] >= 0} {
+ lappend type "proc"
+ foreach {first last} [$w tag prevrange proc @$x,$y] {
+ set word [$w get $first $last]; break
+ }
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -exact $tags "var"] >= 0} {
+ lappend type "var"
+ foreach {first last} [$w tag prevrange var @$x,$y] {
+ set word [$w get $first $last]; break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {![info exists type]} {
+ set exp "(^|\[^\\\\\]\[ \t\n\r\])"
+ set exp2 "\[\[\\\\\\?\\*\]"
+ set i [$w search -backwards -regexp $exp @$x,$y "@$x,$y linestart"]
+ if {[string compare {} $i]} {
+ if {![string match *.0 $i]} {append i +2c}
+ if {[string compare {} \
+ [set j [$w search -regexp $exp $i "$i lineend"]]]} {
+ append j +1c
+ } else {
+ set j "$i lineend"
+ }
+ regsub -all $exp2 [$w get $i $j] {\\\0} word
+ set word [string trim $word {\"$[]{}',?#*}]
+ if {[llength [EvalAttached [list info commands $word]]]} {
+ lappend type "proc"
+ }
+ if {[llength [EvalAttached [list info vars $word]]]} {
+ lappend type "var"
+ }
+ if {[EvalAttached [list file isfile $word]]} {
+ lappend type "file"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {![info exists type] || ![info exists word]} {
+ tk_popup $PRIV(popup) $X $Y
+ return
+ }
+ $PRIV(context) delete 0 end
+ $PRIV(context) add command -label "$word" -state disabled
+ $PRIV(context) add separator
+ set app [Attach]
+ if {[lsearch $type proc] != -1} {
+ $PRIV(context) add command -label "View Procedure" \
+ -command [list edit -attach $app -type proc -- $word]
+ }
+ if {[lsearch $type var] != -1} {
+ $PRIV(context) add command -label "View Variable" \
+ -command [list edit -attach $app -type var -- $word]
+ }
+ if {[lsearch $type file] != -1} {
+ $PRIV(context) add command -label "View File" \
+ -command [list edit -attach $app -type file -- $word]
+ }
+ tk_popup $PRIV(context) $X $Y
+## ::tkcon::TagProc - tags a procedure in the console if it's recognized
+## This procedure is not perfect. However, making it perfect wastes
+## too much CPU time...
+proc ::tkcon::TagProc w {
+ set exp "\[^\\\\\]\[\[ \t\n\r\;{}\"\$\]"
+ set i [$w search -backwards -regexp $exp insert-1c limit-1c]
+ if {[string compare {} $i]} {append i +2c} else {set i limit}
+ regsub -all "\[\[\\\\\\?\\*\]" [$w get $i "insert-1c wordend"] {\\\0} c
+ if {[llength [EvalAttached [list info commands $c]]]} {
+ $w tag add proc $i "insert-1c wordend"
+ } else {
+ $w tag remove proc $i "insert-1c wordend"
+ }
+ if {[llength [EvalAttached [list info vars $c]]]} {
+ $w tag add var $i "insert-1c wordend"
+ } else {
+ $w tag remove var $i "insert-1c wordend"
+ }
+## ::tkcon::MatchPair - blinks a matching pair of characters
+## c2 is assumed to be at the text index 'insert'.
+## This proc is really loopy and took me an hour to figure out given
+## all possible combinations with escaping except for escaped \'s.
+## It doesn't take into account possible commenting... Oh well. If
+## anyone has something better, I'd like to see/use it. This is really
+## only efficient for small contexts.
+# ARGS: w - console text widget
+# c1 - first char of pair
+# c2 - second char of pair
+# Calls: ::tkcon::Blink
+proc ::tkcon::MatchPair {w c1 c2 {lim 1.0}} {
+ if {[string compare {} [set ix [$w search -back $c1 insert $lim]]]} {
+ while {
+ [string match {\\} [$w get $ix-1c]] &&
+ [string compare {} [set ix [$w search -back $c1 $ix-1c $lim]]]
+ } {}
+ set i1 insert-1c
+ while {[string compare {} $ix]} {
+ set i0 $ix
+ set j 0
+ while {[string compare {} [set i0 [$w search $c2 $i0 $i1]]]} {
+ append i0 +1c
+ if {[string match {\\} [$w get $i0-2c]]} continue
+ incr j
+ }
+ if {!$j} break
+ set i1 $ix
+ while {$j && [string compare {} \
+ [set ix [$w search -back $c1 $ix $lim]]]} {
+ if {[string match {\\} [$w get $ix-1c]]} continue
+ incr j -1
+ }
+ }
+ if {[string match {} $ix]} { set ix [$w index $lim] }
+ } else { set ix [$w index $lim] }
+ if {$::tkcon::OPT(blinkrange)} {
+ Blink $w $ix [$w index insert]
+ } else {
+ Blink $w $ix $ix+1c [$w index insert-1c] [$w index insert]
+ }
+## ::tkcon::MatchQuote - blinks between matching quotes.
+## Blinks just the quote if it's unmatched, otherwise blinks quoted string
+## The quote to match is assumed to be at the text index 'insert'.
+# ARGS: w - console text widget
+# Calls: ::tkcon::Blink
+proc ::tkcon::MatchQuote {w {lim 1.0}} {
+ set i insert-1c
+ set j 0
+ while {[string compare [set i [$w search -back \" $i $lim]] {}]} {
+ if {[string match {\\} [$w get $i-1c]]} continue
+ if {!$j} {set i0 $i}
+ incr j
+ }
+ if {$j&1} {
+ if {$::tkcon::OPT(blinkrange)} {
+ Blink $w $i0 [$w index insert]
+ } else {
+ Blink $w $i0 $i0+1c [$w index insert-1c] [$w index insert]
+ }
+ } else {
+ Blink $w [$w index insert-1c] [$w index insert]
+ }
+## ::tkcon::Blink - blinks between n index pairs for a specified duration.
+# ARGS: w - console text widget
+# i1 - start index to blink region
+# i2 - end index of blink region
+# dur - duration in usecs to blink for
+# Outputs: blinks selected characters in $w
+proc ::tkcon::Blink {w args} {
+ eval [list $w tag add blink] $args
+ after $::tkcon::OPT(blinktime) [list $w] tag remove blink $args
+ return
+## ::tkcon::Insert
+## Insert a string into a text console at the point of the insertion cursor.
+## If there is a selection in the text, and it covers the point of the
+## insertion cursor, then delete the selection before inserting.
+# ARGS: w - text window in which to insert the string
+# s - string to insert (usually just a single char)
+# Outputs: $s to text widget
+proc ::tkcon::Insert {w s} {
+ if {[string match {} $s] || [string match disabled [$w cget -state]]} {
+ return
+ }
+ if {[$w comp insert < limit]} {
+ $w mark set insert end
+ }
+ if {[llength [$w tag ranges sel]] && \
+ [$w comp sel.first <= insert] && [$w comp sel.last >= insert]} {
+ $w delete sel.first sel.last
+ }
+ $w insert insert $s
+ $w see insert
+## ::tkcon::Expand -
+# ARGS: w - text widget in which to expand str
+# type - type of expansion (path / proc / variable)
+# Calls: ::tkcon::Expand(Pathname|Procname|Variable)
+# Outputs: The string to match is expanded to the longest possible match.
+# If ::tkcon::OPT(showmultiple) is non-zero and the user longest
+# match equaled the string to expand, then all possible matches
+# are output to stdout. Triggers bell if no matches are found.
+# Returns: number of matches found
+proc ::tkcon::Expand {w {type ""}} {
+ set exp "\[^\\\\\]\[\[ \t\n\r\\\{\"$\]"
+ set tmp [$w search -backwards -regexp $exp insert-1c limit-1c]
+ if {[string compare {} $tmp]} {append tmp +2c} else {set tmp limit}
+ if {[$w compare $tmp >= insert]} return
+ set str [$w get $tmp insert]
+ switch -glob $type {
+ pa* { set res [ExpandPathname $str] }
+ pr* { set res [ExpandProcname $str] }
+ v* { set res [ExpandVariable $str] }
+ default {
+ set res {}
+ foreach t $::tkcon::OPT(expandorder) {
+ if {![catch {Expand$t $str} res] && \
+ [string compare {} $res]} break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set len [llength $res]
+ if {$len} {
+ $w delete $tmp insert
+ $w insert $tmp [lindex $res 0]
+ if {$len > 1} {
+ if {$::tkcon::OPT(showmultiple) && \
+ ![string compare [lindex $res 0] $str]} {
+ puts stdout [lsort [lreplace $res 0 0]]
+ }
+ }
+ } else { bell }
+ return [incr len -1]
+## ::tkcon::ExpandPathname - expand a file pathname based on $str
+## This is based on UNIX file name conventions
+# ARGS: str - partial file pathname to expand
+# Calls: ::tkcon::ExpandBestMatch
+# Returns: list containing longest unique match followed by all the
+# possible further matches
+proc ::tkcon::ExpandPathname str {
+ set pwd [EvalAttached pwd]
+ # Cause a string like {C:/Program\ Files/} to become "C:/Program Files/"
+ regsub -all {\\([][ ])} $str {\1} str
+ if {[catch {EvalAttached [list cd [file dirname $str]]} err]} {
+ return -code error $err
+ }
+ set dir [file tail $str]
+ ## Check to see if it was known to be a directory and keep the trailing
+ ## slash if so (file tail cuts it off)
+ if {[string match */ $str]} { append dir / }
+ # Create a safely glob-able name
+ regsub -all {([][])} $dir {\\\1} safedir
+ if {[catch {lsort [EvalAttached [list glob $safedir*]]} m]} {
+ set match {}
+ } else {
+ if {[llength $m] > 1} {
+ global tcl_platform
+ if {[string match windows $tcl_platform(platform)]} {
+ ## Windows is screwy because it's case insensitive
+ set tmp [ExpandBestMatch [string tolower $m] \
+ [string tolower $dir]]
+ ## Don't change case if we haven't changed the word
+ if {[string length $dir]==[string length $tmp]} {
+ set tmp $dir
+ }
+ } else {
+ set tmp [ExpandBestMatch $m $dir]
+ }
+ if {[string match */* $str]} {
+ set tmp [string trimright [file dirname $str] /]/$tmp
+ }
+ regsub -all {([^\\])([][ ])} $tmp {\1\\\2} tmp
+ set match [linsert $m 0 $tmp]
+ } else {
+ ## This may look goofy, but it handles spaces in path names
+ eval append match $m
+ if {[file isdirectory $match]} {append match /}
+ if {[string match */* $str]} {
+ set match [string trimright [file dirname $str] /]/$match
+ }
+ regsub -all {([^\\])([][ ])} $match {\1\\\2} match
+ ## Why is this one needed and the ones below aren't!!
+ set match [list $match]
+ }
+ }
+ EvalAttached [list cd $pwd]
+ return $match
+## ::tkcon::ExpandProcname - expand a tcl proc name based on $str
+# ARGS: str - partial proc name to expand
+# Calls: ::tkcon::ExpandBestMatch
+# Returns: list containing longest unique match followed by all the
+# possible further matches
+proc ::tkcon::ExpandProcname str {
+ set match [EvalAttached [list info commands $str*]]
+ if {[llength $match] == 0} {
+ set ns [EvalAttached \
+ "namespace children \[namespace current\] [list $str*]"]
+ if {[llength $ns]==1} {
+ set match [EvalAttached [list info commands ${ns}::*]]
+ } else {
+ set match $ns
+ }
+ }
+ if {[llength $match] > 1} {
+ regsub -all {([^\\]) } [ExpandBestMatch $match $str] {\1\\ } str
+ set match [linsert $match 0 $str]
+ } else {
+ regsub -all {([^\\]) } $match {\1\\ } match
+ }
+ return $match
+## ::tkcon::ExpandVariable - expand a tcl variable name based on $str
+# ARGS: str - partial tcl var name to expand
+# Calls: ::tkcon::ExpandBestMatch
+# Returns: list containing longest unique match followed by all the
+# possible further matches
+proc ::tkcon::ExpandVariable str {
+ if {[regexp {([^\(]*)\((.*)} $str junk ary str]} {
+ ## Looks like they're trying to expand an array.
+ set match [EvalAttached [list array names $ary $str*]]
+ if {[llength $match] > 1} {
+ set vars $ary\([ExpandBestMatch $match $str]
+ foreach var $match {lappend vars $ary\($var\)}
+ return $vars
+ } else {set match $ary\($match\)}
+ ## Space transformation avoided for array names.
+ } else {
+ set match [EvalAttached [list info vars $str*]]
+ if {[llength $match] > 1} {
+ regsub -all {([^\\]) } [ExpandBestMatch $match $str] {\1\\ } str
+ set match [linsert $match 0 $str]
+ } else {
+ regsub -all {([^\\]) } $match {\1\\ } match
+ }
+ }
+ return $match
+## ::tkcon::ExpandBestMatch2 - finds the best unique match in a list of names
+## Improves upon the speed of the below proc only when $l is small
+## or $e is {}. $e is extra for compatibility with proc below.
+# ARGS: l - list to find best unique match in
+# Returns: longest unique match in the list
+proc ::tkcon::ExpandBestMatch2 {l {e {}}} {
+ set s [lindex $l 0]
+ if {[llength $l]>1} {
+ set i [expr {[string length $s]-1}]
+ foreach l $l {
+ while {$i>=0 && [string first $s $l]} {
+ set s [string range $s 0 [incr i -1]]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $s
+## ::tkcon::ExpandBestMatch - finds the best unique match in a list of names
+## The extra $e in this argument allows us to limit the innermost loop a
+## little further. This improves speed as $l becomes large or $e becomes long.
+# ARGS: l - list to find best unique match in
+# e - currently best known unique match
+# Returns: longest unique match in the list
+proc ::tkcon::ExpandBestMatch {l {e {}}} {
+ set ec [lindex $l 0]
+ if {[llength $l]>1} {
+ set e [string length $e]; incr e -1
+ set ei [string length $ec]; incr ei -1
+ foreach l $l {
+ while {$ei>=$e && [string first $ec $l]} {
+ set ec [string range $ec 0 [incr ei -1]]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $ec
+# Here is a group of functions that is only used when Tkcon is
+# executed in a safe interpreter. It provides safe versions of
+# missing functions. For example:
+# - "tk appname" returns "tkcon.tcl" but cannot be set
+# - "toplevel" is equivalent to 'frame', only it is automatically
+# packed.
+# - The 'source', 'load', 'open', 'file' and 'exit' functions are
+# mapped to corresponding functions in the parent interpreter.
+# Further on, Tk cannot be really loaded. Still the safe 'load'
+# provedes a speciall case. The Tk can be divided into 4 groups,
+# that each has a safe handling procedure.
+# - "::tkcon::SafeItem" handles commands like 'button', 'canvas' ......
+# Each of these functions has the window name as first argument.
+# - "::tkcon::SafeManage" handles commands like 'pack', 'place', 'grid',
+# 'winfo', which can have multiple window names as arguments.
+# - "::tkcon::SafeWindow" handles all windows, such as '.'. For every
+# window created, a new alias is formed which also is handled by
+# this function.
+# - Other (e.g. bind, bindtag, image), which need their own function.
+## These functions courtesy Jan Nijtmans (
+if {[string compare [info command tk] tk]} {
+ proc tk {option args} {
+ if {![string match app* $option]} {
+ error "wrong option \"$option\": should be appname"
+ }
+ return "tkcon.tcl"
+ }
+if {[string compare [info command toplevel] toplevel]} {
+ proc toplevel {name args} {
+ eval frame $name $args
+ pack $name
+ }
+proc ::tkcon::SafeSource {i f} {
+ set fd [open $f r]
+ set r [read $fd]
+ close $fd
+ if {[catch {interp eval $i $r} msg]} {
+ error $msg
+ }
+proc ::tkcon::SafeOpen {i f {m r}} {
+ set fd [open $f $m]
+ interp transfer {} $fd $i
+ return $fd
+proc ::tkcon::SafeLoad {i f p} {
+ global tk_version tk_patchLevel tk_library auto_path
+ if {[string compare $p Tk]} {
+ load $f $p $i
+ } else {
+ foreach command {button canvas checkbutton entry frame label
+ listbox message radiobutton scale scrollbar spinbox text toplevel} {
+ $i alias $command ::tkcon::SafeItem $i $command
+ }
+ $i alias image ::tkcon::SafeImage $i
+ foreach command {pack place grid destroy winfo} {
+ $i alias $command ::tkcon::SafeManage $i $command
+ }
+ if {[llength [info command event]]} {
+ $i alias event ::tkcon::SafeManage $i $command
+ }
+ frame .${i}_dot -width 300 -height 300 -relief raised
+ pack .${i}_dot -side left
+ $i alias tk tk
+ $i alias bind ::tkcon::SafeBind $i
+ $i alias bindtags ::tkcon::SafeBindtags $i
+ $i alias . ::tkcon::SafeWindow $i {}
+ foreach var {tk_version tk_patchLevel tk_library auto_path} {
+ $i eval set $var [list [set $var]]
+ }
+ $i eval {
+ package provide Tk $tk_version
+ if {[lsearch -exact $auto_path $tk_library] < 0} {
+ lappend auto_path $tk_library
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+ }
+proc ::tkcon::SafeSubst {i a} {
+ set arg1 ""
+ foreach {arg value} $a {
+ if {![string compare $arg -textvariable] ||
+ ![string compare $arg -variable]} {
+ set newvalue "[list $i] $value"
+ global $newvalue
+ if {[interp eval $i info exists $value]} {
+ set $newvalue [interp eval $i set $value]
+ } else {
+ catch {unset $newvalue}
+ }
+ $i eval trace variable $value rwu \{[list tkcon set $newvalue $i]\}
+ set value $newvalue
+ } elseif {![string compare $arg -command]} {
+ set value [list $i eval $value]
+ }
+ lappend arg1 $arg $value
+ }
+ return $arg1
+proc ::tkcon::SafeItem {i command w args} {
+ set args [::tkcon::SafeSubst $i $args]
+ set code [catch "$command [list .${i}_dot$w] $args" msg]
+ $i alias $w ::tkcon::SafeWindow $i $w
+ regsub -all .${i}_dot $msg {} msg
+ return -code $code $msg
+proc ::tkcon::SafeManage {i command args} {
+ set args1 ""
+ foreach arg $args {
+ if {[string match . $arg]} {
+ set arg .${i}_dot
+ } elseif {[string match .* $arg]} {
+ set arg ".${i}_dot$arg"
+ }
+ lappend args1 $arg
+ }
+ set code [catch "$command $args1" msg]
+ regsub -all .${i}_dot $msg {} msg
+ return -code $code $msg
+# FIX: this function doesn't work yet if the binding starts with '+'.
+proc ::tkcon::SafeBind {i w args} {
+ if {[string match . $w]} {
+ set w .${i}_dot
+ } elseif {[string match .* $w]} {
+ set w ".${i}_dot$w"
+ }
+ if {[llength $args] > 1} {
+ set args [list [lindex $args 0] \
+ "[list $i] eval [list [lindex $args 1]]"]
+ }
+ set code [catch "bind $w $args" msg]
+ if {[llength $args] <2 && $code == 0} {
+ set msg [lindex $msg 3]
+ }
+ return -code $code $msg
+proc ::tkcon::SafeImage {i option args} {
+ set code [catch "image $option $args" msg]
+ if {[string match cr* $option]} {
+ $i alias $msg $msg
+ }
+ return -code $code $msg
+proc ::tkcon::SafeBindtags {i w {tags {}}} {
+ if {[string match . $w]} {
+ set w .${i}_dot
+ } elseif {[string match .* $w]} {
+ set w ".${i}_dot$w"
+ }
+ set newtags {}
+ foreach tag $tags {
+ if {[string match . $tag]} {
+ lappend newtags .${i}_dot
+ } elseif {[string match .* $tag]} {
+ lappend newtags ".${i}_dot$tag"
+ } else {
+ lappend newtags $tag
+ }
+ }
+ if {[string match $tags {}]} {
+ set code [catch {bindtags $w} msg]
+ regsub -all \\.${i}_dot $msg {} msg
+ } else {
+ set code [catch {bindtags $w $newtags} msg]
+ }
+ return -code $code $msg
+proc ::tkcon::SafeWindow {i w option args} {
+ if {[string match conf* $option] && [llength $args] > 1} {
+ set args [::tkcon::SafeSubst $i $args]
+ } elseif {[string match itemco* $option] && [llength $args] > 2} {
+ set args "[list [lindex $args 0]] [::tkcon::SafeSubst $i [lrange $args 1 end]]"
+ } elseif {[string match cr* $option]} {
+ if {[llength $args]%2} {
+ set args "[list [lindex $args 0]] [::tkcon::SafeSubst $i [lrange $args 1 end]]"
+ } else {
+ set args [::tkcon::SafeSubst $i $args]
+ }
+ } elseif {[string match bi* $option] && [llength $args] > 2} {
+ set args [list [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] "[list $i] eval [list [lindex $args 2]]"]
+ }
+ set code [catch ".${i}_dot$w $option $args" msg]
+ if {$code} {
+ regsub -all .${i}_dot $msg {} msg
+ } elseif {[string match conf* $option] || [string match itemco* $option]} {
+ if {[llength $args] == 1} {
+ switch -- $args {
+ -textvariable - -variable {
+ set msg "[lrange $msg 0 3] [list [lrange [lindex $msg 4] 1 end]]"
+ }
+ -command - updatecommand {
+ set msg "[lrange $msg 0 3] [list [lindex [lindex $msg 4] 2]]"
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif {[llength $args] == 0} {
+ set args1 ""
+ foreach el $msg {
+ switch -- [lindex $el 0] {
+ -textvariable - -variable {
+ set el "[lrange $el 0 3] [list [lrange [lindex $el 4] 1 end]]"
+ }
+ -command - updatecommand {
+ set el "[lrange $el 0 3] [list [lindex [lindex $el 4] 2]]"
+ }
+ }
+ lappend args1 $el
+ }
+ set msg $args1
+ }
+ } elseif {[string match cg* $option] || [string match itemcg* $option]} {
+ switch -- $args {
+ -textvariable - -variable {
+ set msg [lrange $msg 1 end]
+ }
+ -command - updatecommand {
+ set msg [lindex $msg 2]
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif {[string match bi* $option]} {
+ if {[llength $args] == 2 && $code == 0} {
+ set msg [lindex $msg 2]
+ }
+ }
+ return -code $code $msg
+proc ::tkcon::RetrieveFilter {host} {
+ variable PRIV
+ set result {}
+ if {[info exists PRIV(proxy)]} {
+ if {![regexp "^(localhost|127\.0\.0\.1)" $host]} {
+ set result [lrange [split [lindex $PRIV(proxy) 0] :] 0 1]
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+proc ::tkcon::RetrieveAuthentication {} {
+ package require Tk
+ if {[catch {package require base64}]} {
+ if {[catch {package require Trf}]} {
+ error "base64 support not available"
+ } else {
+ set local64 "base64 -mode enc"
+ }
+ } else {
+ set local64 "base64::encode"
+ }
+ set dlg [toplevel .auth]
+ wm title $dlg "Authenticating Proxy Configuration"
+ set f1 [frame ${dlg}.f1]
+ set f2 [frame ${dlg}.f2]
+ button $f2.b -text "OK" -command "destroy $dlg"
+ pack $f2.b -side right
+ label $f1.l2 -text "Username"
+ label $f1.l3 -text "Password"
+ entry $f1.e2 -textvariable "[namespace current]::conf_userid"
+ entry $f1.e3 -textvariable "[namespace current]::conf_passwd" -show *
+ grid $f1.l2 -column 0 -row 0 -sticky e
+ grid $f1.l3 -column 0 -row 1 -sticky e
+ grid $f1.e2 -column 1 -row 0 -sticky news
+ grid $f1.e3 -column 1 -row 1 -sticky news
+ grid columnconfigure $f1 1 -weight 1
+ pack $f2 -side bottom -fill x
+ pack $f1 -side top -anchor n -fill both -expand 1
+ tkwait window $dlg
+ set result {}
+ if {[info exists [namespace current]::conf_userid]} {
+ set data [subst $[namespace current]::conf_userid]
+ append data : [subst $[namespace current]::conf_passwd]
+ set data [$local64 $data]
+ set result [list "Proxy-Authorization" "Basic $data"]
+ }
+ unset [namespace current]::conf_passwd
+ return $result
+proc ::tkcon::Retrieve {} {
+ # A little bit'o'magic to grab the latest tkcon from CVS and
+ # save it locally. It doesn't support proxies though...
+ variable PRIV
+ set defExt ""
+ if {[string match "windows" $::tcl_platform(platform)]} {
+ set defExt ".tcl"
+ }
+ set file [tk_getSaveFile -title "Save Latest tkcon to ..." \
+ -defaultextension $defExt \
+ -initialdir [file dirname $PRIV(SCRIPT)] \
+ -initialfile [file tail $PRIV(SCRIPT)] \
+ -parent $PRIV(root) \
+ -filetypes {{"Tcl Files" {.tcl .tk}} {"All Files" {*.*}}}]
+ if {[string compare $file ""]} {
+ package require http 2
+ set token [::http::geturl $PRIV(HEADURL) -timeout 30000]
+ ::http::wait $token
+ set code [catch {
+ if {[::http::status $token] == "ok"} {
+ set fid [open $file w]
+ # We don't want newline mode to change
+ fconfigure $fid -translation binary
+ set data [::http::data $token]
+ puts -nonewline $fid $data
+ close $fid
+ regexp {Id: tkcon.tcl,v (\d+\.\d+)} $data -> rcsVersion
+ regexp {version\s+(\d+\.\d[^\n]*)} $data -> tkconVersion
+ }
+ } err]
+ ::http::cleanup $token
+ if {$code} {
+ return -code error $err
+ } elseif {[tk_messageBox -type yesno -icon info -parent $PRIV(root) \
+ -title "Retrieved tkcon v$tkconVersion, RCS $rcsVersion" \
+ -message "Successfully retrieved tkcon v$tkconVersion,\
+ RCS $rcsVersion. Shall I resource (not restart) this\
+ version now?"] == "yes"} {
+ set PRIV(SCRIPT) $file
+ set PRIV(version) $tkconVersion.$rcsVersion
+ ::tkcon::Resource
+ }
+ }
+## ::tkcon::Resource - re'source's this script into current console
+## Meant primarily for my development of this program. It follows
+## links until the ultimate source is found.
+set ::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT) [info script]
+if {!$::tkcon::PRIV(WWW) && [string compare $::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT) {}]} {
+ # we use a catch here because some wrap apps choke on 'file type'
+ # because TclpLstat wasn't wrappable until 8.4.
+ catch {
+ while {[string match link [file type $::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT)]]} {
+ set link [file readlink $::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT)]
+ if {[string match relative [file pathtype $link]]} {
+ set ::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT) \
+ [file join [file dirname $::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT)] $link]
+ } else {
+ set ::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT) $link
+ }
+ }
+ catch {unset link}
+ if {[string match relative [file pathtype $::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT)]]} {
+ set ::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT) [file join [pwd] $::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT)]
+ }
+ }
+proc ::tkcon::Resource {} {
+ uplevel \#0 {
+ if {[catch {source -rsrc tkcon}]} { source $::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT) }
+ }
+ Bindings
+ InitSlave $::tkcon::OPT(exec)
+## Initialize only if we haven't yet
+if {![info exists ::tkcon::PRIV(root)] || \
+ ![winfo exists $::tkcon::PRIV(root)]} {
+ ::tkcon::Init
diff --git a/tcltk/vcd.tcl b/tcltk/vcd.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ee2ef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcltk/vcd.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# vcd.tcl
+# Support for reading "VCD" format dumpfiles in IRSIM.
+# Adds command "readvcd <dumpfile>", which reads in
+# the file and displays the traces in the analyzer.
+proc readvcd {dumpfile} {
+ set prefix ""
+ if { [catch {open $dumpfile r} df] } {
+ puts stderr "Could not open VCD dumpfile $dumpfile\n"
+ return
+ }
+ while {[gets $df line] >= 0} {
+ if {[regexp {^\$([^ ]+)} $line lmatch dumpvar]} {
+ switch $dumpvar {
+ date {
+ gets $df line
+ puts stdout $line
+ }
+ version {
+ gets $df line
+ puts stdout $line
+ }
+ timescale {
+ gets $df line
+ regexp {([0-9]+)[ \t]*([^ ]+)} $line lmatch scale metric
+ switch $metric {
+ fs {set scale [expr 0.001 * $scale]}
+ ns {set scale [expr 1000 * $scale]}
+ }
+ }
+ var {
+ regexp {^\$var[ \t]+[^ ]+[ \t]+([0-9]+)[ \t]+([^ ]+)[ \t]+([^ ]+)} \
+ $line lmatch bitlen repchar signame
+ if {$bitlen == 1} {
+ addnode ${prefix}${signame}
+ } else {
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $bitlen} {incr i} {
+ addnode ${prefix}${signame}\[$i\]
+ }
+ incr bitlen -1
+ vector ${prefix}${signame} ${prefix}${signame}\[0:${bitlen}\]
+ }
+ set nodenames($repchar) ${prefix}${signame}
+ ana ${prefix}${signame}
+ }
+ scope {
+ regexp {^\$scope[ \t]+([^ ]+)[ \t]+([^ ]+)} \
+ $line lmatch scopetype instname
+ set prefix "${prefix}${instname}/"
+ }
+ upscope {
+ set prefix ""
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Known patterns are: 0, 1, x (bit set), b (vector set), # (schedule)
+ set curtime 0
+ while {[gets $df line] >= 0} {
+ set cmd [string index $line 0]
+ switch $cmd {
+ b {
+ regexp {^b([0-9]+)[ \t]+([^ ]+)} $line lmatch bval sname
+ setvector $nodenames($sname) %b${bval}
+ }
+ # {
+ set tval [string range $line 1 end]
+ set tval [expr $tval * $scale]
+ set nexttime $tval
+ set tval [expr $tval - $curtime]
+ if {$tval > 0} s $tval
+ set curtime $nexttime
+ }
+ 0 {
+ set sname [string range $line 1 end]
+ l $nodenames($sname)
+ }
+ 1 {
+ set sname [string range $line 1 end]
+ h $nodenames($sname)
+ }
+ x {
+ set sname [string range $line 1 end]
+ u $nodenames($sname)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close $df
+# For backward compatibility. Procedure was originally named "readcver",
+# but the format is VCD.
+proc readcver {dumpfile} {
+ readvcd $dumpfile