0 ~Electric Switch: Key Right with Yellow Triangle Up Pattern 0 Name: u9002p04.dat 0 Author: Steffen [Steffen] 0 !LDRAW_ORG Part UPDATE 2011-01 0 !LICENSE Licensed under CC BY 4.0 : see CAreadme.txt 0 !HELP to put this part into a pressed-down state, rotate it 4.3 degrees 0 !HELP around the x-axis 0 BFC CERTIFY CCW 0 !KEYWORDS Train 0 !HISTORY 2011-07-25 [PTadmin] Official Update 2011-01 1 16 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 s\u9001s01.dat 4 16 -40 -31 0 -30.75 -31 -6.7 21.4 -31 -6.7 40 -31 0 4 16 -30.75 -31 -83.15 -30.75 -31 -6.7 -40 -31 0 -40 -31 -160 4 16 -30.75 -31 -83.15 -40 -31 -160 40 -31 -160 21.4 -31 -83.15 4 16 40 -31 -160 40 -31 0 21.4 -31 -6.7 21.4 -31 -83.15 3 14 -4.675 -31 -40.95 -22.5 -31 -73.25 13.15 -31 -73.25 4 0 -30.75 -31 -83.3 -22.5 -31 -73.25 -4.675 -31 -40.95 -30.75 -31 -6.7 4 0 13.15 -31 -73.25 21.4 -31 -83.3 21.4 -31 -6.7 -4.675 -31 -40.95 3 0 -4.675 -31 -40.95 21.4 -31 -6.7 -30.75 -31 -6.7 4 0 -30.75 -31 -83.3 21.4 -31 -83.3 13.15 -31 -73.25 -22.5 -31 -73.25