#!/bin/sh set -ex VERSION=$2 ORIG_ZIP=`readlink -f "$3"` ZIP_LOC=`dirname "${ORIG_ZIP}"` REAL_DIR="${ZIP_LOC}/ldraw-parts-${VERSION}+ds" REAL_TAR="${ZIP_LOC}/ldraw-parts_${VERSION}+ds.orig.tar.xz" REAL_DIR_BASE=`basename "$REAL_DIR"` mkdir -p "$REAL_DIR" # extract and remove the zip tar -C "${REAL_DIR}" -xf "${ORIG_ZIP}" rm "${ORIG_ZIP}" # recover mklist.c and headers from mklist1_6.zip unzip -q "${REAL_DIR}/mklist1_6.zip" mklist.c include/*.h -d "${REAL_DIR}" # remove all zip archives (they contain compiled *.exe and old source) # remove mklist.exe rm "${REAL_DIR}/"*.zip "${REAL_DIR}/mklist.exe" # repack source tarball # gz would be 47% larger than xz XZ_OPT=-v9e tar --remove-files --directory "${ZIP_LOC}" -cJf "${REAL_TAR}" "${REAL_DIR_BASE}" exit 0