# Linux KMP installer ## Preparing to run If you are running from the repo or installing keyman-config manually rather than from a package then you will need to `sudo apt install python3-lxml python3-magic python3-numpy python3-pil python3-requests python3-requests-cache python3 python3-gi gir1.2-webkit-3.0 dconf-cli python3-setuptools` You will also need kmflcomp either from a package or built and installed locally. run the script `./createkeymandirs.sh` to create the directories for these programs to install the packages to ### Installing manually from the repo `make && sudo make install` will install locally to /usr/local `python3 setup.py --help install` will give you more install options You will need `sudo apt install python3-pip` to `make uninstall` ## Things to run ### km-config `./km-config` This shows a list of installed kmps. For each one it has buttons to `show the welcome page`, `show more information` and `uninstall`. ##### Buttons * `Refresh` - useful if you install or uninstall on the commandline while running km-config. * `Download keyboard...` - runs `DownloadKmpWindow` (see below) * `Install keyboard...` - opens a file choose dialog to choose a kmp file to install and bring up the `InstallKmpWindow` for more details and to confirm installing. ##### Download window This uses the keyman.com website to install kmps. The website doesn't know about linux yet (until after 10.0 release) so pretending to be a mac for now. Search for a language or keyboard in the search box Select a keyboard from the list In 'Downloads for your device' there will be a 'Install keyboard' button for the keyboard for macOS Click it to download the keyboard and bring up the `InstallKmpWindow` for more details and to confirm installing. Secondary-click gives you a menu including 'Back' to go back a page. ### km-package-install Command line installer for kmp `km-package-install -k ` or `km-package-install -f ` ### km-package-uninstall Command line uninstaller for kmp `km-package-uninstall ` ### km-package-list-installed `km-package-list-installed` shows name, version, id, description of each installed keyboard `km-package-list-installed -s` shows name, version, id of each installed keyboard ### km-package-get Download Keyman keyboard package to ~/Downloads `km-package-get ` ### km-kvk2ldml Convert a Keyman kvk on-screen keyboard file to an LDML file. Optionally print the details of the kvk file [-p] optionally with all keys [-k]. `km-kvk2ldml [-p] [-k] [-o LDMLFILE] ` ## Building the Debian package You will need the build dependencies as well as the runtime dependencies above `sudo apt install dh-python python3-all debhelper help2man` Run `make deb`. This will build the Debian package in the make_deb directory.