""" Copyright (c) 2012 Jonas Haag . License: ISC This implements Digest Auth as specified in RFC 2069, i.e. without the `qop` quality-of-protection, `cnonce` nonce count, ... options. References to the algorithm (HA1, HA2, nonce, ...) are taken from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digest_access_authentication """ import os import re import time import hashlib try: # Python 3 from urllib.request import parse_http_list, parse_keqv_list except ImportError: # Python 2 from urllib2 import parse_http_list, parse_keqv_list def md5(x): return hashlib.md5(x).hexdigest() def md5_str(x): return md5(x.encode('utf8')) def sha256(x): return hashlib.sha256(x).hexdigest() def reconstruct_uri(environ): """ Reconstruct the relative part of the request URI. I.e. if the requested URL is https://foo.bar/spam?eggs, ``reconstruct_uri`` returns ``'/spam?eggs'``. """ uri = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') + environ['PATH_INFO'] if environ.get('QUERY_STRING'): uri += '?' + environ['QUERY_STRING'] return uri def make_www_authenticate_header(realm=None): return 'Digest realm="%s", nonce="%s"' % (realm, generate_nonce()) def generate_nonce(): return sha256(os.urandom(1000) + str(time.time()).encode()) def make_auth_response(nonce, HA1, HA2): """ response := md5(HA1 : nonce : HA2) """ return md5_str(HA1 + ':' + nonce + ':' + HA2) def make_HA2(http_method, uri): """ HA2 := http_method : uri (as reconstructed by ``reconstruct_uri``) """ return md5_str(http_method + ':' + uri) def parse_dict_header(value): """ Parses a HTTP dict header value -- i.e. ``"foo=bar, spam=eggs"`` is parsed into ``{'foo': 'bar', 'spam': 'eggs'}``. """ return parse_keqv_list(parse_http_list(value)) class BaseHttpAuthMiddleware(object): """ Abstract HTTP Digest Auth middleware. Contains all the functionality except for credential validation -- this happens using the ``make_HA1`` method which needs to be overriden by subclasses. `wsgi_app` The WSGI app to be secured. `realm` The HTTP Auth realm to be displayed in the browser. `routes` (optional) A list of regular expressions that specify which URLs should be secured. If not given, all routes are secured by default. """ def __init__(self, wsgi_app, realm=None, routes=()): self.wsgi_app = wsgi_app self.realm = realm or '' self.routes = self.compile_routes(routes) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): environ['httpauth.uri'] = reconstruct_uri(environ) if (self.should_require_authentication(environ['httpauth.uri']) and not self.authenticate(environ)): # URL is secured and user hasn't sent authentication/wrong credentials. return self.challenge(environ, start_response) else: # Wave-through to real WSGI app. return self.wsgi_app(environ, start_response) def compile_routes(self, routes): return [re.compile(route) for route in routes] def should_require_authentication(self, url): """ Returns True if we should require authentication for the URL given """ return (not self.routes # require auth for all URLs or any(route.match(url) for route in self.routes)) def authenticate(self, environ): """ Returns True if the credentials passed in the Authorization header are valid, False otherwise. """ try: hd = parse_dict_header(environ['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) except (KeyError, ValueError): return False return self.credentials_valid( hd['response'], environ['REQUEST_METHOD'], environ['httpauth.uri'], hd['nonce'], hd['Digest username'], ) def credentials_valid(self, response, http_method, uri, nonce, user): try: HA1 = self.make_HA1(user) except KeyError: # Invalid user return False return response == make_auth_response(nonce, HA1, make_HA2(http_method, uri)) def challenge(self, environ, start_response): start_response( '401 Authentication Required', [('WWW-Authenticate', make_www_authenticate_header(self.realm))], ) return ['

401 - Authentication Required

'] class DigestFileHttpAuthMiddleware(BaseHttpAuthMiddleware): """ Reads credentials from an Apache-style .htdigest file. `filelike` Any file-like object that has a ``.read()`` method. Note: Don't pass filenames, only open files/file-likes. """ def __init__(self, filelike, **kwargs): realm, self.user_HA1_map = self.parse_htdigest_file(filelike) BaseHttpAuthMiddleware.__init__(self, realm=realm, **kwargs) def make_HA1(self, username): return self.user_HA1_map[username] def parse_htdigest_file(self, filelike): """ .htdigest files consist of lines in the following format:: username:realm:passwordhash where both `username` and `realm` are plain-text without any colons and `passwordhash` is the result of ``md5(username : realm : password)`` and thus `passwordhash` == HA1. """ realm = None user_HA1_map = {} for lineno, line in enumerate(filter(None, filelike.read().splitlines()), 1): try: username, realm2, password_hash = line.split(':') except ValueError: raise ValueError("Line %d invalid: %r (username/password may not contain ':')" % (lineno, line)) if realm is not None and realm != realm2: raise ValueError("Line %d: realm may not vary (got %r and %r)" % (lineno, realm, realm2)) else: realm = realm2 user_HA1_map[username] = password_hash return realm, user_HA1_map class DictHttpAuthMiddleware(BaseHttpAuthMiddleware): """ Reads credentials from ``user_password_map`` which is a `username -> plaintext password` map. """ def __init__(self, user_password_map, **kwargs): self.user_password_map = user_password_map BaseHttpAuthMiddleware.__init__(self, **kwargs) def make_HA1(self, username): password = self.user_password_map[username] return md5_str(username + ':' + self.realm + ':' + password) class AlwaysFailingAuthMiddleware(BaseHttpAuthMiddleware): """ This thing just keeps asking for credentials all the time """ def authenticate(self, environ): return False