use Data::Dumper; use IO::File; use utf8; use Path::Tiny; use strict; use warnings; my $conf_file_name = "copyright"; my $conf_dir = 'debian'; my @tests = ( { # t0 log4perl_load_warnings => [[ User => warn => qr/Missing/, (warn => qr/deprecated/) x 3 ]], load_check => 'skip', check => { 'Files:"*" License full_license' => "[PSF LICENSE TEXT]", 'Files:"*" Copyright' => "2008, John Doe \n2007, Jane Smith ", 'Files:"*" License short_name' => "PsF", '"Xtest"' => "yada yada\n\nyada", '"Upstream-Name"' => "xyz", '"Upstream-Contact:0"' => "Jane Smith ", }, }, { #t1 log4perl_load_warnings => [[ User => (warn => qr/deprecated/) x 3 ]], check => { 'License:"MPL-1.1" text' => "[MPL-1.1 LICENSE TEXT]", 'License:"GPL-2+" text' => "[GPL-2 LICENSE TEXT]", 'License:"LGPL-2.1+" text' => "[LGPL-2.1 plus LICENSE TEXT]", 'Files:"src/js/editline/*" License short_name' => "MPL-1.1 or GPL-2+ or LGPL-2.1+" }, }, { # t2 log4perl_load_warnings => [[ User => warn => qr/deprecated/ ]], check => { 'License:MPL-1.1 text' => "[MPL-1.1 LICENSE TEXT]", 'Files:"*" License short_name' => "MPL-1.1", 'Files:"src/js/fdlibm/*" License short_name' => "MPL-1.1", }, file_contents_like => { 'debian/copyright' => qr/Format: http/ , } }, # the empty license will default to 'other' { # t3 check => { 'Comment' => "\nHeader comment 1/2\nHeader comment 2/2", 'Files:"*" Comment' => "\n Files * comment 1/2\nFiles * comment 2/2", 'Files:"planet/vendor/compat_logging/*" Comment' => "\nFiles logging * comment 1/2\n Files logging * comment 2/2", 'Files:"planet/vendor/compat_logging/*" License short_name' => "MIT", }, }, { # t4 log4perl_load_warnings => [[ User => warn => qr/deprecated/ ]], check => { 'Source' => "http:/", 'Files:"*" License short_name' => "GPL-2+ with OpenSSL exception", 'Files:"*" License full_license' => "This program is free software; you can redistribute it\n" . " and/or modify it under the terms of the [snip]", }, }, { #t5 log4perl_load_warnings => [[ User => (warn => qr/deprecated/) x 3 ]], check => { 'Files:"*" License short_name' => "LGPL-2+", 'Source' => '', 'License:"LGPL-2+" text' => " [snip]either version 2.1 of\n the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n" . " [snip again]", }, }, { # t6 log4perl_load_warnings => [[ User => (warn => qr/deprecated/) x 3 ]], check => { 'Upstream-Contact:0' => 'Ignace Mouzannar ', 'Files:"Embedded_Display/remoteview.cpp Embedded_Display/remoteview.h" License short_name' => "GPL-2", }, }, { # t7 # example from CANDIDATE DEP-5 spec (nb 7) log4perl_load_warnings => [[ 'User', map { ( warn => $_ ) } qr/Adding/, qr/insecure/, qr/Format does not match/, qr/trailing slash/ ]], load_check => 'skip', apply_fix => 1, check => { Format => "", 'Files:"*" Copyright' => 'Copyright 1998 John Doe ', 'Files:"debian/*" License short_name' => 'other', 'Files-Excluded' => '*.jar 3rdparty/libtommath 3rdparty/stuff', }, }, { # test nb 8 apply_fix => 1, check => { Format => "", 'Files:"*" Copyright' => "2008, John Doe \n2007, Jane Smith \n2007, Joe Average \n2007, J. Random User ", }, }, { # t9 log4perl_load_warnings => [[ 'User', map { ( warn => $_ ) } qr/insecure/, qr/Format does not match/ ,qr/should not match/ ]], apply_fix => 1, load => 'Files~"*/share/web/static/[css|js|images]/yui/*"', check => { 'Files:"*" Copyright' => 'foo', 'Files:"*" License short_name' => 'BSD', 'Files:"*" License full_license' => ' foo bar', }, }, { # t10 log4perl_load_warnings => [[ User => (warn => qr/UK spelling/) x 4, (warn => qr/deprecated/) x 2 ]], check => { Format => "", # something's wrong with utf8 string checks #'Debianized-By' => 'Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel ', Source => '', #'Files:"*" Copyright:0' => '© 2010, The Tango team ', 'Files:"debian/*" License short_name' => 'GPL-3+', }, }, { # t11 Debian bug #610231 # i.e. how to handle a file with missing info apply_fix => 1, dump_errors => [ qr/mandatory/ => 'Files:"*" Copyright="(c) foobar"', qr/mandatory/ => ' License:FOO text="foo bar" ! Files:"*" License short_name="FOO" ' ], }, { # t12 load_check => 'no', dump_errors => [ qr/not declared/ => 'License:Expat text="Expat license foobar"', ], }, { # t13 Debian bug #624305 (parsing DEP5 copyright with a comma in the License field) log4perl_load_warnings => [[ User => warn => qr/insecure/, warn => qr/Format does not match/ ]], apply_fix => 1, }, { # t14 Debian bug #633847 # need to change License model from Hash of leaves to hash of nodes log4perl_load_warnings => [[ 'User', map { ( warn => $_ ) } (qr/comma/) x 4 , qr/insecure/, qr/Format does not match/ ]], apply_fix => 1, check => { 'Comment' => "On Debian systems, copies of the GNU General Public License version 1 and Lesser General Public License version 2.1 can be found respectively in ‘/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-1’ and ‘/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1’.", 'License:Perl Comment',"On Debian systems, the complete text of the Artistic License can be found in ‘/usr/share/common-licenses/Artistic’, and the complete text of the latest version of the GNU General Public License version 1 can be found in ‘/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-1’.", 'Files:"lib/Bio/Graphics/Glyph/ lib/Bio/Graphics/Glyph/ lib/Bio/Graphics/Glyph/" License short_name' => 'Perl', 'Files:"lib/Bio/Graphics/ lib/Bio/Graphics/Glyph/ lib/Bio/Graphics/Glyph/" License short_name' => "GPL-1+ or Artistic-2.0", 'Files:lib/Bio/Graphics/ License short_name' => "LGPL-2.1+ or Artistic-2.0", } , }, { name => 'libpadre-plugin-perltidy-perl', log4perl_load_warnings => [[ User => ( warn => qr/deprecated/) x 4 ]], check => { 'Files:"*" License short_name' => "Artistic or GPL-1+" , 'Files:"*" License-Alias' => { qw/check no value Perl/}, # deprecated but not yet removed }, wr_check => { 'Files:"*" License short_name' => "Artistic or GPL-1+" , 'Files:"*" License-Alias' => { check => 'no' }, }, }, { name => 'migrate-license-alias', load_check => 'skip', # missing Files: * in 2nd section log4perl_load_warnings => [[ User => warn => qr/Missing/, ( warn => qr/deprecated/) x 4 ]], check => { 'Files:"*" License short_name' => "Artistic or GPL-1+" , 'Files:"*" License-Alias' => { qw/check no value Perl/}, }, wr_check => { 'Files:"*" License short_name' => "Artistic or GPL-1+" , 'Files:"*" License-Alias' => { check => 'no' }, }, }, { name => 'oar', log4perl_load_warnings => [[ User => warn => qr/insecure/, warn => qr/use Expat/ ]], apply_fix => 1, check => { Format => "", 'Files:"sources/extra/orpheus/modules/lua-signal/lsignal.c" License short_name' => 'Expat' } }, { # Debian bug #721832 name => 'white-space' , log4perl_load_warnings => [[ User => warn => qr/deprecated/ ]], check => { 'License:MPL-1.1 text' => "[MPL-1.1 LICENSE TEXT]", 'Files:"*" License short_name' => "MPL-1.1", 'Files:"src/js/fdlibm/*" License short_name' => "MPL-1.1", }, file_contents_like => { 'debian/copyright' => qr/Copyright:\n/ , }, file_contents_unlike => { 'debian/copyright' => [ qr/Copyright:\s+\n/ , qr/\n\n$/, qr/Copyright:\s*\nLicense/ ], } }, { # Debian bug #721670 name => 'double-copyright' , check => { 'Files:"*" Copyright' => "(c) 2000-2001 Andrew Ho\n" . "(c) 2004 David Coppit\n" . "The original code (written before April 20, 2001) was written [...]", }, }, { # Debian bug #721672 name => 'file-instead-of-files' , # warning brought by fix of Debian #789568 log4perl_load_warnings => [[ User => warn => qr/section 'File' is converted in 'Files'/, warn => qr/double entry/, ]], check => { "Files:debian/patches/half_code_pod_errors.patch Copyright" => '2010, Frank Wiegand ', }, }, { # Debian bug #xxx name => 'owncloud-client' , check => { # "Files:debian/patches/half_code_pod_errors.patch Copyright" => # '2010, Frank Wiegand ', }, }, { name => 'update-from-scratch', update => { in => path('t/scanner/examples/') , quiet => 1 }, check => { "License:GPL-2 text" => {value => undef, mode => 'custom'}, "License:GPL-2 text" => qr/GNU/, }, wr_check => { "License:GPL-2 text" => {value => undef, mode => 'custom'}, "License:GPL-2 text" => qr/GNU/, } }, { name => 'moarvm-from-scratch', update => { in => path('t/scanner/examples/'), quiet => 1 }, check => { 'License:ISC text' => qr/Please fill/, 'License:BSD-2-clause text' => qr/Please fill/, }, wr_check => { qq!Files:"3rdparty/dyncall/*" License full_license! => undef, }, file_contents_unlike => { 'debian/copyright' => qr/\n\nLicense: ISC\n\n/, 'debian/copyright' => qr/\n\nLicense: BSD-2-clause\n\n/, }, }, { # Debian bug #797321 name => 'warn-MIT', log4perl_load_warnings => [[ User => (warn => qr/many versions of the MIT license/) x 2 ]], apply_fix => 1, check => { "License:Expat text" => 'yada', "License:MITA text" => 'yada', 'Files:"*" License short_name' => 'Expat', 'Files:"a/*" License short_name' => 'MITA', } }, { # Debian bug #797322 name => 'warn-BSD', log4perl_load_warnings => [[ User => (warn => qr/Please use BSD-x-clause/) x 3 ]], apply_fix => 1, check => { 'Files:"*" License short_name' => 'BSD-2-clause', 'Files:"a/*" License short_name' => 'BSD-like', 'Files:"b/*" License short_name' => 'BSD-3-clause', 'Files:"c/*" License short_name' => 'BSD-3-clause', 'Files:"d/*" License short_name' => 'my-BSD-3', 'License:BSD-2-clause text' => 'yada', 'License:BSD-3-clause text' => 'yada', 'License:BSD-like text' => 'yada', } }, { name => 'unused-license', # the unused license check_before_fix => { 'License:"MPL-1.1" text' => "[MPL-1.1 LICENSE TEXT]", }, apply_fix => 1, # clean up unused license # check that unused license was removed has_not_key => [ 'License' => 'MPL-1.1' ], check => { 'License:"GPL-2+" text' => "[GPL-2 LICENSE TEXT]", 'License:"LGPL-2.1+" text' => "[LGPL-2.1 plus LICENSE TEXT]", 'Files:"src/js/editline/*" License short_name' => "GPL-2+ or LGPL-2.1+" }, }, { name => 'by-dh-make', load_check => 'skip', }, { name => 'new-perl-module', update => { in => path('t/scanner/examples/') , quiet => 1 }, check => { 'Files:"*" Copyright' => qr/Slaven/, # check that Perl license is replaced by Artistic or GPL-1+ 'Files:"*" License short_name' => 'Artistic or GPL-1+', }, }, { # in this case, the copyright file produced by dh-make-perl is # not valid: the License short_name for File:"*" is empty. name => 'by-dh-make-perl', update => { in => path('t/scanner/examples/') , quiet => 1 }, }, { name => 'node-gulp-from-scratch', update => { in => path('t/scanner/examples/') , quiet => 1 }, check => { 'Files:"make-iterator/*" Copyright' => [ qr/moutjs team/, qr/Schlinkert/ ], 'Files:"make-iterator/*" License short_name' => 'Expat', } }, { name => 'node-gulp', update => { in => path('t/scanner/examples/') , quiet => 1 }, check => { # merged info from LICENSE and README file 'Files:"make-iterator/*" Copyright' => [ qr/moutjs team/, qr/Schlinkert/ ], 'Files:"make-iterator/*" License short_name' => 'Expat', # merged info } }, ); return { conf_file_name => $conf_file_name, conf_dir => $conf_dir, tests => \@tests, };