#!/usr/bin/perl -w BEGIN { unshift @INC, 'lib', '../lib'} use Chart::LinesPoints; use strict; use File::Temp 0.19; my $samples = File::Temp->newdir(); print "1..1\n"; my ( @data, @data2, @labels, %hash, $g, $hits ); # create an array of labels for ( 0 .. 30 ) { push( @labels, $_ ); } # create two arrays of data for ( 0 .. 30 ) { #first array $hits = 2 * $_; if ( $_ % 2 == 0 ) { $hits = $_; } push( @data, $hits ); #second array $hits = 40 - $_ + 10 * cos($_); push( @data2, $hits ); } $g = Chart::LinesPoints->new( 600, 300 ); $g->add_dataset(@labels); $g->add_dataset(@data); $g->add_dataset(@data2); %hash = ( 'title' => 'Lines with Points Demo', 'y_axes' => 'both', 'legend' => 'none', 'precision' => 0, 'xy_plot' => 'true', ); $g->set(%hash); $g->png("$samples/linespoints_2.png"); print "ok 1\n"; exit(0);