0 Cylinder 2 x 2 x 2 Robot Body without Bottom Axle Holder 0 Name: 30361a.dat 0 Author: Marc Klein [marckl] 0 !LDRAW_ORG Part UPDATE 2012-03 0 !LICENSE Licensed under CC BY 2.0 and CC BY 4.0 : see CAreadme.txt 0 BFC CERTIFY CCW 0 !KEYWORDS droid, minifig, r2d2, Round, Star Wars, Torso 0 !HISTORY 2000-09-29 [samrotule] Secondary author 0 !HISTORY 2000-09-30 [PTadmin] Official Update 2000-02 0 !HISTORY 2007-06-07 [PTadmin] Header formatted for Contributor Agreement 0 !HISTORY 2008-07-01 [PTadmin] Official Update 2008-01 0 !HISTORY 2011-05-19 [Philo] BFCed, used subpart 0 !HISTORY 2012-05-13 [TK-949] Widened Front Face 0 !HISTORY 2012-05-15 [PTadmin] Renamed from 30361 0 !HISTORY 2012-12-28 [PTadmin] Official Update 2012-03 0 // Created with stl2dat conversion tool 1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 s\30361as01.dat 1 16 0 30 0 14.14 0 -14.14 0 -40 0 -14.14 0 -14.14 1-4cyli.dat 5 24 14.14 30 -14.14 14.14 -10 -14.14 7.653 30 -18.475 28.28 30 0 5 24 -14.14 30 -14.14 -14.14 -10 -14.14 -7.653 30 -18.475 -28.28 30 0 4 16 18.48 -1.741 -7.654 18.48 -10 -7.654 14.14 -10 -14.14 18.25 0 -8 3 16 18.25 0 -8 14.14 -10 -14.14 18.48 1.741 -7.654 4 16 18.48 1.741 -7.654 14.14 -10 -14.14 14.14 30 -14.14 18.48 30 -7.654 4 16 -18.25 0 -8 -14.14 -10 -14.14 -18.48 -10 -7.654 -18.48 -1.741 -7.654 3 16 -18.48 1.741 -7.654 -14.14 -10 -14.14 -18.25 0 -8 4 16 -18.48 30 -7.654 -14.14 30 -14.14 -14.14 -10 -14.14 -18.48 1.741 -7.654