* Insert a CD, fire up jack: $ jack Now watch it work. It's fun for a while. After having finished, you have the follwing files on your HD: track_01.ogg track_02.ogg, ..., track_nn.ogg plusjack.toc, jack.freedb, jack.progress. The last three are used to store the state jack is in so it can resume work when interrupted. * Jack will create a directory called jack-xxxxxxxx for you, there it stores all the file for the CD whose id is xxxxxxxx. After a freedb query this directory is renamed to something human readable, like "Artist - Title". * When jack is interrupted, call it again using the same commandline as before to resume work, in this case: $ jack * The WAV files have been deleted. If you want jack to keep them, try $ jack -k * Now let's try a freedb query: $ jack -q when succesful the files are now renamed to something more readable and have been ID3 tagged accordingly. jack.freedb contains the queried freedb entry, the original file has been backed up to jack.freedb.bak. * The query failed? Ok, contribute! edit the freedb template: $ vi jack.freedb Note: the DTITLE should be set to Artist / Name Of Album or Various Artist / Name Of Compilation when adding a compilation, use Artist - Title Of Track for the track titles. Do not delete any lines from the template. Do not change the numbers. Yes the TTITLEs start at 0 and end one track too early. Read the freedb documentation. * now activate the entries: $ jack -R now the files have been renamed and tagged. Check the names two or three times. Typo made? No problem, you can alway undo the file renaming with $ jack -u Note that the ID3 tags are not undone. Fix the freedb file and again, use $ jack -R to activate your changes. When you are sure the freedb file is suitable for submission, submit it (via e-mail (option -m) or via HTTP POST (option --submit). When using the former, sendmail must be installed and working on your machine! If you're on a dial-up, you can use the - m option to queue submits, provided sendmail is set up accordingly): $ jack -m or $jack --submit Those were the basics. Now some more advanced examples: * All in one: query, rip, encode, cleanup: $ jack -Q --remove * query any time while working: $ jack and, from another shell: $ jack -d -Q * query for unknown OGGs: $ jack -q -g track_*.ogg * rip from image, first, create the image: $ cdrdao read-cd --datafile data.cdr data.toc then make OGGs from the image: $ jack -f data.toc more to follow.