path: root/parts/s/3960p0es01.dat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'parts/s/3960p0es01.dat')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/parts/s/3960p0es01.dat b/parts/s/3960p0es01.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f779d74c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parts/s/3960p0es01.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+0 ~Dish 4 x 4 Inverted with Stripes Red/Blue/Yellow/Lime Pattern Slice - 1/8
+0 Name: s\3960p0es01.dat
+0 Author: Bjoern Sigve Storesund [Storesund]
+0 !LDRAW_ORG Subpart UPDATE 2020-01
+0 !LICENSE Redistributable under CCAL version 2.0 : see CAreadme.txt
+0 !HISTORY 2019-05-31 [GeraldLasser] Reduced Slice Size from 180 deg to 45 deg
+0 !HISTORY 2020-06-28 [PTadmin] Official Update 2020-01
+4 16 9.914 0 1.305 9.96705 0 0.5 21.96705 2 0.5 21.8108 2 2.871
+4 16 21.8108 2 2.871 21.96705 2 0.5 29.46705 4 0.5 29.2463 4 3.84975
+4 16 29.2463 4 3.84975 29.46705 4 0.5 34.96705 6 0.5 34.699 6 4.5675
+4 16 34.699 6 4.5675 34.96705 6 0.5 39.96705 8 0.5 39.656 8 5.22
+4 16 21.8108 2 2.871 21.2498 2 5.6936 9.659 0 2.588 9.914 0 1.305
+4 16 21.2498 2 5.6936 21.8108 2 2.871 29.2463 4 3.84975 28.49405 4 7.6346
+4 16 33.8065 6 9.058 28.49405 4 7.6346 29.2463 4 3.84975 34.699 6 4.5675
+4 16 21.2498 2 5.6936 20.3258 2 8.4194 9.239 0 3.827 9.659 0 2.588
+4 16 20.3258 2 8.4194 21.2498 2 5.6936 28.49405 4 7.6346 27.25505 4 11.28965
+4 16 27.25505 4 11.28965 28.49405 4 7.6346 33.8065 6 9.058 32.3365 6 13.3945
+4 16 32.3365 6 13.3945 33.8065 6 9.058 38.636 8 10.352 36.956 8 15.308
+4 16 20.3258 2 8.4194 19.052 2 11 8.66 0 5 9.239 0 3.827
+4 16 19.052 2 11 20.3258 2 8.4194 27.25505 4 11.28965 25.547 4 14.75
+4 16 25.547 4 14.75 27.25505 4 11.28965 32.3365 6 13.3945 30.31 6 17.5
+4 16 30.31 6 17.5 32.3365 6 13.3945 36.956 8 15.308 34.64 8 20
+4 16 17.4548 2 13.3936 7.934 0 6.088 8.66 0 5 19.052 2 11
+4 16 19.052 2 11 25.547 4 14.75 23.4053 4 17.9596 17.4548 2 13.3936
+4 16 23.4053 4 17.9596 25.547 4 14.75 30.31 6 17.5 27.769 6 21.308
+4 16 27.769 6 21.308 30.31 6 17.5 34.64 8 20 31.736 8 24.352
+4 16 15.88677 2 15.17966 7.38116 0 6.71771 7.934 0 6.088 17.4548 2 13.3936
+4 16 15.88677 2 15.17966 17.4548 2 13.3936 23.4053 4 17.9596 21.19002 4 20.48291
+4 16 25.07907 6 24.37196 21.19002 4 20.48291 23.4053 4 17.9596 27.769 6 21.308
+4 16 25.07907 6 24.37196 27.769 6 21.308 31.736 8 24.352 28.61457 8 27.90746
+4 16 38.636 8 10.352 33.8065 6 9.058 34.699 6 4.5675 39.656 8 5.22