path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 780 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b09df36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,780 @@
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
+### default config settings for
+### jack - extract audio from a CD and encode it using 3rd party software
+### Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Arne Zellentin <>
+### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+### (at your option) any later version.
+### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+### GNU General Public License for more details.
+### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import types
+import os
+import string
+import jack_misc
+import locale
+import jack_version
+from jack_globals import *
+# this must be filled manually (done in main)
+# config space with attributes
+cf = jack_misc.dict2({
+ ### prefs ###
+ 'debug': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'help': 1,
+ 'usage': "show debug information",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'debug_write': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ #'usage': "write debug information to a file",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'plugin_path': {
+ 'type': types.ListType,
+ 'val': ["~/.jack_plugins",],
+ 'usage': "directories in which jack plugins are searched for",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'ripper': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "cdparanoia",
+ 'doc': "use which program to rip: cdparanoia, tosha, cdda2wav, dagrab (untested)",
+ 'usage': "which program to use for extracting the audio data",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'cd_device': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "/dev/cdrom",
+ 'usage': "use which device for ripping",
+ 'long': 'device',
+ },
+ 'gen_device': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': None,
+ 'doc': "cdda2wav may need the scsi generic device",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'encoder': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "oggenc",
+ 'doc': "this is a symbolic name (see helpers), NOT the executable's name",
+ 'usage': "use which encoder",
+ 'short': 'E',
+ 'long': 'encoder-name',
+ },
+ 'vbr': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 1,
+ 'help': 1,
+ 'doc': "use variable bitrate for encoders which support it",
+ 'usage': "generate variable bitrate files",
+ 'short': 'v',
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'vbr_quality': {
+ 'type': types.FloatType,
+ 'val': 6,
+ 'help': 1,
+ 'vbr_only': 1, # only show in --help if vbr is on
+ 'usage': "vbr encoding quality. -1 is lowest, 10 highest.",
+ 'long': 'quality',
+ },
+ 'bitrate': {
+ 'type': types.IntType,
+ 'val': 160,
+ 'help': 1,
+ 'vbr_only': 0,
+ 'doc': "default bitrate",
+ 'usage': "target bitrate in kbit/s",
+ 'short': 'b',
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'freedb_server': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "freedb",
+ 'doc': "your freedb server, see freedb_servers",
+ 'usage': "use which freedb server",
+ 'long': 'server',
+ },
+ 'disable_http_proxy': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'usage': "XXX todo!!! disable default proxy (environment variable \"http_proxy\") for freedb queries",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'my_mail': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "@",
+ 'usage': "your e-mail address, needed for freedb submissions",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'rename_fmt': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "%a - %l - %n - %t",
+ 'usage': "format of normal files",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ 'doc': """specify how the resulting files are named:
+ %n: track number
+ %a: artist
+ %t: track title
+ %l: album title
+ %y: album release year - individual track years are unsupported
+ %g: album genre - individual track genres are unsupported""",
+ },
+ 'rename_fmt_va': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "%l - %n - %a - %t",
+ 'usage': "format of Various Artists files",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ 'doc': """specify how the resulting files are named:
+ %n: track number
+ %a: artist
+ %t: track title
+ %l: album title
+ %y: album release year - individual track years are unsupported
+ %g: album genre - individual track genres are unsupported""",
+ },
+ 'rename_num': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "%02d",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ 'usage': "track number format for %n, printf() style",
+ },
+ 'rename_dir': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 1,
+ 'usage': "rename directory as well",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'append_year': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': " (%y)",
+ 'usage': "if known, append the year to dir",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'dir_template': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "%a/%l",
+ 'usage': "if directories are renamed, this is the format used",
+ 'doc': """specify how the resulting files are named:
+ %a: artist
+ %l: album title
+ %g: album genre - individual track genres are unsupported""",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'char_filter': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "",
+ 'usage': "convert file names using a python method",
+ 'doc': r"""an example which converts to lowercase, even with non-ascii charsets: ".lower()" """,
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'charset': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': locale.getpreferredencoding(),
+ 'usage': 'charset of filenames',
+ 'doc': "examples: latin-1, utf-8, ...",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'unusable_chars': {
+ 'type': types.ListType,
+ 'val': ["/", "\r"],
+ 'usage': "characters which can't be used in filenames",
+ 'doc': """
+put chars which can't be used in filenames here and their replacements
+in replacement_chars.
+example 1: replace all " " by "_":
+unusable_chars = " "
+replacement_chars = "_"
+example 2: replace umlauts by an alternate representation and kill some
+ special characters:
+unusable_chars = "äöüÄÖÜß?*^()[]{}"
+replacement_chars = ["ae", "oe", "ue", "Ae", "Oe", "Ue", "ss", ""]""",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'replacement_chars': {
+ 'type': types.ListType,
+ 'val': ["%", ""],
+ 'doc': "this is stretched to match unusable_chars' length using the last char as fill",
+ 'usage': "unusable chars are replaced by the corresponding list item",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'show_time': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 1,
+ 'doc': "Display the track length in the status screen",
+ },
+ 'show_names': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 1,
+ 'doc': "XXX todo: auto id enough term width -- display freedb track names instead if \"track_01\", ... This will not fit in a 80x24 terminal.",
+ },
+ 'scan_dirs': {
+ 'type': types.IntType,
+ 'val': 2,
+ 'usage': "scan in cwd n dir levels deep, e.g. 0 to disable",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'searchdirs': {
+ 'type': types.ListType,
+ 'val': [os.curdir],
+ 'usage': "search which directories",
+ 'long': 'search',
+ },
+ 'base_dir': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': os.curdir,
+ 'usage': "where to create directories and put the files",
+ 'long': 'workdir',
+ 'short': 'w',
+ },
+ 'update_interval': {
+ 'type': types.FloatType,
+ 'val': 1.0,
+ 'doc': "update status screen every ... seconds",
+ },
+ 'max_load': {
+ 'type': types.FloatType,
+ 'val': 10.0,
+ 'usage': "only start new encoders if load < max_load",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'xtermset_enable': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'doc': "leave disabled if you don't have xtermset installed",
+ },
+ 'restore_xterm_width': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'doc': "XXX not implemented yet! reset xterm width when exiting",
+ },
+ 'terminal': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "auto",
+ 'doc': "use what kind of terminal",
+ },
+ 'default_width': {
+ 'type': types.IntType,
+ 'val': 80,
+ 'doc': "XXX unused! your xterm's width (autodetected with curses)",
+ },
+ 'default_height': {
+ 'type': types.IntType,
+ 'val': 24,
+ 'doc': "XXX unused! your xterm's height (autodetected with curses)",
+ },
+ 'usage_win': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 1,
+ 'usage': "show the help screen while running",
+ 'long': "AUTO",
+ },
+ 'keep_free': {
+ 'type': types.IntType,
+ 'val': 5*2**20,
+ 'doc': "suspend if less than keep_free bytes are free. Don't set this to zero as encoded file size prediction is always a bit below actual sizes => we might need some extra space.",
+ },
+ 'encoders': {
+ 'type': types.IntType,
+ 'val': 1,
+ 'usage': "encode how many files in parallel",
+ 'short': 'e',
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'otf': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'usage': "on-the-fly encoding *experimental*",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'create_dirs': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 1,
+ 'usage': "create subdir for files",
+ 'short': 'D',
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'reorder': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'usage': "reorder tracks to save space while encoding",
+ 'short': 'r',
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'keep_wavs': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'usage': "do not delete WAVs after encoding them",
+ 'short': 'k',
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'only_dae': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'usage': "only produce WAVs, implies --keep_wavs",
+ 'short': 'O',
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'read_ahead': {
+ 'type': types.IntType,
+ 'val': 99,
+ 'usage': "read how many WAVs in advance",
+ 'short': 'a',
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'nice_value': {
+ 'type': types.IntType,
+ 'val': 12,
+ 'usage': "nice-level of encoders",
+ 'short': 'n',
+ 'long': 'nice',
+ },
+ 'overwrite': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'usage': "overwrite existing files",
+ 'short': 'o',
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'remove_files': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'usage': "remove jack.* file when done",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'silent_mode': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'usage': "be quiet (no screen output)",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'exec_when_done': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'usage': "run predefined command when finished",
+ 'long': 'exec',
+ 'short': 'x',
+ },
+ 'exec_rip_done': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "eject /dev/cdrom",
+ 'doc': "example: eject the CD when ripping is finished",
+ },
+ 'exec_no_err': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "play /usr/local/audio/allok.wav",
+ 'doc': "example: play sound when finished",
+ },
+ 'exec_err': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "play /usr/local/audio/error.wav",
+ 'doc': "example: this is played when an error occured",
+ },
+ 'freedb_dir': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "",
+ 'doc': "change this to something like \"/var/spool/freedb\" and all queries will be done in this (local) directory; failed local queries will be done via network",
+ },
+ 'freedb_pedantic': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'doc': "don't be pedantic when parsing freedb data, e.g. the ambigous (various artists) TTITLE \"The Artist - Track a Title - Cool Remix\" is split at the first possible separator.",
+ },
+ ### prefs0 ###
+ 'force': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'usage': "don't ask.",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'recheck_space': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 1,
+ 'doc': "yes we want to react to disk space dropping.",
+ },
+ 'swap_byteorder': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 1,
+ 'usage': "swap byteorder when reading from image",
+ 'long': 'swab',
+ 'short': 'S',
+ },
+ 'todo_exit': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "print what would be done and exit",
+ 'long': 'todo',
+ },
+ 'space_from_argv': {
+ 'type': types.IntType,
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'usage': "force usable disk space, in bytes",
+ 'long': 'space',
+ 'short': 's',
+ },
+ 'check_toc': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "compare toc-file and cd-toc, then exit",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'undo_rename': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "undo the last file renaming and exit",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ 'short': 'u',
+ },
+ 'dont_work': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "don't do DAE, encoding, renaming or tagging",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ 'short': 'd',
+ },
+ 'update_freedb': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "update the freedb info and exit",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ 'short': 'U',
+ },
+ 'sloppy': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'doc': "XXX",
+ 'long': 'I-swear-I\'ll-never-give-these-files-to-anyone,-including-hot-babes-TM',
+ },
+ 'tracks': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "",
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "which tracks to process (e.g. 1, 3, 5-9, 12-)",
+ 'long': 'tracks',
+ 'short': 't',
+ },
+ 'name': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "track_%02d",
+ 'doc': "filename template (before renaming)",
+ },
+ 'rippers': {
+ 'type': types.IntType,
+ 'val': 1,
+ 'doc': "not implemented: rip in parallel",
+ },
+ 'toc_prog': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "",
+ 'doc': "use which helper program to read cd's toc",
+ },
+ ### prefs0 -- FREEDB stuff ###
+ 'query_on_start': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'help': 1,
+ 'usage': "do freedb query when starting",
+ 'long': 'query-now',
+ 'short': 'Q',
+ },
+ 'query_if_needed': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'help': 1,
+ 'usage': "query freedb when starting if not queried already",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'query_when_ready': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'help': 1,
+ 'usage': "do freedb query when all is done",
+ 'long': 'query',
+ 'short': 'q',
+ },
+ 'cont_failed_query': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'usage': "continue without freedb data if query fails",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'edit_freedb': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'usage': "edit CDDB information before using it",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'various': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': None,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "assume CD has various artists",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'various_swap': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "exchange artist and title",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'extt_is_artist': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "extt contains artist",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'extt_is_title': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "extt contains track title",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'extt_is_comment': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "extt contains track comment",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'freedb_submit': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "http-submit freedb file to server and exit",
+ 'long': 'submit',
+ },
+ 'freedb_mailsubmit': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "submit by e-mail - needs sendmail",
+ 'long': 'mail-submit',
+ 'short': 'm',
+ },
+ 'read_freedb_file': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'doc': "read freedb file",
+ },
+ 'freedb_rename': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'help': 1,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "rename according to freedb file, eg. after editing it",
+ 'long': 'rename',
+ 'short': 'R',
+ },
+ 'set_id3tag': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'doc': "set id3 tag info",
+ },
+ 'id3_genre': {
+ 'type': types.IntType,
+ 'val': -1,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'doc': "set ID3 genre (empty=don't set, help=list)",
+ },
+ 'id3_year': {
+ 'type': types.IntType,
+ 'val': -1,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "set ID3 year (0=don't set)",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ 'short': 'Y',
+ },
+ 'username': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': None,
+ 'doc': "required for freedb query",
+ },
+ 'hostname': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': None,
+ 'doc': "required for freedb query",
+ },
+ 'image_toc_file': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': None,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "read another toc file which may point to an image-file",
+ 'long': 'from-tocfile',
+ 'short': 'f',
+ },
+ 'image_file': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': None,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "read audio from an image file",
+ 'long': 'from-image',
+ 'short': 'F',
+ },
+ 'rip_from_device': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 1,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'doc': "rip from physical device, not from image_file",
+ },
+ 'toc_file': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': jack_version.prog_name + ".toc",
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'doc': "the toc file which is actually used",
+ },
+ 'def_toc': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': jack_version.prog_name + ".toc",
+ 'doc': "the default name of the toc file",
+ },
+ 'freedb_form_file': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': jack_version.prog_name + ".freedb",
+ 'doc': "name of submission template",
+ },
+ 'out_file': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': jack_version.prog_name + ".out",
+ 'doc': "in silent-mode, stdout goes here",
+ },
+ 'err_file': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': jack_version.prog_name + ".err",
+ 'doc': "in silent-mode, stderr here",
+ },
+ 'progress_file': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': jack_version.prog_name + ".progress",
+ 'doc': "subprocess output is cached here",
+ },
+ 'progr_sep': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "/|\\",
+ 'doc': "field separator in progress_file",
+ },
+ 'guess_mp3s': {
+ 'type': types.ListType,
+ 'val': [],
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "guess TOC from files (until terminating \";\")",
+ 'long': 'guess-toc',
+ 'short': 'g',
+ },
+ 'upd_progress': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "re-generate progress file if \"lost\"",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'multi_mode': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "try to query freedb for all dirs in searchdirs which have no freedb data",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'claim_dir': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "rename the dir even if it was not created by jack",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ 'short': 'C',
+ },
+ 'wait_on_quit': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'usage': "wait for key press before quitting",
+ 'long': 'wait',
+ },
+ 'id3_genre_txt': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': None,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "set ID3 genre (empty=don't set, help=list)",
+ 'long': 'id3-genre',
+ 'short': 'G',
+ },
+ 'save_args': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'usage': "save options to rc file and exit",
+ 'long': 'save',
+ },
+ 'global_rc': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "/etc/jackrc",
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'doc': "system-wide config file",
+ },
+ 'user_rc': {
+ 'type': types.StringType,
+ 'val': "~/.jack3rc",
+ 'save': 0,
+ 'doc': "user config file",
+ },
+ 'write_m3u': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'usage': "create a playlist in .m3u format",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'write_id3v1': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 1,
+ 'usage': "write a smart id3v1 tag to the encoded file",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'write_id3v2': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 1,
+ 'usage': "write an id3v2 tag to the encoded file",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ 'playorder': {
+ 'type': 'toggle',
+ 'val': 0,
+ 'usage': "use the freedb PLAYORDER field to limit the tracks to rip (non-functional, sorry)",
+ 'long': 'AUTO',
+ },
+ })
+for i in cf.keys():
+ # expand long options
+ if cf[i].has_key('long') and cf[i]['long'] == "AUTO":
+ cf[i]['long'] = string.replace(i, "_", "-")
+ # init history
+ cf[i]['history'] = [ ["config", cf[i]['val'],],]