## ## Makefile -- Build procedure for sample authn_yubikey Apache module ## Autogenerated via ``apxs -n authn_yubikey -g''. ## builddir=. top_srcdir=. top_builddir=. include ./build/special.mk # the used tools APXS=apxs APACHECTL=apachectl # additional defines, includes and libraries #DEFS=-Dmy_define=my_value DEFS=-DYK_PACKAGE=\"mod_authn_yubikey\" -DYK_PACKAGE_VERSION=\"0.1\" #INCLUDES=-Imy/include/dir #LIBS=-Lmy/lib/dir -lmylib LIBS=-lcurl # the default target all: local-shared-build install # install the shared object file into Apache install: install-modules-yes # cleanup clean: -rm -f mod_authn_yubikey.o mod_authn_yubikey.lo mod_authn_yubikey.slo mod_authn_yubikey.la # simple test test: reload lynx -mime_header http://localhost/authn_yubikey # install and activate shared object by reloading Apache to # force a reload of the shared object file reload: install restart # the general Apache start/restart/stop # procedures start: $(APACHECTL) start restart: $(APACHECTL) restart stop: $(APACHECTL) stop