Tips for contributors --------------------- * In your local repository, ensure that everything compiles by **running `make`** (this will launch byte compilation of lisp files and regression tests). * You are then ready to make a **pull request**. Please make pull requests **against `master`**. * When pull request arrives in [github], this will triger continuous integration on [Travis CI]. Please check that you pull request is successfully compiled and tested on all Emacs and Ledger versions configured. * If you're making **changes to files for which the Travis build is not relevant**, please **add `[ci skip]` to the end of the commit message**. Glossary -------- **[Markdown]**: A typesetter format that produces *html* files from *.md* files. Note that GitHub automatically renders *.md* files. **[Texinfo]**: GNU documentation typesetter that produces *html* and *pdf* files from the `doc/\*.texi` files. **[Travis CI]**: a hosted continuous integration service that builds and runs tests each commit posted to GitHub. Each build creates a [log], updates a [small badge] at the top left of the main project's [], and emails the author of the commit if any tests fail. Source tree ----------- The source tree can be confusing to a new developer. Here is a selective orientation: **./**: user readme file in markdown format, also used as the project description on GitHub. **./**: the [GPLv2] license. **./*.el**: the [Emacs] ledger-mode lisp code. **./doc/**: documentation, and tools for generating documents such as the *pdf* manual. **./test/**: regression tests. **./tools/**: some tools, mostly small scripts, to aid development and [Travis CI] integration. [Markdown]: [Texinfo]: [Travis CI]: [log]: [small badge]: [git-flow]: []: [Emacs]: [GPLv2]: [github]: