path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 809 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f53fde7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
+### jack_freedb: freedb server for use in
+### jack - extract audio from a CD and encode it using 3rd party software
+### Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Arne Zellentin <>
+### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+### (at your option) any later version.
+### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+### GNU General Public License for more details.
+### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import urllib2, urllib
+import string
+import sys
+import os
+import locale
+import codecs
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+import re
+import jack_playorder
+import jack_functions
+import jack_progress
+import jack_utils
+from jack_version import prog_version, prog_name
+from jack_globals import *
+names_available = None # freedb info is available
+dir_created = None # dirs are only renamed if we have created them
+freedb_servers = {
+ 'freedb': {
+ 'host': "",
+ 'id': prog_name + " " + prog_version,
+ 'mail': "",
+ 'my_mail': "default"
+ },
+ 'freedb-de': {
+ 'host': "",
+ 'id': prog_name + " " + prog_version,
+ 'mail': "",
+ 'my_mail': "default"
+ },
+def interpret_db_file(all_tracks, freedb_form_file, verb, dirs = 0, warn = None):
+ "read freedb file and rename dir(s)"
+ global names_available, dir_created
+ freedb_rename = 0
+ if warn == None:
+ err, track_names, locale_names, cd_id, revision = freedb_names(freedb_id(all_tracks), all_tracks, freedb_form_file, verb = verb)
+ else:
+ err, track_names, locale_names, cd_id, revision = freedb_names(freedb_id(all_tracks), all_tracks, freedb_form_file, verb = verb, warn = warn)
+ if (not err) and dirs:
+ freedb_rename = 1
+# The user wants us to use the current dir, unconditionally.
+ if cf['_claim_dir']:
+ dir_created = jack_utils.split_dirname(os.getcwd())[-1]
+ jack_functions.progress("all", "mkdir", dir_created)
+ cf['_claim_dir'] = 0
+ if cf['_rename_dir'] and dir_created:
+ new_dirs, new_dir = jack_utils.mkdirname(track_names, cf['_dir_template'])
+ old_dir = os.getcwd()
+ old_dirs = jack_utils.split_dirname(old_dir)
+ dirs_created = jack_utils.split_dirname(dir_created)
+# only do the following if we are where we think we are and the dir has to be
+# renamed.
+ if jack_utils.check_path(dirs_created, old_dirs) and not jack_utils.check_path(dirs_created, new_dirs):
+ jack_utils.rename_path(dirs_created, new_dirs)
+ print "Info: cwd now", os.getcwd()
+ jack_functions.progress("all", 'ren', dir_created + "-->" + unicode(new_dir, cf['_charset']))
+ if not err:
+ names_available = 1
+ else:
+ freedb_rename = 0
+ return err, track_names, locale_names, freedb_rename, revision
+#/ end of interpret_db_file /#
+def local_freedb(cd_id, freedb_dir, outfile = "/tmp/testfilefreedb"):
+ "Use file from local freedb directory"
+ # Moritz Moeller-Herrmann kindly provided this functionality.
+ if not os.path.isdir(freedb_dir):
+ error("freedb directory not found")
+ if not os.access(freedb_dir, 5):
+ error("freedb directory access not permitted")
+ cat=[freedb_dir] # category listing
+ for entry in os.listdir(freedb_dir):
+ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(freedb_dir, entry)):
+ cat.append(os.path.join(freedb_dir, entry))
+ for musicdir in cat:
+ for m in os.listdir(musicdir):
+ if m == cd_id:
+ idfile = os.path.join(musicdir, cd_id)
+ inf = open (idfile, "r")
+ outf = open (outfile, "w")
+ buf = inf.readline()
+ while buf:
+ buf = string.replace(buf, "\n", "") # we need trailing spaces
+ if buf != ".":
+ outf.write(buf + "\n")
+ buf = inf.readline()
+ inf.close()
+ outf.close()
+ return 0
+ print "No local matching freedb entry found"
+ return 1
+def freedb_sum(n):
+ "belongs to freedb_id"
+ ret = 0
+ while n > 0:
+ ret = ret + (n % 10)
+ n = n / 10
+ return ret
+def freedb_id(tracks, warn=0):
+ from jack_globals import START, MSF_OFFSET, CDDA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND
+ "calculate freedb (aka CDDB) disc-id"
+ cdtoc = []
+ if not tracks:
+ if warn:
+ warning("no tracks! No disc inserted? No/wrong ripper?")
+ return 0
+ for i in tracks:
+ cdtoc.append(jack_functions.blockstomsf(i[START] + MSF_OFFSET))
+ cdtoc.append(jack_functions.blockstomsf(tracks[-1][START] + tracks[-1][LEN]))
+ n = t = 0
+ for i in tracks:
+ n = n + freedb_sum((i[START] + MSF_OFFSET) / CDDA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND)
+ t = (tracks[-1][START] + tracks[-1][LEN]) / CDDA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND - tracks[0][START] / CDDA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND
+ return "%08x" % ((n % 0xff << long(24)) | (t << 8) | (len(tracks)))
+def freedb_split(field, s, max = 78):
+ "split a field into multiple lines of 78 char max."
+ x = ""
+ s = field + "=" + s
+ while len(s) > max:
+ x = x + s[:max] + "\n"
+ s = field + "=" + s[max:]
+ return x + s + "\n"
+def freedb_template(tracks, names = "", revision = 0):
+ "generate a freedb submission template"
+ if os.path.exists(cf['_freedb_form_file']):
+ os.rename(cf['_freedb_form_file'], cf['_freedb_form_file'] + ".bak")
+ f = open(cf['_freedb_form_file'], "w")
+ f.write("# xmcd CD database file\n#\n# Track frame offsets:\n")
+ for i in tracks:
+ f.write("# " + `i[START] + MSF_OFFSET` + "\n")
+ f.write("#\n# Disc length: " + `(MSF_OFFSET + tracks[-1][START] + tracks[-1][LEN]) / CDDA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND`)
+ f.write(" seconds\n#\n# Revision: %i\n" % revision)
+ f.write("# Submitted via: " + prog_name + " " + prog_version + "\n#\n")
+ f.write("DISCID=" + freedb_id(tracks) + "\n")
+ if names:
+ if names[1][0]: # various
+ if string.find(string.upper(names[0][0]), "VARIOUS") >= 0:
+ f.write(freedb_split("DTITLE", "Various / " + names[0][1]))
+ else:
+ f.write(freedb_split("DTITLE", "Various / " + names[0][0] + " - " + names[0][1]))
+ else:
+ f.write(freedb_split("DTITLE", names[0][0] + " / " + names[0][1]))
+ else:
+ f.write("DTITLE=\n")
+ for i in tracks:
+ if names:
+ if names[i[NUM]][0]: # various
+ f.write(
+ freedb_split("TTITLE" + `i[NUM]-1`,
+ names[i[NUM]][0] +
+ " - " +
+ names[i[NUM]][1]
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ f.write(freedb_split("TTITLE" + `i[NUM]-1`, names[i[NUM]][1]))
+ else:
+ f.write("TTITLE" + `i[NUM]-1` + "=\n")
+ freedb_year, freedb_id3genre = -1, -1
+ if cf['_id3_genre'] >= 0 and cf['_id3_genre'] < len(id3genres) or cf['_id3_genre'] == 255:
+ freedb_id3genre = cf['_id3_genre']
+ elif names and len(names[0]) == 4:
+ freedb_id3genre = names[0][3]
+ if cf['_id3_year'] >= 0:
+ freedb_year = cf['_id3_year']
+ elif names and len(names[0]) == 4:
+ freedb_year = names[0][2]
+ if freedb_year >= 0 or freedb_id3genre >= 0:
+ f.write("EXTD=\\nYEAR: %4s ID3G: %3s\n" % (freedb_year, freedb_id3genre))
+ else:
+ f.write("EXTD=\n")
+ for i in tracks:
+ f.write("EXTT" + `i[NUM]-1` + "=\n")
+ f.write("PLAYORDER=\n")
+def freedb_query(cd_id, tracks, file):
+ if cf['_freedb_dir']:
+ if local_freedb(cd_id, cf['_freedb_dir'], file)==0: # use local database (if any)
+ return 0
+ qs = "cmd=cddb query " + cd_id + " " + `len(tracks)` + " " # query string
+ for i in tracks:
+ qs = qs + `i[START] + MSF_OFFSET` + " "
+ qs = qs + `(MSF_OFFSET + tracks[-1][START] + tracks[-1][LEN]) / CDDA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND`
+ hello = "hello=" + cf['_username'] + " " + cf['_hostname'] + " " + freedb_servers[cf['_freedb_server']]['id']
+ qs = urllib.quote_plus(qs + "&" + hello + "&proto=6", "=&")
+ url = "http://" + freedb_servers[cf['_freedb_server']]['host'] + "/~cddb/cddb.cgi?" + qs
+ if cf['_cont_failed_query']:
+ try:
+ f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+ except IOError:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ err = 1
+ return err
+ else:
+ f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+ buf = f.readline()
+ if buf and buf[0:1] == "2":
+ if buf[0:3] in ("210", "211"): # Found inexact or multiple exact matches, list follows
+ print "Found the following matches. Choose one:"
+ num = 1
+ matches = []
+ while 1:
+ buf = f.readline()
+ try:
+ buf = unicode(buf, "utf-8")
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ buf = unicode(buf, "latin-1")
+ if not buf:
+ break
+ buf = string.rstrip(buf)
+ if buf != ".":
+ print "%2i" % num + ".) " + buf.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding(), "replace")
+ matches.append(buf)
+ num = num + 1
+ x = -1
+ while x < 0 or x > num - 1:
+ input = raw_input(" 0.) none of the above: ")
+ if not input:
+ continue
+ try:
+ x = int(input)
+ except ValueError:
+ x = -1 # start the loop again
+ if not x:
+ print "ok, aborting."
+ sys.exit()
+ buf = matches[x-1]
+ buf = string.split(buf, " ", 2)
+ freedb_cat = buf[0]
+ cd_id = buf[1]
+ err = 0
+ elif buf[0:3] == "200":
+ buf = string.split(buf)
+ freedb_cat = buf[1]
+ elif buf[0:3] == "202":
+ if cf['_cont_failed_query']:
+ warning(buf + + " How about trying another --server?")
+ err = 1
+ return err
+ else:
+ error(buf + + " How about trying another --server?")
+ else:
+ if cf['_cont_failed_query']:
+ warning(buf + + " --don't know what to do, aborting query.")
+ err = 1
+ return err
+ else:
+ error(buf + + " --don't know what to do, aborting query.")
+ cmd = "cmd=cddb read " + freedb_cat + " " + cd_id
+ url = "http://" + freedb_servers[cf['_freedb_server']]['host'] + "/~cddb/cddb.cgi?" + urllib.quote_plus(cmd + "&" + hello + "&proto=6", "=&")
+ f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+ buf = f.readline()
+ if buf and buf[0:3] == "210": # entry follows
+ if os.path.exists(file):
+ os.rename(file, file + ".bak")
+ of = open(file, "w")
+ buf = f.readline()
+ while buf:
+ buf = string.rstrip(buf)
+ if buf != ".":
+ of.write(buf + "\n")
+ buf = f.readline()
+ of.close()
+ jack_functions.progress("all", "freedb_cat", freedb_cat)
+ jack_progress.status_all['freedb_cat'] = freedb_cat
+ err = 0
+ else:
+ print string.rstrip(buf)
+ print
+ warning("could not query freedb entry")
+ err = 1
+ f.close()
+ else:
+ print string.rstrip(buf)
+ print
+ warning("could not check freedb category")
+ err = 2
+ f.close()
+ return err
+def freedb_names(cd_id, tracks, name, verb = 0, warn = 1):
+ "returns err, [(artist, albumname), (track_01-artist, track_01-name), ...], cd_id, revision"
+ err = 0
+ tracks_on_cd = tracks[-1][NUM]
+ freedb = {}
+ f = open(name, "r") # first the freedb info is read in...
+ while 1:
+ line = f.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ try:
+ line = unicode(line, "utf-8")
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ line = unicode(line, "latin-1")
+ line = string.replace(line, "\n", "") # cannot use rstrip, we need trailing
+ # spaces
+ line = string.replace(line, "\r", "") # I consider "\r"s as bugs in db info
+ if jack_functions.starts_with(line, "# Revision:"):
+ revision = int(line[11:])
+ for i in ["DISCID", "DTITLE", "TTITLE", "EXTD", "EXTT", "PLAYORDER"]:
+ if jack_functions.starts_with(line, i):
+ buf = line
+ if string.find(buf, "=") != -1:
+ buf = string.split(buf, "=", 1)
+ if buf[1]:
+ if freedb.has_key(buf[0]):
+ if buf[0] == "DISCID":
+ freedb[buf[0]] = freedb[buf[0]] + ',' + buf[1]
+ else:
+ freedb[buf[0]] = freedb[buf[0]] + buf[1]
+ else:
+ freedb[buf[0]] = buf[1]
+ continue
+ for i in tracks: # check that info is there for all tracks
+ if not freedb.has_key("TTITLE%i" % (i[NUM] - 1)): # -1 because freedb starts at 0
+ err = 1
+ if verb:
+ warning("no freedb info for track %02i (\"TTITLE%i\")" % (i[NUM], i[NUM] - 1))
+ freedb["TTITLE%i" % (i[NUM] - 1)] = "[not set]"
+ for i in freedb.keys():# check that there is no extra info
+ if i[0:6] == "TTITLE":
+ if int(i[6:]) > tracks_on_cd - 1:
+ err = 2
+ if verb:
+ warning("extra freedb info for track %02i (\"%s\"), cd has only %02i tracks." % (int(i[6:]) + 1, i, tracks_on_cd))
+ if not freedb.has_key("DTITLE"):
+ err = 3
+ if verb:
+ warning("freedb entry doesn't contain disc title info (\"DTITLE\").")
+ freedb['DTITLE'] = "[not set]"
+ if not freedb.has_key("DISCID"):
+ err = 4
+ if verb:
+ warning("freedb entry doesn't contain disc id info (\"DISCID\").")
+ read_id = "00000000"
+ else:
+ read_id = freedb['DISCID']
+ read_ids = string.split(freedb['DISCID'], ",")
+ id_matched = 0
+ for i in read_ids:
+ if i == cd_id:
+ id_matched = 1
+ if not id_matched and warn:
+ print "Warning: calculated id (" + cd_id + ") and id from freedb file"
+ print " :", read_ids
+ print " : do not match, hopefully due to inexact match."
+ for i in read_ids:
+ for j in i:
+ if j not in "0123456789abcdef":
+ if verb:
+ warning("the disc's id is not 8-digit hex (\"DISCID\").")
+ err = 5
+ if len(i) != 8:
+ if verb:
+ warning("the disc's id is not 8-digit hex (\"DISCID\").")
+ err = 5
+ if freedb.has_key('PLAYORDER'):
+ jack_playorder.order = freedb('PLAYORDER')
+ dtitle = freedb['DTITLE']
+ dtitle = string.replace(dtitle, " / ", "/") # kill superflous slashes
+ dtitle = string.replace(dtitle, "/ ", "/")
+ dtitle = string.replace(dtitle, " /", "/")
+ dtitle = string.replace(dtitle, "(unknown disc title)", "(unknown artist)/(unknown disc title)") # yukk!
+ if not dtitle:
+ dtitle = "(unknown artist)/(unknown disc title)"
+ if string.find(dtitle,"/") == -1:
+ if cf['_various'] == 1:
+ dtitle = "Various/" + dtitle
+ warning("bad disc title, using %s. Please fix and submit." % dtitle)
+ else:
+ dtitle = "(unknown artist)/" + dtitle
+ names = [string.split(dtitle,"/",1)]
+ if freedb.has_key('EXTD'):
+ extra_tag_pos = string.find(freedb['EXTD'], "\\nYEAR:")
+ if extra_tag_pos >= 0:
+ try:
+ extd_info = freedb['EXTD'][extra_tag_pos + 7:]
+ extd_year, extd_id3g = string.split(extd_info, "ID3G:", 1)
+ extd_year, extd_id3g = int(extd_year), int(extd_id3g)
+ except:
+ print "can't handle '%s'." % freedb['EXTD']
+ else:
+ names = [string.split(dtitle, "/", 1)]
+ names[0].extend([extd_year, extd_id3g])
+ if names[0][0] == "(unknown artist)":
+ if verb:
+ warning("the disc's title must be set to \"artist / title\" (\"DTITLE\").")
+ err = 6
+ if string.upper(names[0][0]) in ("VARIOUS", "VARIOUS ARTISTS", "SAMPLER", "COMPILATION", "DIVERSE", "V.A.", "VA"):
+ if not cf['_various'] and not ['argv', False] in cf['various']['history']:
+ cf['_various'] = 1
+# user says additional info is in the EXTT fields
+ if cf['_various'] and cf['_extt_is_artist']:
+ for i in range(tracks_on_cd):
+ if freedb['EXTT'+`i`]:
+ names.append([freedb['EXTT'+`i`], freedb['TTITLE'+`i`]])
+ else:
+ err = 8
+ if verb:
+ warning("no EXTT info for track %02i." % i)
+ elif cf['_various'] and cf['_extt_is_title']:
+ for i in range(tracks_on_cd):
+ if freedb['EXTT'+`i`]:
+ names.append([freedb['TTITLE'+`i`], freedb['EXTT'+`i`]])
+ else:
+ err = 8
+ if verb:
+ warning("no EXTT info for track %02i." % i)
+# we'll try some magic to separate artist and title
+ elif cf['_various']:
+ found = [[], [], [], [], [], []]
+ # lenght=3 2 1 , 3 2 1 (secondary)
+ ignore = string.letters + string.digits
+ titles = []
+ braces = [['"', '"'], ["'", "'"], ["(", ")"], ["[", "]"], ["{", "}"]]
+# first generate a list of track titles
+ for i in range(tracks_on_cd):
+ titles.append(freedb['TTITLE'+`i`])
+# now try to find a string common to all titles with length 3...1
+ for i in (3,2,1):
+ candidate_found = 0
+ for j in range(len(titles[0])-(i-1)):
+# choose a possible candidate
+ candidate = titles[0][j:j+i]
+ illegal_letter = 0
+ for k in candidate:
+ if k in ignore:
+# candidate must not have characters from ignore
+ illegal_letter = 1
+ break
+ if illegal_letter:
+ continue
+ else:
+ candidate_found = 1
+# if we have a candidate, check that it occurs in all titles
+ if candidate_found:
+ all_matched = 1
+ append_as_secondary = 0
+ for l in titles:
+ matches = 0
+ where = 0
+ brace = 0
+ for b in braces:
+ if b[0] in candidate:
+ brace = 1
+ where2 = string.find(l, candidate) + len(candidate)
+ where = where2
+ while string.find(l, b[1], where) != -1:
+ where = string.find(l, b[1], where) + len(candidate)
+ matches = matches + 1
+ where = where2
+ if not b[1] in candidate:
+ while string.find(l, candidate, where) != -1:
+ where = string.find(l, candidate, where) + len(candidate)
+ matches = matches + 1
+ break # only treat the first pair of braces
+ if not brace:
+ while string.find(l, candidate, where) != -1:
+ matches = matches + 1
+ where = string.find(l, candidate, where) + len(candidate)
+ if matches == 0: # not found
+ all_matched = 0
+ break
+ elif matches == 1: # found exactly once
+ pass
+ else: # found multiple times
+ if cf['_freedb_pedantic']:
+ all_matched = 0
+ break
+ else:
+ append_as_secondary = 1
+ pass
+ if all_matched:
+ if append_as_secondary:
+ found[6-i].append(candidate)
+ else:
+ found[3-i].append(candidate)
+# if no candidate has been found, try one with less characters
+ else:
+ continue
+ tmp = []
+ eliminate = [" "]
+ for i in found:
+ i.sort() # I'm not sure anymore why/if this is needed
+ i.reverse()
+ for j in i:
+ if j not in eliminate:
+ tmp.append(j)
+ found = tmp
+ del tmp
+ if found:
+ # FIXME: when I have time, all candidate should be associated with
+ # a priority. At the moment, fav_seps prefers favorites
+ # over secondary candidates (i.e. candidates occuring multiple
+ # times. EVIL!
+ fav_seps = [" - ", " / "]
+ sep = ""
+ for i in fav_seps:
+ if i in found:
+ sep = i
+ break
+ if not sep:
+ sep = found[0]
+ closing_brace = ""
+ for j in braces:
+ if j[0] in sep:
+ closing_brace = j[1]
+ break
+ for i in titles:
+ buf = string.split(i, sep, 1)
+ if closing_brace:
+ lenbefore = len(buf[0] + buf[1])
+ buf[0] = string.replace(buf[0], closing_brace, "")
+ buf[1] = string.replace(buf[1], closing_brace, "")
+ lenafter = len(buf[0] + buf[1])
+ if lenafter != lenbefore - len(closing_brace):
+ if verb:
+ warning("brace" + `j` + " does not close exactly once.")
+ err = 9
+ if cf['_various_swap']:
+ buf = [buf[1], buf[0]]
+ names.append(buf)
+ else:
+ err = 7
+ if verb:
+ warning("could not separate artist and title in all TTITLEs. Try setting freedb_pedantic = 0 or use --no-various Maybe additional information is contained in the EXTT fields. check %s and use either --extt-is-artist or --extt-is-title." % cf['_freedb_form_file'])
+ else:
+ for i in range(tracks_on_cd):
+ buf = freedb['TTITLE'+`i`]
+ names.append(["", buf])
+ # append the EXTT fields to the track names
+ if cf['_extt_is_comment']:
+ for i in range(len(names[1:])):
+ if freedb.has_key('EXTT'+`i`) and freedb['EXTT'+`i`]:
+ names[i+1][1] = names[i+1][1] + " (%s)" % freedb['EXTT'+`i`]
+ else:
+ print "Warning: track %i (starting at 0) has no EXTT entry." % i
+ locale_names = []
+ # clean up a bit and create names for the appropriate locale:
+ # FIXME: this for loop doesn't actually change the variable names at all!
+ for i in names:
+ t = []
+ for j in [0, 1]:
+ if i[j]:
+ i[j] = string.strip(i[j])
+ while string.find(i[j], " ") != -1:
+ i[j] = string.replace(i[j], " ", " ")
+ while i[j][0] == '"' and i[j][-1] == '"':
+ i[j] = i[j][1:-1]
+ while i[j][0] == '"' and string.find(i[j][1:], '"') != -1:
+ i[j] = string.replace(i[j][1:], '"', '', 1)
+ x = i[j].encode(locale.getpreferredencoding(), "replace")
+ t.append(x)
+ locale_names.append(t)
+ return err, names, locale_names, read_id, revision
+def choose_cat(cat = ["blues", "classical", "country", "data", "folk", "jazz", "misc", "newage", "reggae", "rock", "soundtrack"]):
+ print "choose a category:"
+ cat.sort()
+ for i in range(1, len(cat)):
+ print "%2d" % i + ".) " + cat[i]
+ x = -1
+ while x < 0 or x > len(cat) - 1:
+ if jack_progress.status_all.has_key('freedb_cat') and jack_progress.status_all['freedb_cat'][-1] in cat:
+ input = raw_input(" 0.) none of the above (default='%s'): " % jack_progress.status_all['freedb_cat'][-1])
+ if not input:
+ x = cat.index(jack_progress.status_all['freedb_cat'][-1])
+ continue
+ else:
+ input = raw_input(" 0.) none of the above: ")
+ try:
+ x = int(input)
+ except ValueError:
+ x = -1 # start the loop again
+ if not x:
+ print "ok, aborting."
+ sys.exit(0)
+ return cat[x]
+def do_freedb_submit(file, cd_id):
+ import httplib
+ hello = "hello=" + cf['_username'] + " " + cf['_hostname'] + " " + prog_name + " " + prog_version
+ print "Info: querying categories..."
+ url = "http://" + freedb_servers[cf['_freedb_server']]['host'] + "/~cddb/cddb.cgi?" + urllib.quote_plus("cmd=cddb lscat" + "&" + hello + "&proto=6", "=&")
+ f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+ buf = f.readline()
+ if buf[0:3] == "500":
+ print "Info: LSCAT failed, using builtin categories..."
+ cat = choose_cat()
+ elif buf[0:3] == "210":
+ cat = ["null", ]
+ while 1:
+ buf = f.readline()
+ if not buf:
+ break
+ buf = string.rstrip(buf)
+ if buf != ".":
+ cat.append(buf)
+ f.close()
+ cat = choose_cat(cat)
+ else:
+ error("LSCAT failed: " + string.rstrip(buf) +
+ print "OK, using `" + cat + "'."
+ email = freedb_servers[cf['_freedb_server']]['my_mail']
+ print "Your e-mail address is needed to send error messages to you."
+ x = raw_input("enter your e-mail-address [" + email + "]: ")
+ if x:
+ email = x
+ info("Submitting...")
+ selector = '/~cddb/submit.cgi'
+ proxy = ""
+ if os.environ.has_key('http_proxy'):
+ proxy = os.environ['http_proxy']
+ def splittype(url):
+ import re
+ _typeprog = re.compile('^([^/:]+):')
+ match = _typeprog.match(url)
+ if match:
+ scheme =
+ return scheme, url[len(scheme) + 1:]
+ return None, url
+ def splithost(url):
+ import re
+ _hostprog = re.compile('^//([^/]+)(.*)$')
+ match = _hostprog.match(url)
+ if match: return, 2)
+ return None, url
+ type, proxy = splittype(proxy)
+ host, selector2 = splithost(proxy)
+ h = httplib.HTTP(host)
+ h.putrequest('POST', 'http://' + freedb_servers[cf['_freedb_server']]['host'] + selector)
+ else:
+ h = httplib.HTTP(freedb_servers[cf['_freedb_server']]['host'])
+ h.putrequest('POST', '/~cddb/submit.cgi')
+ h.putheader('Category', cat)
+ h.putheader('Discid', cd_id)
+ h.putheader('User-Email', email)
+ if cf['_debug']:
+ debug("will submit in test-mode, changes are not applied and you'll get an email which contains the data you submitted.")
+ h.putheader('Submit-Mode', 'test')
+ else:
+ h.putheader('Submit-Mode', 'submit')
+ h.putheader('Charset', 'UTF-8')
+ if cf['_debug']:
+ h.putheader('X-Cddbd-Note', 'Submission will not be applied to database if --debug is on.')
+ else:
+ h.putheader('X-Cddbd-Note', 'data submitted with ' + prog_name + ' (')
+ h.putheader('Content-Length', str(jack_utils.filesize(file)))
+ h.endheaders()
+ # The user just wrote the file with a text editor so we assume that it
+ # is in their locale.
+ f =, "r", locale.getpreferredencoding())
+ try:
+ text =
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ print "The freedb file does not match your current locale. Please convert it"
+ print "to " + locale.getpreferredencoding() + " manually."
+ sys.exit(1)
+ h.send(text.encode("utf-8"))
+ f.close()
+ print
+ err, msg, headers = h.getreply()
+ f = h.getfile()
+ if proxy:
+ if err != 200:
+ error("proxy: " + `err` + " " + msg +
+ else:
+ buf = f.readline()
+ err, msg = buf[0:3], buf[4:]
+ # lets see if it worked:
+ if err == 404:
+ print "This server doesn't seem to support database submission via http."
+ print "consider submitting via mail (" + progname + " -m). full error:\n"
+ print err, msg
+def do_freedb_mailsubmit(file, cd_id):
+ warning("Support for freedb submission via e-mail may be dropped in future versions. Please begin to use HTTP to submit your entries (--submit)")
+ sendmail = '/usr/lib/sendmail -t'
+ #sendmail = 'cat > /tmp/jack.test.mailsubmit'
+ cat = choose_cat()
+ print "OK, using `" + cat + "'."
+ if string.find(freedb_servers[cf['_freedb_server']]['my_mail'], "@") >= 1 and len(freedb_servers[cf['_freedb_server']]['my_mail']) > 3:
+ return os.system("( echo 'To: " + freedb_servers[cf['_freedb_server']]['mail'] + "'; echo From: '" + freedb_servers[cf['_freedb_server']]['my_mail'] + "'; echo 'Subject: cddb " + cat + " " + cd_id + "' ; cat '" + file + "' ) | " + sendmail)
+ else:
+ print "please set your e-mail address. aborting..."
+def update_revision(file):
+ "Update the revision (and submitted-via) information in a FreeDB template"
+ re_revision = re.compile(r"^#\s*Revision:\s*(\d+)")
+ re_agent = re.compile(r"^#\s*Submitted via:")
+ tmp, tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ freedb_file = open(file, "r")
+ revision = 0
+ comments = 1
+ for line in freedb_file.readlines():
+ rev = re_revision.match(line)
+ agent = re_agent.match(line)
+ if rev:
+ revision = int( + 1
+ os.write(tmp, "# Revision: %d\n" % revision)
+ elif agent:
+ os.write(tmp, "# Submitted via: " + prog_name + " " + prog_version + "\n")
+ else:
+ if not line.startswith("#"):
+ # The 'Revisions' field is option but should be set when you
+ # submit a new version. Therefore, after the comments check
+ # whether we've seen a revision and if not write one.
+ if comments:
+ if revision == 0:
+ revision += 1
+ os.write(tmp, "# Revision: %d\n" % revision)
+ comments = 0
+ os.write(tmp, line)
+ os.close(tmp)
+ freedb_file.close()
+ try:
+ shutil.copyfile(tmpname, file)
+ except IOError:
+ print "Cannot copy updated template over existing one."
+ try:
+ os.unlink(tmpname)
+ except IOError:
+ print "Cannot remove temporary file %s." % tmpname