# libavg - Media Playback Engine. # Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Ulrich von Zadow # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Current versions can be found at www.libavg.de from libavg import avg, player import apphelpers g_KbManager = apphelpers.KeyboardManager.get() class CoordCalibrator(object): def __init__(self, calibrationTerminatedCb): self.__calibrationTerminatedCb = calibrationTerminatedCb self.__CurPointIndex = 0 self.__CPPCal = player.getTracker().startCalibration() self.__LastCenter = None self.__NumMessages = 0 self._mycursor = None mainNode = player.getElementByID("cal_coordcalibrator") mainNode.active = True mainNode.opacity = 1 mainNode.setEventHandler(avg.Event.CURSOR_DOWN, avg.Event.TOUCH, self.__onTouchDown) mainNode.setEventHandler(avg.Event.CURSOR_MOTION, avg.Event.TOUCH, self.__onTouchMove) mainNode.setEventHandler(avg.Event.CURSOR_UP, avg.Event.TOUCH, self.__onTouchUp) self.__crosshair = player.getElementByID("cal_crosshair") self.__feedback = player.getElementByID("cal_feedback") self.__feedback.opacity = 0 self.__addMessage("Starting calibration.") self.__moveMarker() g_KbManager.push() g_KbManager.bindKey('space', self.__nextPoint, 'sample next point') g_KbManager.bindKey('a', self.__abortCalibration, 'abort calibration') def __endCalibration(self, isSuccessful): player.getElementByID("cal_coordcalibrator").active = False player.getElementByID("cal_coordcalibrator").opacity = 0 MsgsNode = player.getElementByID("cal_messages") for i in range(0, MsgsNode.getNumChildren()): MsgsNode.removeChild(0) g_KbManager.pop() self.__calibrationTerminatedCb(isSuccessful) def __nextPoint(self): if self.__LastCenter: self.__CPPCal.setCamPoint(self.__LastCenter) self.__addMessage (" Using: %(x).2f, %(y).2f" % { "x": self.__LastCenter[0], "y": self.__LastCenter[1]}) self._mycursor = None self.__LastCenter = None hasNextPoint = self.__CPPCal.nextPoint() if not hasNextPoint: # Note: may raise RuntimeError. A rollback doesn't appear to be possible, # which means crashing here is safer than handling the exception player.getTracker().endCalibration() self.__endCalibration(True) else: self.__CurPointIndex += 1 self.__moveMarker() def __abortCalibration(self): player.getTracker().abortCalibration() self.__endCalibration(False) def __moveMarker(self): self.__crosshair.x, self.__crosshair.y = self.__CPPCal.getDisplayPoint() self.__crosshair.x, self.__crosshair.y = self.__feedback.x, self.__feedback.y = \ (self.__crosshair.x-7, self.__crosshair.y-7) self.__addMessage("Calibrating point "+str(self.__CurPointIndex)) def __addMessage(self, text): MsgsNode = player.getElementByID("cal_messages") if self.__NumMessages > 38: for i in range(0, MsgsNode.getNumChildren()-1): MsgsNode.getChild(i).text = MsgsNode.getChild(i+1).text MsgsNode.removeChild(MsgsNode.getNumChildren()-1) else: self.__NumMessages += 1 Node = player.createNode( "") Node.x = 0 Node.y = self.__NumMessages*13 Node.text = text MsgsNode.appendChild(Node) def __onTouchDown(self, Event): if Event.source != avg.Event.TOUCH: return if not self._mycursor: self._mycursor = Event.cursorid else: return self.__LastCenter = Event.center self.__addMessage(" Touch at %(x).2f, %(y).2f" % { "x": Event.center[0], "y": Event.center[1]}) self.__feedback.opacity = 1 def __onTouchMove(self,Event): if Event.source != avg.Event.TOUCH: return if self._mycursor == Event.cursorid: self.__LastCenter = Event.center def __onTouchUp(self, Event): if Event.source != avg.Event.TOUCH: return self.__addMessage("touchup") self.__feedback.opacity = 0 if self._mycursor: self._mycursor = None else: return