package Config::Model::Dpkg::Dependency ; use 5.10.1; use Config::Model 2.066; # for show_message use Mouse; use URI::Escape; use feature qw/postderef signatures/; no warnings qw/experimental::postderef experimental::signatures/; # Debian only module use lib '/usr/share/lintian/lib' ; use Lintian::Relation ; use DB_File ; use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels); use Module::CoreList; use JSON; use Path::Tiny; use version ; use Parse::RecDescent ; # available only in debian. Black magic snatched from # /usr/share/doc/libapt-pkg-perl/examples/apt-version use AptPkg::Config '$_config'; use AptPkg::System '$_system'; use AptPkg::Version; use AptPkg::Cache ; use LWP::Simple ; my $madison_host = ''; my $madison_endpoint = "https://$madison_host/madison"; # list of virtual packages # See # Last update: 2021-08-19 # wget -q -O- | \ # perl -MYAML -e 'BEGIN {local $/=undef; $y = <>;} $yaml=Load($y); printf (" %s\n", $_->{name}) foreach @{$yaml->{virtualPackages}};' | \ # sort -u my @virtual_list = qw/ adventure audio-mixer awk boom-engine boom-wad c-compiler c-shell cron-daemon dbus-session-bus debconf-2.0 default-dbus-session-bus default-logind dhcp-client dict-client dict-server dictd-dictionary doom-engine doom-wad dotfile-module emacsen flexmem fonts-japanese-gothic fonts-japanese-mincho foomatic-data fortran77-compiler ftp-server httpd httpd-cgi httpd-wsgi httpd-wsgi3 ident-server imap-client imap-server inet-superserver info-browser ispell-dictionary java5-runtime java5-runtime-headless java6-runtime java6-runtime-headless java7-runtime java7-runtime-headless java8-runtime java8-runtime-headless java9-runtime java9-runtime-headless kernel-headers kernel-image kernel-source lambdamoo-core lambdamoo-server libc-dev linux-kernel-log-daemon logind lzh-archiver mail-reader mail-transport-agent mailx man-browser mpd-client myspell-dictionary news-reader news-transport-system pdf-preview pdf-viewer pgp pop3-server postscript-preview postscript-viewer radius-server rsh-client rsh-server scheme-ieee-11878-1900 scheme-r4rs scheme-r5rs scheme-srfi-0 scheme-srfi-55 scheme-srfi-7 stardict stardict-dictdata stardict-dictionary system-log-daemon tclsh telnet-client telnet-server time-daemon ups-monitor virtual-mysql-client virtual-mysql-client-core virtual-mysql-server virtual-mysql-server-core virtual-mysql-testsuite wish wordlist www-browser x-audio-mixer x-display-manager x-session-manager x-terminal-emulator x-window-manager xserver /; # other less official virtual packages push @virtual_list, qw/ debhelper-compat libkvm-dev libgl-dev libqt5opengl5-desktop-dev libtiff-dev libuv-dev ruby-interpreter perl-xs-dev ssh-client ssh-server /; my %virtual_hash = map {( $_ => 1); } @virtual_list; sub _is_virtual ($pkg) { return 1 if $virtual_hash{$pkg}; return 1 if $pkg =~ /^dh-sequence-[a-z0-9-]+$/; return 0; } my %debian_map; my $version = \%Module::CoreList::version; foreach my $v (values %$version) { foreach my $pm ( keys %$v ) { next unless defined $pm; my $k = lc($pm); $k =~ s/::/-/g; $debian_map{"lib$k-perl"} = $pm; } } my $logger = get_logger("Tree::Element::Value::Dependency") ; # initialise the global config object with the default values $_config->init; # determine the appropriate system type $_system = $_config->system; # fetch a versioning system my $vs = $_system->versioning; my $apt_cache = AptPkg::Cache->new ; # end of AptPkg black magic extends qw/Config::Model::Value/ ; my $grammar = << 'EOG' ; { my @dep_errors ; my $add_error = sub { my ($err, $txt) = @_ ; push @dep_errors, "$err: '$txt'" ; return ; # to ensure production error } ; my $arch_list = qr/(any |alpha|amd64 |arm(64|eb|el|hf)? |avr32 |hppa |i386 |ia64 |lpia |m32r |m68k |mips(el|64el|64)? |powerpc(el|spe)? |ppc64\b |ppc64el |s390x? |sh3\b |sh3eb |sh4\b |sh4eb |sparc\b |sparc64 |x32 )/x; } # comment this out when modifying the grammar dependency: { @dep_errors = (); } dependency: depend(s /\|/) eofile { $return = [ 1 , @{$item[1]} ] ; } # accept anything that contain a variable, see #911756 and #702792 | /.*\$\{[\w:\-]+\}.*/ { $return = [1, $item[1] ] ;} | { push( @dep_errors, "Cannot parse: '$text'" ) unless @dep_errors ; $return = [ 0, @dep_errors ]; } depend: pkg_name arch_qualifier(?) dep_version(?) arch_restriction(?) profile_restriction(s?) { my %ret = ( name => $item{pkg_name} ); $ret{arch_qualifier} = $item[2][0] if @{$item[2]}; $ret{dep} = $item[3][0] if @{$item[3]}; $ret{arch_restriction} = $item[4][0] if @{$item[4]}; $ret{profile} = $item[5] if @{$item[5]}; $return = \%ret ; } # see profile_restriction: '<' profile(s) '>' { $return = $item[2]; } profile: not(?) profile_name profile_extention(?) { $return = join('', @{$item[1]}, $item{profile_name}, @{$item[3]}); } profile_extention: '.' /[\w\-]+/ '.' /[\w-]+/ { $return = join('', @item[1..4]) ; } profile_name: 'cross' | 'pkg' | 'stage1'| 'stage2' | 'nobiarch' | 'nocheck' | 'nodoc' | 'nogolang' | 'nojava' | 'noperl' | 'nopython' | 'noudeb' | { my @a = ('cross', 'pkg', 'stage1', 'stage2', 'nobiarch', 'nocheck', 'nodoc', 'nogolang', 'nojava', 'noperl', 'nopython', 'noudeb'); my ($bad) = split / /, $text; $add_error->("Unknown build profile name '$bad'","Expected one of @a") ; } # see #911756 arch_qualifier: ':' arch_qualifier_name { $return = $item[2]; } arch_qualifier_name: 'native' | /$arch_list/x | /\S+/ { $add_error->("bad architecture qualifier", $item[1]) ;} arch_restriction: '[' osarch(s) ']' { my $mismatch = 0; my $ref = $item[2] ; for (my $i = 0; $i < $#$ref -1 ; $i++ ) { $mismatch ||= ($ref->[$i][0] xor $ref->[$i+1][0]) ; } my @a = map { ($_->[0] || '') . ($_->[1] || '') . $_->[2] } @$ref ; if ($mismatch) { $add_error->("some names are prepended with '!' while others aren't.", "@a") ; } else { $return = \@a ; } } dep_version: '(' oper version ')' { $return = [ $item{oper}, $item{version} ] ;} pkg_name: /[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\+\-\.]+(?=[\s:([|]|\Z)/ | /\S+/ { $add_error->("bad package name", $item[1]) ;} oper: '<<' | '<=' | '=' | '>=' | '>>' | /\S+/ { $add_error->("bad dependency version operator", $item[1]) ;} version: /[\w\.\-~:+]+(?=\s|\)|\Z)/ | /\S+/ { $add_error->("bad dependency version", $item[1]) ;} # valid arch are listed by dpkg-architecture -L osarch: not(?) os(?) arch_restrict { $return = [ $item[1][0], $item[2][0], $item[3] ]; } not: '!' os: /(any|uclibc-linux|linux|kfreebsd|knetbsd|kopensolaris|hurd|darwin|freebsd|netbsd|openbsd|solaris|uclinux) -/x | /\w+/ '-' { $add_error->("bad os in architecture restriction", $item[1]) ;} arch_restrict: / $arch_list (?=(\]| |$)) /x | /\w+/ { $add_error->("bad arch in architecture restriction", $item[1]) ;} eofile: /^\Z/ EOG # extract installed version of debhelper my $str = `/usr/bin/dpkg -l debhelper`; my ($current_compat_value) = ($str =~ /ii\s+debhelper\s+(\d+)/); if (not $current_compat_value) { die "debhelper package is not installed"; } my $parser ; after 'store' => sub { my $self = shift; my $data = $self->_fetch_no_check; if ( $data =~ /^debhelper-compat\s*\(\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*\)/ ) { $self->parent->fetch_element(accept_hidden => 1, name => "debhelper-version")->store($1); } }; sub dep_parser { $parser ||= Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar) ; return $parser ; } # this method may recurse bad: # check_dep -> meta filter -> control maintainer -> create control class # autoread started -> read all fileds -> read dependency -> check_dep ... around check_value => sub($orig, $self, @args) { my %args = @_ > 1 ? @args : (value => $args[0]) ; $args{fix} //= 0; # when fixing, SUPER::check_value may modify $args{value} before calling back my ($ok, $value) = $orig->($self, %args) ; return $self->check_dependency(%args, value => $value, ok => $ok) ; }; sub check_dependency ($self, %args){ my ($value, $check, $silent, $notify_change, $ok, $apply_fix) = @args{qw/value check silent notify_change ok fix/} ; return ($ok, $value) if defined $check and $check eq 'no'; # value is one dependency, something like "perl ( >= 1.508 )" # or exim | mail-transport-agent or gnumach-dev [hurd-i386] # see # to get package list in json format ( 'f' option) # wget -q -O - '' # mojo get '' my @dep_chain ; if (defined $value) { $logger->debug("calling check_depend with Parse::RecDescent with '$value' fix is $apply_fix"); my $ret = dep_parser->dependency ( $value ) ; my $ok = shift @$ret ; if ($ok) { @dep_chain = @$ret ; } else { $self->add_error(@$ret) ; } } my $old = $value ; my @msgs; foreach my $dep (@dep_chain) { next unless ref($dep) ; # no need to check debhelper variables $self->check_or_fix_pkg_name($apply_fix, $dep, $old, \@msgs) ; $self->check_or_fix_too_old_pkg($apply_fix, $dep, $old, \@msgs) ; $self->check_or_fix_essential_package($apply_fix, $dep, \@msgs) ; $self->check_or_fix_dep($apply_fix, $dep, $old, \@msgs) ; } $self->check_depend_chain($apply_fix, \@dep_chain, $old, \@msgs) ; # "ideal" dependency is always computed, but it does not always change my $new = $self->struct_to_dep(@dep_chain); if ( $logger->is_debug ) { my $new_str = $new // ''; no warnings 'uninitialized'; ## no critic (ProhibitNoWarnings) $logger->debug( "'$old' done" . ( $apply_fix ? " changed to '$new_str'" : '' ) ); } { no warnings 'uninitialized'; ## no critic (ProhibitNoWarnings) my $msg = join('; ', @msgs); $self->_store_fix( $old, $new, $msg ) if $apply_fix and @msgs and $new ne $old; } return ($ok, $new) ; } sub check_debhelper_compat_version { my ($self, $apply_fix, $dep_info, $msgs) = @_ ; my ($oper, $dep_v) = @{ $dep_info->{dep} || []}; if ( $self->check_compat_object() ) { $self->check_compat_object_value($apply_fix, $msgs); } # use the compat value mentioned in debhelper-compat dependency my $compat_value = defined $dep_v ? ($dep_v =~ s/~$//r) : undef; if (not defined $compat_value or $compat_value < $current_compat_value ) { if ($apply_fix) { $dep_info->{dep} = [ '=' , $current_compat_value ]; my $msg = "changed debhelper-compat version dependency to $current_compat_value"; $logger->info($msg); push $msgs->@*, $msg; } else { $self->{nb_of_fixes}++ ; my $str = defined $compat_value ? "too old ($compat_value)" : 'undefined'; my $msg = "debhelper-compat dependency version is $str. It should be $current_compat_value"; $self->add_warning( $msg ); $logger->info("will warn: $msg (fix++)"); } } return; } sub check_debhelper_version { my ($self, $apply_fix, $dep_info, $msgs) = @_ ; my ($oper, $dep_v) = @{ $dep_info->{dep} || []}; return unless $self->check_compat_object(); $self->check_compat_object_value($apply_fix, $msgs); # use the compat value mentioned in debhelper dependency my $original_compat_value = defined $dep_v ? ($dep_v =~ s/~$//r) : undef; # check if this value is current my $compat_value = $self->check_compat_value( $original_compat_value, $apply_fix, $msgs ); # transform to new debhelper-compat dependency. We need to check # if it's necessary because this method is called by apply_fixes # until no fix can be applied. if ($dep_info->{name} eq 'debhelper') { if ($apply_fix) { $dep_info->{name} = 'debhelper-compat'; $dep_info->{dep} = [ '=' , $compat_value ]; my $msg = "changed debhelper dependency to debhelper dependency"; $logger->info($msg); push $msgs->@*, $msg; } else { $self->{nb_of_fixes}++ ; my $msg = "debhelper dependency is deprecated. It should be a dependency for debhelper-compat package"; $self->add_warning( $msg ); $logger->info("will warn: $msg (fix++)"); } } return; } sub check_compat_object ($self) { # try to create compat_obj, but do not try twice (hence the exists test) # compat_obj is undef when running with 'cme edit dpkg-control' if (not exists $self->{_compat_obj} ) { # using mode loose because debian-control model can be used alone # and compat is outside of debian-control my $c = $self->{_compat_obj} = $self->grab(mode => 'loose', step => "!Dpkg compat") ; $c->register_dependency($self) if defined $c; } return $self->{_compat_obj} ; } sub check_compat_object_value ($self, $apply_fix, $msgs) { my $compat_value = $self->{_compat_obj}->fetch; if (defined $compat_value) { if ($apply_fix) { $self->{_compat_obj}->clear; $logger->info("Cleared deprecated compat value"); push $msgs->@*, "Cleared deprecated compat value"; } else { $self->{nb_of_fixes}++ ; my $msg = "compat parameter is deprecated. " . "Please use debhelper-compat dependency. See debhelper(7) for details."; $self->add_warning( $msg ); $logger->info("will warn: $msg (fix++)"); } } return; } sub check_compat_value ($self, $compat_value, $apply_fix, $msgs) { if (not defined $compat_value or $compat_value < $current_compat_value - 1 ) { if ($apply_fix) { my $msg = "Set debhelper dependency version to $current_compat_value~"; $logger->info($msg); push $msgs->@*, $msg; $compat_value = $current_compat_value; } else { $self->{nb_of_fixes}++ ; my $str = defined $compat_value ? "too old ($compat_value)" : 'undefined'; my $msg = "debhelper dependency version is $str. It should be $current_compat_value"; $self->add_warning( $msg ); $logger->info("will warn: $msg (fix++)"); } } return $compat_value; } sub struct_to_dep ($self, @input) { my @alternatives ; foreach my $d (@input) { my $line = ''; # empty name is skipped if (ref $d) { my ($name, $dep,$arch, $prof) = @{$d}{qw/name dep arch profile/} ; if ( $name) { $line .= $name; $line .= " (@$dep)" if defined $dep->[1]; $line .= " [@$arch]" if $arch; if ($prof) { foreach my $prof_or (@$prof) { $line .= ' <'.join(' ',@$prof_or).'>'; } } } } else { $line .= $d; } push @alternatives, $line if $line ; } my $actual_dep = @alternatives ? join (' | ',@alternatives) : undef ; return $actual_dep ; } # @input contains the alternates dependencies (without '|') of one dependency values # a bit like @input = split /|/, $dependency # will modify @input (array of ref) when applying fix sub check_depend_chain { my ($self, $apply_fix, $input, $old, $msgs) = @_ ; my $actual_dep = $self->struct_to_dep (@$input); my $ret = 1 ; return 1 unless defined $actual_dep; # may have been cleaned during fix $logger->debug("called with $actual_dep with apply_fix $apply_fix"); foreach my $depend (@$input) { if (ref ($depend)) { # is a dependency (not a variable a la ${perl-Depends}) my $dep_name = $depend->{name}; my ($oper, $dep_v) = @{ $depend->{dep} || []}; $logger->debug("scanning dependency $dep_name" .(defined $dep_v ? " $dep_v" : '')); if ($dep_name =~ /lib[\w+\-]+-perl/) { $ret &&= $self->check_perl_lib_dep ($apply_fix, $actual_dep, $depend, $input, $msgs); last; } } } if ($logger->is_debug and $apply_fix) { my $str = $self->struct_to_dep(@$input) ; $str //= '' ; $logger->debug("new dependency is $str"); } return $ret ; } # called through check_depend_chain # does modify $input when applying fix sub check_perl_lib_dep { my ($self, $apply_fix, $actual_dep, $depend, $input, $msgs) = @_; my $dep_name = $depend->{name}; my ($oper, $dep_v) = @{ $depend->{dep} || []}; $logger->debug("called for $dep_name with $actual_dep with apply_fix $apply_fix"); my @perl_dep = grep { $_->{name} =~ /^perl(?:-modules)?$/ } @$input; # The dependency of module shipped with perl core used to be in the form: # "perl (>= 5.10.1) | libtest-simple-perl (>= 0.88)". # This is no longer needed and simple dependency (possibly versioned) on the library # is enough. # See this thread: # return if the dependency does not looks like an alternate perl module dependency return 1 unless @perl_dep; my @ideal_dep = grep { $_->{name} !~ /^perl(?:-modules)?$/ } $input->@*; # $depend contains only the libmodule part of the alternate dependency my $ideal_dep = $self->struct_to_dep( @ideal_dep ); die "Internal error: undefined ideal dep. Please report bug with the dependencies that triggered the bug" unless defined $ideal_dep; if ( $actual_dep ne $ideal_dep ) { my $msg = "Dual dependency on perl module should be removed. I.e it should be '$ideal_dep' not '$actual_dep'"; if ($apply_fix) { @$input = @ideal_dep; # notify_change called in check_value if ($logger->is_info) { $logger->info("fixed dependency with: '$ideal_dep', was '$actual_dep'"); } push $msgs->@*, $msg; } else { $self->{nb_of_fixes}++; $self->add_warning ($msg); $logger->info("will warn: $msg (fix++)"); } return 0; } return 1 ; } sub check_versioned_dep { my ($self ,$dep_info) = @_ ; my $pkg = $dep_info->{name}; my ($oper, $vers) = @{ $dep_info->{dep} || []}; $logger->debug("called with '" . $self->struct_to_dep($dep_info) ."'") if $logger->is_debug; # special case to keep lintian happy return (1) if $pkg eq 'debhelper' ; # check if Debian has version older than required version my @dist_version = $self->get_available_version( $pkg) ; if ( @dist_version # no older for unknow packages and defined $oper and $vers !~ /^\$/ # a dpkg variable ) { return ($self->has_older_version_than ($pkg, $vers, \@dist_version )); } else { return (1) ; } } sub has_older_version_than { my ($self, $pkg, $vers, $dist_version ) = @_; my @list ; my $has_older = 0; while (@$dist_version) { my ($d,$v) = splice @$dist_version,0,2 ; push @list, "$d -> $v;" ; if ($d !~ /oldold/ and $vs->compare($vers,$v) > 0 ) { $has_older = 1 ; } } $logger->debug("$pkg $vers has_older is $has_older (@list)"); return 1 if $has_older ; return (0,@list) ; } # # New subroutine "check_essential_package" extracted - Thu Aug 30 14:14:32 2012. # sub check_or_fix_essential_package { my ( $self, $apply_fix, $dep_info, $msgs ) = @_; my $pkg = $dep_info->{name}; my ($oper, $vers) = @{ $dep_info->{dep} || []}; $logger->debug("called with '", scalar $self->struct_to_dep($dep_info), "' and fix $apply_fix") if $logger->is_debug; # Remove unversioned dependency on essential package (Debian bug 684208) # see /usr/share/doc/libapt-pkg-perl/examples/apt-cache my $cache_item = $apt_cache->get($pkg); my $is_essential = 0; $is_essential++ if (defined $cache_item and $cache_item->get('Flags') =~ /essential/i); if ($is_essential and not defined $oper) { $logger->debug( "found unversioned dependency on essential package: $pkg"); my $msg = "unnecessary unversioned dependency on essential package: $pkg"; if ($apply_fix) { %$dep_info = (); $logger->info("fix: removed unversioned essential dependency on $pkg"); push $msgs->@*, $msg; } else { $self->add_warning($msg); $self->{nb_of_fixes}++; $logger->info("will warn: $msg (fix++)"); } } return; } my %pkg_replace = ( 'perl-module' => 'perl' , ) ; sub check_or_fix_pkg_name { my ( $self, $apply_fix, $dep_info, $old, $msgs ) = @_; my $pkg = $dep_info->{name}; $logger->debug("called with '", scalar $self->struct_to_dep($dep_info), "' and fix $apply_fix") if $logger->is_debug; my $new = $pkg_replace{$pkg} ; if ( $new ) { my $msg = "dubious package name: $pkg. Preferred package is $new"; if ($apply_fix) { $logger->info("fix: changed package name from $pkg to $new"); $dep_info->[0] = $pkg = $new; push $msgs->@*, $msg; } else { $self-> add_warning ($msg); $self->{nb_of_fixes}++; $logger->info("will warn: $msg (fix++)"); } } # check if this package is defined in current control file if ($self->grab(step => "- - binary:$pkg", qw/mode loose autoadd 0/)) { $logger->debug("dependency $pkg provided in control file") ; } else { my @res = $self->get_available_version( $pkg ); if ( @res == 0 and not _is_virtual($pkg)) { # no version found for $pkg # don't know how to distinguish virtual package from source package $logger->debug("unknown package $pkg"); $self->add_warning( "package $pkg is unknown. Check for typos if not a virtual package."); } } return; } sub check_or_fix_too_old_pkg ( $self, $apply_fix, $dep_info, $old, $msgs ) { my $pkg = $dep_info->{name}; $logger->debug("called with '", scalar $self->struct_to_dep($dep_info), "' and fix $apply_fix") if $logger->is_debug; if (not defined $pkg) { # pkg may be cleaned up during fix return; } my @dist_version = $self->get_available_version( $pkg ) ; my $is_too_old = scalar @dist_version ? 1 : 0; while (@dist_version) { my ($d,$v) = splice @dist_version,0,2 ; $is_too_old = 0 unless $d =~ /oldold/; } if ($is_too_old) { $logger->debug("Found dependency on too old package: $pkg"); my $msg = "applied on too old package: $pkg"; if ($apply_fix) { %$dep_info = (); $logger->info("fix: removed relation with too old $pkg package"); push $msgs->@*, $msg; } else { $self->add_warning($msg); $self->{nb_of_fixes}++; $logger->info("will warn: $msg (fix++)"); } } return $is_too_old; } sub check_or_fix_dep { my ( $self, $apply_fix, $dep_info, $old, $msgs ) = @_; my $pkg = $dep_info->{name}; $logger->debug("called with '", scalar $self->struct_to_dep($dep_info), "' and fix $apply_fix") if $logger->is_debug; if (not defined $pkg) { # pkg may be cleaned up during fix return; } # mess with debhelper compat only in Build dependencies if ( $self->element_name ne 'Depends' ) { if ($pkg eq 'debhelper' ) { return $self->check_debhelper_version( $apply_fix, $dep_info, $msgs ); } if ( $pkg eq 'debhelper-compat' ) { return $self->check_debhelper_compat_version( $apply_fix, $dep_info, $msgs ); } } my ( $vers_dep_ok, @list ) = $self->check_versioned_dep( $dep_info ); return if $vers_dep_ok; my ($warn_str, $log_str, $fix_sub); if ($dep_info->{dep}[0] =~ / struct_to_dep($dep_info) . ". Debian has @list"; $log_str = "removed dependency $dep_info->{name}"; # the fix removes the whole dependency $fix_sub = sub{ $_[0]->%* = () }; } else { $warn_str = "unnecessary greater-than versioned dependency: ". $self-> struct_to_dep($dep_info) . ". Debian has @list"; $log_str = "removed greater-than versioned dependency from $dep_info->{name}"; # the fix removes greater-than versioned dep, notify_change is called in check_value $fix_sub = sub { delete $_[0]->{dep} }; } $self->warn_or_fix_dep_info ($fix_sub, $apply_fix, $dep_info, $msgs, $warn_str, $log_str) ; return; } sub warn_or_fix_dep_info { my ( $self, $fix_sub, $apply_fix, $dep_info, $msgs, $warn_msg, $log_str ) = @_; if ($apply_fix) { $fix_sub->($dep_info); $logger->info("fix: $log_str"); push $msgs->@*, $warn_msg; } else { $self->{nb_of_fixes}++; $self->add_warning( $warn_msg ); $logger->info("will warn: $warn_msg (fix++)"); } return; } use vars qw/%cache $use_test_cache/ ; # Set up persistence my $xdg_cache_dir = path($ENV{XDG_CACHE_HOME} || '~/.cache'); my $cache_file = $xdg_cache_dir->child('cme_dpkg_dependency') ; # this condition is used during tests if (not $use_test_cache) { # remove old cache file, this line can be removed in 2020 path($ENV{HOME}.'/.config_model_depend_cache')->remove; tie %cache => 'DB_File', $cache_file->stringify, } # required to write data back to DB_File END { untie %cache unless $use_test_cache; } my $cache_expire_date = time - 24 * 60 * 60 * 7 ; sub get_available_version { my ($self, $pkg_name) = @_ ; # Store list of packages whose info could not be retrieved from madison # to avoid repeating error messages state %tried ; $logger->debug("called on $pkg_name"); # don't query info for known or calculated virtual package if (_is_virtual($pkg_name)) { $logger->debug("$pkg_name is a known virtual package"); return (); } # needed to test unknown package without network if (exists $cache{$pkg_name} and not defined $cache{$pkg_name}) { $logger->debug("$pkg_name is an unknown package (for test only)"); return (); } my ($time,@res) = split / /, ($cache{$pkg_name} || ''); if (defined $time and $time =~ /^\d+$/ and $time > $cache_expire_date ) { $logger->debug("using cached info for $pkg_name"); return @res; } return () if $tried{$pkg_name}; if ($0 =~ /\.t$/ and not $ENV{CME_UPDATE_TEST_CACHE}) { die "Cannot query madison during tests. Please ", "run this test with CME_UPDATE_TEST_CACHE set to 1 to update the package cache\n"; } my $url = "$madison_endpoint?package=".uri_escape($pkg_name).'&f&b=deb' ; $self->instance->show_message("Connecting to $madison_host to check $pkg_name versions. Please wait...") ; my $body = get($url); # returns a json list my $res = []; if (defined $body) { my $ref = extract_madison_info($body); my $msg = $ref->{$pkg_name} ? 'info' : 'no info'; $self->instance->show_message("got $msg for $pkg_name") ; $res = $ref->{$pkg_name} || []; $logger->debug("pkg info is @$res"); # unknown package return an empty body, let's not retry twice the same unknown package. $tried{$pkg_name} = 1; } else { # HTTP error warn "cannot get data for package $pkg_name from $madison_endpoint.\n" unless defined $body ; } return $res->@*; } # this function queries *once* madison for package info not found in cache. # it should be called once when parsing control file sub cache_info_from_madison { my ($instance,@pkg_names) = @_ ; $logger->debug("called on @pkg_names"); my $necessary = 0; my @needed; foreach my $pkg_name (@pkg_names) { next if _is_virtual($pkg_name) ; # skip known or calculated virtual package my ($time,@res) = split / /, ($cache{$pkg_name} || ''); if (defined $time and $time =~ /^\d+$/ and $time > $cache_expire_date) { $logger->debug("using cached info for $pkg_name"); } else { push @needed, $pkg_name; $necessary++; } } if (not $necessary) { return; } if ($0 =~ /\.t$/ and not $ENV{CME_UPDATE_TEST_CACHE}) { die "Cannot query madison during tests. Please ", "run this test with CME_UPDATE_TEST_CACHE set to 1 to update the package cache\n"; } my $url = "$madison_endpoint?package=".uri_escape(join(' ',@needed)).'&f&b=deb' ; $instance->show_message( "Connecting to $madison_host to check ", scalar @needed, " package versions. Please wait..." ); my $body = get($url); if (defined $body) { my $res = extract_madison_info($body); $instance->show_message( "Got info from $madison_host for ", scalar keys %$res, " packages.") ; } else { warn "cannot get data from madison. Check your proxy ?\n"; } return; } # See sub extract_madison_info ($json) { my %ref ; my $json_data = decode_json($json); my $data = $json_data->[0] ; foreach my $name ( keys $data->%* ) { my %avail; foreach my $dist (keys $data->{$name}->%*) { foreach my $available_v (keys $data->{$name}{$dist}->%*) { my $arches = $data->{$name}{$dist}{$available_v}{architectures}; # see #841667: relevant pkg version is found in arch all or arch amd64 my @keep = grep { $_ eq 'all' or $_ eq 'amd64'} $arches->@*; # except when a package is not delivered at all on amd64. See #875955 if (not @keep) { @keep = grep { $_ ne 'source' } $arches->@*; } # the same version may be available in several # distributions (testing and unstable are more likely # to have the same version for a package) $avail{$available_v} //= []; push $avail{$available_v}->@*, $dist, $available_v if @keep; } } # @res contains something like 'oldstable 5.10.1-17 stable 5.14.2-21 testing 5.18.1-3 unstable 5.18.1-4' my @res = map { $avail{$_}->@* ; } sort { $vs->compare($a,$b) } keys %avail ; if (not @res) { warn "ERROR: Could not extract useful info from madison for package $name. ", "Please report this issue using 'reportbug libconfig-model-dpkg-perl'\n"; next; } $ref{$name} = \@res ; $cache{$name} = join(' ',time, @res) ; } return \%ref; } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; =head1 NAME Config::Model::Dpkg::Dependency - Checks Debian dependency declarations =head1 SYNOPSIS use Config::Model ; use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy) ; use Data::Dumper ; Log::Log4perl->easy_init($WARN); # define configuration tree object my $model = Config::Model->new ; $model ->create_config_class ( name => "MyClass", element => [ Depends => { 'type' => 'leaf', 'value_type' => 'uniline', class => 'Config::Model::Dpkg::Dependency', }, ], ) ; my $inst = $model->instance(root_class_name => 'MyClass' ); my $root = $inst->config_root ; $root->load( 'Depends="libc6 ( >= 1.0 )"') ; # Connecting to to check libc6 versions. Please wait ... # Warning in 'Depends' value 'libc6 ( >= 1.0 )': unnecessary # versioned dependency: >= 1.0. Debian has lenny-security -> # 2.7-18lenny6; lenny -> 2.7-18lenny7; squeeze-security -> # 2.11.2-6+squeeze1; squeeze -> 2.11.2-10; wheezy -> 2.11.2-10; sid # -> 2.11.2-10; sid -> 2.11.2-11; =head1 DESCRIPTION This class is derived from L. Its purpose is to check the value of a Debian package dependency for the following: =over =item * syntax as described in =item * Whether the version specified with C<< > >> or C<< >= >> is necessary. This module checks with Debian server whether older versions can be found in Debian old-stable or not. If no older version can be found, a warning is issued (unless the package is known or calculated to be virtual) =item * Whether a Perl library is dual life. In this case the dependency is checked according to L. Because Debian auto-build systems (buildd) will use the first available alternative, the dependency should be in the form : =over =item * C<< perl (>= 5.10.1) | libtest-simple-perl (>= 0.88) >> when the required perl version is available in sid. ". =item * C<< libcpan-meta-perl | perl (>= 5.13.10) >> when the Perl version is not available in sid =back =back =head1 Cache Queries to Debian server are cached in C<~/.config_model_depend_cache> for about one month. =head1 BUGS =over =item * Dependencies containing variables (e.g. C<${foo}>) are accepted as-is. No check are performed. =item * Virtual package names are found scanning local apt cache. Hence an unknown package on your system may a virtual package on another system. =item * More advanced checks can probably be implemented. The author is open to new ideas. He's even more open to patches (with tests). =back =head1 AUTHOR Dominique Dumont, ddumont [AT] cpan [DOT] org =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L